Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by Karina

Chapter Six-Rose-3:40 P.M.

I felt relieved when school was over and I became very hungry. The weather here in New York is scorching hot. I crossed the street to the Diner. It was there, just a few feet away. I went inside and saw that the Diner looked the same. It had the fifties-type with red leather booths, lots of stainless steel, and permanent greasy smell. I saw Natalie, the waitress. She just turned twenty-two. Her brown hair was pulled up in a ponytail, hazel eyes, freckles on the bridge of her nose, blue jeans, and wears big t-shirts that always have weird humor in them. Today her shirt read COME TO THE DARK SIDE. I HAVE COOKIES. I liked her accent. “Well, hey Rose. I haven’t seen yew in years,” said Natalie. I rolled my eyes. “It was just four months I haven’t been here. Any chance there are any free tables around here. It looks kind of packed,” I replied. There were a lot of people here from school. Hmmm. I think they decided to eat here instead of the cafeteria food. Then Natalie began to laugh. “Honey, there’s two open tables right behind yew.” My face was flushed with embarrassment. “Oh, I didn’t see them. I’m just stressed right now to notice them.” I said. I sat down and I noticed Natalie standing there. “Are yew gonna want order somethin right now?” asked Natalie. “Not yet. I’m waiting for some friends,” I said.

“You mean dem girls that came with you the last time?” asked Natalie. I nodded my head. “Gurl, tell dem I said hey. Alright?” said Natalie. “Sure I’ll tell them.” I said. She was sure funny. She never had much friend in the past. Natalie got pregnant during her junior year and had to drop out, but decided not to go back to school when she had Ella. She worked here in the Diner all the time. “I’ll send Trevor later.” said Natalie. “Who’s Trevor?” I asked. “Oh, he’s a real charmer. He moved here last month. I needed another waiter cause a lot of people startin to come here now. Too bad. He’s eighteen. I could go to jail if I went with a minor. Yew know what I mean?” said Natalie. We began to laugh. “Well, I got to go. People are waitin for their order. Like I said, Imma send Trevor if you’re ready to order.” Natalie said. “Alright,” I replied and saw her vanished through a crowd of people.

I sat there, waiting for Abby and Laura. Why can’t they come early? I checked my watch. There five minutes late. Then I heard Abby giggling through the crowd. I saw Laura grabbing Abby by her arm. “Hey! Over here,” I said. They spotted me and sat across from me. “Hey Rose,” said Abby, still smiling. “What was funny? I heard you giggling,” I said. “She saw a hot waiter and she was about to flirt with him until I grabbed Miss. Flirty girl over here,” said Laura. Laura seemed like she didn’t like how Abby keeps flirting with a lot of guys. “Great. First day of school and Abby and I got homework,” Laura complained. “I know. Can I copy your homework when you’re done?” Abby asked. “I’ll think about it,” replied Laura. “Well I hope both of you enjoy your torturement. Anyways, when the bell rang at the cafeteria, I bumped into Blake, again,” I told them. “Who’s Blake?” asked Laura. I forgot to tell them his name. “He’s the new kid.” I said. “You mean your man who sat there reading a book?” asked Abby. How many times am I going to tell this girl, I thought. “He’s not my man and yes he was the one reading,” I said. “Can you get me his phone number and address for me?” asked Abby. This girl would not quit. “Abby!” said Laura. I saw Laura trying to hold her laugh by coughing. “What? Rose said he wasn’t hers,” said Abby. “What if she changes her mind?” Laura said. I hated when they do that. Am I invisible? “Hello? I’m right here you know” I said. “Rose sooner or later you’re going to fall in love with this guy,” said Laura. “Oh my goodness Laura. Can you predict the future?” said Abby. She can be dumb, I thought. Laura responded her and said, “No. I wish.”

Then a guy came toward us. He had black spiky hair, blue eyes, full lips, white muscular body, and wore a blue jean, a black shirt, and converse. “Hello Ladies. My name is Trevor and I will be your waiter. What will you be having?” He was totally cute. He had an attractive smile that probably makes girls faint. “I want a cheese burger and medium fries” Laura said and eyed Abby. I saw that Abby had her hand on her chin, admiring Trevor. “I want the same thing she’s having,” said Abby. “I want a salad, dressing on the side,” I said. Trevor wrote everything in his note pad and said, “Anything to drink?” We all said, “Iced tea.” Then when he was done writing our order he said, “Alright, I will be right back with your order.” He turned around and disappeared through the crowd. “I wonder if he has a girlfriend,” said Abby. Not again. If I choked this girl, I wonder if anybody would miss her. “Abby, for once can you at least stop thinking and checking out guy’s?” I said. Abby turns towards me and said, “I’m sorry. I can’t help it.” Ugh, I just want to hurry up and eat so I can go home. “Don’t freak out Rose but here comes your man,” Laura said. My body went still and my brain told me to turn around. “Rose?” I knew it would be Blake. I turned around and plastered a smile. “Hey Blake,” I said.

