Twilight (Renewed)

Twilight (Renewed)

A Story by jwilkinson20

All the regular Twilight characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. Lecter belongs wo whichever company makes the Hannibal movies. But Jamie and Amy belong to the Authors: Jamie Wilkinson and Amy Porter P.S You have to read it from the bottom to the top!


The End

  It was finally the day of the weddings, for it was later decided during a family meeting that both weddings would be held on the same day, the 31st of October.

  The scenery was lovely, and if you’re wondering Jamie and Amy both got what they wanted (well, sort of) it was classic, but also very spooky at the same time. The wedding was held in the meadow, and of course Jamie’s parents couldn’t be there, considering that they still thought she was in Europe. But she would have to break the news to them soon enough.

  The weddings were held at the exact same time, meaning both brides walked down the aisle together and both grooms awaited them at the altar. It was lovely.

“Do you Edward Cullen take Jamie Wilkinson to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the priest asked.

“I do.”

“And do you, Lecter Smith take Amy Porter to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”

  The same was asked to the brides and then the kisses were dealt.

  And so began a new life.



...Amy's Fantasy...
Alright, so the next morning I woke up with a major headache. It was a hangover. A horrible one. Ugh.
 "Where are the motrin?" I asked out of desperation.
 "Mmm...In the bathroom cabinet." Lector mumbled.
I stumbled lazily out of bed to the bathroom, which felt like forever to get to. I pulled out the ever so famous Motrin! I popped a few in(6 because it takes quite a few for it to work on a vampire) my mouth, and was already smelling something cooking. Lecter was attempting to make himself some breakfast. It definitely wasn't everyday that you saw him cooking, it was like a comedy! But I helped him out a bit.
 "What's with the change of food?" I teased.
 "Oh,..Well I was thinking of being, well..A normal human." He said nervously.
 "L-Lecter..Y-You don't have to change to impress my family. They know who and what you are. They've already accepted you." I said.
 "What are you talking about?" Lecter hissed."I killed a close friend of theirs...How do you expect them to forgive me for that?"
 "Because they know it's in your nature." I said firmly."That's the end of it, you hear me?"
 "Fine, but you know it's true." He replied.
 "I'm going to get ready and pick up Selena at about 10 okay? You wanna come?" I changed the subject.
 "No." Lecter said, walking back to the bedroom."I'm a bit tired, going back to bed."
 "Alright. Sweet dreams." I quickly dashed in to peck his check, got dressed and left just a little earlier then planed.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  "Au revoir!" I called to Amy as she made her way out the door.
 I looked back at Alice you was still cradling Selena tenderly. Selena didn't seem to even notice Amy had gone yet. I dreaded the moment when she did.
 But for now she was fine!
"Hmm, say you guys wouldn't mind if Edward and I went out fishing or something for a while? Like, you'd be fine with Selena?" I said, managing to keep a straight face.
 Alice giggled slightly, "Yeah sure, we'll be fine."
"Okay," I glanced over at Edward, "What do you think?"
"Why not?" he smiled at me.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
Of course, Alice being Alice, ran and pulled me into a bear hug where I couldn't breathe. Or normally wouldn't breath.
 "Ahh! Alice, yes I know I know!" I gasped out. "C-can you let me go? Your killing me!"
 "Oh! Sorry." Alice apologized, with a sly smile on her face.
 "Are you back for good?" Carlisle inquired.
 "Oh..Well, I'm still not so sure what to do.." I murmured, but everyone heard very clearly what I said.
 "No more depress stuff!" Jasper reasoned, snatching Selena out of my arms. "I'm going to play with my niece thank you very much!..Not that way!" Jasper glared at Edwards face.
 "I know, but knowing you..." Edward accused. "Wahh! Okay, okay! Sorry! It was a joke!"
Jasper had tried to pretty much tear Edward's beautiful head off. We all let out a soft laugh, or a chuckle in Carlisle's opinion. For some reason Carlisle seemed less sociable then he usually was.
 "Yeah, guess what Uncle Jasper and Aunty Alice bought you?" Jasper cooed.
 "Oh, Alice, Jasper! You didn't!" I enthused.
 "Well, I decided that I didn't want to be a boring old aunt!" Alice reasoned.
 "Boring old aunt?" I echoed. "You’re kidding me right?" I laughed.
 "No, I'm not!" Alice blushed out of laughter and embarrassment. Another soft laughter from the whole family, this time Carlisle didn't even bother forcing it. He was frowning.
 "Carlisle? Is something wrong?" I inquired. It was really bugging me.
 "Huh? Wh-what? Um, no. No, nothing's wrong." Carlisle stumbled, though it was perfectly clear what I said. I just nodded. I could see Edward giving me a look. So I wasn't the only one who had noticed.
 'What is he thinking?' I thought to Edward.
 "Um, I have to use the little girls room, if you don't mind me." I said, skidding out the room. Of course I really went to the bathroom so nobody got suspicious. When I came out, Edward was there, obviously having to really think of an excuse to get out of there.
 "So what do you know? What was he thinking?" I burst out with questions.
 "He was thinking about your situation with Lector. About how he doesn't think it would be healthy for him to be near anyone. Well, with the exception of Jamie." He smirked.
 "Why? I mean...Are you okay with Lector? I know he...k-killed Bella, but you know he didn't mean it! He thought it was just some little girl who got lost in the woods. Besides he can't control his instincts! He-"
 "I know!" Edward cut off. " I know when he entered the family that meant we accepted him for who and what he is. He is my soon to be brother-in-law. I will accept him, just give me time!"
 "Fine. I still don't know what he will say to the invitation back. He might be a bit agitated that they want us back, and move again. So if he says no, remember we just moved in, we were thinking of laying low, not moving out right after we got finished packing." I pressed. "Sorry, it's just I don't want you ripping up his head if he says no."
Apparently Edward thought it was funny. Out of no wear, he grabbed me around the middle and dragged me to his room, where Jamie sat impatiently on the bed(The one in Eclipse). He threw me on it and started tickling me like crazy. It felt like old times, and tried to give him a bear hug even though I had a smaller form then him.
 "Pfft...Yeah, leave me out of all the fun!" Jamie ranted. All of a sudden Edward grabbed around her middle and went along with the same actions he had done with me. In the distance I could hear Selena laughing. I guess I was right to leave her with Jasper and Alice!
~Two Hours Later; Back At Home~
I arrived at home two hours later. Looking around, I saw Lector sitting in a chair, staring into the fireplace, which was alit.
 "I'm home." I announced. He looked at me and smiled. My heart melted. He suddenly realised I didn't have Selena with me.
 "Where's Selena?" He asked in a serious tone.
 "She's back at the Cullen Manor." I replied.
 "Oh? Why so?"
 "They thought it would be nice for us to have a nice time alone in our new home." I smirked. He returned it.
 "So that leaves us to a romantic dinner," He pointed to a table filled with candle light, glasses of wine with blood wine on the side." And a huge bed. What do you think we should do?"
 "I think, we should get super drunk off the blood wine, then do those special things you do to me." I said slowly, a seductive smile upon my face.
 "That we should.." Lector grabbed a hold my hand a pulled me to the table. And I just had to pop the question.
 "Look, not to ruin the moment or anything but...The Cullens gave us a request." I released slowly.
 "MmHmm? Continue?" Lector pressed.
 "They understand if you say no since we just moved and all, but they want to know if we wanted to move back in. Of course I said yes, but I knew you'd want to be informed of it first. So...?"
 "Well, I hope they understand why I'm saying no," My heart melted, not from his voice, but the fact that I wasn't going to go live with my family again."We just moved here. But I'll tell you what. We'll wait for one year. If we don't like it here, we'll move back in. How do you like that?"
 "Yeah, I guess that'll be fine for now." I said, but deep down I didn't feel so happy with it.
 "But now I think it's bed time Amy." Lector shuffled to my side. He took my hand and we went to 'bed'.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I had been reading for most of the day, I was still slightly agitated that Amy hadn't called yet. I could hardly concentrate on what I was reading. What was I reading again? I that's how little I was concentrating.
 Plus Edward had gone for a walk so I was completely and utterly bored... PLUS everyone else had decided to go out shopping for wedding gifts! Because the wedding was planned for next Monday.
 I was literally sitting there for two hours pretending to read, until someone knocked at the door.
 Me, being the only one in the house rushed down to open the door.
 I flung it open early, "EDWARD!..." I paused, thinking over why Amy would be at the door as well then exclaimed, "AMY! SELENA!"
 I ran forward and hugged Amy tightly, nearly crushing Selena. Sorry Amy, I didn't mean it :P
"What are you guys doing here!? Edward did you forgive her!? Oh my gosh everything going to get better and we're going to be a family again!" I shouted with joy.
"Jamie, Jamie, don't jump to conclusions. I just happened to run into Amy on my walk and I decided to bring her back home for a visit with the family." Edward looked around, "But it seems that they left..."
"Oh well they'll be back later!" I exclaimed, "Now, we have some catching up to do!"
"Well... nothing much really happened..." Amy stalled, "It was pretty boring and lonesome without you guys... Lector's been really supportive but, his support just can’t measure up to being with my family." she smiled.
"Oh thank god! I was starting to think that you were mad at us or something, considering that you haven't been calling at all.." I murmured.
"Well it wasn't that I didn't want to call... I just thought, you know, Edward and the rest of you would still be mad." she explained.
 I gasped and said, "Of course not Amy, we weren't mad, and even if we were, we'd never be able to stay mad at you!" I grinned.
 I skipped to the living room happily, and sat down on the longest of the four couches.
"So is the wedding still on for Monday?" Amy questioned.
"Yes!" I squealed, "I'm absolutely ecstatic about it."
 I looked over at Edward who was smiling.
 It was quiet for a little bit until Edward finally asked, "So have you thought of moving back in with us?"
"What?" Amy asked, "Y-you want me to live with you guys?"
"Well of course, you are family after all. No matter whom you decide to marry..." Edward muttered the last part.
"I-I'll have to think about it..." Amy began, "Lector and I just got moved in and, I really don't know..."
"It's ok if you don't want to." Edward assured, "It's just a suggestion."
"Well, I'll ask when I get back home." Amy declared.
 Then the front door opened and the rest of the family walked in.
"AMY!" Alice shouted, the other's just stared.
 Wow, now I'm never going to hear the end of this...

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
I realised he probably wouldn't want to talk to me, so I thought out what I thought about the situation.
 'Look, Ed. I realised how you feel about Lector eating up Bella and all...So I decided....Decided that-that it would be best...if you...didn't live in the same house of your lovers killer...' I thought, a little more dramatic then maybe I should have.
 "...I guess it is best, then..." In other words, Edward was speechless. I knew Jamie would at least talk to me...Maybe. I test my theory and walk over to her, giving her a weak smile.
 "I'll call you...Or you can call me, either way is fine...Unless you don't want me to...Call..." I barked out, I didn't think I would even be able to form words...
 "No, I'll call you. It's just going to be a bit hard, without you and all..." Jamie assured.
 "So, I'll see you around, right?" I encouraged. I mean, it's not as if I didn't want to see her anymore. I just didn't need Edward killing Lector. Besides, I thought Ed was over Bella...
 "Uh, yeah..I guess this is goodbye for now." Jamie declared.
 "Yeah...Bye..Ciao...Sayonara..." Etc. I went into saying goodbye in a whole bunch of different languages, just because I really didn't want to leave. What did make me start walking to the car was the sound of Selena crying.
 "It's about time.." Lector joked. "I know you don't really want to leave...But it was your choice, remember!" He was laughing. I guess he was trying to cheer me up, but it wasn't working.
 "I'm sorry for what I did..." Lector continued, getting serious. "Remember, a cannible has to eat, too!"
 "I know...I just didn't think Ed still even had those feelings about Bella." I finally spoke. I looked out the back of the car, and stared at the manor longingly. I watched as we turned the corner. I watched as we made a right turn. I watched 'til it went out of site.
~Two Days Later~
The next few days had been hard. I was always buisy cleaning up after Selena, feeding her, bathing her, playing with her, etc. But it wasn't becoming a full time mom that made it hard. It was that I had no Jamie, Alice or Rosalie to talk to or as for a bit of help. For some reason, everytime I picked up the phone, I couldn't bring myself to put in the Cullen's phone number. I didn't know what it was about. Maybe I was afraid that Edward would pick up? Or I would hear the voice of the others, sounding depressed that I had left? I didn't know what it was, all I knew was that it would hurt more then being turned. I turned back to Selena in the crib. She had just waken up from a nap, and was staring at me with her beautiful blue eyes.
 "Hey there sleepy head!" I murmured to her, pulling her into my arms. " What do ya wanna do this afternoon?" She giggled. I laid her down on the king sized bed, and sarted tickling and blowing on her tummy. She loves it when I do that.
 "Why not a walk in the park?" I grinned at her. She giggled yet again in response. "Let's go then!...But first we need to get you dressed."
Not wanting to waste much time, I pulled on a pair of jeans, a blue shirt and added a little light blue hat. You didn't have to do much to make Selena the cutest! Our new house was just a few blocks away from a park, where Selena spends her time playing. When it rains, we spend the time indoors watching her favorite movie; The Nightmare Before Christmas, much to my pleasure.
So we were walking along, the occasional 'Oh, she's adorable' comment, and the Pet Store. The reason I mention it like that is because, once we stroll by it, Selena refuses to move! Last time it took me hours to get her to stop crying because she couldn't se the puppies and the kitties. I almost jogged past the store, but much to my desmay, she saw it. Next thing I know, she bursts out crying, and I run to the nearest bench. Sitting with Selena in my arms, I make soothing sounds and rub her back to calm her.
 "Something the matter? Or are you in need of major mother skills?" Teased Edwards familiar voice. I knew it was him, I even had smelt him before he got here. He's not that ard to miss.
 "No, she just tends to cry when she doesn't get what she wants!" I replied.
 "Here, let me..." And Edward pulled Selena into his arms. She quieted almost instantly.
 "She never does that to me!" I pouted.
 "Well, I'm a likeable guy, what can I say?" Edward chuckled.
 "How's life at the oh so famous manor?" I some how accidently burst out.
 "Everybody misses you...It isn't the same without you. Why haven't you called?" Edward asked. I didn't know how to answer that.
 "Why don't we go for a walk?" I suggested.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Edward and I were still sitting in the medow long after everyone had left. Edward hadn't said anything for a very long time and I wished desperatly that it had been me graced with mind reading abilities and not him.
"W-what are we going to do with the body?..." I wispered.
"She's going to get a proper burial of course." Edward answered imidiantly.
 I thought of how we were to clean up the mess then I wrapped my arms around my legs and huddled into the fetal position. I didn't realize untill a few minutes later that I wasn't breathing.
 I took in a deep breath of air then exhaled.
 Edward didn't look like he was going to sit up so I did for him and he got up slowly after me.
 He began walking absent mindedly towards the scene of Bella's death, and I followed just a few feet behind.
 He slowly approahed Bella, the smell was almost too strong for me so I stayed further away and blushed, embarassed.
 Edward lifted her pale, limp body into his arms and winced. The smell was probably unbearable for him, I could almost imagine.
 I slowly walked back with him to the medow, keeping a great distance away.
 He put Bella down once again, "Shall we dig?" he asked solemly.
 I nodded, the burning was getting worse.
 It didn't take us that long to dig the hole, since we were quick diggers (vampires of course :D). So we dug a nice perfectly rectangular hole six feet deep.
 And Edward placed Bella gentely in the hole and sighed before I had the chance to begin filling the hole again.
"Sleep well Bella dearest." he whispered so quietly even my super sensitive ears could hardly hear him.
 I quickly pushed some dirt back into the hole before it could get too personal.
~After the filling, on the walk home~
 It had finally occured to me that it was very, very late. And that the others had taken the car home without our permission, so we were left to walk home.
 Great... It only makes it all the more awkward for me. To have to walk all the way home with Edward as he doesn't say a word, and I'm not sure if I should suggest running home because I am afraid that I will be breaking some sort of sacred silence.
 The only noises that could be herd on the entire stree was the sound of distant trafic and our soft foot-steps, and to Edward the sound of my constantly buzzing mind.
 It wasn't my fault that I have trouble keeping my thoughts quiet. If only I could get Amy to teach me her secret...
 Edward kept his eyes square on the ground, occasionally taking a quick peek at me to see what my expression was. Of course I had been keeping a straight face.
"Uh, um... D-do you want to run home?" I blurted.
"Sure. It's going to take us a week to walk back at this pace." It was true, we were pretty far away from the Cullen manor.
 I was glad to see a change of mood as well, so I took a final step and then began to run. It was dark out so it wasn't as if anyone was going to be able to see us.
 Edward was always a step ahead of me, of course... show off...
 Suddenly I tripped. Over what? I don't know. Probably some invisible rock (D~:{), why is god always plotting against me?
 I tumbled over abruptly and smashed face, I could hear my beautiful purple dress tearing. (Don't laugh! It wasn't funny!) Luckily I was a vampire, if anything else I would have experienced some major face breakage.
"S**t..." I mumbled under my breath, sitting up.
 Edward stopped and turned around to help me up, which he did.
"Thank you Edward." I smiled warmly.
 Edward winced, "It's too bad about our dress though. I've always really loved how that one looked on you." 
 Oh yes... my purple dress. Poor, poor thing. There was a huge tear along one side, and a hole on the other side.
 Suddenly I was being lifted from the gound into Edward's long arms.
"Wouldn't want you falling down again now would we?"
"I guess we wouldn't." I replied.
 Edward began running once again and I burried my face into his jacket.
 Well anyways, we were back home in no time after the 'fall', and suspiciously enough, there were Amy (carrying Selena) and Lector getting into their car.
 Lector was carrying quite a few boxes aswell.
 Edward raised an eyebrow seemingly confused. Then he went pale.
"T-they're moving.." he looked appauled.
"Moving?" Now I was appauled.
"Yes, out of the house. The nerve of them!" he exclaimed, "First Amy's savage of a boy-friend murders my Bella. And then they have the nerve to leave without even consulting me first!?"
 Amy looked over at us innocently as if to say, "Sorry..?"

