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Silent Wife

Silent Wife

A Poem by layla

Abused woman in marriage


Silent Wife

I have to stay quit, he had a bad day

If I make a sound, then ill be the stray

The one who is beat, and trapped in a life

I didn’t expect this, when becoming his wife


I can’t have kids, and I am to blame

That misfortune alone, drives me insane

I pray the steak, I cooked on the grill

Pleases his senses, and I feel a chill


The look on his face, something is wrong

Now comes the yelling, his force is so strong

What’s wrong with it John, ill go back to the store

You stupid b***h, you useless old w***e


Locked in a room, I don’t have a key

The bruises they welt, the cut on my knee

My heart starts to flutter, he opens the door

Holds me down tight, raped on the floor

© 2012 layla

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If this actually is your life, I am so sorry. But on a brighter note, this is a well done poem. It was intense and to be honest, scary. I love the wording and the beat. I encourge you to keep writting!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow.. that is deep but very well written. Kinda made me feel scared while I was reading it. You did a great job expressing the feeling, and I truly hope this is not autobiographical.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is a very stark look at an abusive relationship and I feel for the teller of the tale.

Some of this feels so real and is quite scary. You tackle an issue here that I imagine is quite difficult to write about. I agree with Marie that the end is frightening.

Brilliant, brilliant writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

A sad poem of abuse...and the last line is so frightening...

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 5, 2012
Last Updated on September 6, 2012



falmouth, ME

I love to write more..

quit peasant quit peasant

A Poem by layla