![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by KA SharpChapter 5
Yuuin leads the children’s interrogation
about my life and of Earth, and I find that everyone in the lodge is pretending
to not be listening so intently. I’m still not fluent in their language, but I
find that I’ve been learning remarkably fast and the pronunciation hasn’t been
difficult either, surprisingly. Back in high school I had to switch from
Spanish to French because I managed to make every word sound Asian. I would
have taken Japanese and saved myself the trouble, but it wasn’t offered. Such
was life back then. The children always laugh at my stories, whether they’re
funny or not. I seem to be a stand up comedian to them. Today they’ve been especially inquisitive,
with Yuuin’s guidance. That child probably knows that I’m nervous about
Fierdna’s return from the Council meeting. He’s far too perceptive for a child,
but it’s that very quality that makes him shine so brightly. The whole clan has actually been quite
kind to me. I feel welcome here and I’ve done my best to help with what chores
I can, usually with cleaning and preparing food. I’ve learned that even the
children here have to earn their keep. This lifestyle is simple, but it’s a
relief from the complexities of Earth’s societies. I do still find myself
yearning for adventure though. I’ve asked Ivernis to explain this world’s
geography to me in the meantime. I was right in thinking it was a small
world, and we are indeed located to the far north. I beam with the satisfaction
of being right. It feels good, really good. Ivernis gives me a puzzled face but
resumes the lesson. I learn that the clans are given territory based on what
their inner animal can handle. Nearby us there are hares, deer, eagles, fox,
bears, etc. I also learn that on this world, which they call Puierdu, exists a
single city, called Yeir, where several types of Animos live together. I ask
why there is only one city, what clans live there, where it’s located, what the
climate is like, if I can see it. I seriously want to go. It sounds like an
adventure if ever there was one. Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to leave
SnowCat territory, at least not until the Council has decided what to do with
me. Fierdna will be back tomorrow, and thinking of her, I ask to visit the lifespring,
the sacred ground where I originally arrived in this world. The look of
surprise on Ivernis’ face is enough to make me glad I asked. He can be way too
serious most of the time. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile much at all. Any
bit of playfulness seems to have left with his fiancé. After some contemplation, Ivernis finally
responds. “I’ll have someone take you, but you can’t stay past sunset. Why do
you wish to go?” “Well, it’s where everything started. Maybe I’ll find my own
answers there. Actually, I’ve been thinking that I should be able to have some
say in this Grand Council thing. I saw Varterus too after all, even if it was a
dream. Doesn’t that make me God Touched? I thought everyone who was God Touched
got to be on the Council.” That gets me a look of astonishment from him.
Honestly, I’m not quite sure why no one thought of that before. It seems
obvious now. He thinks hard and speaks carefully, “I believe you have been Touched
by Varterus, but you still cannot join the Council without their blessing. They
must seek answers from Him, on whether you were truly brought here by Him, or
by one of your own gods. They will seek to know if it is our God that protects
you or another. Until they know, they will not risk the safety of the citizens
of this world.” “So then, shouldn’t I be in prison?”
“Fierdna trusts me to keep you well guarded.” “But you don’t keep guards on me
24/7 anymore.” “I know you aren’t a threat.” “But don’t you need to wait for
this Council to decide whether or not I’m a threat?” “No, I don’t! I am leader
of this clan, and I will protect them from all dangers. As leader I deem that
you are no threat. So you don’t forget again, know that the Council makes some
laws so that life on this world can continue, otherwise, Clan Leaders are the
ultimate authority within their own clan.” With that he leaves and a guard
shortly comes to take me to the lifespring. I guess I was being a bit cheeky. I
just don’t like this Grand Council at all, but I suppose they’re just being
cautious. It probably isn’t everyday that someone magically appears from
another world. I spend a good hour sitting in the steam
of the hot spring, or rather, lifespring. It really is a shame that it’s a
crime to bathe in it. The steam is only tolerable nude, which I am, since the
guard is still at the entrance to the cave, or temple. He must trust that I
won’t go into the water. Surrounded by steam I ask questions of the God and
talk to Him, sometimes aloud and sometimes in my head. I don’t hear any voices,
I don’t get any dreams or visions, but somehow, things just feel… right, like
this is a good thing that has happened, like I’m doing what I should. It’s difficult to describe actually. I’ve
always thought life was hard at best, terrifying at worst. My happiest
daydreams have been of me dying, in all sorts of ways. In them I would always
think that it’s finally over, I don’t have to worry anymore. But right now, I
feel like there simply isn’t anything to worry about. I feel so sure, so happy,
and even though I don’t know what the future will bring, it’s okay. It feels as though the cosmic
force of the universe is embracing me, giving me strength, guidance, happiness.
