Pallet of Emotions

Pallet of Emotions

A Poem by layla

three dark and the feelings that go with each one


The Art of Emotions


A glass that shatters, falls to the floor

My emotions run red, feelings of war

The level of anger, no one can see

Like a runaway slave, who hides to be free


The burning red rage, the fire grows tall

This time the glass, wasn’t so small

Yet I still stand, my vocals suppressed

Emotions run wild, the reds put to rest


The fumes die down, that burn in my heart

Emotions they change, to a whole different art

The color this time, not burning red

A solid dark blue, the one I most dread


Not the dangerous shatter, you hear with the glass

That feeling is over, it came and it passed

Tears of sadness, the blue color in me

The inevitable drops, they rise like the sea


The picture created, by the color of blue

Waves can compare, when a storm starts to brew

This emotional color, it waves up and down

My feelings however, make no vocal sound


The storm dies down, no damage too track

Depression sets in, the color is black

The black hole in space, the darkest of matter

Compared to the red, that drives me to shatter


Isolation I choose, the decision is mine

The feelings controlled, 3 bottles of wine

I drink tell I see, the colors combined

My eyes fall asleep, finally blind


© 2012 layla

My Review

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Wow!!! Ridiculously good piece of writing. This is perhaps your finest work yet. I totally loved it.

This is filled with the finest imagery and what I can easily see is your genuine feelings (at times) and emotions. This is very deep and beautiful.

It is the story of a girl describing the feelings in her life that she doesn't like or want to experience and it ends subtly with with excess to rid the need to experience them. I trust the end is involuntary but temporary sleep.

I loved all the themes in this and relate to it well. The numb blue replacing a fiery red, the black that is more real than the blue but less active and so on.

"The fumes die down, that burn in my heart
Emotions they change, to a whole different art
The color this time, not burning red
A solid dark blue, the one I most dread"

That stanza is a work of art in itself. Totally amazing.

Only 2 little bit's of advice;

"My feelings however, make no vocal sound" I would change the word "vocal which doesn't seem to fit"

- The storm dies down, no damage too track
- The storm dies down, no damage to track

Jealous and in awe of this one. Tremendous

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I love this one two! This is the fourth poem i wrote since the beginning of my career haha a whole 3.. read more

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1 Review
Added on August 28, 2012
Last Updated on August 29, 2012



falmouth, ME

I love to write more..

quit peasant quit peasant

A Poem by layla