![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by KA SharpChapter 7
Half asleep, I tuck the thick blanket
under my chin and snuggle into the downy pillow. Wait… pillow? Blanket? Where
the heck am I? D****t, I am so sick and tired of waking up in strange places. Well
I’m not ready to wake up yet. Let’s enjoy this while I can. Without concern I
fall asleep once more. I dream about ferocious kittens being led
through the woods by Yuuin. Wait… Yuuin?! This time I bolt up from the covers,
only to smack my head into something really, really hard. Owwww. I hear ringing
in my ears… ow. I open my eyes but everything is blurry. There is someone
sitting over me, and I think they’re rubbing their head. Is that what, or
rather, who, I head butted into? “Who… where’s Yuuin?” The words come out like
a croak, and now my head is experiencing a searingly painful headache. I don’t
hear the words that are spoken to me, but I hear their sound, and it soothes
me, allowing me to relax into the bed. This voice is certainly male, though
higher pitched than you would expect of a man, but still so rich, and warm, and
melodious. The ringing dissipates, the ache in my head becomes dull, and I can
finally see again. At the first glance, I believe I must have
mistaken this beautiful woman to be a man. I flush in embarrassment, but then I
see the facial features more clearly, and indeed, he is male, though with a
little makeup he could fool anyone. The thick, long, curly silver hair, tied in
a low pony, doesn’t help much either. I try to find my voice. “I’m sorry, what
did you say?” There, that’s a little better. He smiles and it’s utterly disarming. He’s
so darn pretty and he puts out a very relaxing atmosphere. I hate it. It’s
intentional and manipulative. I pretend to be dazzled anyways. “Dear child, I
said you shouldn’t worry so about the little wildcat. He’ll be fine;Kovo’s
taken pity on the fellow. You on the other hand, are in quite the predicament.”
I blink. How did this voice soothe me before? I tread cautiously, though I
can’t help the narrowing of my eyes. “What do you mean?” He laughs, and not a
deep boisterous laughter, but more of a girly giggle. It’s exceedingly fake and
I can’t stand it. I fold my arms across my chest and let him see the impatience
on my face. The laughter stops and he suddenly wears a
serious, if not grim, expression. “Well, Miya, I’m a priest of the Grand
Council, and a decision was made about what should be done regarding you.
They’ve determined that Varterus brought you here because your soul is strong
enough to sustain this world’s soul for a little longer. Of course it means we
have to kill you in a very specific and ritualistic manner.” I’m shocked, and
kind of hoping he’s joking. But he knows
your name! And he’s speaking your language! But maybe Ivernis found us and
told him the story? Even so, you are so
not in a good situation right now. Right… funny how my inner thoughts can
state the obvious but can’t state a solution. I muster my courage. “So what now?” He
leans toward me and I defiantly stay my ground, with my legs ready to kick him
away if necessary. “I personally think you’d be more useful alive.” He winks
and I don’t need anymore reason to give him a good hard kick square on his
chest. Darn, I should’ve kicked his face in. Well, I’m not really the violent
type. I look down at the mystery man to find that he’s chuckling to himself.
“You have a dirty mind miss. I meant that you could help this world, though not
through death… but if you want to get physical, I can’t say I mind.” He has
somehow closed the distance between us without me noticing how. I frown. “Get
away from me.” “Tsktsktsk, touchy. Well, I’ll be off then.” He gets up and
heads to the door. “Hey!” “What, miss me already?” “What? No. You haven’t told
me anything at all really.” “Aw, don’t worry little girl, papa’ll be back with
your wittle kitty cat real soon. The name is Tsuren by the way.” The door slams
and he’s gone. I hop out of the bed and find that I’m
clothed. Well, that’s a huge relief. Still, I’ve got to be careful around that
pervy guy. My boots are on the hardwood at the foot of the four-poster bed.