This isn’t just euphoria. I’m simply glad to be alive, a feeling I have never encountered before. I cry tears of
joy, I say my thank yous to Varterus, just in case this was brought on by Him,
and I finally go, filled with the confidence that I’m on the right path, when
once I had felt so directionless and lost. Even if it’s hard, I want to push
through, and I will. I have never felt so powerful before. I return to the house, my guard leaves.
The sun is setting, and I don’t want to miss dinner, so I head out once more.
Tonight, at the lodge, the adults muster up the bravery to ask me questions of
their own, and at some point, I’m asked to sing. I flush, say I can’t and they
coax me on filling me with liquors similar to wine and beer. Finally, I give
in, and I choose to sing in Japanese. This way, not even Ivernis will know what
the words mean, in case they think the song is silly. The song I choose goes up
and down quite a lot, but after the first verse I get really into it, and
before I know it, I’m being cheered on. The whole night continues mirthfully,
and we find ourselves retiring later than usual, but it was so much fun. I
can’t remember the last time I had fun. It feels like home. When everyone does finally go home,
they’re all pretty drunk, but still filled with merriment. I’m especially drunk
and I make a mental note of these people’s tolerance. I won’t ever try to keep
up with them again. Ivernis kindly offers to take me home. It must be pretty
obvious that I’m not handling my liquor so well. The snowy outdoors is a blur
and I’m sitting by the fire in the blink of an eye. Water, I need water, or
else I’ll wake up with a killer hangover. I do NOT want a hangover. I ask for
it, Ivernis fetches it. He’s too kind. He helps me drink so I don’t spill the
glass. And then I hear shouting. High-pitched shrieks actually. I don’t know
what’s going on. I try to turn my spinning head and I see a
little boy, Yuuin. He’s crouching, and screaming. Ivernis is too. They look
ready to attack each other, but even drunk I can see that Ivernis seems
exasperated. He doesn’t want to fight a little boy. Understandable, and kudos
to him. Yuuin leaps anyways, I hear my name several times within all the
screaming. Just what is going on? I shake away the drunkenness. I should really
stop this, but at the same time, I don’t want to make things worse by getting
injured. I don’t know what to do and my tiny little heart is fluttering like
the wings of a hummingbird. What to do what to do. I stand up, but now Yuuin
isn’t there. It’s hard to see, things are so blurry, but there is definitely
blood, Ivernis’ blood, and he’s wrestling a giant… wildcat? It’s a snow leopard
with intensely glowing blue eyes. Didn’t Yuuin have blue eyes? My brain isn’t
quite up to its usual speed, but then I remember, this is SnowCat territory.
Ivernis said his people have the characteristics of a mountain dwelling
wildcat. They’re not human, can they change into animals? For both their sakes I truly hope I’m
dreaming this time, but I know now that things here have a tendency of actually
happening. Curses. Now I’m the one that’s shrieking. “Stop! STOP!!” I’m crying.
Jeez, I can be really dramatic, or maybe just emotional. “Please, stop fighting.”
Great, now I’m sobbing. It seems to get their attention though. I perk right
up. Now human and wildcat are both staring, glaring?, at me. “What the hell is
going on?” I sound so exasperated. No one answers, but Ivernis moves quick as
lightning and the next thing the I know the poor, ferocious wildcat is tied and
bound under several layers of cloth. I try my question again, my voice more
firm, “Ivernis, what is going on here? What just happened?!” All I get in
response is, ”He’s changed. Get your cloak.” He rushes out of the house. I grab
my cloak and follow, but he’s already gone. Now horns are blowing and boy are
they loud. Ivernis is back. I try yet again. “What’s happened?” He looks at me
with the most pained expression I’ve ever seen on a man. It makes me shrink
back and suddenly I feel really, really bad, and I don’t quite know why. “Miya,
he’s gone. Yuuin is gone. This could go badly, you should stand behind me.” He
says this as if it’s all understandable, even though it isn’t. I stand behind
him anyways and everyone in the entire clan gathers at the house. Just what the
hell is going on? The atmosphere is tense and serious. I don’t like this, not one bit. They talk
but I’m too stuck in my head to hear and by the time I look up, I find that I’m
crouching in the snow with my backside resting on the heels of my feet. I stand
back up. The whole thing has sobered me up and my brain is finally up and
running. “What’s happened to Yuuin?” my voice is barely a whisper, but everyone
hears. I’m speaking in Animos. It’s the kitchen lady, Kaeliem who answers.
