Amy Synphobis : Return to TelaTerra - Chapter 1

Amy Synphobis : Return to TelaTerra - Chapter 1

A Chapter by karagb83

                Hi, my name is Amy Synphobis, I am  twelve, almost thirteen years old, and I couldn’t sleep, I had never liked the last day of school at Turtle Elementary. The last day of school, everybody has to read there final report on what they learned this year. They have to read it in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL I was sure I’d mess up.......... again.
                  It was the same every year, everybody seemed to be like, scared of me. I know it sounds silly but still, it gives me the creeps, I just start talking and they cower, even the brave kids look nervous , I don’t know what it is but, it just happens. I looked around at the walls of my room, we would certainly move again this summer, we always did, for the silliest little reasons. The neighbors have a cat that bit me, a lion escaped from the downtown zoo, etcetera ,etcetera. I didn’t know it then, but I would do a whole lot worse than move to a different state this summer. I decided to try and get some sleep. I turned on a CD, and I fell asleep, and slept like a log.
                    I got up the next morning, I was eating breakfast when I noticed a shadow at the window, I went to check it out, but I didn’t see anything. Strange, I thought. “Hey, mom, do we- OH MY GOSH I’M GOING TO BE LATE” The clock hit 8:15, I needed to be at school in five minutes  “Bye mom I’ll see you after school” “ But you haven’t finished breakfast my mom yelled after me, but I didn’t have time, if I was late today, I couldn’t take my final test, and I would have to write a report for my new school saying how important it is to be on time.

                    Ugh. I would hate to have to do that. Just thinking about it made my run faster than I had before. I made it to school just in time to hear the 1 minute bell ring. I ran around the corner to my first class and saw Ryan. But nobody ever called him ‘Ryan’ he’s pretty much just know as the emo dude. Seriously, he’s like the most emo guy ever. He has black hair, dark eyes, black sweatshirt, and black pants, but the way he acted to, just dark. Everybody always jokes about him being ‘One with the darkness’ and sometimes I wonder if they’re right.
        The day went like any other day except the tests and the report. Other than that, it was fine. When the bell rang though, one guy jumped up on his desk, and yelled “YES I’M FREE  NO SCHOOL, IT’S SUMMER         ” Everybody stared, especially the teacher, but the guy was gone in a flash. Out the door, and on his bike to ride home. He didn’t care about what was in his locker or anything. He just left without a trace. Lucky Guy I thought as I left the classroom and went to my locker. I took down my posters of movies and actors I liked. I looked in the mirror that I’d stuck on the locker door.

           My black hair was a mess, probably from running. At least running couldn’t take the sparkle out of my blue eyes. I had never really understood why people thought that if you had black hair you had to have brown eyes. I had blue and I found them very pretty too. I took down the mirror and shoved in into my backpack. I closed my locker and came face to face with myself, except I was a guy. Wait a second......... This guy had sooth black hair, blue eyes, fair skin, strong looking, everything was like me, except his eyes weren’t so petrifying. They were bright, but they weren’t intense like mine. “Who are you?” I asked my look alike. He looked about seventeen. “My name is Luke.” He said “ You could also say I was Luke Synphobis.” He looked like he was enjoying seeing my speechless. “But I’m.......... What is this? Is this some sort of joke?” “It’s no joke” said the guy 'Luke'. “It’s no joke at all” He looked at my and he looked sad all of a sudden. It for one moment, looked like he was going to cry. “What’s wrong?” I asked “ Nothing” He said “ I just haven’t seen you in so..........never mind” he sighed. I could tell something was wrong. I wanted to help him, but I got the feeling he didn’t want to talk about it. “Come on.” He said “ We need to talk.”  “Why should I go with you?” I asked “I don’t even know you”. “Yes you do. But I can prove I know more about you than you think” he leaned against a locker “I bet you’ve moved a lot haven’t you? Because of lions, mountain lions, or just plain cats.” He gave me a look that plainly said "Try to prove me wrong." Unfortunatly, I couldn't. “Ya, so my parents don’t like cats, what’s wrong with that?”  “Bet your parents don’t look anything like you” He said. “I’ll bet if you got a DNA test, they’d tell you that you aren’t related to your parents at all. Have you ever seen your birth certificate? I’ll bet you haven’t. I’ll bet you don’t have one. I’ll bet-“ He stopped when he saw the scared look in my eye.  He studied me, then spoke, but slower then before, more seriously. “ I bet you sometimes scare people with out trying. Do people cower when the look into your eyes?” The way he said it made me mad, so I decided to try something I looked into his eyes and said “Don’t tell me, or ask me anything else, okay?” he looked terrified, like he was going to start crying, or attack me in anger and fear.
“I...I need to go.” He said quietly. “But Amy..” I had no idea how he knew my firstname but whatever “Amy, he went on, you should know this, Synphobis is two Latin  words put together. The first one is ‘Syn’ meaning with.....” He paused “Well go on.” I insisted. “And the other one is Phobis, or phobia, meaning.........meaning fear.” I stared at him for a while. “Amy” He said again. “Your last name just happens to mean, with fear.” Then he gave me a slip of paper with a number on it. “If you ever want to talk to me, or ask me something” he said “Just dial the number” . With that Luke walked away. Leaving me confused, and scared in the school hallway. For some reason, I had the feeling I shouldn’t chase after him. I had the feeling that I would see him again very soon.
                          I walked home that day feeling scared and confused. I didn’t know who this guy was, but I knew that he knew more than I gave him credit for. When I told my mom, she said that we were moving just as soon as we could because she didn’t want strange guys saying false (Even if they were true) things to me. I was really mad about moving, I had just started making friends in this new town and now I had to leave it? I don't think so.

           For some reason, I didn't think my parents were doing the right thing here, so I decided to call the number Luke gave me. I ran to the backyard, with the phone, feeling really mad I climbed up my favorite tree and just sat there, thinking for a long, long time. Eventually I called the number “Hello,” His message machine started “ you’ve reached Luke, sorry I can’t pick up the phone right now, but I’m ether not here, or I  really don't want to talk to you. So please leave a message after the beep, and I’ll try and call back soon.” *BEEP* “Um.........Hi Luke, this is.......this is Amy, I just-”-- “Hello?” Luke said as he picked up the phone. “Hi Luke. This is Amy.” “Hey li’l sis, what’s new?”  "Wow", I thought, now he’s calling me little sister, what next? “I’m not your little sister- and I’m doing fine, except I’m now moving because of you.”  Right as I said it I wish I hadn't sait it. Now Luke thought it was his fault “Tough luck” He sounded a little upset. “So do you want to have that talk?” I looked at the tree that I’d climbed, I hadn’t even been in this town for a year. I was upset, even though I knew my parents were just trying to protect me. This guy seemed nice enough, but I don’t trust strangers. “If this “Talk” is so important, why don’t you just give it to me over the phone?” I asked “Fine, Amy.” He said “I will.”

© 2009 karagb83

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Added on August 12, 2009



California, CA

I am 12 year's old, and I want to publish a book. I don't know if i'm really that good. Feel free 2 tell me! more..

God God

A Poem by karagb83