he once was a man,
always dull and confused,
his words were of wisdom,
his body abused,
he had him no drive,
at least it was all a blur,
he didnt know his quality of life would concur,
he didnt have a motive a dream or a goal,
he disconnected everything mind body and soul,
he didnt realise his full potential there,
because deep down he thought wat does anybody care,
he woke up one day with a twinkle in his eye,
a spring in his step he was a different guy,
a look of determination stamped upon his face,
just like he'd finally realised life was a race,
a race that he was losing due to lack of interest,
he never tried at all never attempted his best,
on the day he woke up he realised what was true,
he found a purpose in life that purpose was you,
he found trust in himself and pride as well
he built on himself done better than swell,
where he didnt know his best he found it
and done better,
where he used to slack off at work now he was a sweater,
he realised what was important to ,
important ot his health career and mind and important to you,
the thing is that this new state was real,
this isnt fictional,
this story is the real deal,
because he is me and she is you,
and i must say your my aim its true.