Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by KA Sharp

Chapter 8



     I don a cheerful façade. “Hello! Pleasant seeing you here.” Before I even finish speaking Ivernis’ face contorts in anger. He reaches out to grab me; and oh s**t is he pissed. Kovo blocks the movement with his clawed arm as I take a frightened step back. “Uh, not in the mood for pleasantries I take it?” I ask ineffectually. Furrowed lines of frustration show on his reddened face and even I can see the effort to restrain himself. Well at least he IS restraining himself. I ignore my own thoughts, not quite ready to give him credit for anything.

     I suppose the mighty leader isn’t used to such impertinence, but still I cling to my audacity. “Calm yourself Iverness. You and I both know there is no law when it comes to survival. You would kill for the survival of your clan, and I would risk death for the survival of my friend.” He tries to speak but I thrust my hand in front of his face to silence him and stubbornly continue. “Iverness, I don’t care about your laws. Death is just too absolute and I refuse to consider it an option without at least undertaking every available alternative.”

     He lets out a frustrated sigh as he rakes a hand through his hair. “Look, I heard you BEFORE you ran off, you stupid, stupid woman. You think I don’t agree with you? I am Clan Leader, and I circumvent any law I choose. Why would you assume I wouldn’t?!” I glare at him. “Are you making fun of me? I heard the funeral chant… thing! I made sure we were well and gone before it finished!” “Ugh! Is there no end to your stupidity? We were mourning Yuuin’s HUMAN life!” Oh… woopsie. I can only imagine the face I made as I realized I had made a pretty drastic assumption. It probably would’ve been funny under less solemn circumstances. I think I actually said the words in my head aloud, well, before getting defensive and exploding on him.

     “Hey, how in the world was I supposed to know that?! Maybe YOU shouldn’t have assumed I would understand that particular custom! Since you just HAD to exclude me from your little Clan discussion, you could’ve at least had the decency to tell me your decision before doing anything! You seem to forget at all the wrong times that I’m not from here!” Oh dear, I just screamed lungs out and now I’m sobbing like a little girl. Very unbecoming, but I can’t seem to calm down. “Either include me in everything or treat me like an outsider. You make it more confusing when you pick and choose.” Ah man, now I’m sniffling into his chest. Hey when did that happen! Ugh, that’s why I hate crying. I push away, still sniffling. “Sorry, that might’ve been a bit uncalled for.”

     Tsuren picks this rather inappropriate time to be taunting. “Aw, you two fight just like a real couple! I’m green with envy!” I jump at the sound of his voice. I’d completely forgotten he was here. Yuuin, who was previously out of sight, stalks out of hiding and nips Tsuren’s leg, shutting him up as if he were a petulant child. Aw, at least SOMEONE’S on my side. Turning back to Iverness I change the subject. “About your fiancé…”Another sigh escapes him. “Yeah, she’s back, and she wants your head.” “Uh, so that means…” He’s shaking his head now, and seemed to be anguished. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to be reassuring. Maybe I should be scared, but I’m not, at least not at the moment. Whatever will be will be.

     “By the God, you’re brave.” He says this with too much affection causing me to shift uncomfortably. It doesn’t go unnoticed and he collects himself before speaking again, sighing once more before the words come out. “I just can’t understand the Council’s decision. It doesn’t feel right at all. None of the clan agrees either, though it isn’t exactly up for debate.” I also choose to ignore that brief awkward moment and engage in the current matter. “But, you can’t go against the Council. Fierdna must’ve been furious with all of you.” “Tch, yeah you could say that. She even tried to use this incident with Yuuin to paint you as some sort of villain that will only wreak havoc upon this world, whether purposefully or no. We didn’t buy it, but no one knew what to do. It was one of the youngsters that finally challenged her.”

     “Challenged? What do you mean?” “He accused her of not being God-touched and demanded she prove it publically.” “And how exactly can she do that?” “It’s a pretty simple procedure, actually. When one communes with Varterus in a sacred place, they glow with his light, as you did in the lifesping after you passed out.” “Wait, I was glowing?!” Finally a faint smile from him. “Yes you were. Your dream wasn’t a dream at all.” I’m nodding along as I contemplate this. I suspected as much actually, but still, to think that I talked to a God, or rather that He talked to me. I smile, “Why don’t we sit down and continue this?”