Trevor may look cute but I say that Blake won first place. Blake gave me a warm smile and said, “Somehow were always meeting each other wherever we go.” I started to blush. I hate being pale white. “I know, kind of weird. Sometimes it makes me wonder if you’re the one following me,” I said. Am I flirting with him? “You ladies don’t mind if I sit here?” asked Blake. “She won’t mind,” said Laura. “Yeah, it’s no problem, right Rose?” Abby said. Great, I’m blushing like crazy when all three stared at me, waiting for an answer. Then I finally said, “No, go ahead. I don’t mind.” Blake sat right next to me. His arm brushed over mine. I got even more nervous. “So Blake, Rose told us that both of you seemed to be bumping each other at school,” Laura said. Please kill me, I thought. “Yeah, but it was an accident,” said Blake. “So…where did you come from?” asked Abby, urging to know. “I came from Georgia,” responded Blake. “What made you come here in New York?” Laura asked. Blake looks down at his hands. “I had problems at my other school and I did a terrible mistake,” said Blake. “Will you tell us or is it personal?” asked Abby. Blake turns and faces me. His face eyes tell me he was really depressed, then faces to Abby and said, “It’s kind of personal. Sorry.” “It’s okay,” I said.

Then Trevor came with our food. “Here you go ladies,” Trevor noticed that Blake was sitting in our table, and somehow I thought that Trevor’s body began to stiff. Then he said, “Do you want anything sir?” Blake faced him and said, “No, I’m fine thank you.” When Trevor was done setting our plates in the table he said, “I’ll be right back with your drinks.” he turned around and left. I wonder what was all that about but when I looked down at my food, my mouth began to water. I added the dressing in my salad and began to eat. “So Blake how was your first day,” I said. He faces me with a smile in his face. “It was alright. Nothing bad, and so far I’m enjoying someone at school,” said Blake and winked at me. I couldn’t help but turn away and smile. Then Trevor came with our drinks. “Here are your drinks, enjoy,” said Trevor and he headed to the next three tables. I noticed that Laura stood up and said, “Hey Abby, I think there’s an empty table in the back, let’s give these two alone time.” What is Laura thinking? “Why?” I asked. “Yeah, why?” asked Abby. I saw that Laura elbowed Abby. “Right, let’s go,” Abby said. They both picked up their tray and drinks and leaves me alone with Blake. I’m so going to kill them. Then Blake started to laugh and said, “Now, that were alone, you seemed like you wanted to get to know me.” I went still. “Actually I was wondering if you came by yourself or with your parents from Georgia,” I asked. Blake faced turned to cheerful to cheerless. “I don’t have parents,” he said. Great, I felt like an idiot. “Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. “Actually I came with two friends, Sylvia and Kelly. We live together,” said Blake. “Oh, uh, is one of them your girlfriend?” I asked. Blake started to laugh. I like the way he laughed. “No, like I said, there only friends,” said Blake. I feel so stupid. I look at Blake and he must have noticed how embarrassed I was. “Hey, there’s no need to get embarrassed,” said Blake. “I’m sorry, I’m not use to talking to guys,” I said. I’m so dying with embarrassment right now. “I can see that. You don’t have to be shy. I won’t bite,” said Blake, with humor in his smile and eyes.  “Very funny, well I’m done eating and I have to go home or my parents will freak out,” I said. Blake stood up so I could get out. I grabbed my belongings until Blake said, “I’ll walk you home.” I felt so excited but I had to act natural. “Okay,” I said. I went to Trevor to get my receipt so I can pay. Blake took out his wallet first before I could get mines and said, “I’ll pay.” What a gentlemen. “I’ll be right back,” I told Blake. He faced me and said, “Okay.” I walked toward to Laura and Abby’s table. They both looked up by the time I reached their table. “Guy’s he wants to walk me home,” I said, feeling nervous. “Dang girl, that fast?” said Abby. “Don’t listen to her. I just got one question,” Laura said. “Okay,” I replied. “Do you like him?” said Laura. I really did. “Kind of. But that’s strange cause I just met him,” I said. “Then when you both get to the steps at your house, turn to him and say that you like him and kiss him until he falls for you, not literally. If it doesn’t work then tell him to get the hell out of your steps,” said Abby.

 I stared at her in disbelief and so did Laura. “What? I was just playin. You should look at your faces,” said Abby and she began to laugh. “Not to be mean, but I don’t think that’s going to happen,” I said. “Rose is right. We don’t want her to look like she wants a guy. No offense,” said Laura. Where that came from, I thought. “Ummm, okay,” I said. “Well he seems to be waiting for you,” said Abby. I totally forgot. “Well I got to go. Bye,” I said. “Bye lover girl!” shouted Abby. A few people turned their heads to Abby to me. I’m so going to kill her tomorrow. As I got closer to Blake, Trevor said, “Hey.” I turned and faced him and he looked at me with worried eyes and said, “Be careful.”

© 2013 Karina

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Added on January 3, 2013
Last Updated on May 10, 2013



Greenwood, SC

I really love to read and draw (Can see a few of my drawings i uploaded in my photos). I have trouble writing sometimes and I'm tring to improve that.----Im back! havent been on for awhile im.. more..

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