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to think. I thought that Ed had been over Bella! Besides, all she was was an annoying fly at his ear!
 "Oh, Lector....What have you done?" I whispered, not literally meaning him.
 "I have a right to eat! Besides, I didn't know! Really..." Lector reasoned.
 "It's..It's just I-I think I just lost my brother..." I fell to the ground, starting to sob. I didn't know how to live without my brother! Without his antics, his teasing, his childish games...His face, eyes, voice...Everything!
 "I...I'm sorry, Amy. I can understand if...if you never want to see me again.." Lector said slowly, making sure I could hear him over my sobing.
 "D-don't bother! If my b-b...Edward doesn't w-want me around anymore...I-I d-don't w-want to be alone..."I choked out. I felt him drop down to his knee's as well, wraping his arms comfortingly around me. I think we were like that for a good hour before Rosalie came to find us.
 "Oh...Amy." I could feel Lector's arms being replaced by Rosalies, only this time she lifted me into her arms. I could here her whisper a 'follow me' to Lector.
~Half An Hour Later~
Rosalie seemed to be taking her sweet time coming home. She obviously thought that it wasn't necessary to make me talk, or even see Edward for that matter. Even though I knew it wasn't my fault for what happened, I still blamed myself.
 "Oh, Amy, it's going to be okay...I never really liked Bella anyways." Rosalie said, trying to cheer me up. It failed rather miserably.
 "I-it's not your fault. You should know that. Lector even admited it when he said he prefered walking home." Rosalie continued. "You know what will cheer you up? A shoping spree! You, me and Alice can all go!"
 "I don't think so..." I whispered low, so low that only people who weren't human wouldn't have been able to hear me. Of course she heard me perfectly.
 "Oh, I remembered to get some blood for Selena!" Rosalie informed me.
 "Yeah, cool..." We finally arrived home. Dread had sunken in my stomach. Maybe I should just ignore him, and run to my room? Selena needs to feed anyways... Finally I jumped out of the car, and ran to my room. It would be a while for Lector to get here. By the time he got back, I had a thought...
 "Hey." I greeted. "Um, I was thinking, and maybe it's about time...We move out..."
 "Oh...Okay, then" Was all he said.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I decided to try out some of my new 'powers' (That haven't been mentioned in so long that it seems as if they don't exist). It was hard to control an entire deer with my powers but I managed to stall it. Which was actually a fairly good technique, it made everything alot easier.
 I tore at it furiously drinking up the sweet juices that were inside. My poor purple dress... all full of dirt and blood. It was a special occasion though, so it wasn't like it mattered.
 I sucked at the deer untill it was almost completely drained, then turned to find Edward.
 I danced trough the medow towards him.
 He turned around drenched in blood with an obvious smile on his face, "This is wonderful," he beamed, "All of us together, as a family. Plus with all of this blood in your system you're going to look gorgeous for the wedding." he commented.
 I ran up to him and held him in a tight embrace, "How could this be any better? My life is positively perfect, every little aspect of it. Perfect, perfect, perfect." I kissed his neck tenderly.
 Suddenly Edward's entire body tensed, he pushed me away slightly.
"W-what is that?" he seemed confused.
"What's what?" I inquired.
"That smell, it's almost irresistible, what is it?" he looked around anxiously.
 I began smelling the air, there was the smell of animals, there was the smell of Lector that I was already familiar to... but then there was something else... It was almost..floral?...what was that?
 I began walking absentmindedly towards the forest, Edward was right next to me.
 We continued through the forest for about 7 minutes untill we came to the scene.
 Of course Amy and Lector were still kissing, but there she was, Bella, sliced open neatly, her blood was everywhere.
 My first instinct was to lung for her and tear her appart, sucking up every last drop of blood that remained. But I couldn't, that would defiantly be offending to Edward.
 Speaking of Edward, he looked shocked. He stood perfectly still, his face... unreadible.
 Amy and Lector stopped kissing imidiantly, looking up at Edward's perfectly frozen face.
"E-Edward..." Lector stammared.
"W-what did you d-do to her?" he whispered.
"I-I didn't know Edward, I-I swear!" Lector protested.
"You knew perfectly well! You knew! What the hell were you thinking you... you-" Edward was furious. (Oh, as soon as Edward even remotly beging to like Lector he finds another reason to hate him... XO)
 You could practically feel the rage blazing off Edward, I could tell he wanted to kill Lector, litterally.
 Edward stormed off into the forest and I had to run off too before the burning in the back of my throat made me do anything rash.
 I didn't go in the exact same direction as Edward though; I needed to let him blow off some steem. Seeing as his temper isn't that good and all...
 I ran back to the meadow and it seemed as if everyone had moved on to their own section of the forest because I was alone.
 I breathed in the fresh air, cleaning Bella's sent out of my system.
 I layed down in the cool grass as clouds began to fill the sky. I felt so bad. Well not for Bella, I was glad that Lector had ridden of her. But for poor Edward. He loved Bella dearly, and now she was gone. And she'd never be back.
 The wind was blowing feircely now and little droplets of water began dripping from the sky.
 I lay there in the grass for a seemingly unmeasurable amount of time.
"Ahhh, what am I going to do?"
 I jumped, "What, how?" Edward was suddenly sitting upright in the grass next to me.
"What am I going to do..." he repeated, he seemed to have cooled down.
"About Lector or about Bella?" I questioned.
"About this whole damn situation!" Oops, maybe he hadn't cooled down...
 I looked away trying to avoide his feirce eyes.
"I-I'm sorry..." he whispered, "But what's going to happen? What about her parents? Her family? Did Lector even consider that?! I can't beleive him!" he raised his voice.
"But, that's who Amy's chosen... and I'm going to have to live with him, even if it kills me. How will I ever be able to live with him knowing he-he-" Edward broke off and looked away from me.
 I looked at the clouds with him and sighed.
"Lector's not going to be forever Edward. He-he's not immortal. Amy's going to have to move on." I concluded solemly, "Unless of course she decides to make him one of the family."
"Let's not even think of that." Edward voice was strained and tired.
"No, let's not."

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So I heard Edward and Jamie come back in. Jamie automatically ran upstairs, and obvious that she had seen what was coming, Alice, too. It took a while before I realised that Edward was standing there, waiting for me to get his attention.
 "Well, I decided, as a wedding treat, to take us to dinner!" Edward announced.
 "Are you sure, Ed? What will happen to Lector? He is still human.." Jasper pondered.
 "Well, he is cannible, is he not?" Edward, for once, seemed to be civilized about Edward being cannible. "He can watch, or join us."
 "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Lector agreed.
 "So then it's settled! Tonight?" I inquired. Without even an answer, I ran upstairs to get an outfit on. I mean, I know our outfits might be all bloodied up in the end, but we don't go out like this much! So about half an hour later, I picked out a blood red, strapless dress, with a black ribbon-belt which was tied in the back. It had a black lining on it. Along with that, I'd put on black pearls. Gosh, I looked like I was going to a fancy-smanchy party! I ran downstairs, and realised that Jamie still wasn't down yet.
 "Hmm, wonder what's keeping her.." I said unconciously.
 "Yeah, I think I might just go check up on her." Edward looked at me with an amused look. "I even told her to just wear the frigin' purple dress." The humor in his voice bounced off the walls. I was just happy to know he was happy. So he quickly jogged upstairs, and with my sensitive hearing, was able to tell what was going on.
Edward had just nocked on the door, and heard the faint "I'm almost ready!" from Jamie. I could even hear Alice giggling in the background at what we all heard. She was still so new to this...It was hard to believe it's been almost four months since she turned. By the time I snapped out of it, Jamie was already arm-in-arm with Edward. She ended up wearing the purple dress anyways.
 "Come on! I can't wait!" Jamie rambled.
 "Yet you were the one taking forever with you outfit!" I humored. "Now, to the forest!"
~Fifteen Minutes Later~
So we made it to the meadow, and went jumping around like complete idiots, chasing after deer, hunting down bears. Lector seemed to be enjoying himself, though he was only watching. He laughed occasionally when I fell flat on my face trying to catch the doe (I was being easy on it). I finally had enough and ripped it's throat, blood splattering all over the ground.
 "Mmmm...Smells delicious!" Rosalie moaned. I could hear Lector laughing so hard that he fell on his arse. I ran over to help him up.
 "I hope you don't mind, but I'm gunna go for a walk." Lector said.
 "Alright, just don't get yourself killed by a bear! Or worse..A deer!" I joked. Then we went our seperate ways.
~Five Minutes Along Lector's Walk~
So Lector seemed to be happy, he was thinking about his new family. After all, anybody should be jealous! He had an almost wife, who was the beautifulest, and a beautiful baby girl...What wasn't perfect?
 "H-hello? Please, is someone out there?" A crie came out from the woods. What the..?
 'Who in the world would be out at this time of night? And in the middle of the wilderness? Well-Not including a vampire family and their cannibal!' Lector thought jokingly. Being a curious little b*****d that he was, Lector went to check and see who it was. Who new, that it would be Bella? But, of course Lector didn't know that.
 "Is there something I can help you with, my dear?" Lector greeted the girl.
 "Oh-Oh geez, mister! You scared me!" She glared. "You-you look familiar. Have I ever met you before?"
 "Not that I know of.." Lector replied. He started to smile, slowly getting closer.
 "You know...I haven't had a good treat in a long time..." Lector continued.
 "Wh-what?" Bella gulped, not too happy where this was going...
 "...You heard me..." Lector licked his lips, only an inch away from her.
 "L-look buddy, I just broke up with my boyfriend! I found out he was cheating on me, and I'm not interested in another relationship!" Bella reasoned. She obviously was thinking he was thinking of something else...
 "W-what? No! That's not what I meant! Besides, I already have a child, and a beautiful fiance!" Lector defended. He finally had had enough, and pounced at her, ripping the skin off her cheek.
 "AAAHHHHH!!!" She screamed in pain and shock.
 "Oh, shut up!" Lector hollered in her ear, found a rock, and shoved it in her mouth. He was finally at peace to have his meal...The blood spreading all over his face as he ate like a raveged wolf. By the end of five minute, she was already dead, but Lector kept feeding. I remember, that that was fow I found him...Blood all over his face, though it made him look a bit sexier...
 "L-Lector? What are you doing?" I said in shock and disbelief. I've never seen that side of him. It almost made me scared...
 "I-I...Uhh..Mmm..I-" He couldn't get it out of his mouth, whatever it was that he wanted to say. But I didn't let him continue, and kissed him deep and hard, tasting the delicious blood on his full lips...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I managed to make it to my room with only minor injuries (LOL). And apparently I collapsed. But since vampires can't really sleep I was in a sort of delerious state. Edward told me that I was mumbling to myself all night long and that I was completely insane. I was apparently talking about "Goat soap" for nearly an hour untill I began rambling on and on about "Cheese Bread" and various other things.
"I'm sorry Edward... don't ever let me get drunk again, I don't want to torture anyone else with my constant ramblings." I blushed.
"Oh don't worry about it," I could already tell this was going to be a sarcastic remark, "It was a privilege to have you teach me so thoroughly about Goat soap." he grinned widely.
"It was a privilege to have such a willing student like you Edward." I replied just as sarcastically.
 I changed into a new outfit and managed to wash the taste of alchohol out of my mouth with some heavy duty mouth wash. Then I walked downstaris to the living room to meet up with the others.
 They looked terrible! Blood-shot eyes, the whole hang-over apperal.
"Wow, you guys look... um... not so good." I tried to let them down easy.
"Yeah thanks." Rosalie frowned, looking away.
"I can't even remember what happened last night." Amy smacked her head with one hand.
 Alice didn't say anything.
"Well at least we had fun right?" I said cheerfully.
 No one responded.
"Y-ya know... j-just a little bit of fun?" I smiled.
 No one responded.
"Fine you guys be that way, I'm going to go fishing... or something..." I trailed off.
 I walked out of the room trying to look unhappy. Then I spun around and pranced off to the pond/lake thing.
"Edward?" I thought, "Fishing?"
 Edward was suddenly at my side.
"I don't know... I'm bored..." I admitted sadly.
"Why don't we take the rest out to dinner, on account of the weddings? It can be like a special occasion." he smiled to himself.
"Why not." I tried smiling back. I was fairly dissapointed in how my little party had gone last night and how I had tormented Edward.
"Why don't you wear that nice purple dress you own? It looks wonderful on you." he suggested.
"I think I will." I replied simply.
"So, shall we go tell the others?" he inquired.
"You will go tell the others. I will be getting ready. I want to look amazing for you."
 Edward grinned, "Fine."

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So most of us got to our rooms safely. Most of us, because Alice kept raming herself into walls. I somehow got to my room, a surprise that I didn't forget where it was(Lawl)!
 "Where have you been?" Lector asked, seeing me enter the room, completely drunk.
 "Ohf..Ummm..Well I'm..urgh..Jus' a lil' drunk....M'kay???????????" I answered, very drunkily.
 "I can tell, since you can't even walk straight to the bed!" Lector noted. I said a simple "MmHm...." and jumped right on to him, kinda like pinning him down in a playful way, trying to kiss him all over the place.
 "What the hell are you doing?" Lector cried in shock.
 "I want you, mmm'baby..." Of course I'm drunk, so I won't remember a single thing of this in the morning. I started to kind of...Ride him(*blushes*).
 "Are you insane? Right in front of the baby?" Lector demanded. I looked lazily at Selena, who's head was sticking out of her crib, curiously. I could hear her softly whimper something like 'Momma'.
 "Bllehhh...On-one minute...M'kay?" And with that I snatched Selena from her bed, and somehow got to Carlisle and Esme's room. I, being drunk, practically threw Selena at them. Esme got up in time to catch her.
 "Amy, what in the world is wrong with you?" Esme hissed.
 "...Dddrrrruuuunnnnnkkkkkk." I replied, and smiled my drunk smile. I ran back to the room.
 "Hey there...Sexxxyyy!" I exclaimed, looking at him up and down. Looks like he got where I was headding, and had taken everything off except his boxers. The whole time walking to the bed, I took an article of clothing off, bit by bit. Of course you know..This ended up leading to very dirty things...XD
~The Next Morning~
After having a very long night, about three in the morning I got up to go puke in the bathroom that was conected to my room. Within the hour I was sure I could hear the others get up and close some door which was probably to a bathroom...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  "We have to go supply shopping don't we?" I inquired.
"Oh don't worry about that, I already have all the supplies that we need." Alice grinned. Of course, Alice would obviously have all the suplies we needed.
 Alice apparently owned a full supply of alcohol. It was partially blood, which would make it all the better.
 We all helped load the drinks and other things into the 'sitting-room'. And I happened to walk by Edward on the way there.
"What are you four up to?" he inquired.
"Bachlorette party." I smiled widly.
"Lord help us all." Edward rolled his eyes and kept on walking down the hall.
 I pranced into the sitting room where apparently, it seemed like the party had already been set up.
"This is going to be wonderful!" Alice chirpped.
 Rosalie opened a bottle of a blood and red wine mix.
 We all took a glass cheerfully.
"Cheers!" Amy enthused, "To a wonderful wedding!"
"Weddingzzz..." I corrected.
"Yes, to two wonderful weddings." Alice added.
 The sharp 'clink' or our glasses filled the room.
 I took a swig of my wine.
"Mmmm... 10 times better than regular wine." I murmered.
 It was, probably 10 times stronger too. We were waisted in no time.
~Many drunk confusing hours later~
 Well, we eventually put the alchoholic beverages away. Eventually....
 And we stayed in the room for hours on end, taling about things, half of which didn't make any sense at all.
 There was also much laughter and lollygagging. (Whatever that's supposed to mean.)
 But after those many many hours, we everntually sobbered up, and decided that that was bachelorette party enough for the night...

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So the dress I found really was the dress for me! When we got to the house I decided to try it on once again, just because Alice and Rosalie were absolutely dying to see it! It was a rather simple, but had a victorian twist. The sleeves stopped at my elbow, the front upper corso had a crossing over tie-ish style. But the bottom half gave off a faerie style, thinking about it maybe make it look weird, but the dress I see is beautiful.
 "Oh, Amy! Your absolutely gorgeous!" Rosalie gasped. "Great, now your getting me jealous! Maybe it's about time me and Emmet get remarried..." Rosalie added, pondering over it.
 "We, of course, are going to be you bride's maids right?" Alice inquired.
 "Duh! And Jamie is going to be my Maid of Honor!" I responded.
 "And let me guess, your going to be hers?" Rosalie laughed. "I swear, you two are unseperable!"
 "Well, what do you think? She was my best friend in day-care/pre-school! And then, I magically run into some friends of hers! I think Fate has been keeping us together!"
 "Oh...Oh-Amy!" Came the oh so familiar screech of Jamie. She came running at me, and since of course I was in my dress, nocked me to the ground, hugging me.
 "Wha-What the f**k? Who are you? What happened to Jamie?!?" I screeched playfully.
 "I came up here to see what took you so damn long! And then I heard that beautiful speach you made about me!" Jamie said, looking like she was about to cry or something...
 "No really, what happened to Jamie?" I asked, this time a bit more serious.
 "God, you can't take a joke?" Jamie giggled.
 "...Umm..Hey, why don't we see your dress?" Alice changed the subject. I could see the happy glint in Jamie's eyes.
 "Of course!" Jamie shreicked, and ran to her room. Bearly a second later, she came out in her beautiful dress.(I'm not going to explain it, it's your dress) Let's just say it made both Alice and Rosalie gasp at how wonderful Jamie looked in it!
 "Oh, very beautiful!" Alice commented.
 "Thank You, Thank You!" Jamie said, ple-aing as if she had just finished some play.
 "I have a good idea!" I boasted."Why don't we get out of our gowns, get dressed up and have our bachlorette party!"
 "Yeah! That would be a great idea!" Rosalie enthused.


...Jamie's Fantasy...
  "Find anything? Oh this isn't just anything we're talking about, I found the dress! Yes! I did it!" I enthused.
 I held up the dress that I had been holding.
 It was made of a glossy white almost silk-like material. It was long so that it dragged about a foot behind you as you walked. A ribbon was wrapped around the waist and it tied into an elegant bow at the back. The dress was strapless and slightly ruffled in the breast area.
 Oh yes, it was the dress.
"Wow it's beautiful, it's a little simple though don't you think?" Amy protested.
"The theme is classic Amy, I don't want any bright green mod kind of dress-thing. And plus this is the dress of my dreams! Do you think Edward will like it?" I asked anxiously.
"Deffinatly, Edward will love it." Amy reasured.
"Wanna go try them on?" I questionned enthusiastically.
"You bet."
 I dashed over to the changing room and slipped into my gorgeous dress.
 Oh, how it looked perfect on me. Oh how I wanted to show Edward. Too bad it wasn't allowed... Oh well, he's see it in my mind... Wether he liked it or not. Moo ha ha... I snapped a picture of myself in my mind, so I would be prepared.
I walked out of the changing room excitedly.
 Of course Amy was already outside waiting for me in her dress (later to be described by you LOL).
"AMY! YOU'RE GORGEOUS!" I 'squeed'.
 I ran up to her and hugged her, almost crushing Selena but I didn't so don't worry about it.
"Yeah, yeah, you too. Let's just get out of here before I die of claustraphobia." It was true, the store was awefully crowded.
"Ok then."
 I undressed, then dressed again and we were finally ready to leave.
 I danced out of the dressing room happily singing to myself, "The dress, the dress, the dress! I found, the dress!"
We bought our dresses... kinda pricy but. The Cullens are rich so... It didn't really matter. (LOL)
 Then we took a taxi home...
~DDDDddddDDDDrrrRRRRrrrrrIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiIIIIIIvvvvVVVVVvvvvIIIIIiiiiiIIIInnnnNNNNnnnnnNNNNggggGGGGGGggggggg HHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHoooooOOOOOOooooooOOOOmmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMeeeEEEeee~
 So anyhoo, we finally arrived back home. My dress secretly tucked away. And brought it up to Edward and I's room, then hid it in the closet.
 I then walked back down to the living room and well, I sat down.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So, of course I had to say 'Yes' to dress shoping. But I didn't want to leave Selena behind. So, being a paranoid mother as I am, I brought her along. I got a lot of 'Oh, she's just so beautiful!', and like Jamie 'She's just darling!'. But then again, only a moron would think she isn't even pretty! So we found a shop that looked prominent enough so checked it out.
 "Oh, look at all the dresses!" I said in awe. Jamie went running for all of them!
 "I like this one! And this one! And this one, and this one!" Jamie pretty much went insane with all the beautiful wedding gowns!
 "Do you think you'd really be able to find the dress here?" I asked, curious to see if Jamie was even going to stop and actually try the gowns on.
 "Maybe..." Jamie replied, but too dstracted by the dresses. I took Selena out of the stroler I had been pulling her around in, I walked around. Out of no where I saw her hand shoot out and grab hold of a certain dress.
 "Selena..." I hissed. "Let the dress go..Let the dress go, hunny..." But she refused to let go. I turned and was going to lossen her hand, when I saw the dress. I gazed at it for about a good 10 minutes, when Jamie came to get me.
 "Amy? Hello? ANYBODY HOME?" Jamie screeched.
 "Ouch! What is your problem??" I screeched back.
 "I don't have one, but you were kind of just gawking there, looking like a complete idiotic and deaf woman!" Jamie screeched
 "Why the f**k are you still screeching?" I screeched.
 "I don't know!" Jamie screeched for the millionth time. After taking a few deep breaths, I was able to calm the now crying Selena down.
 "Let's agree to not do that again, agreed?"
 "Agreed." Jamie smirked, starting to ruffle Selena's hair."Her hair is really soft..." Jamie said randomly [The Creepy Old Guy, Lmao!]. I started looking at her as if she was crazy...
 "I'm joking, God!!" Jamie joked. "So what, is this the dress you want?"
 "More like what Selena wanted, but i'm stealing from her!" I laughed."She was the one who saw it first!" I explained.
 "Looks like she's getting her mothers fashion sense!" Jamie laughed too.
 "So did you find anything?" I asked. I just realised she must have wanted me to see what she looked like in her dress, or if she needed help, but when I turned around...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  So of course everyone was packing up, after that ferry ride I really didn't mind having to go home so early. Plus Amy was getting pretty paranoid, not being able to see Selena and all.
 I jammed everything into my bag quickly, gliding through the room gracefully. I couldn't wait to get home and begin planning for the wedding.
"Edward! I'm ready! Is everyone else ready?" I questioned, zipping my bag up.
"Yes, yes I'm ready. I don't know about the others though, let's check." he declared.
 I walked over to the door and opened it to find Amy and Lector fully packed and ready to go.
"Yeah they're ready." I smiled.
~Walking, Taxi rides and Plane rides later...~
 Well we eventually arrived back home (well, to the Cullen's house actually.) and we all put our stuff back aways.
 All Amy did once we got home was carry Selena around the house completely ignoring the rest of us. And Lector followed her around keeping up with her quick pace.
 Edward and I quietly discussed the wedding in the dining room.
"About the date?" Edward began.
"Yes, yes. Mid to late September?" I suggested.
"That sounds fine, and would you like a theme?"
 The whole conversation was merely a buzz, because we were talking so fast.
 But I finally slowed down "Um... I'd like maybe a, um... winter theme? I don't know..." I looked down, almost embarassed.
"What ever you want." Edward assured.
"Well I'd like to know what you want too." I retorted.
"If you'd really like to know, I was thinking of more of a classic theme." he explained.
"Then classic it is."
"Are you sure? It's your descision." Edward stated.
"Yes I'm positively, absoloutly 100% sure." I confirmed.
"Classic it is then."
 I sighed and leaned back into my chair, "Do you think Amy might come dress shopping with me? It could be like a two person thing... and of course Alice and Rosalie if they want to come."
 I got up "I'm going to go ask her."
"I'll be right here if you need me." Edward replied.
 I sprinted down the hall.
"Amy! Amy!" I called.
"Yes?" Amy looked up from Selena dreamily.
"Let's go dress shopping together!"
"That sounds... awesome!"

