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The Ocean The Beast

The Ocean The Beast

A Poem by layla

depression and suicide


The dark blue color, the oceans hold

Is no surprise, why the touch is cold

The motion at times, so fierce and chill

Just like depression, that emotion will kill


But who cares about, the sad lonely girl

Whose emotions run wild, a cyclone swirl

So lost and confused, she walks on the bridge

She comes a step closer, she’s right on the ridge


no sister or brother, no family that cares

her fathers a drunk, and falls over chairs

no money for clothes, the girls all make fun

this is the reason, that leads her to run


away from this life, that causes her pain

she’s given up hope, breaks away from her chain

as she feels the air passing, her body released

she’s chained to the waters, the ocean, the beast

© 2012 layla

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Added on September 6, 2012
Last Updated on September 6, 2012



falmouth, ME

I love to write more..

quit peasant quit peasant

A Poem by layla