Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Kandii

I'm free finally. I thought quietly to myself while digging in my purse looking for my car keys. I started walking to my car glad my 12 hour shift at the hospital was finished. Today was a long day, and what made it even better was it was Friday! Meaning my weekend off, and much needed time to relax started officially now. Being a nurse meant long hours, crappy moods, indifferent smells, and lack of sleep. My career did have benefits, and I love being a nurse. I have always loved to care for people even when I was a child. My dream job was a nurse, but I couldn't help but be excited to have some much needed 'ME' time. I unlocked my car, and slide down onto the seat. A vibration in my pocket made me jump as I started my car. I quickly pulled my phone out, and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello." I answered.

"Finally, you answer your phone Gen!" My sister shouted it the phone. My little sister Casey has always been my right hand girl. After the deaths of our parents we became close, and not in just a sister way. Casey was my best friend, and I trusted her more than anyone in the world. We only had each other, and we had come accustomed to our way of living.

"Sorry Cas, it was a crazy day at work." I explained myself. Casey was 19 now, and didn't live with me. She wanted the college life, or college experience is how she told me. I agreed finally giving in after listening to all her rants about how life isn't fair. She would come visit me often when she had a break from school or on the weekend. I told her last night about the break up between Tim and me. I was with Tim for three years, which was the longest relationship I ever managed to have. I had trust issues, and I will admit I was a very independent woman. I didn't feel the need of having a man necessary. I figure the right one would come along some day. I can't say I loved Tim, because in reality I didn't. I enjoyed his companionship through, and I did miss him. I kicked him out of my apartment when I came home early one day, only to find him knees deep in some bimbo. Surprised? Men where all the same, always lying, and thinking about sex. I was still a virgin, and as much as Tim wanted sex I denied him. I honestly didn't feel safe to have intercourse with a man that was human. Being a hybrid was unknown, and I kept myself hidden. I was able to mask my scent, and pretend to be human. I thought Cas everything she knows. If any Lycan would find out about us half breeds who knows what they would do to us. My father was a full blooded Lycan, and my mother was a human. I remember my father telling me that he couldn't help but fall in love with my mother. He said everything about her scream to him, at first he tried to deny the pull between the both of them. He knew it was dangerous to bond with a human, but at the end he gave in. My mother was he mate after all, and he couldn't stop his wolf from taking her. He was warned from the Lycan King to stay away, nine months later little old me popped out into society. A smile escaped my lips ever so slightly.

"Well, I'm at your apartment! Hurry up sis, because we are going out tonight."

"But.." She quickly dismissed my disapproval, and interrupted me in mid-sentence.

"No buts, well maybe a nice a*s wouldn't hurt anyone." I laughed at her comment. My sister was probably the biggest pervert ever!

"We are going; you need to get your mind off that cheating dick of a boyfriend! Who will also be known as tiny dick for now on." She interjected. I giggled shaking my head. My sister always knew how to make me feel better.

"Fine, I'll be home soon." I finally agreed, looks like the ME time will have to wait. Getting drunk didn't seem like to bad of an idea anyway.

"Good, hurry up. Love you."

"Love ya too!" I said before hanging the call up. I turned on the radio, and started to flip through the stations, when I saw a dark figure running across the road. I slam on my breaks, and ended up slurring the car. Bam! I jerked up in my car, and realizing I had hit something. Even through my car come to a stop a couple of minutes ago I was in shocked. My fingers where plastered on the steering wheel, and I didn't move an inch. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I could tell I was having a panic attack. I slow my breathing down, and took deep breaths breathing in, and out. After about five minutes, I was ok. I decided to walk out of my car to see the damage. I walk to the front of my car, and notice the bumper was smashed in. I heard a whimper behind me, and turned around. It was dark, and I couldn't see anything other than the lights coming from my car. The emergency kit. I ran over to the driver's side of my car, I push the button to open my trunk hearing a click. I heard the whimpering sound again. I must have hit a dog or something, I felt really bad.

"Hold on buddy." I yelled as I grab the flashlight out of the emergency kit in my trunk. I turn the flash light on, and follow my way to the sounds of the dog. I scan the area, and finally spotting fur in a distance near the ditch. I ran up to what I thought was a dog, when I flash the light I notice this was not a dog. What stood in front of me was a huge grey wolf. I slowly take steps towards the huge wolf. The wolf turned it massive head, and look at me straight in the eyes. At that moment I knew it was not just a wolf, but a Lycan. I look around to see blood all around the wolf. I bend down, and hear a faint growl. I need to help him.

"It's ok." I whispered. I kneel down by the giant wolf. I don't know why my hand guided to the wolf's fur. A sudden tingling sensation runs through my fingers as I touch him. I felt warm, sticky goo in between fingers. I pointed the light down to my hand, and saw red. Blood, I need to act fast.

"I'm going to help you, but you must promise not to hurt me." The wolf lifted his big head, and did what look like a nod before his body went limp. I stared down at the wolf, I wasn't really sure on what to do. I grabbed the wolf by its shoulders, and started to drag the wolf to my car. I huff, and puffed using all my strength to drag the massive wolf to my car.