“Sweetheart, he’s changed into the other form. You may not understand, but our
species no longer has the ability to change freely at will. That boy is trapped
as a beast forever now.” This new bit of information sinks in. They used to be
something like shapeshifters/werewolf things, but they can’t switch back and
forth anymore for some reason. Yuuin changed, so he can’t change back. “How did
Yuuin change? I don’t understand why this happened to begin with. What will
happen to him?” I’m crying. I’m terrified for that bright, darling boy I love
so much. Yes, I realize I love him. I haven’t been
here long, I don’t know anyone else very much at all, but I feel like Yuuin is
the best child I’ve ever met. If I had a child, I’d want him or her to be like
Yuuin. He’s already become like family to me. I’m tearing up again. Ivernis
talks this time. “Yuuin came to see if you were okay, after all of that drink.
He saw me close to you and thought I was taking advantage of you. He was angry
and lost control over himself and his emotions, which has become taboo here on
this world. He knew better, he wasn’t the one who had too much drink.” He says
this as if he doesn’t want me blaming myself. Yuuin’s parents are crying, they
won’t look at me. I can’t seem to find much fault with myself, but I do find it
in Ivernis. These days I’ve spent here I’ve learned
that the people here have an acute sense of hearing, smell, and vision, as well
as a sort of sixth sense, just like a cat. He would’ve heard Yuuin coming into
the house. Who cares if I spilt some water? He should’ve attended to the child
who was out late at night on his own. I can’t help but feel a little at fault
though. If I hadn’t been so drunk, he wouldn’t have checked up on me. If I
hadn’t gotten so close with him at all this wouldn’t have happened. I try to
speak, to find my voice. “What happens to Yuuin now?” No one looks at me. I try to imagine the
worst. They kill wild animals. Would they eat him? They said they’re not
cannibals, but right now I’m utterly horrified. I don’t realize I’m taking
several steps backwards until I’ve done it. Ivernis’ face goes from one of
sorrow to one of stoicness. “Miya, each clan has its own penalty for
shapeshifting. The SnowCats live in a harsh land with little food. We cannot
allow a competitor to roam our lands and take our kills. All within our clan
know that to change is death. We will, of course, give the body a proper
burial. We aren’t animals.” That last sentence is said for my sake. I must have
a horrified, disgusted look on my face. I beg, I plead with them not to do it. How
do they know he can’t change back? He tells me that in the history of this
world, it’s never happened. Since they came to this world, they haven’t changed
back. I’m too distraught to seek new information on this front. They can’t kill
Yuuin, they can’t. I decide then and there that I won’t let them. Maybe this is
why I’m here. I feel that I can, that I have to save Yuuin’s life. He isn’t an
animal. He’s my friend, a precious little boy who became the first family I’ve
ever known. I won’t let him die. I tell them stories about my own world,
about how we capture wild animals, put them into zoos. I have to explain what a
zoo is, what domestication is. I try to convince them that it is possible to
train a wild animal to be tame, even if it does break the creature’s spirit. I
just want Yuuin to live. I have never defended life so strongly than in this
moment, and right now, it is everything. I convince them that their own God
sent me here for a reason, gave life to Yuuin for a reason. I try any line of
reasoning, any trick I can. Finally, an exhausted Ivernis tells me that I should
return to the house. The clan must decide what to do. I leave, and I know then that Ivernis does
not consider me part of this clan. I try to listen to the rest of their meeting
as best as I can. I remember that none of the faces I’d seen held hope, not
even those of Yuuin’s parents. They never once begged with me on his behalf. I
hear something like a funeral chant outside. So they’ve decided. I run to the
living room where Yuuin is still bound and struggling. I remove the cloth from
his face and he stills when he sees me. “Yuuin, do you recognize me?” I’m crying,
and pleading with him to be aware, his best quality. The little snow leopard
lets out a whine and his eyes still look human, err, Animos. “Yuuin, I can’t
stay here, and neither can you. I’m going to leave. Do you understand? Please
come with me, nod if you understand me.” The little cat moves its head up and
down, and relief washes through me. He isn’t a wild animal. He’s still in there
and he can be saved. I untie him, confident that I won’t be
mauled to death, but still willing to take the chance that’s there. I can’t let
this boy, this creature die. He did nothing wrong. He doesn’t deserve death and
I won’t let it happen. Yuuin shakes off the rest of the cloth and rope and I
run to the nearest back window, opening it. I tell him, “You need to jump
through. I’ll try to lift you if I can.” He crouches, and leaps gracefully
through and I clamber after him trying not to make a sound. It has begun to
snow and I thank Varterus, just in case it’s His doing. The snow will cover our
tracks. I remember the map I’d been shown before, and I kind of know where the
nearest clan resides. Let’s hope we get there in one piece. © 2014 KA Sharp |
Added on March 25, 2014 Last Updated on March 25, 2014 AuthorKA SharpBrooklyn, NYAboutWhat can I say? I've got people and worlds and stories floating around in my head, constantly inspiring me and helping me through life. Now, I present them to you. May they conjure up greatness for .. more..Writing