![]() Leadership?A Story by Kendrick B. A.![]() My Opinion.![]() Leadership?
Where do we the children of America look for leadership? I was sitting there on my bus listening to the high schoolers around me. Asking me if I had a liter so they could lite a ciggarette. Listening to them brag about how high or drunk they were yesterday and how high or drunk they were going to get when they get home. Listening to the future of America. Then I look at how the people around me are acting. Watching them spit into there dip bottles and telling the younger children how cool it is to be them. I'm thinking how are children turning into this. It isn't just the people I observe. Watching these people throw there lives away makes me take a look at my friends and myself. My friends have been constantly changing. There self esteem is hitting all time lows. We have teenagers leaning on each other for support and if one falls another goes done with them. I'm watching careless sex pregnacy scares and spreading of disease. No one seems to be able to stand on there own. The ones who can stand on there own when they truly have the wait of the world on there shoulders won't seek out aid because it makes them weak. I'm seeing more and more self inflicted scars and hearing more and more arguements. People who were best friends are being pushed into a rage because of little things that they seem to blow way outta preportion. I look at myself how can I judge. I mean part of me wants to be the person on the bus bragging about how I was so high and drunk and got to sleep with this hot chick. How can I though I know that stuff is wrong from the lives I've watched it destroy. Where do these people get the idea that stuff like that is ok? There are people telling them its wrong so why? If others continue to follow in this trend then mankind is doomed. One of the most powerful nations in the world cant stop its youth from willing destroying itself by either drugs, sex, or razorblades. Where are our leaders to look up to? Who can show us where the truth is? Is it God? Is it you? Who is going to save these lost people? Where are these reformers who know when something is wrong and what needs to happen to fix it? Where are the real leaders in America? Someone save our youth we need a hero. © 2008 Kendrick B. A.Author's Note
1 Review Added on February 7, 2008 Last Updated on March 16, 2008 Author![]() Kendrick B. A.No where really important, NCAboutA kid who is growing up in depressed America. Worried about the future. more..Writing