"Wow, you need to lay off the Twinkies buddy." I finally reach my car, and grab the safely blanket from the back of the car. You could never be truly ready for anything, so I kept anything I could think always in my car for 'just in case' problems. I wrapped the wolf in the blanket, and push him inch by inch into the back seat. I closed the car door, and got into the front seat. Please start. Please. I turn the key, and the car started with a roar. Thank God! I tried to drive careful, and maintain a good speed to my house. I was worried I might hurt the Lycan more with bumps, or driving recklessly. I pulled into the driveway, and dialed Casey's number.

"Hey, where are you?" She answered on the second ring.

"Outside I need your help." I stated.

"With?" She asked. I was growing impatient knowing my time was running out.

"NOW" I yelled, and ended the call. I stepped out, and open the back door of my car. Cass ran out of the front door, and made her way through the yard to me.

"What happen to your car Gen?" She asked with concern.

" I hit a wolf, I need help getting him inside. She rushed to my side looking into the car, and gasp at what she saw.

"Gen that's a…..a….Lycan." She said pointing her finger to the Lycan. I nodded.

"I know, I have to save him. Here grab the back legs, and I grab the top part. Use the blanket for leverage. It might have some broken bones." Her eyes flashed with emotion, and I could smell her fear.

"It's ok Cass. I won't let the Lycan hurt you." I promised, she nodded her head slowly, and hesitantly grab the lower half of the wolf. The wolf was a little easier to carry since Casey was helping me.

"Damn, he weighs a ton. You need to lay off the twinkles." I laugh right away at her comment. Shaking my head, and almost dropping the wolf.

"Hey." She yelled, and raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I said the same thing." She giggled as we walked through the front door.

"To the couch." I announced. We walked over to the couch, and placed the wolf down. Cass and I were both bending over our knees trying to catch our breath.

"You. Need. To. Watch . what you hit." Casey said through breaths.

"I think the Lycan weighs more than a ton." Her eyes became wide, as we both saw its head more a inch.

"Grab my medical bag." I commanded. Cass ran out of the living room to grab my medical bag. I open the blanket now seeing the true damage. The wolf's fur was matted with blood, and I noticed a huge gash in the abdomen.

"Grab a towel too." I shouted. The wolf was a beautiful sliver wolf, and I could tell it was a male. Casey ran in with a towel, and my medical bag. I grabbed the towel, and folded it laying it on the gash.

"Put pressure on this while I get the supplies I need." Casey nodded, and laid her hands on the towel Applying pressure to the wound. I grab some gauze, scissors, thread, and iodine placing them on the couch. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Ok remove the towel." Casey lifted the towel up, and I poured the iodine onto the wound. The wolf flinched, and growled.

"It's ok." I waited for a minute, and grabbed the needle wrapping the thread around the end. I looked at Casey who was watching with intent.

"I need you to hold the gash together while I sew it up." She made keep work pushing the gash together as close as she could.

I take the needle, and start to close the wound. After sewing the cut together, I make a not, and pour alcohol down onto his fur. I bandage the cut, and wrapped it with gauze. My hands were still shaking after everything was done. The wolf shifted back to his human form still unconscious.

"Oh my." Casey gasped. He was very handsome, and built. His stomach slowly moving up, and down showing his abs. This man had an eight pack! I let out the breath; I didn't even know I was holding. My eyes looked up to his face, and I was speechless. He had a strong jawline, and manly features. His blonde hair was messy, and dirty. This man was unbelievable sexy even at his dirty state.

"Help me get him my room. He needs to sleep." Casey reluctantly helped me carry him over to my room, and we dropped him onto the bed. I didn't mean to drop him, but he was heavy. Casey turned to me, and smiled.

"For a Lycan he's not so bad looking. Are you bunking with me sis?" I nodded.

"Yeah I'll be there in a second. I'm just going to grab some clothes." She pointed towards the door.

"I'm going to clean our mess up in the living room, you need a shower sis. No offense you stink." She informed me while winkling her nose.

"Hey I don't stink." I crossed my arms, and gave her an evil grin. She laughed.

"Whatever you say Gen." She giggled making her way out of the room. The man beside me shifted in bed slightly, I inhaled his wonderful scent. Something about his scent was addicting. I grab the blanket, and pulled it up over him. I jumped when I felt his hand wrap into mine sending sudden shocks straight up my arm.

"Mate." He whispered still asleep. Did I just hear him right? No, I couldn't be his mate. I can't be the mate to a Lycan, worst a Lycan who would kill me in an instinct for me just being a hybrid. Of course I felt a pull towards this male, but I could not put my sister in danger. As soon as I knew he was ok, and healed I planned on drugging him. After drugging him I would leave him behind forever.

© 2014 Kandii

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Added on July 7, 2014
Last Updated on July 7, 2014



Hi to all my great readers. My name is Kandii, and I love to read/ write supernatural-love-fantasy books on my free time. I also love video games! Fav color-Purple of course! LOVE my babies- my .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Kandii

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Kandii