Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by karagb83

           Was I asleep, or was I awake? Or was I DEAD?!?!?!?! Right now, I couldn't tell. I was in a small room, maybe five feet wide, and seven feet tall. My sleek blond hair was dirty and grimy, and my blue eyes were full of dust, my face was dirty and coverd with bruises and blood.


                      For a minute I couldn't remember why I was here. Then it all came back to me. I was here because I my plan had failed, and I had failed everyone. I had no idea how to get out of this horrible place. But my hart wouldn't let me give up. I figured there must be a way out of here. I started trying to find cracks in the walls. I spent who knows how long running my fingers along the dirty cold concrete walls until I saw somthing, on the roof was a hole, I'm guessing it was about one and a half to two feet wide. If only I could find out how to jump seven feet, then I would be out of here in no time.


                I thought I heard somthing. So I pressed my ear to the floor. I could hear footsteps. I flattend myself agent the wall as best I could. And then I waited. A few minutes later I heard a somthing climbing the walls -whoever it was must have had a seven foot latter- I held my breath. I saw the square at the top slowly lift off.


            Looking over the edge was one of the guards. You wouldn't think a guard would be so scary. But all the guards here are. They have all been trained extremely well. They can use any kind of weapon, but they are trained mostly in unarmed combat. They are brought to this academy when they are just babys. And from then on , they are trained all day and most of the night as well. But enough about them. Right now one of them was looking at me like I was his worst enemy, which I probably was. He jumped down , and almost squished me flat. I rolled out of the way just in time. The man glared at me for some time. Then with no worning he swung up his leg and tryed to kick my in the face. I ducked, and sprang to the other side of the room. The guard then swang a punch at my nose. I heard a horrible sound, and figured he had broken my nose. I swung a punch at his stoumach with all my strenght. He toppled over, and tryed to catch his breath. I was going to kick him, but just then five more guards jumped down from the little hole in the roof. I couldn't handle all of them. I knew I was beat.

© 2008 karagb83

Author's Note

I haven't had time to check the spelling yet.

My Review

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I think this has a lot of potential!

Once you get your spelling and grammar cleaned up, it will be even better. :]

Good job!

-Aurelia Mirella

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 3, 2008
Last Updated on December 4, 2008



California, CA

I am 12 year's old, and I want to publish a book. I don't know if i'm really that good. Feel free 2 tell me! more..

God God

A Poem by karagb83