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
While Jamie and Edward were buisy trying to sort their wedding out, Lector and I were trying to figure out something for ours. And I was really thinking, really, really thinking, and anybody who knows me knows that I have more trouble thinking than not thinking!
 "God! It's.So.Bloody.Hard!" I grimaced.
 "What? To think of a simple theme for the wedding?" Lector inquired.
 "Yes! Don't blame me, I'm practically ADD!" I told him, seeing the look on his face. He was close to hysterics!
 "Hmmm...Would you prefer it in December or October?" I asked.
 "December would be a beautiful time to get married...But it would be too cold!" Lector reasoned.
 "Besides, didn't you want to get married outside?" Lector continued.
 "..Yes" I grumbled. I actually liked the cold, but because I'm a vampire I don't feel it, either way December was perfect for me...But I kept forgetting Lector was just human! He could get hypothermia!
 "So October it is then!" Lector finalised.
 "The 31st?" I suggested. It was my favorite day of the year after all...Well besides my birthday!
 "Deal..." Lector replied.
 "Yay!!...And I was rather thinking of having a 'The Nightmare before Christmas' theme for the wedding..." I added, slowly.
 "What? Amy, please, for once can we lay off the dark themes...I mean, maybe a gothic styled dress, but that's it! Please..." He tried to reason with me. I gave him my puppy eyes, and a cute little pout. I started whining like a wounded puppy and put my hands in fists, laying my head on it, and leaning like that on Lector's chest. I started whining even louder after a while.
 "Amy..." I made a fake tear go down my cheek.
 "Grrrr...Alright! Just with the exception of flowers! Red and white only!" Lector finally reasoned me with it.
 "Yeee!" I squealed in delight. I always get my way! Well...Most of the times.
 "Ahh!" I squeaked, as Lector grabbed me from behind, my waist. Let's just say we ended up in a tickle war, which made us well, actually Lector exhausted in the end. He fell asleep with his arms around me and my head on his rather soft chest.
I sighed, wondering what Jamie was planning for her wedding.
 'Of course Jamie has to be my Maid of Honor!' I thought with excitement. I mean, it's not everyday you get married to the one you love!...Well, kinda.
~The Next Morning~
After waiting another long night, I slipped out of bed, and made myself a cup of hot blood. It calmed me down a bit, but I still couldn't help but feel something was missing...
 'It's probably just because I've been away from the baby too long...' I thought with desmay. I turned around and saw that Edward was trying to sneak up on me.
 "Edward!" I said in an annoyed voice.
 "Yes, my beautiful little sister?" Edward joked.
 "Hmph...Can we go back home today?" I asked.
 "Do you really need to see her that bad?" Edward retorted
 "Yes." I said, a bit more harshly then I wanted, but I had to make a point.
 "Alright...Start packing then..." Edward told me, and with relief that I was going to finally see my baby again, packed.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I dragged myself onto dry land and literally kissed the ground hello. Literally.
"Ah! Land! At last! Friggin' Niagra Falls! I shall never make the same mistake to trust you again! Or your crappy ferry rides!" I laughed manicly and rolled onto my back with a long happy sigh.
"What about all the others?" Lector questioned, still choking on water.
 We all looked back at the sinking ship, and I could hear their distant screams so presicely that it make me shiver.
"Meh, they'll make it out some how. Every one has to die sometime and maybe their time is now... wouldn't want to cause a whole final destination thing now would we?" I was still laughing.
 I rolled over on top of Edward and pressed my body too him tightly. I could almost feel his heart-beat vibrate through me.
"Is anyone else very, very cold?" Lector's teeth chattered.
"No." Amy laughed, "But we better get you bundeled up with something or you'll freeze."
 So we eventually made our way up to where all the action was, and managed to avoide causing any major commotion. We could already see some reporters gathering around to get a good shot of the boat sinking.
 We took a taxi back to the hotel, luckingly the driver didn't question us on why we were drenched from head to toe.
~Back at the hotel~
 Once back at the hotel we got back into our rooms, by the time we got there Lector was turning a pale blue. Amy looked worried. I knew he would be fine, so I was exstatic.
 As soon as I got back in I slipped into a cozy green bath-robe that I had luckily remembered to pack with me.
 Edward on the other hand, put on a pair of flanel pijama pants... Nothing else... OoOoOo sexy.
"Edward you’re gorgeous." I reminded him, absentmindedly.
"Well so are you. Have you ever looked in the mirror?" he questioned.
 It was true, all vampires are positively beautiful, but it didn't seem as if there could possibly be anyone in the world as beautiful as Edward.
"Edward? When do you think the wedding will be?" I asked happilly.
"When do you want it to be?" he smiled.
"How about... we start planning when we get back from Niagra Falls? Alice and the others can take you dress shopping?" Edward suggested.
 Oh yes, how Alice would like a say in this...
"Sounds... good." I agreed.
"Are you sure? You seemed kind of... hesitant."
"No, I'm just a little anxious, that's all." I decided, "Isn't it funny? All those years it seemed I could never have you... and now I finally do. All to myself." I smiled triumphantly.
"That's how it's going to be from now on. Nothing can ever change that." Edward reassured.
 Ha, that's exactly what I needed to hear.
 I began wondering what Amy and Lector were up to. When were they planning to have their wedding?

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
While we were over with Jamie and Edward, you totally missed out on the major romantic kiss that was about to resume...When we felt the boat tipping, both ways.
 "Gahh!" I screamed, in to Lector's rather comfy chest. The stupid ship had rammed me right into thim, just before I was about to plant a big smooch on his smexy face! The son of a b***h!
 "Are you alright, dear?" Lector gasped, looking shocked at the sudden movement.
 "Y-yeah...I think so.." I hesitated, waiting for another heave from the ship. And it came. Not 2 seconds later did it heave to the right, and another few seconds later, to the left.
 "W-what's happening?" I inquired.
 "I-I think there's something wrong with the ship. Maybe there's a leak?" Lector suggested. And then finally, with on last heave from the front this time, we started to sink. Yes, sink, in the middle of the lake of Niagara.
 'No! This is not how I want to die! I just gave birth to my baby!' I thought sorrowfully.
 "We need to find Edward!" I shouted over the odd noise the ship was making. Understanding what I meant, we went running for them.
 "EDWARD!! JAMIE!! WHERE THE F**K ARE YOU GUYS!??!!??!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. A door to my right opened all of a sudden, and Jamie and Edward came out, looking like they had just woken up... (Wink,Wink,Nudge,Nudge).
 "What do you want?" Jamie fumed. "If you hadn't noticed, we're in the middle of a sinking boat!!"
 "Exactly why we came to find you! We have to jump! But how would we get Lector off?" I demanded. "He's not vampire like us, he could drown a lot more easily!"
 "I do have an idea..."Jamie pondered. "Someone would of have to jump first, while the other two stay up to make sure he jumps off alright... You'll be the one who already jumped, okay Amy?"
 "Alright. Let's get going then." I returned, eyeing the boat which was sinking fast. So I got to the side and took a nice deep breath, before diving off. If a human had attempted to do what I had, they would have deffenitely died. I swam back up to the surface, taking in a few breaths, before giving Jamie a thumbs up for her to send Lector down. In the middle of Lectors dive, I realised he had done it completely wrong!
 'S**t! Is he frickin' retarted??' I thought, swiming with my vampire speed to where Lector had landed. Swimming underwater, I feared that hitting the surface might have hurt him... But then I saw it, movement! I swam as fast as my vampire abilities could, which ended with me up at the bottom, far away from Lector...Stupid me...But I grabbed him and pretty much shoved him to the fresh air. Realising it wasn't good enough, I swam, again with my vampire speed, to shore, and had to do CPR.
 "Oh, my God! Baby, are you alright?" I urged him to speak.
 "" Lector moaned, and started coughing water out, which was good.
 "Oh, thank God!" I murmured, kissing him all over. I could already hear him chuckling softly in my ear.
 "And we're never going to seperate, we're gunna spoil Selena rotten..." I continued, finally resting my head on his soft chest. Edward and Jamie were already coming ashore...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  So, Edward and I were "making out", that's right, none of that snogging s**t going on. (LMFAO!!!)
 I burried my face in his neck, breathing in his absoloutly delightful smell.
"Mmmm." I sighed, feeling slightly light headed.
 I peered over his shoulder at my beautiful ring...  "Mrs. Hale Wilkinson Cullen, Mrs. Edward Cullen..."  I thought dreamily.
 Edward's gentle hands stroked my hair and back slowly.
"You're really excited for the wedding aren't you?" I could almost see the satisfied smile on his face.
"Of course I am Edward, I mean, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned. Then I remembered his situation with Bella, and how inconsiderate she was. God I hated her.
  I cleared my throat,"Sorry."
"She could be a bit stubborn sometimes I don't blame you." GOD! FINALLY HE ADMITS IT!
 I smiled warmly, "Mrs. Edward Cullen." I said aloud.
 Edward gave me a quick squeeze then let me go.
"Let's not let it get out of hand, we are in a public area you know." he announced.
"We'll save it for the hotel." I grinned.
 I looked up at the falls from under the ledge of the boat.
"Niagra Falls, wow. Even more beautiful the second time around." I beamed.
"It really is something isn't it? 150, 000 gallons per second, can you imagine?" he smiled a glorious vampire smile at me.
 Oh how I do love how Edward seemed to know everything about the world. He was amazing, even more amazing than any wonderful fact about Niagra Falls.
 I slid myself into his arms since we were now too far apart for my liking.
 He welcomed me warmly by sliding his arms around me slowly.
 I wasn't even interested in the falls anymore, compared to Edward they were dull, boring. Excruciatingly boring.
"Don't be rediculous." Edward stated.
 Fine, I just wasn't concentrating on the falls as much as I was on Edward. The falls were amazing.
 I found myself rolling my eyes as I thought it.
 I turned around and wrapped my arms around him.
 Could I ask for anything more? This day was perfect, the falls were magnificent, and I was with the most perfect man in the world.
 Suddenly the boat began tipping to the right, then to the left, then back to the right.
"Crist... I shouldn't have jinxed it."

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
And we had a dreadful time walking the rest of the way to the falls. First Edward almost 'accidentally' pushed Lector into the open river, which earned him a ten countless minute hollering from me. And then, (not to anyone's concern but Jamie's, lol) Jamie nearly lost one of her favorite shoes she was wearing. Thank God Edward had caught her around her waist, or she would have plumeted into the falls, along with her shoe, which, by the way, she was able to save.
 "Why don't we go for a nice and peaceful ride on the farry?" I suggested, wanting to find a way to calm the situation down.
 "Yes, why that would be a lovely idea!" Lector agreed, in his dreamy voice. He knew his dreamy voice always calmed me down. He gave me a reassuring smile.
 "Yeah, I guess...I'll just bring my MP3 Player with me, incase I get bored." Jamie agreed, as well.
 "Three guesses heard! We're going!" I said, happily. And before Edward would object, me and Jamie caught his collar, and dragged him just in time onto the boat. It left barely 10 seconds after we ran on. And just to bug him, I tied him to a chair. I thought Jamie would love the idea, but to my dismay she went to untie him. Then Edward brought Jamie down and they started to snog.
 "Get a room!" I howled, before running for my life with Lector just behind me. I stopped abruptly, seeing a good spot to watch the water fall. So me and Lector leaned against the pole watching the waterfall happily.
 "Those guys really should get a room!" I broke the silence.
 "Really? 'Cause if I remember correctly, we got caught by a police, making out right in the front of the Trevi Fountain." Lector reminded.
 "And that we also made out on the first date, did it on the second date..." Lector continued. "We also had a beautiful baby girl named Selena, and are to be wed sometime within the year, hopefully." All was silent. I just gave him the most angelic smile I could muster. He really was the perfect man, minus the cannible part.
It was rather silent for about fifteen minutes, just watching the beautiful Niagara Falls. I looked over at Lector, and saw him in the most dreamiest state I've ever really seen. I smirked. God, he was so bloody hot. No. Sexy. Because that's how my nasty mind worked.
 "What are you looking at?" Lector chuckled, noticing that I was staring a smirk his way.
 "If you are that curious, I was just thinking about how sexy you look." I smiled embarrasedly. I felt so happy, so right to be here, standing next to the sexiest man on earth...Yet not so right.
 '...Am I that worth it? Me compared to him...He could find someone more...pretty...' I thought depressingly.
 "Are you sure your alright?" Lector inquired.
 "Yes, yes." I replied, shaking my head out of those thoughts.

...Jamie Wilkinson...
  So of course, as I had already assumed, scary things were about to happen... Aaaand they did... for a while. Yeaaaahhh...
 Kisses and all that romantic crap... I really don't want to go into detail.
 So anyhow, after much "scary stuff", we went to bed. For it was late. (ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ... and so on, and so forth, except there was no sleeping involved :P LOL)
~The next morning! Yayyyy...~
Well, it was early, and quite obviously, I was having trouble sleeping. So I got some clothes on (Pfft, lol). Then, since I was afraid to walk into Amy's room to see if she was awake (because maybe they hadn't made the same descision as me to put their clothes back on). So anyhoo, I sat down next to Edward's and I began to read his big chunky book with him... Well I wasn't really reading. Just kind of enjoying the moment. But it was reading enough.
 Anyhoo, eventually our door opened by Amy, because apparently she wasn't as cautious about opening certain doors as I was.
"Amyyyyyyyy!" I greeted.
"Jamiiiiiiieeeeee!" She mimicked.
 I laughed for no reason.
"Good morning Amy." said Edward, getting up abruptly, so I had to use my vamp-like reflexes so not to fall down.
"We're going to see the falls today right?" Amy enthused.
"Duh! Of course!" I too enthused.
 I grabbed my wallet and shoved it into my pocket, for souveneir reasons, and we waltzed (not really) out the door.
 Lector was in the hall waiting for us, and we um... grabbed a taxi. Yeah.
~After the taxi ride~
 He dropped us off just a few blocks aways from the falls, for traffic reasons. And we all hopped out of the car enthusiastically.
"Niagra falls..." I hummed lyrically. Wow, I really do have a good singing voice now that I'm a vampire.
"The falls!" I sang and pranced over to the lookout.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So the plane ride to Niagara Falls was a normal one...Well, normal for us! Edward had yet again, picked up a fight with Lector, who simply refused. Then Jamie nearly fell off the plane, when it was landing. The silly thing hadn't put on her seat belt, like she was told to, and half her body ended up out the window. It was too dangerous for the flight attendant to go get her, and too suspicous if Edward got up and saved her like that, so hoping to god she would hang on (which she did), and we finally were able to lift her up.
 "Jamie, Jamie, Jamie..." I said, shaking my head in disapointement.
 "Hehehe...What? You know it's in my nature to be rebelious!" Jamie exclaimed."...Well, kind of.." Which wasn't too true, there wasn't a single moment I've seen her do something as 'rebelious' as that![Lawl!]
 "Come on, babe." Edward said, picking her up bridal style. Jamie made some kind of fainting noise, and closed her eyes. Of course, everybody knew better then to think she actually 'fainted'.
 "Never let me go! Mkay, hunny?" Jamie whispered, just loud enough for only us to hear. We finally walked off the plane, and were in the aeroport.
 "Hmm, well why don't I drop you just right here?" Edward teased.
-"Noo-" But before she could say anymore, Edward dropped her on the ground. When she landed, there was a small 'Boosh' sound.
 'Damn it!! Why is everything happening to me?!' Jamie thought, furiously.
 "Because I made it so!" Edward joked. "Nahh, I just made that bump on your butt." I started to giggle at his comment.
So we rented a car and drove to a good near by hotel. Actually, it was almost exactly like the hotel we were in back in Italy. The only difference was that there was two rooms with double beds, not four rooms with a single bed. The bed sheets were black and a silvery blue, and we had a balcony, with the same silvery blue colored curtains. It was still really pretty! And right away, me and Jamie ran to one bed and started jumping up and down on it.
 "Wow! You guys should try this! It's so bouncy!...And fun!" Jamie said, sounding kinda drunk.
 "Jamie, did you have a bit o' oil?" I asked.
 "What are you talking about? We can only drink blood!" Jamie responded.
 "Well, there is such thing as blood-wine, you know." Edward infromed.
 "Oh...Why don't you people tell me these things?!" Jamie groaned. "I could've gotten drunk a long time ago!"
 "Well...We thought you already knew..." I insisted.
 "....Out!" Jamie exclaimed.
 "Wha-What?" I asked.
 "Out...What? I can't have some alone time with my boyfriend? GOD!" Jamie joked, and giggled. I just rolled my eyes and ran into Lectors arms. He picked me up bridal style and threw me on the bed, trapping me with his hands and legs. Ok, you know what happens...Leave us some privacy, Gawd!!!

