Just Don't Give Up =)A Poem by Karan ShahThe picture depicts 'Hope' . " Climb The Stairs Again To Face The Golden Rays (Success) " :)When you start feeling low, When the eye starts to flow, There is only one thing you can do, Promise! The world, you won’t bid a adieu.. Cuz You can’t find love if you lose hope, only hope can make you reach the top of the slope! Open the whispering door you see.. It says, “you have the key!” The world is waiting for the best.. Stay happy with the ones you have, forget the rest. Cuz you can’t find happiness if you lose your will, If u have the will , even a colossal mammoth you can kill! Just stop hearing the echos of the past, Cuz one day, even the eternity will last. Echos may echo again and again.. Just reflect them back , you have to be insane! Cuz you can’t reach the cloud nine until you are over the moon If you can be cheerful, even the bitter will be sweeter soon.. Give a thrill to the shocks, and a smile to your sad. When the worlds seems upside down, turn it back.. don’t go mad! Against the bad and the evil you will have to face the clashes! And then reach the sky like the spirit from the ashes! Cuz only once do you live.. So, fight the bad, smile for the good, make sure this platform you wont leave!
© 2013 Karan Shah |