Never Saw Fall

Never Saw Fall

A Poem by layla

Sad love story about a wedding that never happened


The love that would burn, in the depths of my soul
Now hollow and empty, the dark black hole
I miss you so much, your kiss and your voice
When you proposed, you gave me a choice
Spring was an option, summer was too
I looked at him dearly, and gave him my view
Fall works for me, I hope you don’t mind
He smiled right back, his eyes a bright shine
6 months have passed, a scarf’s on my neck
I drink coffee outside, remember our deck
We use to lay here, and pick baby names
A girl would be Ashley, a boy would be James
I slowly walk back, and get out of the cold
To look at my dress, once new and now old
I put it on slowly, no reason at all
I wanted to see, my look in the Fall 

December is here, and fall is long gone
The snows on the ground, its glistens at dawn
You promised me Fall, my hand holding yours
The dress goes away, and I close the door
The memories I carry fade slowly away
Since I heard the news, that cold night in May
Two officers woke me, the news that they gave
Is why Fall came and went,  and I visit your grave

© 2012 layla

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This is an amazing and beautiful piece of writing. It is effortless, clear and very sad.

I never expected the ending and it got me! I fully expected that the man had left her, not that he had been taken form her. Very sad and it made me read the whole poem again which put a slightly different slant on it.

I said before that you write best about war/politics etc but you ate least write just as well in this style if not better!

The conversation about the date of the wedding really showed the loved, understanding and ease of the relationship.

I loved this poem and will remember it for a long time. Brilliant

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

thank you so much mark! I can't explain it really. I have never been married nor do i have children... read more

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1 Review
Added on August 28, 2012
Last Updated on August 29, 2012



falmouth, ME

I love to write more..

quit peasant quit peasant

A Poem by layla