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Yes, so, as I was saying, Selena was darling! And eventually Amy put her to sleep.
 We then all went to sit in the 'sitting room' (I'm making up a room okay?) and well... we sat. Actually, it was only Amy, Lector, Edward and I who were in the sitting room, the others went off to do their own thing.
 So we were disgussing the topic of our trip.
"So, about Selena, are we going to bring her with us?" I asked.
"Of course not, she's just been born. I think we'll let Alice look after her." Amy declared.
"That'll deffinatly make her day." Edward added.
"And when will we be going?" Lector inquired.
"Sometime in the next few days I hope." Amy pondered.
"We better start packing now then, right?" I questioned.
"Sure.. if you want." Amy replied. I could tell she was anxious about leaving Selena so soon after her birth.
"You know, if you're really not comfotable with this we could always hold it off for a little longer." Lector announced.
"No, no. We'll have fun! I don't want to hold it off, well... any more than it's already been held off." Amy smiled.
 I laughed.. I didn't really know why.. "I'm going to go get packing then."
 I sat up, and so did everyone else. Because apparently they thought my idea to go get packing was geneous, and they were going to go pack too.
~After the packing... the next day...~
 I was out of bed and jamming the last few articles of clothing into my suitcase... being a heavy packer and all... and then zipped it up with much difficulty.
"Ah, a job well done." I said to myself, "Are you ready too Edward?"
"Of course... I've been ready since yesterday..." he replied.
"RightO then. Let's go see if the others are ready to leave too." I danced out of the room.
"Yoo hoo?" I called to Amy and Lector's door, "Anybody home?" I gave a short knock.
 Lector opened the door, "Yes?"
"Are you two ready to leave?" I asked.
"Um... let me make sure... Amy!?" he called.
"Yes!?" she called back.
"Are we ready to leave?!" he called.
"Yes!" she called back.
"Yes, we're ready to leave." Lector confirmed.
"I can see that." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. You know, teenage-sass and all.
 Amy came prancing out of the room. Lector  was right behind her. Selena was with, Alice (god help us all, lol).
"Plane tickets?" I said.
 Edward pulled them out of his pocket triumphantly.
"Then we're ready!" I declared.
~After the car ride and the plane ride and all of it~
BING "We will be arriving in Niagra Falls shortly, please keep you seat belts fastened at all times during landing..." BING. *Seat belt sign lights up*.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
At Carlisle's word, everyone came stampeding in.
 "Aw! She's darling!" I could hear Jamie say. She really was. Since me and Lector were so alike, Selena had the mix of both of us. Saphire-grey eyes, full pouty pink lips, black curly hair and her fathers ivory pale skin. I could also tell she was going to get the shape of her fathers face. I started to play with her, kissing her nose, and in return she grabbed my finger and started to suck it. Oh, and did i mention she had big eyes? Which made her even more adorable doing that. With that I started to tickle her on her tummy, and the room was filled with Selena's shriecking laughter, and murmuring. Edward bent down and picked Selena up, and held her so he could hush her to sleep.
 "Nightie-night, baby Selena..." Edward whispered to her, as she slowly closed her eyes. They looked so adorable!
 "Oh, oh! Can I hold her? Can I, can I, can I?" Alice asked, jumping up and down. That was what woke Selena up, and she burst out crying. Edward immediately handed her over to me, where she stopped and looked up at me.
 "What's wrong, hunny?" I cooed her."You wanna play? What do you wanna play?"
And as if she knew what I was saying, Selena started pointing at a stuffie that was on the shelf.
 "You want the baby piggy, do you?" I asked. Rosalie went over and got it for Selena. I unconciously started playing with the baby's hair.
 "Why don't you go put her to bed?" Carlisle suggested. I looked down and noticed that she had fallen alseep again. I nodded, got up and walked to our room, where a crib was set up. I put Selena in, and couldn't help but kiss her forehead before leaving.
 "So when do you want to move out?" I asked Lector, coming back in the room.
 "Oh, well since most of the stuff is in the house, about a week minimum, three weeks max." Lector responded.
Okay, let's just say that in the past two months, me and Lector finally bought a nice little house. We got everything we could ever want, we just needed the baby born before actually moving in. Which we still had to move the baby's bed into the house as well, but it was going to be in the master bedroom with us at first. It would be painful to leave Selena in a different room. Probably the next year we would officially move her into her room...Okay, so I'm being over protective...Half a year.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Of course I waited patiently in the waiting room with Edward and the rest.
 I tapped my foot impatiently, "... ..." *Taps* "... ..." *Keeps on tapping* "This is taking way too long..."
"Be patient." Alice told me.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked her.
"Girl. Selena. She's beautiful." Alice smiled.
 I continued tapping my foot.
 Edward was reading his big chunky book, but I could tell he didn't really have his full attention on it.
 The door to the delivery room opened and Carlisle said, "Yes you can come in now."
 Everyone rushed in and crowded around Amy's bed-side, so I couldn't really see anything. Ugh.
 Of course Edward and Lector were at the front of this 'Mosh-pit' and all I wanted to do was see the baby. Though I was stuck behind Esme and Emmett.
"Pardon me." I pushed trough impatiently. And quite rudely as well.
"Aw! She's so darling!"

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So we all crashed on the two couches, trying to see where exactly we would go for the trip.
 "Well, definitely not Italy again.." Edward commented. "I mean, that's where we know for sure cannibals are going to be!"
 "Hey! Why are you so mean to him, Ed?" I asked, out of plain annoyance.
 "Well, let's see. He slept with my sister, got her pregnant, eats humans, could get eaten himself..." Edward listed.
 "Alright, alright! I get the point! Your pissed because you only got the job as the brother, and not my lover, right?" I inquired. If he had been drinking something, he would have spat it all out on Jamie.
 "What?!?!? What the f**k are you going on about?!" Edward raged.
 "Well, I mean it's so obvious your jealous! I was always wondering how you could be jealous when it hit me! The only reason you didn't take advantage was because I had already became to attached to you as a brother." I said, calmly.
He was glaring at me, and in the corner of my eye I saw Jamie, looking as if she was getting rather upset.
 "I do not! And I'm not jealous!" Edward argued.
 "Oh, sure! Then why did you never let me have a boyfriend before? Why is it only him you hate?!" I motioned to Lector.
 "Look, okay, can't I not be an overprotective brother?" Edward asked angrily.
 "And you do realise that you were the one who started this argument, right?" I asked back.
 "Yes, all I asked was why your so mean to him! Then you start insulting him, my fiance, so out of my love for him I defended him!"
 "Why don't you two just shut up!" Jamie and Lector breezed. "And I have an idea of where we could go!" Jamie confirmed.
 "Where, then?" Edward asked out of exasperation.
 "Niagara Falls!" Jamie squealed in delight. Lector gave me a handsome smile, giving me the idea of what he wanted to do there...
 "When did you want to go?" I asked.
 "Well...It would be safer if Amy had the baby before we went..." Lector explained. So that's why he kept looking at me like that...Such a naughty boy! And you know what else?!? It'll be too f*****g long for the day to actually come, so i'm going straight to it!
~2 Months Later~
So now I was in a hospital bed Carlisle had broughten home from work, since it would look suspitious at the hospital. I had started getting contractions the night before, and boy did it hurt!
 "Oooooohhhhh!" I moaned, as yet another contraction came.
 "Well, by the sounds of it, it's worse then human births!" Lector claimed in surprise.
 "What did you expect?!" I shriecked in his ear. I didn't mean to, but I was in pain! What did he excpect, anyways?
 "I was kind of expecting you to explode like that!" Lector chuckled.
 "Lector, i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to leave." Carlisle said in his doctor voice.
 "A-alright..." He kissed my head tenderly."I'll be there the second it comes out, I swear."
~An Hour Later~
Well, the baby was FINALLY out! And i laid exausted on the bed, panting. As Carlisle went to wash off the baby, Lector slipped in and cuddled with me.
 "So...Is it a boy?????" Lector asked eagerly. What is it with men always wanting boys?
 "To your dismay...No." I laughed weakly. He realised how tired I was, so just let me rest in his arms. I could hear Carlisle walking back in the room, well also because I heard the baby crying.
 "What do you want to name her?" Lector asked, as she was handed to me. She calmed down imidiately, looking up at us in awe.
 "Hmmm....Selena(srry, I have a weird obsession with that name, as well as Selene :P). Selena Christina Lector...." I confirmed, looking lovely up at him...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Edward was still very quiet and sensitive about the whole situation, I had never seen him so emotional before, it almost scared me. He was really sure that Amy was going to die. For me, on the other hand, it was harder to believe. I didn't know why, but I really couldn't bring myself to believe that this was happening. Of course we could always ask Alice, but she was... Ahem, with Jasper in her room doing... unspeakable thigs.
 I lied there in bed, my pijamas now back on. Edward sat in an armchair at the other side of the room reading a large book that I didn't recognize. He was begining to make me worried.
 Of course there was no way I'd ever fall asleep. So all I could do was lie there and wonder about Amy and if she was okay or not.
"Edward?" I called softly.
 Edward lifted his head in acknowledgement.
"Amy's going to be okay." I stated.
"You'd think so wouldn't you?" Edward sighed.
"Carlisle still hasn't even confirmed what's wrong." I announced.
 Edward looked back to his book.
 I turned onto my back again. God, I wish I could still sleep. I wouldn't be so anxious.
"Regretting anything?" Edward grinned.
"No." I affirmed, "Why would I?"
"Because you obviously miss being human."
"I don't. I don't at all, being a vampire is wonderful." I declared.
"Hmm..." Edward looked back down.
 Then I herd the door open. My new-born senses, being extremely acute.
"They're here."
 I hopped out of bed and dashed to the door, but Edward beat me there.
 The two of us raced down the stairs and I almost toppled over but caught my balance. : P
"SEE!? SEE  EDWARD I, I told you! She's fine!" I laughed manicly. Wow I really needed to get that out, it was way too quiet in Edward's room.
"All she needed was a bit of blood in her system. There wasn't enough oxygen getting to her brain." Carlisle chuckled.
"I... told you..." I gasped while laughing.
"Yeah I'm going to be fine." Amy smiled.
 Edward seemed shocked. He had completely convinced himself Amy was going to die.
 Amy gave Edward a hug, "I'm fine silly! F. I. N. E!" she shook him.
 Edward smiled slightly, "Fine." he repeated.
 Well, at least Edward had finally lightened up a little, and Lector seemed quite pleased about the whole turn out of things.
"We think the baby's going to be fine too." Amy beamed.
"That's great." Edward stated.
"This calls for a celebration right?" I enthused.
"I guess it does." Lector laughed.
 I grinned "So what are we going to do? Coffee? Movie? Club?"
"Let's go on a trip." Edward said.
"A trip?" Amy sarcastisized.
"Yes, just the four of us. Like in Italy, but better."

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 I was really getting worried. I kept getting sleepier, sleepier and sleepier. I really didn't want to disturb them in the middle of...Ahem, stuff. But I really was getting tired! So then somehow I got myself to my feet, and dragged myself to his room. I hesitated before nocking.
  "What do you want? Can't you tell I'm-" But what Carlisle was going to say was lost when he took a good look at me. His eyes widened. "Oh, dear child. Come, we should go downstairs." He went to get a robe on before taking me from under the arm and helping me down the stairs.
  "Do you know what's wrong with her?" Lector asked, helping Carlisle lay me down on the couch.
  "No, not really. I have to call some vampire friends from up north. Maybe they might be able to help..." Carlisle replied, looking thoughtful and hoping. I was starting to become rather slow from the drowsiness. I could hear someone walking out of the room.
  "What's happening?" I asked weakly.
  "Carlisle just went to go call someone. Don't worry, your going to be just fine." Lector reasured.
  "Ok.." I just bearly whispered. I could hear rapid footsteps coming back to the room again.
  "Alright..Everything should, and will be alright!" Carlisle exclaimed, happily.
  "What's wrong with her?" Lector asked, as Carlisle picked me up bridal style, out the front door.
  "Well, since she's pregnant, she needs to feed for two. So now she needs to be fed twice as much or the child might bite and drink her blood out of instinct." Carlisle explained, matter-of-factly.
  "S-so she's going to be alright." Lector confirmed himself.
~An Hour Later~ 
They walked a good hour, since Lector was still human and couldn't go as fast. The walk was of complete silence, the both just hoping she would make it 'til the top. That seemed to be the only worry...
 "All we need is to get to the top, and we can find you a nice horse. How does that sound?" Carlisle whispered just loudly enough for me and Lector to hear. That brought back a memory from back in Italy...How I had said that I liked horse blood, but would rarely drink it.
 "Hmmmmm....That sounds nice..." I replied with a weak smile. I tried to laugh a bit, but was too tired to.
 "You haven't explained why she gets tired, you know.." Lector stated.
 "Hm, well she's tired 'cause that's how you get when you don't get the blood you need. It always depends on the vampire, stronger vampires just go out of control, insane. The only reason for them; They rely on blood to strengthen themselves. The weeker ones are just smarter." He chuckled, giving me a soft smile.
 "D-does it hurt her?" Lector asked, a bit nervous.
 "No, it doesn't. She's just very tired." Carlisle responded.
~Ten Minutes Later~
 "We made it!" Carlisle said, happy I was still alive. "Now to catch some prey!"
 "Let me guess, I'm lucky enough to watch a hunting?" Lector joked.
 "Only if you want to be the hunted." Carlisle grinned almost a bit viciously. Within a second he was gone. Lector started to stroke my hair, which seemed to be dying with me.
 "Everythings going to be alright, baby...Everythings gunna be alright.." He whispered, noticing a tear rolling down his cheeck, as he leaned down to kiss my head.
Another minute passed, and Carlisle was finally back, with a whole, live horse in his arms.
 " 'Bout time..." I choked out. Carlisle laid the horse on it's side, his neck near my mouth. I didn't even hesitate; I just dove in for the blood. I just wish Lector hadn't been there to see when I feed....No, not like this...But it was my life at hand here...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I patiently awaited Edward's return. Lying there I wondered what could possibly have happened for him to have left me in the middle of this. I tried hard to listen to the conversation going on downstairs, but this house has thick walls you know, which was probably a good thing for privacy matters, especially when you live in a house full of vampires. It may or may not have been one of the reasons that they bought this house. Hmm... I wonder when they first moved here. How long have they been here for? When did they start attending Forks High School? How many years have they lived here without attending Forks High School? Is that how they met Amy? Did Amy go to Forks High School or did they meet her some place else? I'll have to ask her about that... ...
 I let my mind wander, and as I waited I managed to make up a few stories about how Amy met the Cullens, and how she became a vampire.
 Suddenly I herd Edward striding down the hall so I opened the door with my 'powers' (LOL).
 Edward opened it, then shut the door and leaned against it warily.
"W-what's wrong Edward?" I asked, the lights were still off, but the vampire-night-vision was enough.
"It's Amy... there's something wrong.. I told her to go see Carlisle... b-but..." Edward bit his lip, he was obviously holding back tears, which I had never seen him do before.
 I decided not to say anything... I really didn't want to be there when Edward started to cry, I couldn't even begin to imagine how dreadfully awkward it would be.
"I-is it serious?" I dared ask.
"P-probably... I've herd of this kind of thing before... i-it could be f-fatal." Edward stammared. I was surprised that he didn't cry right then and there, he was devestated.
"Does Amy know this?" I whispered.
"N-no..." Edward slid to the ground and burried his face in his arms.
 I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart, to see Edward like that.
 I got up out of bed and wrapped myself in a bath-robe that was hanging on the wall, and then sat myself down next to Edward who was still sitting by the door.
 He was breathing deeply, but wasn't crying which was good.
"Edward..." I didn't really know what to say so I wrapped my arms around him and tried to concentrate on all the happy things I could muster. I tried to make it radiate from me and into Edward. I held myself tightly to him making sure that the only thoughts he could hear were mine and that he couldn't ignore them.
"Amy loves you Edward, she wouldn't want you like this..." I said, still sending out my warm thoughts, "And I don't want you to be this way either." I kissed his head.
"Edward, look at me." I lifted his head, "Everything's going to be fine. Let's wait to hear what Carlisle has to say okay? For now, everything's fine."
 Edward didn't seem to have calmed down much, "Jamie it's not fine. Amy's going to die."