Kovo steps toward me and shakes his head gravely. “No time. You leave now. Walk and talk.” My own expression turns staid. “Right.” I shout, “Yuuin, we’re leaving now!” He comes out but oh so slowly. His fur is raised and his eyes don’t leave Ivernis’ at all. I crouch down and stroke his fur. “Don’t worry”, I say soothingly, “We’re not going back to SnowCat territory. I’m actually in a lot of trouble with the Grand Council, so I have to find safety in the city of Yeir. You’ll come with me, right?” Yuuin licks my face playfully with his rough, pink tongue and I take it as a definite yes. “Ok, let’s go then. Be nice.” I get up and look around but I don’t see Tsuren anywhere. I do a mental shrug and walk back to the front door. “Kovo, the supplies are ready?” He gives me a nod and leads the way.

     I turn to Ivernis. “So you were saying?” “Yes, well, Fierdna refused, which only made the accusation seem more legitimate. She explained that the lifespring had been tainted by you, so it would no longer work until it had cleansed itself over time. The clan asked her to prove herself in another location, but she was adamant that we at least capture you first, and then she would prove herself.” “And…?” “And what? I went out to get you.” “Wait a second, I’m not going back. You do know that?” He chuckles under his breath. “Yes I’m not stupid. As much as I love Fierdna, she’s putting herself in a really bad position. I had one of my men keep an eye on her.”

     Kovo has led us to a large supply shed where several people were waiting. Without a word they bundle us up with newer cloaks and place backpacks on our shoulders. The one Ivernis has received is considerably larger than mine, and probably much heavier. I don’t complain about the heaviness of my own. Kovo looks over my head and I turn to see Tsuren, already carrying a backpack, right behind us. “Aw great, so you made it after all” I say as scathingly as I can. “I’m touched that you missed me little one. I could never leave you on your own.” “I was being sarcastic, and I’m not exactly on my own.” I pointedly put my hand out towards Ivernis. “Well, one can never be too sure of intentions.” “Yeah, you can say that again.” I roll my eyes at him, but he ignores it. I turn my attention back to Ivernis as Kovo leads the way out of the village. “Um, so, you’re taking me to Yeir? You could get in a lot of trouble for helping me.” “Just by defying Fierdna, that puts me in trouble. Oh, she ran away when I was tracking you down. She has exiled herself from SnowCat territory.” “Is your guy following her?” “No, there’s no longer any need. We know now that she is not God-touched. We have sent word to the Council.”

Tsuren steps closer to us wagging his finger at Ivernis. “Tsktsktsk. I thought you said you weren’t stupid.” Ivernis stops dead in his tracks. “What are you saying fox. ”Fox? I thought they were Grizzly Bears? Kovo turns around and gives us all a spine-chilling glare. We all get the message, and we follow him. “Silly cat, did you ever once consider that there may be several fakes on the Council? What makes you think your fiancé was the only one? Why not question whether or not they’re all frauds?” “Is that a confession?” Tsuren shakes his head. “Just hypotheticals, but I hope you haven’t forgotten that I too am on the Council.”

     Ivernis gives him an appraising look. “I hadn’t considered the possibility of such corruption. If it is true, then I have placed Miya in even greater danger.” I can’t help but feel that there’s something off here. “I don’t quite get what you mean. If the whole Council is possibly fraudulent, can’t you just issue that challenge to all of them and find the ones that are real?” Ivernis shakes his head so despondently. “Think about it. The Grand Council holds great power in this world and they represent our God, Varterus. The SnowCats challenged Fierdna only because we knew personally that something was amiss, but most people would rather believe in the Council. They give people the hope that our God is still very much alive, and no one wants to believe differently.” I finally understand, and he can see the realization in my eyes. Oh dear, this just got political, and anything political tends to become corrupted, even in this world, it seems. “So, why would I be safe in Yeir?”