It’s a quaint little room with only one window. The curtains are a pearlescent
cream, fancier than I’m used to around here, but like usual, the entire
structure is made of wood, though the wood in this house is stained a yellowy
hue. The furniture is sparse and I’m surprised to find that someone like Tsuren
doesn’t have a vanity mirror. Maybe this isn’t Tsuren’s house. I open the door
and stop, because there, in the living room is Yuuin, already rushing to my
side. I kneel down to hold him and can’t prevent my eyes from watering. I take
a good look at him. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” I swear the little rascal just
rolled his eyes at me! I chuckle and smile, “Yeah I know, it’s me we had to
worry about back there.” I look up and see Tsuren as well as another stranger,
a man… mostly. He seems very young, maybe not even an
adult, but the air with which he carries himself would say otherwise. He has
long, knotted brown hair and matching eyes, but his most noticeable feature,
that I try hard not to stare at, is his massive right arm that reaches halfway
down his leg, is covered in thick brown fur, and sporting terrifyingly huge,
yellowed claws. I nod my head in a bow of respect. I don’t quite understand how
I know, but this seems appropriate. “Hello. My name is Miya. You are Kovo?” He
gives me the slightest nod. I don’t think he’s blinked once since I noticed
him. “Thank you very much for taking care of Yuuin.” I give him another bow,
but a deeper one. He gives Tsuren an intense scowl that
makes me tremble. Tsuren quickly translates what I’d said into Animos and
explains to me that despite being a clan leader, Kovo had never been taught the
Ancient Tongue. I must’ve looked quite baffled because he quickly relates that
Kovo had never been in line to be clan leader of the grizzlies in the first
place, so he’d never been taught. His explanation only serves to raise more
questions for me. Kovo, with an ever so grave expression says in an utterly
monotone voice, “I killed everyone else qualified to be clan leader.” Without
waiting for my reaction he glances at Yuuin. “Yuuin…” He nods solemnly and
Yuuin nods back as if they’ve come to some sort of agreement. Not knowing how
to make sense of any of this, I try to ask, “I’m sorry but what did you…”, but
I’m quickly cut off by him. “You must leave this place.” He doesn’t even look
at me when he says this and is already walking out the door. Tsuren chuckles
saying only, “that’s Kovo for you.” I am shocked and unsure of what I’ve gotten
myself into. “Don’t look so scared young one. I mean,
he did kill a bunch of people, but it was an accident; it happened when THAT
did.” As he says THAT, he’s pointing to Kovo’s giant arm. “By the way, your
Animos isn’t half bad. Of course, there isn’t a finer teacher in the world than
me. I could teach you absolutely EVERYTHING a young lady should know, like how
not to be a lady.” He raises his brows and I’m utterly disgusted by him.
Scratch that, I’m revolted and I want away from him, though I’m still
exceedingly curious about that “accident”. I decide that I’d rather ask someone
else about it. In the meantime, I wonder why Kovo said I had to leave. I forget
to hide my perplexity and the idiot talks to me again. “Don’t worry so much.
The Grizzlies are preparing supplies for our journey as we speak. We’ll have
plenty of time to get to know each other.” “Excuse me, I may not be allowed to
stay here, but I sure as hell am NOT going ANYWHERE with YOU.” I emphasize the
words with utter abhorrence. “But you don’t know how to get to Yeir, do you
little one?” “Yeir?” Tsuren is grinning from ear to ear as if he’s just found
out that he knows something I don’t. Such an irritating boy of a man. “Yeir is the only city that exists in this
world. The people there don’t much care about the Grand Council. You’ll be
safest there.” “A city? What’s it like?” Ick!
Why am I talking to him? Stupid curiosity! He shrugs. “It’s a city. You
know, lots of buildings and people. Don’t they teach you these things where you
come from? I think you really do need a new teacher…” “Ugh, I know what a city
is! I just wanted to know what this one is like. They’re all a little different
you know!” “Well you’ll just have to go see now won’t you?” I sigh heavily.
“You’re a jerk and not even useful at all. Do you know when we’re leaving at
least? Should I be doing anything right now?” “Yes actually. We’ll be leaving
shortly after you’ve talked to the SnowCat leader. The scouts say he’ll be here
any moment now.” I blanch. This can’t be happening. I thought Yuuin and I would
be safe, at least for the time being. I don’t even have time to think of a way
out of this as there’s already a knock on the door. “Speak of the devil, that
must be him. Go on now, we’re all waiting on you, sweetums.” I look down at Yuuin with imploring eyes,
“Hide, please!” He scurries behind a sofa in the living room, but I don’t feel
any better about our predicament. This world is full of terrible people, just
like my own. I suddenly want to crouch down and cry, but I compose myself
instead. Shakily I walk to the front door and turn the knob. Standing right
outside are Kovo and Ivernis. © 2014 KA Sharp |
Added on March 25, 2014 Last Updated on March 25, 2014 AuthorKA SharpBrooklyn, NYAboutWhat can I say? I've got people and worlds and stories floating around in my head, constantly inspiring me and helping me through life. Now, I present them to you. May they conjure up greatness for .. more..Writing