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Not Really Cinderella

Not Really Cinderella

A Story by Katherine Enma Pineapple

Another Cinderella story


My favourite story was Cinderella. I loved it as a child and hoped that I, too, would live happily like her. I didn't know why but stories like fairy tales would always interest me.

It was one day when I began to doubt that beloved story of mine.

I was quite excited when I arrived to meet a guy at Burnham Lake. I placed a recognizable purple shirt and black jeans. I also wore a bonnet, something we agreed upon. No one in their right minds would wear a bonnet in such a sunny day. I was quite reluctant to meet him at first but I trusted him enough. When he arrived, I was delighted, he wore a red bonnet as promised. My face brightened. I waved and he stopped in his tracks when he saw me. Only then that I had notice the dozen of roses he held.

You see I help his sister out, one day in the park. She climbed a tree she couldn't get down from. The story is pretty much self explanatory from there. It was merely a coincidence that I was wearing a mask because my brother wanted me to pretend to be the demon he supposedly was going to slay. It was as if it was set that we could not meet. Like the plot of this small meetings would slowly build up to something.


Something I wish would be good.

We started texting. Our relationship started building up until we admitted that we liked each other.

I was positive everything would turn out all right. That I was having my own version of a Cinderella story. 

“Who are you?” I was surer that it was him. I would recognize his voice anywhere.


“It’s me Regine,” I replied, worrying.



I bobbed my head to the side. I was confused.


“You can’t be her,”


“I’m sorry?” Why can't I be her? I'm me.


“Nevermind,” he turned away and hid the roses.


“Isn’t that for me?”




“Are you meeting with someone else?”






“You weren’t what I expected."

"What do you mean?" My heart was chasing its own beats now. What didn't he expect?

He merely shook his head and placed the roses aside. Sighing, he forced a smile to his face.

"It's okay," he uttered, "You don't need to know."

I got a better look on his face and what I saw broke my heart. Disappointment.

So to sum it all up,

What if Cinderella wasn't what Prince Charming wanted?

© 2012 Katherine Enma Pineapple

Author's Note

Katherine Enma Pineapple
I have never experienced this so it might seem quite unnatural. Please tell me any things you want to clarify or things that would be better off.

Thank you :)

My Review

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I like it. It's different from other fairy tale stories. 100/100

Posted 12 Years Ago

Katherine Enma Pineapple

12 Years Ago

Thank you :D

12 Years Ago

Your welcome :)
It was really good, and very well written!!!
This line 'What if Cinderella wasn't what Prince Charming wanted?' really made me think : )

Posted 12 Years Ago

Katherine Enma Pineapple

12 Years Ago

Thank you, I was thinking over that line actually thinking on how I can finish this story. I actuall.. read more
That is very different. Stories like this puzzle me at the late hours of the night. I like to think deeply at night since i am an insomniac. Stories such as this are ones to think about as i fall asleep at 1 am. Tonight will be no exception with deep thoughts.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Katherine Enma Pineapple

12 Years Ago

My real intention was getting people to think and I'm glad to see its working. I, too like thinking .. read more
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short, cute and truly sad. Not your typically happy ending. Just right and very well written.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Katherine Enma Pineapple

12 Years Ago

Thank you, I was kind of going for that hahaha.
... I haven't experienced this either.. so no comment about its unnaturality...
Anyway... it's written well

Posted 12 Years Ago

Katherine Enma Pineapple

12 Years Ago

Thank you ............................................................................................ read more

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5 Reviews
Added on August 27, 2012
Last Updated on August 27, 2012
Tags: cinderella, disappointment


Katherine Enma Pineapple
Katherine Enma Pineapple

Somewhere out there in the rainbow, The Rainbow, Philippines

I LOVE GOD Hi guys :) I'm back~ Nyaha~ I'll be busy with college entrance exams and scholarship applications though :< I'll drop by time to time :) more..