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
Well, of course when I got back Jamie and Edward ditched us for their room, doing 'things'. All there was, was a puddle I got left to clean up. Meanies...
 "So, I'm guessing they had to leave us to a sexless night, didn't they?" Lector said, seeing that they were very much alone as he walked in.
 "Yes, they really did." I replied, eyeing the roof where you could very much hear everybodies bed but ours, shaking and jumping.
 "UGH, do they have to be so frickin' loud?!?" I added in. "Are they trying to make us envious and jealous?"
 "Sounds like it...But why don't we just have a nice relaxing evening in here, by the fire?" Lector suggested, obviously trying to stop me from glaring at the roof as if it was the one who got us in this situation.
 "I guess....Oh, um, would you like to order something? I don't think you've eatened since yesterday." I inquired.
 "Yes, that would be nice, even if it isn't human flesh or blood." Lector replied with a growl of his stomach, and a sly smile.
 "What would you want? Pizza?, Chinese?, Italian?, Lebanese?" I asked.
 "Why not some Indian food? Amir's is very good, last I heard." He replied.
 "Alright, I'll find a flyer, then you can choose what you want to eat." I went to fetch the flyers, which took barely 30 seconds with my vampire speed. Another good 10 minutes passed of Lector trying to decide what to order, him being a cannible and all. Then he finally decided, and ordered the food. Well, hey, for a pregnant vampire I get pretty impatient.
 "So, what do you want to do until the food get's here?" Lector asked, amused at my impatience.
 "Hmm, oh I don't know! I wouldn't mind some crapy sex, but I can't have that because I'm pregnant!" I answered, a bit out of anger, and a bit out of sarcasm.
 "With all that pressure and anxiety your going through, I'm surprised that the baby's even still alive!" Lector joked, chuckling.
 "Yeah, well I'm a very careful and lucky person." I enthused, matter of factly. I leaned on his chest, while we were both sitting in front of the fire.
 "Doesn't this feel so right?" Lector grinned.
 "Yeah, it really does." I agreed. I was starting to feel rather...drowsy? Wait, that's impossible!How...? I guess Lector could tell so he laid down, bringing me down with him. He was fumbling with something, when I realised he was making himself a pillow, since I was using his chest for one.
 "D-don't you think this is weird?" I demanded.
 "Do I think what's weird?" Lector pardoned.
 "Lector, I'm actually TIRED. Vampires aren't even supposed to sleep!" I panicked. 'What if I'm sick or something? Is it just because I'm pregnant? EDWARD!!!!!!!!!'
All of a sudden one of the beds stopped jumping up and down at once, and bearly a minute later, Edward was there by my side.
 "What?!?!?" Edward demanded. I mean, I would kind of be pissed too, if I was being called out in the middle of sex and had to run down stairs to make sure you die....
 "Question: Is it normal to be sleepy when your a pregnant vampire?" I inquired.
 "....I don't know..." Edward pondered.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I opened my mouth ready to say "Yes! Of course! This is a dream come true!" When I asked myself, "What if I regret this? Am I too young for marriage? Would my parents approve? Maybe I should wait..." and then shut my mouth once again.
Edward cocked his head slightly, trying to decipher my thoughts, trying to balance out the good and bad on an imaginary scale.
"I-I'm not su-" I began, but was interupted by a quick,
"I just need a yes or no answer, you don't have to do something that you're not comfortable with." Edward said, trying to be non-chalant, but his eyes were pleading.
 I began thinking again, this time faster then before, making it harder for Edward to sort out all of my thoughts, which was actually what I wanted.
"You know you can always change your mind later if you decide this isn't what you want... I won’t force anything." Edward assured.
 I gave Edward a long hard look. He looked torn, in a sense, his eyes like liquid topaz, or honey.
"Oh Edward, you worry too much." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, "I will. And I promise I won’t change my mind." I decided.
 Edward gave me a quick squeeze "You won’t regret it."
 He pushed me off him gentely and pulled a little velvet box out of his pocket, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring. It was made out of white gold and had tiny diamonds that were spaced out evenly around the ring. It was positively gorgeous.
"Edward I... i-it's beautiful..." I couldn't help but wonder about the cost, but I worried that asking would be an insult.
 Edward grinned, "It was alot... but you shouldn't worry about it, I have the money."
 We both sat there by the fire, and Edward slowly slid the ring onto my, well, ring finger.
 I held out my hand and examined it, "It's lovely." I smiled warmly at Edward.
 Edward took my hand and kissed it, "So are you. Mrs. Wilkinson Hale Cullen." Edward announced.
"Oh great, now I'm Jamie Florence Laurette Wilkinson Hale Cullen... Mrs. Wilkinson Cullen.... Wilkinson Hale Cullen... Hale Wilkinson Cullen..." I rearrainged the names in my head, "Mrs. Edward Cullen, would be the traditional way of putting it..."
 I leaned into Edward, closed my eyes and sighed. Edward hooked his arm under my leg and lifted me off the ground... I couldn't help but smile a little.
 I put out the fire using my 'powers' and Edward carried me up the stairs and into his room... where, um... some things that I can not particularly mention in an at least PG-13 rated story went on.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So we were all prouncing around like idiots in the pouring rain. Then, for some reason, Esme and Carlisle came prancing out, too. It was like dancing at a very empty club, except no music...just a lot of water in your ears. At some point Emmett ran back in the house to go and try again to get Rosalie, coming back out carrying her, and throwing her in a large puddle. Since she was already soaked, she decided it wouldn't matter if she played in the rain with us. The sound of the thunder and the noise of the lightning brought a bit of adrenaline to the air. At one point, the lightning was to close, that Carlisle finally decided that it was time to go back inside.
 "Now, really! With Amy pregnant, we don't want another scare like before!" Carlisle commented, seeing Jasper and Edward running around, and wrestling with each other. Finally forcing them both apart, and dragging them by their collar through the door, everyone following.
 "Actually, I think I'll back out tonight to my room." Alice confirmed, looking that look at Jasper, who nodded. Everybody knew where this was leading to, so the two ran upstairs, still soaking wet.
 "Yeah, actually me too!" Rosalie pretty much copied Alice's look, and her and Emmett themselves ran to the room.
 "Well...Uh...-" And Carlisle and Esme ran to their room. By now you can hear the beds bouncing up and down in the distance.
 "So, I guess it's just...Us." Jamie said.
 "I'll go get us some towels, Esme might freak if we ruin her floors." I offered. Everyone nodded, so off I went, searching for the towels.
 "Yeah, I kind of got to go to the bathroom. Uh...Where is it?" Lector asked with all the polite-ness he could muster.
 "Just down the hall, to you left." Jamie answered, as to hoping that Edward and he wouldn't get into a fight. And so Edward and Jamie were all alone, yet again.
 "You know, I think putting on the fire would be nice." And Edward went ahead and put it on, giving a romantic/dim look in the room. He fell down into a sitting position, patting a spot for Jamie to sit down. Sitting down, Edward brought Jamie onto half his lap, his right hand caressing her cheek.
 'This is so romantic...' Jamie thought, feeling too lazy to open her mouth.
 "Is it? It is just a fire." Edward joked, chuckling a bit. Jamie hit him playfully.
 'Yes, I realise it's just a fire. But-Oh nevermind! Hmmm....I was just thinking...'
 "Jamie, your thinking right now." Edward chuckled again, this time Jamie ignoring it.
 'It's just...I'm just wondering about our relationship...' Jamie thought.
 "What, your not satisfied with me? I've never let down a heart yet!! Oh-oh God!!!!!" Edward said sarcastically.
 'Edward! I'm serious!' Jamie thought, annoyed.
 "Ok, ok! I just have one, important question for you...." Edward ended with a teaser, not answering at all.
 'Yes?!? Just spit it out all ready, Edward!' Jamie thought.
 "Would you ever consider marrying me?" Edward asked, slowly.
 "Of course!!" Jamie finally spoke.
 "Then...: W-would you marry me?" Edward asked, slowly and nervously.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Amy crossed her arms and tapped her foot, impatient for a response.
"Amy... I know what I said was wrong, and as soon as that child is born, I promise, I will love and cherish it just as much as anyone else. But you have to admit that maybe what I said might have had just a bit of truth to it." Edward reasoned, his tone had softened.
 Amy frowned "Okay, it was wrong for me to go and get pregant so early in a relationship." she sighed with a pout.
"I'm sorry." Edward smiled.
"Hmm... I'm sorry for kicking you out of your own car." Amy said, still frowning slightly.
 Edward took a step forward and gave Amy a hug. Amy still didn't seem too pleased, but a least she had forgiven Edward.
 I on the other hand was touched, "Aw, you guys!" I wiped aways a fake tear, "Y-you guys are just wonderful!"
 Amy laughed, "Shut up."
 Before leaving, we gave Amy a chance to hunt, during which Edward and I sat in the car and waited... Ho-hum... Yes, but she finally arrived back at the car 30 minutes later, apparently full...
 Soon after it began raining... hard.
 ~About an hour later~
 Once we had arrived back at the Cullen manor it was decided that I was to be a Hale. Since of course I couldn't be from the same family as Edward if we were, well... in love and all. (LOL) And plus, what with the blonde and all, I'd fit right in. XD
 Of course I would still be a Wilkinson, but once my family passed on I would officially become a Hale. I would always be a Hale to the Cullens though anyways... Ah.. A Hale. Such great vampires... well, not Rosalie she never actually did anything great, but Jasper was an amazing vampire.
 I'd, of course, much rather be a Cullen if I had the chance though...
So, anyhoo, we all got back to the Cullen manor and baptized me a Hale (LOL), if that's what you want to call it. I was thrilled to finally be part of the family, or at least one of them.
 We were all sitting in the living room chatting when the power went out.
"Hmm..." I smiled devilishly, "A power outage."
 We all looked out the window, it was pouring out.
"Let's go run around in the rain!" I declared enthusiastically.
 Edward raised an eyebrow.. "Why?"
 I shrugged then smiled "Because it'll be fun."
 Everyone stared at me, "Does nobody want to come?" I made a sad-clown-frown face.
"I'll come." Amy laughed, then poked at Lector, "You too."
 Lector smiled but didn't seem too please.
 Alice looked around, "I will." she laughed.
"I'll come too." Emmett announced.
"So will I." Jasper grinned.
 And eventually Edward agreed to come too... there was no hope for Rosalie. (LOL)
 I told them not to bother about putting a rain coat on, and ran outside like a quote:"Frickin'-Gazelle" and danced around inthe rain.
 Edward was not far behind me, and neither was Amy, and of course the rest followed...

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 The first thing I did walking into the house was go straight to Lector, who was having a happy chat with Jasper. Nice to know that at least someone is getting along with him! Jeez!
 "Oh, hey baby! What's wrong?" Lector asked at the look on my face.
 "Edward!" I hissed, and walked off to the bedroom with Lector following close behind.
 "What did Edward do this time?" Lector asked, closing the door behind him.
 "Well, at first he and Jamie were fighting over who gets to drive the car, so I decided to make things better, I'd drive. In the middle of driving I see Edward glaring at me and I asked him what his problem was, and he went on about how it was his special car! I swear, I told him he had problems and makes a big deal out of it!" I explained on the brink of tears." And worst, he had to mention that i was pregnant, and none the less with a cannible, something he obviously isn't fond of!" I couldn't hold it in, and just cried it all out, Lector catching me in my fall, and putting me in the bed. Since, of course, I don't sleep, Lector just slipped in bed, kissed my forehead and went to bed, hugging me comfortably in his arms.
~The Next Morning~
 Since of course I never sleep, I was first to get out of bed, feeling restless. I went for a walk around the area, being so familiar with it I knew I wouldn't get lost. I decided going to the hills would be fine, walking there I was still thinking about the situation. I realised there wasn't going to be much of it, so changed the subject(in my head) to Jamie being a vampire now.
 'I wonder how she did on her first night of feeding? Edward must have-' But then I realised no matter what, everything would lead back to the main subject at hand. I thought I was going to go insane! I had to talk to someone-
 "What are you doing up here?" Came the oh so familiar voice of....Edward. Why, oh why?!?
 "What does it look like this b***h whose pregnant with a cannibles child's doing?" I asked impatiently, 'cause I had no patients for him.
 "Hmmm, look. I don't want to say that I'm wrong, because I'm not. But, i guess...I am sorry." Edward said.
 "Oh, it's going to take more then a sorry from you, buddy! Your my brother for Christ's sake! Your supposed to be supporting me, not hating the father of my child, who I love so much!" I replied. "I know it's not the best thing in the world, but he or she is going to be your nephew or neice! And it would be nice to see you be there for them."
He looked like he was really thinking about what I said.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I opened all the doors of the car at once and everyone hopped out of the car.
 Amy rushed into the house without saying a word to Edward and the rest walked in after her trying to avoid looking at Edward also.
 I on the other hand stayed behind. I just hoped that as a vampire I might be a little more convincing.
 I sat down next to him and it was silent.
"Edward, will you please go and apologize to Amy?" I pleaded.
"Listen, I know that I said the wrong thing, but it doesn't mean that it wasn't true." Edward argued.
 I sighed, "Edward please? Can you please just admit that you were wrong? Amy's really upset and... You’re her brother."
 Edward didn't reply, and he turned away, "I know." he mumbled, "Just not right now..."
"You have to apologize some time." I stated.
"I will... just... let's go somewhere first." he smiled.
 Ah, my one weakness.
"Where?" I inquired.
"I thought we'd go hunting. You eyes, they're jet-black." Edward grinned.
"That sounds lovely... I'm parched." I laughed.
"Okay then, let's go." Edward seemed relieved, but of course I wouldn't let him make it trough the night if he forgot to apologize by the time the day was over.
 We hopped into his Volvo and embarked on our long journey to the mountians... which actually wasn't very long, since Edward has a need for speed. (LOL)
 I rested my head on his shoulder as we drove and my mind was once again buzzing with thoughts, which must have kept Edward preoccupied on the way there.
"We're here. Edward announced gleefully. He was probably eager to hunt too.
"Hooray!" I exclaimed, and opened the door with my mind and jumped out, breathing in the fresh air, and the sent of animal blood was there too. It didn't smell as good as human blood... but it was satisfying enough.
"Okay let's get going!" I enthused and ran into the forest at extreme vampire speed.
 Edward was always right next to me as we ran though and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't out-run him. *sigh*
"Wait!" Edward grabbed me and I fell over... apparently my clumsyness hadn't left me, even as a vampire.
"There's one..." he whispered with a sadistic grin I had never seen him wear before.
"What is it?" I asked excitedly.
"It's a mountian lion." Edward snickered.
 Oh... a mountian lion. I could just imagine what kind of joy Edward could be experiencing right now.
 Edward licked his lips.
"So... what do I do?" I inquired, clueless.
"Oh don't worry; it will come to you naturally. It's in your nature you know." Edward assured.
 I somehow wasn't so sure of that.
 Edward suddenly pounced out of the bushes, from which we were hiding in and began to chase after the mountian lion.
 He looked very pleased, and I was never too far behind.
 He caught it with ease, and of course, being the gentleman that he is offered me the first drink... and god was it good. It was delicious.
"Would you like some Edward?" I asked, my eyes already a honey color, Edward's still black.
"Of course not," wow he really could restrain himself couldn't he, "I can always just catch my own." he boasted.
 We had a jolly good time anyhow, and by 6 o'clock PM we were both full, or as full as a vampire can get.
 I was overjoyed, "Thank you so much for bringing me here Edward!"
"Oh it was nothing, you were hungry, and I was willing to come." he smiled.
 I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss, "I'm still not letting you get away without apologizing to Amy." I whispered into his ear.
 Edward frowned.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
And I couldn't believe it! Maybe I did overreact back there with Alice. She was probably even cooler. After finding out her new gift, she almost went crazy, despite her promise to Edward. Of course it was Carlisle who drove back alone, Alice and Rosalie in their car, and me, Jamie and Edward in his. Getting into the car Jamie closed the door with her mind power, making her giggle insanely. It was funny, 'cause Jamie closed the door on Edward and jumped into the front seat.
 "Hell no, you ain't driving!" Edward hissed. "Not in my god damn car!"
 "Edward! Language and Grammar!" And she went into a laughing semenar. Well, we were going to be very late!
~1 Hour & A Half Later~
It had been about a good hour and a half later for them to argue each other to sleep (I'm being random). Well not really, they just gave up on who was going to drive, so let me drive. And now we were really late! I'm pretty sure Alice had predicted that we were going to take a while, Rosalie or Carlisle would have called us by now. Thank god for visions! So it took me 5 minutes to get there, Edward glaring at me.
 "What the hell is your problem?" I asked,
 "Well, you are driving my special car..."He replied, avoiding my eyes.
 "Wow...You have problems!" I claimed.
 "What?!? I have problems?!? Who's the one who-who....Who got pregnant with a cannibal’s child?!" Edward hollered. Both me and Jamie knew he said the wrong thing. I slammed my foot on the brakes.
 "Get.Out." I said through gridded teeth.
 "Excuse me? This is my car!" Edward argued.
 "GET OUT!!!" I screamed. I guess he didn't want to argue after the fight with Jamie, so jumped out of the car and Jamie closed the door behind him. Yay, she was on my side, despite her love for Edward! Though we drove home in silence. She broke it though.
 "I don't agree with what he said as much as you okay. But I still love him..." Jamie reasured.
 "No, I understand. But he's taking in Lector the wrong way! I swear, it's as if he's the one pregnant, not me!" I said.
 "He better say sorry, or I'll give him the slap of his life!" Jamie joked, yet not really. But she did force a chuckle. By the time we got there, Edward was already there, sitting on the front proch.....

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  It was an amazing feeling, the awakining. All my senses were completely in tune. I could hear people talking rooms and rooms away, I could see everything so clearly, and most of all, I could smell. I could smell the blood of patients getting transfusions, the blood of patients getting operated on, the blood of patiens that had been injured, it was amazing. And it wasn't just that, they were all unique smells too, and I could feel the painful burning sensation at the back of my throat craving it all. But I decided to forget about it for now, or at least to try to.
 I looked aroud at the smiling faces of all my friends, they were all so happy for me!
"So do you feel anything extra? You know anything special?" Amy inquired.
"What do you mean?" my voice sounded different, more appealing, I sounded like someone that you'd want to talk to just because of the sound of their voice.
"Like an extra power? We all have them, and we're positively dying to know what yours is." Alice chirped.
"Um... I don't know, I don't feel anything extra... not yet." I replied.
 I got up out of bed, "I better go change, I'm eager to get out of here and try out my vampire skills." I smiled then picked up my clothes and headed into the bathroom.
 As soon as I had gotten in there and closed the door, I saw myself in the mirror.
"That can't be me... that's impossible." I thought.
 There was no doubt that the person, or rather, vampire, in the mirror was me, but it was just so beautiful. Every part of me had been improved, my hair was long and soft and positively flawless. My skin was like porcelin, and my entire body was perfect. And for the first time in my life I had brown eyes. Well, there were more of a dark gold at the moment.
 I slipped into my skinny jeans and T-shirt with extreme speed and hopped back out of the bath-room.
"You look gorgeous." Edward announced.
 I was flattered, but of course I already knew this, "Thank you."
"Are we ready to leave?" Rosalie asked.
"Yes I think so." now I was anxious.
 Edward and I hooked arms and we all walked out of the room.
 And as soon as we did the smell of blood became stronger, and of course the burning sensation increased dramatically. I bit my lip, "Okay... I can do this.. j-just... I just have to get out of the hospital, think of other things..." but it was impossible, the burning sensation spread to my chest and worsened by the minute.
 Edward looked worried, and his grip on me tightened. At least I knew that if I were to go crazy and murder everyone, I would have a group of vampires there to stop me.
 We were now going down the stairs, and I could just imagine the jet-blackness of my eyes. Then we were on the bottom floor, I felt like running, but of course I couldn't because I would be running like 60 miles per hour.
 I wasn't breathing now, trying not to breath in the sent but it was virtually impossible. I burried my face in Edward's shoulder as we walked.
 We were almost at the door! I was gonna make it!
 I ran for it and the doors practically flew open on their own.
 I breathed in the fresh air "Oh my god!" I panted.
"Did you see that?" Alice enthused.
"See what!? I nearly killed everyone!" I exclaimed, still panting.
"Your gift, silly!" Alice laughed, "You opened the door with you mind! Didn't you see that!?" Alice giggled.
"Did I do that?" I smiled.
"You did!" Amy encouraged.
"Wow." I was impressed with myself.
 Edward took my hand, "That was a close one in there, we better get you home."
"Oh common, not yet! I still haven't even tried out my vampire skills!" I exclaimed.
"We can do that when we get home." Edward grinned.
"Fine." I pouted.

  ...Amy's fantasy...
We waited eagerly for Jamie to come home. And as for Lector proposing, I said yes if you were wondering what I said. Once every day Carlisle would come by and tell us how she's doing.
 "She keeps moaning from pain in her sleep. Thank God she won't remember all of that once she wakes up." Carlisle informed the first time.
 "She's a real fighter, I was actually afraid the pain would be enough to wake her up! She's going along great, though." He informed the second day. I didn't want to be informed the third time, so I went up to my room and listened to some Seether (I actually am right now).
 "Amy? Don't you wanna be there to see Jamie wake up?" It was Alice. Of course I couldn't hear over the earphones, so all I can see is Alice making these really weird poses and hearing Fake It...Let's just say she looked like a retard.
 "Alice...What are you doing?" I asked, giggling, turning off my music and taking off my earphones.
 "Trying to get your attention...Do you want to come to Jamie's awakening?" Alice said.
 "I guess, though I don't feel too comfortable with her being a vampire now...It just wouldn't be the same! Now she could be my sister, but it feels like it wouldn't be her anymore..." I replied.
 "But she will be herself! She won't be alive, but she'll still be herself." Alice reasured.
 "All right, we better get going then." So we went down stairs to find only Rosalie was coming with us. Wow, the boys here really don't like new members of the family! We decided that Rosalie would drive; it took about a good 5 minutes with her driving.
~5 minutes Later~
By now we were all in the waiting room, waiting for Carlisle to say it was all right to see Jamie. Because of my ADD self, I was pratically shaking the chair. I was shaking it so badly you'd think I was having some type of seizure...Hehehe....
~Another 5 Minutes Later~
Carlisle finally decided to show up!
 "I think it's alright to go see her now, she's about to wake up..." So I pretty much ran to her room, after realising that I didn't even know which room she was in....XO....Thank god when Alice caught up she had it. So then we ran to Jamie's room.
 Edward was sitting in a chair; obviously he had been here the whole time of her turning. He was holding her hand rather tighter then nessecery (did I spell that right?), then again being a vampire now she probably wouldn't even feel it. We all sat around her, looking at Jamie to make the slightest motion to give us a sign she was going to wake up. Let's just say a whole half an hour later she did!
 "What the hell took you so long to wake up? Was the first question that popped out of my mouth.
 "Oh, well I wanted to test Edwards theory that I can't sleep....It didn't work." Jamie said in a powerful voice, i mean for one who’s been alseep for 3 days!
 "How do you feel?" Edward asked.
 "I feel absolutely...AWESOME!!"