     Tsuren chose to answer this one, and was surprisingly informative, for once. “Yeir creates its own hope. The city was originally going to be a place built for the Grand Council, but it soon became populated by clans wishing to work alongside the Council with the faith that they could help find a way to save this world. The most brilliant and inventive of the clans permanently resided there and started their research, though they were quickly chastised by the Council. The Council decreed that the Animos must await the guidance of Varterus, who would save them when the time was right. The newly dubbed “scientists” refused to give up their work, and actually, it caused a great deal of excitement to the nearby clans, who now work in the city hoping to aid the research. The Council sort of got pushed out, much to their consternation.”

     “Um, aren’t you part of the Council yourself?” “I’m there because they NEED me dear.” At that Ivernis scoffed, and inside I did too, but I still wanted to know more. “So, the scientists don’t believe in Varterus?” “I can’t speak for them, child, but I think most still do. It isn’t too far gone in history that anyone could commune with Him, but some do question whether or not anyone can actually still speak with Him. Some wonder if He’s still alive.” “Um, how would a God die?” “Oh dear, have the cats not taught you anything? This world’s soul is DYING. Without a soul, of course the Gods would die. Varterus is the only one of our Gods that still remains. The others have all already passed.” “How many Gods were there before?” “On this world we’ve had only six. Varterus, being our God of Life has always been seen as the major God. Our strong belief in Him helps Him to live on through us. There is a reason why there are no sacred places near Yeir.” “Hmm. I have to say I’m really surprised.” “Why ever so? Does your world not have Gods?” “Oh, that’s not what I meant. It’s just, I didn’t think you could possibly be a priest.”

     At that, Ivernis bursts out in laughter. “No one does! This guy is the first person to ever be publically challenged, by the Council themselves no less. It’s probably why no one’s ever thought to question the legitimacy of the Council. If this a*****e can talk to Varterus, surely all the others should be able to.”

     Tsuren put on a display of mock hurt. “Surely you must know that Varterus has a light heart and a great appreciation for beauty. It’s the serious ones that ought to be challenged.” “That would be all of them but you!” “And there you have it.” He walks quickly away from us, leaving us to contemplate that last remark.

     We soon come to a sort of outpost at the edge of this widely dispersed village and Kovo urges us inside. We make it to the outskirts of the village, where several of Kovo’s guards are waiting for us. Kovo himself lines up next to them, as if he is sending us off. I had thought he would guide us all the way to the city and I start to grow anxious. “You’re not coming with us, are you?” He shakes his head, and with a dour face explains, “I cannot, and neither can they.” He points to Ivernis and Tsuren and now my anxiety has become befuddlement. I look to them, “But you’re wearing traveling gear!” Ivernis solemnly responds, “We have our own missions. It is important that I find Fierdna, especially considering the possibility of the Council’s treachery. I will travel with you until we must part ways. There’s probably some maps in your bag, as well as any language study books you’ll need.” I nod my understanding but can’t help but feel rather sullen.

     Without any prompting, Tsuren explains himself as well. “And I’ve got damage control duties. Kovo’s scouts have tracked her, and she’s already begun to convince clans to take action on behalf of the Council. As a council member myself, I might be able to temporarily stay their hands, at least until the Council sends official requests for aid to the clans. I’ll be with you for parts of the journey, when our paths cross. But don’t be sad, I’m sure we’ll see more of each other in the future.” “Don’t you worry, I’m not particularly SAD to be rid of YOU.”

     I examined Kovo’s face for a good while but couldn’t express what was on my mind. Instead I gave him a nod and set out, my three companions following suit.

© 2014 KA Sharp

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"You seem to forget at all the wrong times that I'm not from here":


I haven't heard from you in a long while; I don't know if your even still using this site...

A consistent impression has been that your narration is full of life: you convey your scene, it's evident when reading who's where, and what a scene's emotional context is.

I've now published The Representative, on Lulu - a fantasy work of its own kind.

It's completely different from Soul Crossing, in so many regards....what's matching about it though is the vast extent with which it's fleshed out.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 25, 2014
Last Updated on March 25, 2014


KA Sharp
KA Sharp

Brooklyn, NY

What can I say? I've got people and worlds and stories floating around in my head, constantly inspiring me and helping me through life. Now, I present them to you. May they conjure up greatness for .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by KA Sharp

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by KA Sharp