![]() Drowning lives.....A Story by Kajal GulabaniIt was just one of those days… While strolling within my vicinity, I heard a racket of sounds afar. I gradually trotted in the direction the noises were coming from and eavesdropped (genuine apologies for doing so). A ruthless voice of a lady bellowing someone for something (which I couldn’t figure out) struck my ears. Within a moment, intense sobbing followed unceasingly; pacing parallel with the lady’s flooding. I decided to wait and trace the problem hoping if a tad bit of condolence could soothe the sobbing soul. After few minutes, a middle-aged bold appearing woman barged out aggressively slamming the door behind her. After trying umpteen ways to find out complexity of the situation, I had to put an end to the waiting-session and step back home with a mind full of why’s and what’s. The incident nagged my mind till the day I met this naïve, distressed figure draped in a saree and pallav overhead. ‘A little more courage can disentangle the chain of questions’; I reaffirmed myself and in a humble tone asked her about the despair that took over that harsh day. Her answer was nerve wracking. She conveyed her message so very loud in just few words: Isn’t it destined for a daughter-in-law? With the same simplicity, she asked me, ‘Why are we cursed and abused for our flaws? Are we super women or some hi-tech robots?’ Her hapless glance said it all. I was aghast. I still am. We are still following those constrained rules and choking within these parameters in some segments of our society. When will the cloud of dominance burst? When will a woman speak up for another and not humiliate her? Hey! Waves of envy! You sure must recede. Hey! Winds of power and pride! You sure must perish. With moist eyes and drowned heart, I wrote the following lines for this helpless friend of mine and all such women who still don’t have a say and suffer in silence… Where are your smiles? Given away for others’ bloom? No respite, no aid…… still Walking the extra mile with no whine? Killing yourself at each desire you blow, With every harsh eye you whimper some more, Sigh! Breaking apart your strangled strength, The Martyr woman! Commendable YOU! Giving away a part of you with no end….. © 2014 Kajal Gulabani |