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I couldn't really fall asleep right away, I was too excited, so I left a message at each of my parent's houses telling them about my trip to Europe and telling them I loved them and that I'd see them in a year or more. (LOL I'm such a dirty liar).
 But I just ended up taking some Benedryl so that I would be well rested for the turning, and of course I was wide awake at 6AM, too excited to fall back asleep.
 Edward was reading a book in the arm chair looking almost nervous.
"Edward?" I whispered.
"Yes?" he replied, knowing what was comming.
"I think I'm ready." I announced.
"Are you sure? Y-you don't want to go have some breakfast first? Maybe live for another 3 or 4 years?" Edward asked frantically.
"Edward I'm sure about this." I smiled.
"Okay then let's get moving." Edward said warily, and then helped me out of bed.
 I was so excited; I had even slept with my clothes on to speed things up. I rushed down the stairs and bid everyone fair-well, and told them that the next time they'd see me I'd in a sense be a Cullen too. And of course I reasured Amy that I would be awake again for the wedding and that I would be one of her bride's-maids.
 Edward didn't seem too pleased, but at least he was putting up with it.
 Carlisle was working that day so Edward would drive me to the hospital and be put into a medically induced coma, then in merely three days, I would be changed! Hoorah!
 For once in his life Edward was driving at a reasonable speed, probably just trying to waist time, and the drive there seemed to stretch on for days, but eventually, we got there.
 I hopped out of the car joyously and gave Edward a hug, "Edward thank you! This means the world to me, you do know that? And I know that this is hard for you, but you're really doing something important for me." I assured.
 "Yes I know, it's just that, are you willing to give up on your life just yet?" Edward asked.
 "Edward, it's not like I'm ceasing to exist, I'll still be alive... just not, alive alive." I laughed.
 Edward rolled his eyes with a sigh and guided me up to Carlisle's office.
~5 Minuted Later~
"Ah, hello Jamie. I've prepared a room for you. And if anyone asks, the story is that you've just undergone massive brain surgery" Carlisle explained.
"Okay." I agreed, eager to get this over with.
 Carlisle led Edward and I into a room with one bed and no windows, and I went into the bathroom to slip into my hospital gown.
 When I was done I layed down on the bed and Carlisle gave me an IV chocked full of barbiturates.
 Edward rested a hand on my head "Sleep well sweet-heart, when you wake up you shall be one of us."  he smiled warmly, and the last thing I felt before I was completely knocked out was Edward's cold lips at the hollow of my throat.
~3 Days Later~

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
Great, just as we pulled up back into the garage, Edward and Jamie had spotted us. Just what I needed, them to find out that I almost lost the baby. But hey, if we hadn't, Carlisle might not have been able to save it! Yes, I was very close to loosing the baby I had wanted to keep so badly...I guess I have Rosalie to thank!
 "Where did you guys go? And where's Lector?" Jamie asked, her being the slow one (Jk, jk!!).
 "Oh...Uh, well Carlisle felt it safe to check up on the b-baby and see if it's doing well. We had a bit of a freak out, but everything's gunna be fine!" I replied, nervous as to what Edward would say, since he could read my mind.
 "Thank God it's all right!" Jamie said tiredly, if she wanted to get turned tomorrow she was going to have to rest up!
 "Yeah, maybe you should get to bed, baby." Edward suggested to Jamie, "You sound tired."
 "Hmm, I'll think I'll do that!" Jamie chirped, and skipped into the house.
 "...So you nearly lost it?" Edward broke the awkward silence.
 "But it's fine now!! I swear, I'm not going to do something like that again!" I enthused.(whatever the hell that means.)
 "You better make sure you don't! How would you feel if you really did lose the baby?!?" Edward raged. I guess he was just as loving of the unborn baby as I am.
 "I don't know what I would feel! I didn't lose it, and that's all that matters!" I said. I left to my room without another word from him. A little walk later, and I was in my room, Lector was pacing it, obviously worried as to where I could be at this time of night.
 "Where in the world have you been?!?" Lector raged. Great, first Edward, now my boyfriend!
 "Look, okay, I'm not going to lie. I went to the hospital with Carlisle to check on the baby..." I replied.
 "...Is the baby okay?"
-"Well, we had a bit of a freak incident where I thought I m-might lose the baby..."
-"You didn't lose it, did you?"
 "No, I didn't lose the baby, it's fine!"
 "Alright, but if something like that happen's again, would you mind telling me?" Lector said, picking me up bridal style and brought me to the bed. I really didn't understand why he did that but, oh well!
 "It's just...You see, with the baby coming, I-I was thinking maybe we can do something to make us a r-real family...." Lector pondered.
 "What do you mean?" I asked, not quite getting where he was going.
 "You see, I went out today to a jewelery shop....And I found this..." Lector pulled out a satin box, opened it to reveal a beautiful silver ring! Oh, my God!
 "L-Lector! Oh, that must have cost a fortune!"
 "No, I wanted to...I just have one question for you, though; W-will you marry me?"

...Jamie's Fantasy...
 Edward sat up abruptly "W-what are you talking about?"
 I was still shaking, "You know... um change me?" I didn't know how to explain it.
 Edward did not reply.
 "I-I mean, you don't have to, I'm j-just asking really..." I trembled.
 "Why does everyone I know for some strange reason want to become a vampire? All I want is for my friends to live a long life and die a natural death. I don't want to always have to be the one to, take so much away from them." Edward sighed.
 "But you wont be taking anything away from me Edward, if anything you'll be giving me more," I began to calm down, "So what, I might not see my parents for awhile, and eventually I'll have to tell them why I'm not getting any older b-but, they'll stand by my descision I'm sure of it." I explained.
 "Oh you'd think that wouldn't you." Edward mumbled.
 I didn't say anything, and I almost felt as if I was on the verge of tears, but as usual nothing came.
 "Are you really sure about this? Is this really what you want? Or is it just me you want?" Edward inquired.
 "I want both. I've even figured out a way that it won’t hurt for me, you see, Carlisle can just put me into a medically induced coma. And I can tell my parents that I'm going on a trip to Europe for a year. They wouldn't dare take that oppurtunity away from me." I beamed.
 "So you've already got this all planend out right?" Edward smiled.
 "I do." I confirmed.
 Edward's expression became torn, "Are you sure you want this?"
 "I'm positively, absoloutly 100% sure." I stated.
 Edward dropped back onto the ground and stared at the stars. He let out a long exasperated sigh.
 "I'm sorry Edward." I apologized.
 "Don't be. It's your descision, I'm just, not completely alright with It." he said, wrapping a long arm around me, "Don't be sorry."
 "Okay I wont be." but I couldn't help but feeling sorry.
 "So when is this going to take place?" I asked.
 "Tomorrow if you'd like." Edward replied.
 "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I questioned.
 "Oh my god! Sure!" I enthused, then embrased Edward in a tight hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
 "Yes, you're welcome." Edward smiled warmly.
 I was positively exstatic about everything that was going to happen.
 Edward seemed happy enough, everyone was happy! YAY!
That was when a car pulled up into the drive way. It was Carlise's.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
"So...What is it you wanted to talk about?" Carlisle broke the unbearable silence."...Is it something about th-the baby?"
"Y-yes. Yes, it is. Because your a vampire doctor, I thought it would be best if you... ch-checked to see if I still have my baby..." I had tears coming out of my eyes now.
 "You think you lost the baby?" Carlisle said, sounding nervous.
 "Can you check before it's an official yes or no...?"
 "Fine, I'll do it. But if you did lose the baby, do you know what you would say to Lector?" he asked.
 "Yes, and no. I agreed to have this baby with him, and he's so happy with the idea...It would be pretty hard to break it to him." I replied, with full honesty.
 "Okay, be ready for 7 o'clock." Carlisle confirmed. "We'll be taking my car to the hospital..."
And so it was setteled.
~2 hours later~
So, 2 hours later we were in Carlisle's car with Alice joining us. Carlisle had let it slip to Alice, and promised her she could come as long as she would tell no one. She kept trying to talk off of the subject, and talked about my stay in Italy.
 "So it was literally a pasta restaurant? But he's a frickin' cannibal! Do you think he was stalking you?" Alice pondered on about Lector and how he ended up in a pasta restaurant in Italy.
 "I dunno, maybe!" I said, giggling."I was just randomly trying to pretend to be human to not bring up suspition, since Edward pretty much never eats, I look around and he's staring right at me! At first it was pretty creepy, but then he started to smile and I just felt..."
 "You felt what?" Alice urged.
 "I don't know, it's hard to explain. Love...?" I guessed.
 "Love's a strong word... Are you sure about that?" Alice said.
 "..I'll think about it.." I finalized. We just arrived at the hospital anyways. I was already feeling slightly nervous. 'What if I did lose the baby? What would I tell Lector? What would Jamie and Edward?' Thoughts raced my head. Thank god Edward wasn't around; he would have gotten a big headache! A thought hit me though....
 'What's gunna happen when everyone realises me, Carlisle and Alice are gone?' I thought with the most nerves.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  So Edward and I decided to go out, maybe it wasn't fishing but it was a start god damn it!
And of course we took Edward's car... yet again.
 "So, where are we off to?" I inquired.
 "To dinner, then to a movie, then fishing." Edward smiled, "You planned it, I think you should know."
 "Oh, so we are going fishing?" I enthused.
 "Well, not necessairily. We could go for a walk by the lake?" Edward suggested reffering to the lakeish thing in his backyard.
 "Well, close enough. Are there even fish in that lake?" I questioned.
 "Sometimes. It depends on the season, the weather-" Edward began, but this conversation was way too long and way too complicated to even think of writing on this Fantasy, so I'll just skip to the dinner. . .
~7 long complicated minutes later~
 We finally arrived at ahem... "Chez Pierre" (LOLOLOL) 7 long and complicated minutes later...
 "So in conclusion, there might be some fish in the lake at this time of year, but it's very unlikely." Edward concluded.
 "Wow, that was intense." I replied, as we walked into "Chez Pierre".
And if you're wondering we were all dressed up for this occasion, for if we dressed normally they would have thought that we were a bunch of scummy-rubby-ho-bum-bos.
 We were then seated, then we ordered, then we ate, then we left for the cinema. Sorry, I really don't have much to say about the restaurant.
 "So, which movie are we going to see Jamie?" Edward interrogated.
 "Aha! I know just the movie for you Edward! 30 Days of Night!" I revelationed (Excuse my use of non-existant words).
 Edward suddenly remembered various scenes from the commercials and I could see it click together in his head.
 He burst out laughing, "It really couldn't hurt, I guess."
(Yes Amy I do believe that you've seen the commercials. If you haven't and you need future refference, just ask, because Amy... *puts hand on shoulder* I'm here for you in times of need. LOL Anyhow if you need refference, it's a vampire movie, but I think you already know this...)
 We walked into the cinima and Edward announced that junk-food was on him that night "Pop-corn and candy's on me tonight." Edward smiled.
 "Thanks, then I guess I'll have.. one small pop-corn and a bottle of water and... some skittles." my mouth watered at the thought.
 The cashier gave me my junk-food and we dashed off to the theater...
"OoO 30 days of Night. Can't wait!" I though.
 Edward smiled.
~5 Minutes later~
 Gosh, the previews finally started like 5 hours later, and then the movie came on.
 I smiled stupidly at my own excitement.
(Well I haven't actually seen the movie yet, so you need to excuse my lack of knowlege.)
Well, blame Edward for this but I was hardly paying attention to the movie at all, who can with a gorgeous, perfect vampire sitting next to you?
 Edward might have been watching the movie but I had a million things rushing through my mind which must have kept him concentrating on my thoughts, which must have ment that going to the movie was a waist of time and money... But it was kind of worth it too.
 Edward had his arm drapped over my shoulder and on his shoulder rested my head. It was marvelous. With my head nessled under his I felt at ease. Edward seemed somewhat relaxed too, just not as relaxed as me, I could only guess that he was still a little worked up about the whole Bella situation.
 I lifted my head and kissed his neck gently "Edward, is everything okay?" I whispered.
 "It's really nothing, I'm just still getting over Bella. It'll pass." he said a little too quickly for my liking.
 "I-if you're not comfortable with this, I-I understand." I stammared, moving away.
 "No it's okay," Edward said, pulling me closer, "I'll get over it, don't worry." he smiled.
 Now I was uneasy. Nice going Edward. Now I was nervous and anxious and excited and my mind was buzzing with dozens of thoughts.
"Shhh, calm down. It's okay." Edward laughed.
 Yeah well, despite Edward's supposedly reassuring words I was anxious during the whole rest of the movie which I wasn't really paying attention to in the first place.
 Once the movie was over we hopped back into the car and Edward began to drive us home.
 I was a wreck, my hands were trembling and my head was spinning. But I wasn't sure why, it was like I was nervous about nothing!
 "Are you okay?" Edward looked worried, "You don't look well."
 "I-I'm fine. I-I'm just fine." I stammared.
 By now we were home and we both got out of the car.
 "Are we still going to the lake?" Edward questioned.
 "Um...", suddenly Edward scooped me up into his arms.
 "I'll carry you there." he announced.
 I suddenly felt slightly better.
 Edward then carried me over to the lake, and yes, the fish were out (YAY), and we laid down under the stars.
 It was quiet for a long time untill I finally realized what was making me so anxious, it just, came to me.
"E-Edward?" I was shaking again.
"Yes?" Edward asked.
"I-I.. um I wanted to um k-know.. um.. W-would you be willing.. j-just maybe to... ch-change me?"

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
Ok, so I was still being sorrowful about the possibility of losing the baby. What do I say to Lector? WAIT! Maybe I should ask Carlisle if he could check. YES!! That's it! Just go to a doctor, God sometimes I can be so dumb! And maybe a bit snappy...maybe I shouldn't have snapped so much at Jamie...I kind of felt bad...
 "Carlisle! Could we talk?" I asked, as he just so happened to be coming out of his and Esme's bedroom.
 "Oh, sure! I was just finishing up on some paper work for back at the hospital, if that's what you're thinking..." He chuckled with a sly smile. Because that's probably what he thought I was thinking, with the mind I have (LOL). A little walk to the kitchen, sat down, and there was a silence for a while...And a while...Until Carlisle broke the silence..
 "So...What is it you wanted to talk about?"

...Jamie's Fantasy...
 Well, now that everyone was happy, we all know that something was bound to happen. Something... drastic. But not just yet... Hold your freakin' horses god damn it! It's comming to me!
 Amy came back into the house, soaked to the bone, looking grouchy as ever, I decided to go find out what was on her mind... I could've always asked Edward, but nah. A heart to heart talk would be better.
 "Amy! Amy!" I called after her.
 Amy stormed off, practically fuming.
 "God damn it Amy slow down!" I shouted.
 "What!?" Amy snapped.
 "Cripe Amy, what's wrong?" I inquired.
 "Well, first off, that friggin' b***h Bella starts mouthing off to me! Then guess what, I might have lost my baby! Jesus Christ!" Amy yelled.
 "Okay, okay, calm down and tell me what happened." I told her.
 "Bella was mouthing off to me.... then I probably lost my baby." Amy said a little more slowly and a little more sarcastically than the first time.
 I rolled my eyes, "Amy, even if you did loose your baby you could always just haver another one."
 Obviously I had gotten on her last nerve.
 "JUST HAVE ANOTHER ONE?! You don't have any idea of what it feels like to be a mother! YOU JUST DON'T KNOW!!!" she ran off sobbing.
 And she was right, I didn't know. But that was no reason to totally snap on me. I mean, if I don't know, then why blame me if I make a mistake? I sighed, now becoming slightly frustrated with myself and with Amy.
 Amy made sure to slam the door extra hard on her way into her room too, which made me even more frustrated with her.
 "Not a mother! You've never had a chance to speak to the child personally, you don't even know it! How can you care so much for it?" I thought, steam filling my head.
 Edward was sudenly walking by me, always at the same pace, "Jamie, a child is possibly the most importent thing to a woman..." he began.
 "Don't lecture me." I grinded my teeth, trying not to get mad at Edward for no good reason.
 "Well I'm just telling you, if you were ever to have a child, and got all of your hopes up, then lost it. You'd be devestated." he explained.
 "Oh so now your trying to make me sympathetic? First off, I don't plan on having a child anytime soon, and second off, I'm not at all emotional so I doubt that I would be devestated about it." this I wasn't certain of, but I was just trying to prove a point.
 "I think you should apologize." Edward was still completely calm.
 "I'm not the one who needs anger management..." I muttered. (LOL!)
 Edward made a face, “You're going to end up apologizing anyways so... what's the point?" he laughed.
 "You don't know that for sure, who knows? This fight could go on for ages! Forever even!" now I too was laughing.
 "I highly doubt that." Edward grinned.
 "Hmm.. want to go out?" I asked randomly.
 "Yes out. Like... I don't know, dinner? Movie? Fishing?" I laughed.
 "Yes, right-O old chap. Fishing, like with bait and fish. You know after dinner and the movie. Midnight fishing, ever herd of it?" I asked, managing to keep a straight face.
 "Oh yes, I invented it." Edward sarcastisized. (Mind my jiberish please.)
 "Then you know all about it... so I take it that we're going out?"
 "Absoloutly." Edward replied.
 "Bring the net. The fish will be biting tonight... I can sense it." I joked.
 Of course we weren't serious about the fishing... maybe I was... (LOL)
 So we headed out! Up, up and away!

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So Jamie walked off with Edward, the two obviously happy, but I was absolutely pissed! I wanted to go back and beat Bella more s**t-less! Thank god we had one of those gyms with a punching bag, let's just say it ended up swinging and breaking....No wonder people say I need anger management...
 "Your taking this pretty bad, aren't you?" Rosalie said, she was pratically pissing her pants laughing. I hadn't noticed she had come in...
 "I don't want to talk about it...And I'll fix that later..." I hissed, kicking the punch bag out of my way, out to the backyard. Still in my sports bra and leggings, I dove into the miniature lake and stayed under water for a good 15 minutes (since I can choose to breath or not). I came up, and Rosalie was again in my face, laughing her a*s off.
 "You know, you shouldn't be doing that since you are pregnant! Vampires concieve a lot more sooner then humans do!" Rosalie claimed, getting serious. "But you can lose the baby as easily as one. Be more careful."
 "You couldn't have told me that sooner? Then maybe I wouldn't have almost lost the baby over beating the crap out of Bella!" I exclaimed. First she gets me worked up that I might be pregnant (which ended up true), and now it's that I could have lost the baby! Great!
 "So, when would the baby be coming out?" I asked.
 "In about 4 to 5 months..."
-"That frickin' soon?!?"

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I was very quiet on the way home but inside I was overjoyed. "Bella and Edward, never again!" I hummed in my head. On other hand, Edward looked fairly upset, and I could understand why, but in other ways I couldn't. Amy and Lector seemed happy enough, because for one, Bella called Amy a s**t, which couldn't have made Lector too happy, and Amy just plain hates Bella.
 That was why the car ride home was so quiet... because everyone was either extremely happy, or extremely sad.
 Everyone got out of the car and either pranced or sulked into the house, you can guess who did what.
 Once everyone was in the house, Amy was the one to break the good/bad news.
"Everyone! Guess what?" Amy exclaimed.
"I know isn't it great?" Alice enthused. (Because apparently everyone hated Bella... secretly... Shhh LOL)
"You told them?" Amy asked.
"Yes, I've known as soon as you left for Port Angeles." Alice declared.
"Jesus Christ, someone could have told me." Amy laughed.
 I agreed, "Yeah I was bloody terrified." I laughed, "She just came at me... like... like some sort of robot!" I was histerical now, but Edward didn't seem too pleased about it so I abruptly stopped.
 "Sorry Edward.." I thought, but couldn't help smiling slightly.
 Then eveyone began to leave the living room and do their own thing, I of course, followed Edward into the Dining room, and sat at the table.
"Yeah... Sorry about Bella. I guess this is sort of my fault right?" I admitted.
"Not at all. If anything it's mine, for letting this happen." Edward sighed.
 I couldn't argue with that. "Let's just say we are both equally responsible for this." I concluded, offering a hand from him to shake. He did, and so that was what we concluded.
 I leaned forward and kissed his marble cheek, "At least you still have me." I laughed.
 Edward seemed to be somewhat satisfied with that answer.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
Just as Lector and I were coming into our favorite hang out (the bookshop), Bella came bustling out.
 "Oh! So you too?!? And whose this? Let me guess, picked him up at a bar?!? Or did you steal him from a friend?!?" Bella went on, obviously pissed.
 "What the hell is your problem?!? Got a stick up your a*s? Which, by the way, neither. I met him at a pasta restaurant! Besides, what kind of girl goes around telling everyone that you’re engaged to Edward, when everybody else knows your not?" I said. Well, hey! You just don't mess with a pregnant b***h!
 "Excuse me? I did no-"
-"Oh, don't start f*****g lying! All your friends were telling me and Jamie about how you were talking about you and Edward being engaged! I never f*****g liked you, your just so f*****g stuck up!" I argued.
 "Yeah, well guess what? I never liked you either!" exclaimed Bella.
 "Fine, b***h. Never said you couldn't!" I said.
 "What did you call me?!? You sluty w***e! You've probably slept with him haven't you?" She said, indicating Lector. "So what? You're pregnant? Bet you are!"
At that comment, I went nuts. I grabbed her hair and yanked at all I could, started punching and kicking her where ever I could. I started to slug her pretty hard, I thought I was going to break her nose!
 ...Good, then! She deserves every ounce of pain! I thought. I heard a crack, but I didn't care and i tossed Bella on her back and pretty much broke her arm.
 "Amy! Stop right now!" I could here both Edward and Lector screaming. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms pulling me off of Bella, who as I can tell from where I was, was unconcious. I automatically smelled Edwards scent as he pulled me bride styled in his arms and carried me to the car.
 There was a long silence in the car, as we drove home. Not even Lector or Jamie said a word. Not until we got to the house.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  "Splendid! You're going to be so happy Amy! And I'm going to be an aunt!" Rosalie squealed, Alice joined in.
 I couldn't help but smile a little too, "Ha ha, Edward's going to be an uncle! Can you imagin? Uncle Edward! Ha ha! And Carlisle and Esme? Grandparents!!!" I thought.
 Edward looked uneasy, but I guess maybe everyone was.
 Lector looked happy, happy enough. I wasn't quite sure if he was ready to be a father, but he did have 9 months to prepare himself. Must be nerve-racking.
 And me, I was just plain anxious. Anxious about the baby, and anxious about seeing Bella. I know Alice bought us some time, but how much? And what about school? Wont I eventually have to confront her at school? God damn.
"I call the baby-shower!" Alice exclaimed.
 Everyone laughed, except for the guys, who seemed somewhat appalled. (LOL)
I sat down on a couch with Edward and we basically just talked about the baby and our plans for it.
~A Few Hours Later~
 Well, by now it was lunch and Edward, Amy, Lector and I decided to go out for a sandwich or something down in Port Angeles. We of course we took Edward's car. Again... (LOL) and we drove down to a local cafe.
 And now we're all sitting here eating.
 I have a submarine, and Lector had a soup... and Amy and Edward.. they do not eat you see, for they are creatures of the night.
"Well, here we are, back in Port Angeles, completely different people." I laughed.
 Everybody else laughed but did not reply.
 And I thought and thought about this and our lives and everything else. Which probably made Edward dizzy. So many thoughts at one time.
 Then once we were done, we got up and went our separate ways, Edward and I to the book store, Amy and Lector to... I'm not sure.
 Edward and I walked in and began to stroll around.
"What are you looking for?" I inquired.
"Anything that looks interesting enough." Edward replied.
 I lifted myself up to Edward-Height and kissed his cheek, when...
"You!! You were supposed to be in Italy!" Bella's angry voice called to us from the second floor.
"And you? What do you think you're f*****g doing?!" Bella shouted.
"I-I... I um... I'm sorry?" I stammared in fear.
"Sorry!?" Bella exclaimed.
"Bella, i-it's.." Edward began.
"Not a word from you! How could you? I thought you loved me, and only me! I never want to see you again, you filthy liar!!!" Bella sreamed.
  And my face lit up.

