You knw hw they always say "Everything happens for a reason" nd "How man kind has a solution for every problem", Well it turns out the truth was once a problem, And the truth is and will always be a problem to the present and future generations. But man kind came with a solution for this problem that has hurt all of us, A problem that has seperated us, A problem that has turn us against each other, A problem that has tawn families apart, A problem that is a reason for every broken heart, A common reason for a crying woman and child, A common reason why daddy came home drunk. You know old cliche' saying "The truth shall set u free" Yes it will set u free, away from your loved ones but not away from your problems. But the solution says "What they dont know wont hurt them" I mean keeping the truth away from your loved ones. That is why every body has a secrete That is what every happy family must have. I turn to mean that your families pride, lays on familys secretes. Secretes are every were even in the kitchen *secrete ingridients. People, friends, family and my loved ones Believe me when i say everthing happens for a reason. *secrete have motives that keeps them hidden