its a sad and depressing poem but its how i think of life
i look at life and think why am i here, its stupid and pointless and not always fair. its full of killing and fighting and people die everyday so why live if were gonna die anyways. its full of lying and broken hearts and crying 24/7 so thats why life would be so much better in heaven. lifes a joke when your a mistake baby cuz you have to grow up in life knowing that your not meant to be. sure you can walk around with a fake smile on your face but that doesnt mean that your ok. sure you have some good laughs and have some good days but not all the time so why wanna stay. why wake up if you dont wanna be around when you could just end life and be burried in the ground. lifes just pointless yet we live it everyday so why not end it and keep it that way
No problem ,hey maybe you could past by my page and let me know what you think
12 Years Ago
Iv just been reading peoples work i have like 58 works people want me to read and iv been swamped l.. read more Iv just been reading peoples work i have like 58 works people want me to read and iv been swamped lol
There are many ways people can view life especially when people take life for granted or for those in which death has come knocking at there door. I didn't quiet understand the mood of this poem but i have confidence in you to let you know that i know what your going through if you are ,you are not alone when you think about your life just wonder how many people can be thinking the same thing, which leads to to ask your self why isn't life worth living?
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
oh my gosh your right i never actually thought of it like that...thank you for telling me that :)
12 Years Ago
Its why us writers are here for to help each other in our journey as writers any time.
Don,t think this way, ever! First of all everyone is born with Freewill to make the most out of life, its a choice, you cant be dragged down by the misguidence of others.. I KNOW ITS JUST A POEM but Im a Cancer suvivor and Ive fought so HARD for life that its so upsetting to read the notion of ending it. Besides, mark my words time heals all things. I was late, i was 30,fell in love,got married and had a baby 5 years after. Life is a rose, let it grow and it will bloom!
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
While I am happy for you, and appreciate that you have done well from a bad situation, for many peop.. read moreWhile I am happy for you, and appreciate that you have done well from a bad situation, for many people in this world life is unbelievably unpleasant -- to the point that you find out about it and then immediately stop thinking about it as it goes against what you think of as fair and just.
Also, nothing you have said shows that your 'free will' did anything to make you successful: it seems to me that you were very lucky (and, again, I am pleased for you). 'Free will' -- something I, as a Psychologist, see no evidence of -- is not an answer to anything.
Time does not heal all things. Many older people are very unhappy. Suicide is rarely a rational choice because things COULD get better, but this does not mean we should lie to each other and say that improvement is guaranteed.
12 Years Ago
Listen, frewill means only that people can choose whatever they want. If you choose to end a life s.. read moreListen, frewill means only that people can choose whatever they want. If you choose to end a life so be it, whatever the decisions people make they make it of freewill. Guaratees? no no Fing guarantees in life its what you make it. Ive been there listen instaed of trying to defend a cowardly viwpoint in life, find the beauty in it. Ask yourself why you need a guarantee? What are you afraid of? You onle have one and its short.
This poem is certainly depressing Kaitlyn. Quite pessimistic. There's some truth in piece though. Quite an interesting read. Thank your for your insight on how you view like life. The only thing I'd say you should work on is having a better structure so it just doesn't look like the next large paragraph. Anyway, well done Kaitlyn.