...Amy's Fantasy...
Even everyone in the living room were looking at everybody else in confusion. Bella was only supposed to be here in about a week, and nobody of their knowledge would come out here to visit them... Finally, Alice decided it would be safe if she went to go see who it was.
-"Oh! Hey Bella, what are you doing here? I thought you'd only be back in about another week!"
 "Well, I got into a fight with my mom and decided to come back early. Are Edward and the others back yet?" spoke the voice that had to belong to Bella.
 "Hmm, n-no, they haven't! They called and said they would only be in next week, about the same time as you! We weren't expecting you back so soon, I didn't even see it coming. Literally." Alice responded.
 "Well, if they're not here...Well, see you at school tomorrow!" Bella said, sounding upset, and the door closed. Edward and Jamie heard everything, the same went with the rest in the living room.
 "I told you it wasn't a good idea to keep a cannible in the house, Amy!" said Emmett. I started in another breakdown as he said that.
 "Emmett! How could you be so f*****g uncaring?!?" yelled Rosalie. "Amy has every right to be happy! And if it means having the baby at this godly age, then so be it! I'll be there to make sure she stays happy."
 "Why should you? She's the one that made the god-damn mistake!" Emmett said.
 "Just shut up! Just shut the f**k up!!" Edward stromed into the living room, Jamie following behind a few paces behind, so she wouldn't get killed or something. It was all quiet, a painful silence. And it pretty much stayed like that for the rest of the day. Jamie decided to stay to help me feel better. I was in my room with Jamie, when Jasper came through the door.
 "Hey, you guys. Look, if it'll make you feel better, we're playing baseball tonight. Wanna come?" Jasper suggested.
 "Well, you know I would come!" replied Jamie, "But not without Amy..."
 "Hmmm, well I guess. It might be fun." I also replied, trying to give a smile. I love the rain, so it was almost a perfect night. I was still trying to overcome the shock, though.
Walking along, I was thinking deep. Really deep. I didn't know what I wanted to do. Trying to get the subject out of my mind, I watched the game in awe. You see, I never actually ever played with them. So a good 3 hours later, I was still on the pregnant subject in my head. But I was so deep in though that I hadn't noticed they stopped playing, not until Edward came and asked what I was going to do about everything. And for once, I had an answer.
 "Okay, I know what I wanna do. If it's alright with Lector, and he'll help me, I'm keeping the baby." I confirmed.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
 I woke up in Edward's embrase (LOL!!! Histerical today.. don't mind me), I was kind of cold, but, so what? It's worth it to be with a gorgeous perfect vampire.
"Good morning." he said, kissing my forehead.
I was still slightly tired so when I spoke it sounded groggy and awkward, "Good morning Edward." I yawned.
(And if you're wondering we did do what you think we did, so stop thinking about it because we don't want your mind to get any dirtier than it already is and then
you explode and your parents sue me and my Mom sends me to a therapist for thinking about these things at such a young age.)
 I got out of bed and.. well... got some clothes on. (LAWL!!!)
 When I turned back around Edward was already dressed with his extreme vampire speed.
"That was fast." I yawned once again.
"Let's go make you some breakfast." Edward replied.
 We snuck out of his room, without beeing seen, and headed down to the kitchen.
 Everyone was sitting at the table staring intently at Amy, who's eyes were obviously red from crying.
"What's going on?" I asked.
 They all glanced around the table at each other, and Edward's face suddenly looked shocked.
"A-Amy? Is this true?" Edward stammared.
 Amy nodded sadly.
"W-what is it?" I asked.
 Lector's face was devistaded, and Carlise's and Esme's worried, the rest looked shocked.
"I-I'm p-pregnant." Amy sobbed.
"You're what?" I felt strange being the last to know.
"Pregnant!" Amy sobbed once again, her head burried deep in her arms now.
 Edward and I stared wide eyed at each other.
I bit my lip... "So... what are we going to do about this?"
No one replied, because it was really Amy's descision about wether she wanted to keep the baby or not.
"Gosh... poor Amy." I thought, "And what about Lector?" I stared at him intently, wondering what he thought about this situation.
 Lector put an arm around Amy's shoulder, "Amy, it's going to be okay sweetie."
 Amy continued sobbing and I felt extremely awkward just standing there in the middle of the kitchen/dining area.
 I walked over to the fridge as everyone stared me down and took out some bread and milk and various other breakfast things and made myself some toast as
everyone else manouvered over to the living room.
 I sat down at the dining room table... alone. Untill Edward walked back in and sat down with me.
"I can't believe her." he sighed, pressing his hand to his forehead.
"Well.. mistakes happen." I replied, while eating some toast.
"I told her from the beging ... but no. What does she do? She goes and sleeps with him... and more than once too!" Edward was begining to get worked up about
the situation.
"Shh, Edward, even you make mistakes. Like last night? Wasn't that a pretty bad mistake?" I declared.
"It wasn't a mistake," Edward argued.
"You cheated on Bella." I thought.
"But Jamie, it's so much easier with you. With Bella it's.. it's like trying to restrain myself 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week." Edward protested.
"That doesn't mean it's not wrong." I replied.
 Edward sighed.
"You're going to have to tell Bella." I whispered.
"I know." Edward whispered back, placing his hand over mine.
 Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Bella wasn't supposed to be home this early was she? Oh no...

...Amy's Fantasy...
Then, all of a sudden, I was grabbed by a person I couldn't see from behind. I tried to scream, but they held my mouth shut. The person also put a blind fold on me, and was dragging me somewhere. A door closed and the blindfold was removed...It was Rosalie!
 "What the hell is your problem??" I shreiked.
 "I just wanted to put on a bit of a show!" Rosalie smirked. "SOO!! Whose this Lector? Where's you meet him?"
 "I-I met him at an Italian restaurant!" I replied.
 "A an italian restaurant?"
 "Wow...You have problems!"
 "Hey!! Do not!!"
 "Well, you met the guy at a restaurant, when he eats humans!!" Rosalie exclaimed. "But if you really care that much about him...Have you two done it?"
 "M-m-more then on-once...." I said, looking anywhere but her face.
 "You really are insane! What if you're pregnant? Have you even checked?"
 "N-no! Oh, God! What if I am pregnant?!?!?" I started to freak. " Rosalie, you have to get a pregnancy test!"
 "Wh-what? Why me?"
 "Because you're the bestest sister in the world...?" I begged, giving her puppy eyes.
 "Oh, fine!! But, you're gunna ow me later!"
 "Yeah, maybe with a niece! Just go and get it!"
So, about a good 20 minutes later, Rosalie was back. You should have seen me, pacing her room like a lost puppy, practically going insane!!
 "What the hell took you so long?!?" I shreiked.
 "Oh, well I had to drive into town, had to find a nice and safe pregnancy test that won't hurt you or the maybe baby, then drive all the way back..."
 "Okay, now you're just stalling! Give me my pregnancy test!" I said, inpatiently.
 "Alright, alright! Here...Do this in the bathroom please, I don't need piss on my carpet!"
So finally ahold of a pregnancy test, I ran into the bathroom and pissed on the handle(I know how it works, ok!). Great, now I have to wait another 5 minutes! So I waited inpatiently, playing with the mirror(you know, the ones that open up to a cabinet). And it was FINALLY done! I looked....and it was blue...I came out of the bathroom, teary eyed.
 "What, are those tears of joy or of sorrow? or both...?" Rosalie asked.
 "Both....I"M PREGNANT!!" I shreiked the last bit. I started in an uncontrolable break down. I didn't want to be a mother yet!! I was still so young, still in high school (though we never go)! And yet, I did want this...It was all confusing! So I was in Rosalie's arms, sobbing, until there was a nock at the door.
 "Is everything alright in there? Whose crying?" We heard Carlisle saying from the other side of the door. I don't think he was wanting an answer, as he opened the door anyways.
 "What's wrong? Did anything happen-" Carlisle saw me in Rosalie's arms, crying. He kneeled down and grasped my shoulder(not hard), " Are you okay, Amy?"
 "I-I...Well....We're okay-" I managed to gasp out.
 "We? What do you-"
 "I'M PREGNANT!" I shreiked.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
 Well, if you're really all that curious about it. Edward and I didn't go 'that far'. All that noise, well, that was just your dirty mind acting up again. (LMFAO!) I'll tell
you what actually happened.
 I suddenly realized that it was virtually impossible to hide anything from Edward for any amount of time, so I decided to just be honest and tell him about what
Alice had seen. I thought "Okay I'll explain in your room, I don't want Alice to overhear anything since I promised I wouldn't tell."
 Edward nodded and followed me up into his room.
 Once the door was closed I began to talk.
"Well, Alice saw something." I began.
"What did Alice see?" Edward questioned urgently.
"She saw.. um." I decided to think it so it wouldn't be as awkward, and so Alice couldn't hear with her supirior ears. "She sees us together."
 Edward gave me a confused look.
"Together... like, Love. In love." I thought with a wince.
"Is that what Alice saw?" Edward asked. "Is that what you were keeping from me?" he was laughing now.
"What a silly thing to worry about." he said.
"Y-you aren't, surprised? You don't care at all?" I stammared, but with a smile on my face.
"Of course not," he announced.
 Now I was confused.
"Jamie, I told you that I loved you. Why are you so confused?" he asked. Now we were both confused.
"Well I thought.. I thought you ment like, friendship love?" I guessed. "A-and, what about Bella?"
"Well, I do love Bella, and I love you." Edward made the same odd face he had made before.
"But isn't that wrong? Doesn't that make you feel... bad?" I interrogated.
"Love is a wonderful feeling." Edward said matter-o-factly.
 I sighed then thought "But who do you love more?"
 Edward did not reply and I realized that it was the choosing part that made Edward feel bad.
I sat down on the bed and gestured for him to sit aswell.
"How can it be that after years and years of searching, I find, not one, but two individuals that I love?" Edward sighed.
 I didn't have an answer to that, I said "Edward, it's not a sin to love someone... and.. if you happen to love Bella too... that's fine with me. I just want you to be
happy." I smiled, "And I hope that Bella can agree with this too." I frowned.
 Edward wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. He let out a deep sigh, and so did I, but mine was more of a happy sigh and his more of a exasperated one.
 I lifted my head from it's spot against his chest and pressed my lips lightly to his as I slid my arms around his neck.
 I was overjoyed. I finally had Edward all to myself. Wait I have to say it again and let it ring this time.. "All to myself." it echoed through my head.
 I leaned into the kiss, untill Edward was lying on the bed and I on top of him.
"Edward," I whispered to him.
"Yes?" he replied, inbetween kisses.
"I love you Edward." I sighed.
"I know," the corners of Edward's mouth lifted into a smile.
 And yes, I was lying... that wasn't your dirty mind acting up again. Edward and I did go that far.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
So we came back from Dairy Queen, and I notice Edward taking Jamie up to his room. I smirked, only guessing as to what they would be doing. I decided to copy them, and brang Lector to my room. I started to giggle insanely as he grabbed my waisted and threw me on my bed. So tonights theme was naughty and rough, eh? I've always wanted to know how it felt like when the guy bites certain areas(yes, i'm nasty minded), while giving me everything at once... And to make sure no one hears us, I put on some loud rock alternative music. I know Lector didn't like it, but I did it to annoy him. He started to look at me dangerously, and pounced onto me, keeping me in place with his arms and legs.
 "In for a rough night?" he asked.
 "I'm all in for it!" I replied with a horny smirk. Hehe, you know where this leads to...
~2 hours later~
So a good two hours later, we were satisfied. I got out of bed, put on his boxers(how evil am I?), got myself a tank, and turned off the radio. 99.9, such a wonderful station. I might want my guy to be just as satisfied, but he ain't taking away my music!
 "Hey! Gimme back my boxers!" Lector exclaimed.
 "Hmm, and what if I don't?" I smirked playfully at him. He looked so cute when he was mad.
 "I'll pull them off of you! And then I'd smack your a*s!" He claimed.
 "Oh, really? And what if I run out the door?" I asked.
Out of no where, his arms claimed me waist. "I'd like to see you try and run when I already have you.." Lector whispered in my ear. I looked at him and pecked his cheek. He probably had the most softest skin for a guy!
 "Oh, just put some pants on! It's not as if you're gunna crap in your pants or anything! Plus I'm already getting comfortable!" I whined. I gave him a playful pout with htat face, which made him say a soft "Fine!" and kissed my lips. I don't know why, but I always feel as if it was an eternity when our lips met, it always happens...
 "I hope you don't mind, but we don't drink human blood...we usually go to the mountains and drink bear and dear blood." I explained. I nearly forgot to tell him that...
 "Oh, it's fine! I can get my food seperately, so it doesn't bother Edward..." He replied. All-in-all, Lector was a good guy. I know he was a cannible and all, but he was the sweetest thing!!
I took that moment to slip out of his arms and run out of the room to go the bathroom. I really had to go! So yep, I did my business. Coming back, I was passing Edwards door. I started to blush hearing them make all that noise, so I jogged to my room as fast as I could. Before I got to my door though, someone grabbed hold of me, which was weird 'cause I was using my vampire speed...when I realised it was only Alice.
 "Hehe, did you hear them, too?" Alice giggled out.
 "Yeah, do you thik they're really..?" I tried to say the rest, but couldn't and started to flush once again.
 "I think...I dunno.." Alice replied. "Hope you and Lector had fun...Well, later!"
And next, she was gone.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
 Well, we were finally back home... ah, home sweet home. Forks.. ah.. home... sweet... ah... home... Well... BACK TO THE STORY! Before I start to ramble...
 Once we had all come to conclusions with what was going on, Alice announced to us that Bella would be home in two days which completely freaked me out.
Edward squeezed my hand making me control my expressions. Alice smiles devilishly. Edward frowns at my lack of control. Amy and Lector stare dreamily at
eachother, and the rest hardly notice anything.
"Did you four have fun in Italy?" Alice inquired.
"Yes! It was amazing! We had a great time!" I enthused.
"And you Amy? How did you meet Lector?" Alice asked.
"Oh um.." Amy was dazed, "At a restaurant."
"Spectacular! Now who's up for some iced cream?" Alice inquired.
"OH GOD ME!" I exclaimed, gleaming.
 So we all headed down to the Dairy Queen for ice cream. YAY!
 And of course we took Edward's 'special occasion' car. Because of course, getting an sundae
is very much a special occasion.
 Well all had a seat and gave Edward our orders. But only one of us was actually going to be eating. Since, well... I, for some reason always end up hanging out
with a group of vampires and a cannible.
 Once Edward was at the counter Alice gestured for me to come outside with her, and I followed her willingly untill we were a safe distance from the Dairy Queen.
"What happened between you and Edward?" she asked.
"W-we're... we bonded.." I laughed nervously, "Why?"
"Well, I see you guys... together." Alice replied.
"WHAT? What else did you see?" I questioned.
"First, answer my question. What happened between you and Edward?" she interrogated.
"We kissed, I told him I loved him, but it's not like he didn't already know that... What else did you see?"
"Well, not much, I saw you two together, you seemed happy.. Bella wasn't there." A grin spread across her face.
"YES!!! YES!!!" I jumped up and down in joy.
 Alice held me down "Calm down, I don't want Edward to know anything about this.."
"B-but I'm so excited! This is great!" I beamed.
"Yes, I know, but we need to make sure he doen't figure any of this out... so what ever you do, DON'T THINK ABOUT THIS AROUND EDWARD." she said sternly.
"I'll try my best Alice." I promised.
Alice smiled "That's good, now let's go back inside before people start suspecting things.."
 The two of us pranced back inside and sat down and I tried to keep one thing and one thing only on my mind... ICE CREAM.
"Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, I love ice cream, ice cream, ice...cream... ice cream, ice cream, ice cream..." I thought.
 Edward then walked over to the table with our orders.
"Thanks" Amy thanked.
"Thank you" said Lector.
"Thanks" thanked Alice.
"Thank you Edward." I said politely.
 As I ate my sundae I tired to hide my emotions, but the happiness practically radiated from me... at least I didn't spill the secret.
~Half an Hour Later~
 Well, half an hour later we arrived back at the Cullen manor, and once everyone was off doing their own thing, Edward dropped the bomb on me, "What did Alice
tell you?"
 I tried not to gasp and thought, "Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream..."
"There's something you're not telling me..." Edward grinned.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 So we were all having a good time. As much as Lector loved classical music and movies, he didn't like Dream Girls. Thank god, 'cause I didn't either(though I never actually saw the movie). So he went on staring at my face, and stroking my cheeks and hair. It was actually getting quite annoying. But it was fun being treated like this by him.
 And the same thing that happened to Jamie happened to me...It really did just slip!
 "I love you, Lector..."I said, so only he could here.
 "...I think I love you, too.." He simply replied, and planted a kiss on my forehead. "You should take a nap, you look exausted."
"Hmm, maybe I should.." I said, not soon after falling into a light snooze.
It felt barely like five minutes, when the intercome came on again.."Attention, please note that the plane will be landing in five minutes to Forks Airoport."
 I started to mumble about needing beauty sleep, when my dear Lector started ro shake me like crazy.
 "What the hell is your problem?!?" I hissed, my eyes opened to slits to keep out the strong lamp above me. Well, we were definetely in Forks, 'cause it was dark outside.
 "Welcome to your new home, baby." I said drowsily, smiling at him. I hoped he would be happy here.
 Once off the plane, we were off luggage hunting. That took about a good 2 and a half hour by the time we got everything. While on our car ride home, I showed the important parts of Forks to Lector, example school, malls, etc. During that, the only things going through my head was what everyone would say...
We arrived there by supper time (or what would be to normal humans). So when Edward and Jamie walked in hand-in-hand they were shocked, but were they even more shocked when I walked in hand-in-hand with Lector, since they could smell that he was human, but smelled of blood.
 "Amy...Are you nuts?!? Bringing that thing here!!" claimed Emmett.
 "What are you talking about, Emmett? She has a right to be happy!" argued Alice. After about an hour of an arguement about Lector and me, they decided to agree with Edward's plan.
 "But he needs a place to stay, can he stay in my room?" I asked Carlisle. I was even giving him the puppy eyes.
 "Oh, fine!!" Carlisle finalised. "But only until you guys finally get a place for yourselves."
 At his words, I looked at Lactor and gave him the biggest smile I'd had on my face since....never.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  My cheeks were still a bright shade of pink from both incidents. But at least everyone had a good laugh and I was in a good mood. My head rested lightly on Edward's shoulder, and I could feel my eyes slowly closing untill the intercom came on and I was unfortunatly wide awake once again.
 "We will now be airing the film 'Dream Girls' the flight attendant will be handing out ear-phones" it said, and there was much static which was very annoying.
 It was once again very quiet and many people decided to watch the movie so it was even quieter than before, which was good.
 I began to feel drowzy once again. I looked over at Amy, who was being caressed by Lector, and I really don't know what happened but it just popped out of my mouth
"I love you Edward.."
 Of course I knew this, Edward knew this.. but I never would have guess that it would have ever dared to come out of my mouth.
 Edward didn't say anything. He stared, I wished to god I had mind reading powers and I could feel my face begin to flush, and I bit my lip nervously.
"God what have I done? What was I thinking!!?? God Jamie get a hold of yourself! Can't you even control the words comming out of your own mouth!?" I thought while my face turned red.
 "Don't worry yourself Jamie." Edward reashured. He pressed a finger to my lips which felt absoloutely delightful.
"Do you love me too?" I thought, not really thinking about how Edward could hear this too.
"Well... Of course I do... Just.." he trailed off.
"What about Bella?" I asked.
"I love Bella." Edward replied simply.
"Hmm.." I felt strange now.
 I lifted my head and kissed Edward tenderly. This time there was no turbulance. (LOL)
 Now there was just Bella to deal with.. and I hoped to god that it would turn out for the better..

