I know I can trust you to stay by me.
I know I can trust you to leave me be.
How do I know I'll be all right?
How do I know I won't cry tonight?
This last night is the last time.
This last poem is my last rhyme.
Without you, there's nothing more.
Without you, living itself is a chore.
I've missed you forever tonight.
I've thrown you away with all my might.
I regret all the pain I put you through.
I regret all the blood I drew from you.
Tonight, I'm going to get out of this hell.
Tonight, with love my heart will swell.
Tonight, I'm going to make up for my sin.
Tonight, I know even now I may not win.
Even now, I'd still die endlessly for you.
Even now, I'd still cry endless tears for you.
With despair, these tears will fall.
With blind fear, my flesh will crawl.
Even still, I'd still search you out.
Even still, I'd scream my lungs out.
All for you.
All for you.
All of this is for you.
All of this.
These tears.
These fears.
This blood.
This flood.
The tears are endless.
The happiness fades.
The prayers are hopeless.
The truth like blades.