I Spy...A Poem by Kaanu RennieI spy... Its still not here... I spy... I will be here for eternity... I spy... Why am I looking, Its something I’ll never find... Looking... Looking... I thought I saw it, but it was only a dream... I Try to wrap my mind around, why the human race is so blind... with preconceived ideas about someone, because they live in different countries, or you're trying to fulfill the foolishness of your fathers pride. Your father pride, and his foolishness, is your fate. I sit here in disgust as I try to find the right person who doesn’t judge me on the way my eyes are too thin or too big, why my skin is so light, yellow or dark, or why I act too white or too black for the cool kids of town. I sit here in disgust as I am bullied for dressing too proper, too trashy, or too whatever. I’m judged for every little thing I do. I sit here in disgust as I see how arrogant most humans are, as everything we do... I try to wrap my head around... Discrimination. Humans bully a group of people, because they’re different. The way they think? The way they talk? The way they look? The way they love, or the way they feel? If I can’t freely love someone because I fear for my life that lies in the hands of my discriminators, why shall I continue to live? Then these hypocrites come and try to teach us how to live, by setting boundaries for my mind, and then they tell me... “Go think outside the box...” How shall we think outside the box if we are constantly belittled by everyone else for being different, or for thinking outside the box? I sit here in confusion as I am halted afraid what to do. I still am... Looking... Looking... Wait Stop, I spy! No... It was just another hate crime. I thought I saw real true love for a sec. I thought I saw peace, I thought I saw a rich millionaire truly talking to a homeless man sincerely, but I guess I'm a schizophrenic. I thought I saw people getting along, loving thy neighbour, at least thats what God told us to do. Or if you don't believe in God, thats what a real sincere loving person should do. The day I sincerely see an act of kindness, no hate all love, Thats the day I will stop looking and say I’ve found what I’ve wanted. Its time to move on... © 2015 Kaanu Rennie |