"How Many?"

"How Many?"

A Poem by Kameron Armitage

hahaha, this is TERRIBLE. I tried rhyming but my emotions are better written when I use free-verse. oh well:)


How many stars must we stare at as they continue to fall?

How many painful memories must we re-live, before we forget them all?


How many times will you tell me, that I have let you down?

How many times wil I smile at you, and you call it a frown?


How many shocks must we endure, before our bodies can take no more?

How many stones can we all take, before we collapse to the floor?


How many happy opportunities must we pass up, until we realize what's been done?

How many times will we make big mistakes, and realize that our fate is being shunned?


Questions of the world,

Most go without knowing.

If we do not search.

It's our own fate we're bestowing.

© 2009 Kameron Armitage

Author's Note

Kameron Armitage
ignore grammar and speling please

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Personally baby, i really like it. You just arent comfortable with rhyming but it really is good i promise :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

hahaha, this is TERRIBLE. I tried rhyming but my emotions are better written when I use free-verse. oh well:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 25, 2009
Last Updated on December 25, 2009


Kameron Armitage
Kameron Armitage

Gilbert, AZ

I am 16 years old and I've been writing for about three months now and love every second of it. I am a guy and proud to write. I've ran into some problems, but everyone does. I hope you enjoy! more..