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 At the moment I was running to catch up with Jamie and Edward, me draggin Lector along, literally! I couldn't believe they were so wrapped up in each other that they forgot we had to leave at 3PM today for the plane back home! And if we don't catch that flight, I might as well say yes to Lector's offer. So I ran a good 40 blocks 'till I finally caught up with them!
 "*****g..minute!!!" I screamed, Edward was obvious it was me, looked around and spotted me.
 "Did you seriously just run a whole 40 blocks?" asked Jamie.
 "Jamie, I'm a god-damn vampire. What did you think?" I replied. "Plus, where the hell do you people think your going? We have to start packing to catch the plane!!"
 "You mkean we're going back today...?" Jamie complained. "Bu-but I wanted to stay here a while longer!!!"
 "Yes, Jamie. We're going home today. Now come on! I said, grabbing onto her shirt, but she didn't buge. I tugged it harder, and because she was only wearing a blouse, it ripped. So now she was in the middle of the street, standing with only her black and pink bra with little hearts on it. Edward started goggling, and I had to slap Lector to stop looking.
 A whole bunch of Italians just started to stare at her.
 "Amy, I'm gunna f*****g kill you!!" Jamie hissed. Edward offered Jamie his jacket, which she took almost as if it was a dream come true. So we walked another 40 blocks back to the hotel, and packed. By the time we were finished (and got Jamie a top), it was time to go for the plane.
 So we were all on the plane, and everyone was small talking. Then, out of the blue, there was a scream.
 "SNAKE!!SNAKE!SNAKE!SNAKE!!!" screamed a little girl. I looked over(cause i just love snakes!), and there was a huge boa constrictor(I think that's how it's spelled) trying to bit the little girls legs off.
 "Hmm, never seen snakes on a plane, but I never thought I'd experience it either." I chuckled. I was almost laughing at what the snake was trying to do, which it was trying to gobble her whole.
 "Oh, com on Amy! Just save the god-damn kid!" Edward nagged.
 "Grrr..FINE! Ruin my fun!!" I said. Then I told the snake to screw off. But it didn't so I had to beat the crap out of it, and throw it off the flying plane. When I came back and they were all laughing.
 "God, I haven't seen something that funny in a long time!" Lector laughed. "So I'm guessing that's your vampire power? You can talk to animals?"
 "Yes and no. I can speak and understand any language, including any animal language. It came naturally after I was turned." I explained.
 "Hmmm, interesting. So your saying that if I started to speak in latin, you would know what I'm saying even though you've never actually learned the language?"
 "Yes. It's really weird but cool." I agreed.
 So about a good 5 hours on the plane, We were home. On the plane Jamie had tried to kiss Edward again, but the plane had shifted, and let's just say she 'accidentaly' kiss a nasty place. I couldn't stop joking about it. I had to tell Alice everything!! And there was lots to tell.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  The next morning I was the last one awake... which is always a little embarrassing.
 Edward sat at the end of the table while Amy and Lector sat peacefully on their bed. No one said a word, which probably ment that they had been arguing for
quite some time and then resolved it but were still relatively mad at each other.
 Now it felt awkward getting out of bed and heading over to the bathroom while everyone stared me down. I rushed over to the bathroom and shut the door
quickly so that I wouldn't have to be glared at.
~30 minutes later~
 Once I had gotten out of the shower, Edward confronted me at the door.
"We've come to a compormise.." he sighed.
"Oh that's good!" I beamed.
"We've decided that we'll take Lector back to Forks with us. We'll ask the family about what they think would be best for Amy... then if everyone's okay with it,"
Edward sighed once again, "We'll let Lector stay with us."
"Well that wasn't so hard! Now maybe we can all get along without fighting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." I said joyously.
 No one else seemed very happy though. Amy was frustrated with Edward, Edward loathes Lector, Lector hates Edward... and me, I love everyone.
"So are we going to explore somemore of Italy today?" I inquired.
"Certainly." Edward responded.
 He seemed to be taking this quite well.
"Just not with him." he added. Oh... there it was. Stubborn old Edward.
"What?" Amy exclaimed "Edward I thought you'd be mature enough to get over this!"
"Just because I've agreed to consult the family doesn't mean I want to be seen with a cannible." Edward replied.
 Amy sighed "You're hopeless."
"Jamie, would you like to explore Italy with me?" Edward asked, figuring that Amy was a lost cause.
 "Was that even a question? Are you even serious? When a gorgeous wonderful vampire asks you 'would you like to explore Italy with me?', how is that even a
question? Of course I will! God. I thought you were smarter than that!" I thought, then said "Yes of course."
 Edward laughed, "Okay then let's go."
 This time Edward was the one who took my hand and I almost jumped at how cold it was.
 Then we walked out the door, and Edward made sure to slam it behind him to make a point about how much he hates Lector.
"I want to ask you a question." I stated.
"Well then, go ahead and ask it." Edward replied, probably already knowing what was comming for him.
"I wanted to know... well, how do you feel about me?" I asked, squeezing his hand causiouly.
"Well, since I knew this question would eventually come I'm prepared somewhat of an answer. You see, I've grown a liking to you, and it's almost like a bond
between us." Edward explained.
"..And that's it? Just a bond?" I wanted to make sure.
"Yes. A bond, a friendship." Edward replied.
 I was dissapointed, a frown appering on my face, I decided to push it further "Are you absoloutly 100% sure that that's it?"
 Edward's face now wore and expression that I didn't quite understand.
"I'm hoping." he sighed.
BINGO!!! There it was!!! Edward did like me! It might not be much, but he likes me!
 I beamed and smiled a smile that was imppossibly big.
"You're hoping?" I grinned, and then burst out laughing. I was completely giddy.
 I pranced about the halls laughing insanely untill we finally reached the EXIT sign.
"Are you done yet?" Edward smiled, trying not to laugh himself.
"I'm.. hoping!" I said, the began laughing again.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 So I walked on in,only to find Jamie and Edward...kissing. You know, it could make a better picture if it weren't for that Edward was my brother, and Jamie was my bestest friend.
 "Get a god damn room!!!" I yelled, and jogged my way into the bathroom, desciding to take a nice long bath. I needed to realax, and I wanted to get Lector's scent and the scent of his appartement out of my skin. I mean, I didn't need to make Edward upset. Well, about an hour later I got out of the bath and dried up as best as possible. I realised I had forgotten to grab a pair of PJ's, but as I got near the door I heard an all to familiar voice that I heard bearly an hour and a half ago..
 "I have a right to see her! She's my girlfriend, I just want to talk!" Lector's voice sounded through the door, by the sounds of it, he was at the front one.
 "What, you can't leave her alone just for 4 hours? Plus she's taking a bath, I do believe woman like their privacy!" Edward urged. I descided then to make my entrance.
 "Lector? Baby, what'cha doing here?" I asked, feeling awkward because everyone was staring at me. "And could you people stop staring me down? You guys look like statues!"
 "You, out!!" Edward yelled at Lector, who was grinning at me(I was in a towel, if you know what I mean).
 "It's not as if it's something I haven't seen before.." Lector said, still giving me a seductive sly smile.
 "...YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?!?!?" Edward screamed.
 "Well..Yea. Well, what did you expect? I'm aloud to do whatever I want!" I said, "You don't control my life, you don't control me! You're my brother, and I love you but you're becoming jealous and envious. All because I want to hang out with my new boyfriend!"
 ".......Yeah, well what do you think the others are going to say? Alice, Carlisle?" Edward said, taking a long time to say it.
 "Alice, Carlisle? Who are they?" asked Lector, who was at the moment being surved tea by Jamie, who had let him in.
 "Alice is Amy's sister, and Carlisle is her father...Well adoptive, I guess you could put it." Explained Jamie.
 "Which, by the way Edward, I'm pretty sure they both would agree that I have a right to be happy!" I said.
 "And I think they'd also agree that you can be happy without a cannible in the house!!" Edward exclaimed.
 "He's already promised to not hurt anyone, especially Jamie. Though by the looks of it I think they're ok with each other."I said, now looking at the two who were chatting away. You see, they both like tea, while me and Edward prefer cappuccino's, if it weren't for that we were vampires.
 "Hey, Lector baby? It's getting late, ya wanna stay over the night?" I suggested.
 "Hmm, I guess. Yes, that would be a good idea." Lector replied, so we went to bed (Yes I put some PJ's on!), but not before cuddling up and giving each other a goodnight kiss.
~The Next Morning~
 Ok, so breakfast was going good. But whenever Lector said something about how beautiful I looked, or complimented me in anyway, I had to give Edward a look to back down out of beating poor Lector up.
 "So, what kind of blood do you prefer, Amy?" Lector asked.
 "Hmm, hard to choose. I guess I like horse blood, but I wouldn't drink it everyday." I said, uneasily.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
Edward steamed as he paced around the room, a permanent scowl locked on his face.
'I can't believe she would have the nerve to do this to us! Not just to us, to our family! What will I tell Carlisle! Or Esme! Or any of them!' he shouted.
'Now, I'm... I'm sure she'll come visit often... and um... call us?' I said quietly for I was being intimidated.
'CALL US!? She's been in our family for years!!! And she's just going to CALL US??' Edward boomed.
 I stayed quiet.
 Edward glared at me, then his expresion soffened.
'I'm sorry... but how would you had lived with your sister your whole life, then she just... runs off on her own!' Edward reasoned.
'Well, first off, I don't have a sister wo I wouldn't know how that feels... and secondly she hasn't lived with you your whole life, only for a few years.' I too
 It was quiet. My head was spinning, full of thoughts that were on and off topic. Well first off I was still dazzled from the kiss that Edward and I shared, and
secondly I was confused about how to feel about Amy's new 'friend', and I was confused about how to feel about Edward, how did Edward feel about this
situation? How did he feel about me? Is Lector good or evil? Does Amy really want to leave us? Are these thoughts relevant to the subject? Now I'm just rambling..
What is the  square root of pie? I wonder if Edward is still angry...
 So yes, my head was spinning, which was why Edward told me to sit down and I did.
'Will you stop thinking I'm trying to concentrate!' he said some time after.
'Sorry... I can't control it. What are you concentrating on anyways?' I inquired.
'I'm trying to figure out what we're going to do about this situation.' He replied.
'Would it help if I went to sleep?' I asked.
'Hmm.. that might help...' Edward said, still in deep thought.
 So I pranced off to the bathroom, where I took a shower and got my pijamas on, et cetera.
 When I hopped back out of the bathroom Edward was still standing in the exact same spot... thinking.
'Kiss good night?' I asked, blushing slightly.
Edward sighed.
'If you've done it once you can do it again.' I reasoned.
'Is this going to becomed some casual thing?' Edward inquired.
'Possibly.' I grinned.
I leaned forward and kissed Edward...
That was when Amy walked into the room...

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 So I was being sarcastic when I said we were up 'til 10PM doing things, it was actully just 6. I decided to inform Edward and Jamie of the good news. But it didn't go to well.
 'But Eddy!! He knows what we are and we know what he is, all is well! And he promised he wouldn't even touch Jamie! Please, please, please, please, please!!!' I chanted in his ear.
 'So it doesn't remind you that we do the exact same? We're frickin' vampires, Ed! So don't start thinking we're any better!' I replied.
 'Grrrrrrr........FINE! But he's not gunna stay with us!' Edward finalised, or so he thought!
 'No, because he's gunna be staying in my room!' I claimed.
 'And we all know what you two would be doing behind the closed door! You know what? I'll do him a favor, and by him a nice appartement that's close by so you can see him whenever you want!' Edward said, trying to make the matter better.
 'Then I'll live with him!' I said.
 '...Fine a nice appartement for the two of you! Even if it means i finally have to give my little sister up...' He said. I could tell this was hitting him pretty hard...
 'Oh, Ed! It's not as if I'm not going to visit you guys everyday! I would miss you guys too much.' I reasured.
 'Well, I have to tell Jamie the oh so good news!' Ed said sarcastically.
 'G'bye!' I hung up. While all this was happening, Lector decided to order some nice chinese food(just for a change).
 'Did it go well?' Lector asked.
 'No at first, but he gave in. Guess what? We're going to be moving into an appartement Edward's buying us!' I told him.
 'Really? How thoughtful of him! Would you want me to bring some of my furniture?' Lector said.
 'Ummm, why don't we start off fresh?' I said, looking at the furniture that smelled a lot of blood, even a human...
 So we decided on a many of things, what colors should be for what room, etc. He was holding me from behind (I was crossed-legged, he had his legs opened and around me), and I leaned deeper into his warm embrase(is that how u spell it? lmao). Ha, I just totally prooved Edward wrong, we can be together without always having sex!...
 'I think I sould be headding out now! It's getting late and Edward expects me home before 9! New rule..' I explained at his confused look.
 'Alright, I guess you have to... G'night.' He farewelled, giving me a big kiss.
 'Don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow! Byebye, baby!' And I left for our hotel...

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Well, Edward and I left the museum a few hours later and began to walk around Italy, by now it was 6 o'clock (yes the time flys), and we were walking around
Ponte Vecchio and checking out the shops and stuff.
'Oh! Let's go into this one!' I declared, pointing out a clothing store. It was for both men's an womens clothing so there would be something for the both of us!
 Edward began browsing the men's section and I the women's. What I found was a , knee length white dress with spagetti sraps and some skinny jeans and a
T-shirt, and a tank-top... and some shoes...
 Well anyhoo, I was finished well before Edward, because I'm a fast shopper and all, and I dashed back over to him.
He was holding two blouses, three T-shirts and two pairs of pants.
'I absoloutly LOVE those pants you're buying!' I exclaimed.
'Thanks..' Edward said almost sarcastically.
'Why don't you get this?' I suggested pointing to a pair of dark blue jeans 'I think it would suit you.' I explained.
 Edward eyed the jeans... evily... and then pulled them off the rack.
'Why not.' he responded.
 So we payed for our things and then continued on our way.
While walking around I decided to push my luck and reached over to hold Edward's hand as we walked. Surprise, surprise. He didn't mind. Which was fantastic,
because it ment that I was making progress! Hooray!
'Would you like to go out and eat?' Edward inquired.
'Sure, where do you want to go?' I beamed, joy, once again, radiating off of me.
'I was thinkning about that restaurant over there..' Edward pointed to a nice, big, fancy restaurant.
'That sounds great.' I enthused.
 The two of us strolled over to the restaurant and sat down.
 It was very exquisit inside aswell, the intire room was drapped in red velvet and had silk walls, the borders were gold and so were the tables, it was really
'Wow..' I breathed as we walked through the entrance.
'Hmm, it really is, isn't it?' Edward responded.
'For two please.' Edward then said to the... um... Person that's supposed to seat us?
'Of course.' the woman said (dazzled of course.. LOL).
 She lead us to a booth by the window and said 'You're waitor will be with you in a moment.' She smiled a large smile then walked off.
 I once again reached over and grasped Edward's hand, I was even starting to get used to it.
'What is it today?' Edawrd questioned 'You're so... affectionate..' he said, examining my hand.
'Well.. what's with you today? So... non-agressive towards my affectionism.' I laughed.
 Edward smiled but did not reply.. god I'd give anything to hear his thoughts...
 Suddenly the waitor arrived and Edward's hand was suddenly gone.
He gave us the menus and said 'I'll give you a minute to choose.' then walked off once again.
 I picked up the menu and began to browse trough it, while Edward just sat there.
'Well aren't you going to pick?' I asked.
'I've already been here before. I know exactly what I want.' he responded.
'Oh.. well I guess I'm just have spagetti... um... yes that's what I'll have.' I announced.
A few minutes later the waitor came back and served us some water, then took our orders.
'So... where to next?' I interrogated as we waited for our food.
'I thought that we could just walk around.' Edward replied. So yeah.. that was the plan.
 The food arrived and we thanked the waitor. I ate my food but Edward just played with is, only eating two bites of it. I don't blame him. I wouldn't eat dirt. (LOL)
 Finally we were ready to go and Edward payed the waitor, leaving a more than generous tip, and we were, once again, on our way.
We strolled around the plazaish area, and then had a seat by the Trevi Fountian. Just like Amy had.
'Ahh, beautiful isn't it?' Edward sighed.
'You think everything is beautiful.' I joked.
'Not true.' Edward replied.
Well, this was the big moment, when I took a chance. Hoping that Edward wouldn't reject me (as usual), I leaned over and kissed him, but alas, faliure, he gentely
pushed me away.
'Edward please!' I declared, 'Please, please, just this once!' I pleaded.
'Jamie, you know why I can't. You know very well why.' he argued.
'Pretend I'm Bella.'
'Just do it, please! Pretend I'm Bella.' I repeated.
Edward sighed, exasperated. (<<Probably not how it's spelt but what-ever)
Edward leaned forward and kissed me. (OH FRABJOUS DAY CALLOOH CALLAY!!!)
It was probably the best experience of my life.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 (Back to me and Lector)
 'Oh, come on! It's not as if there's a dead body in there!'I said, though I kind of could already guess it was true, by the look on his face.
 'W-well...Oh, alright!...' He ended mumbling to himself.
 'What was that? I didn't catch that.' I said.
 'Oh, uh, nothing.' Lector replied, and we left for his place. It was a good thing that his place was just a couple of streets down, so it wouldn't 'cause some dramatisation like he did before(god, such a cry baby). He lived in a nice looking appartement, I mean, I couldn't really picture him living in a house anyways.
 When Lector opened the door, it reacked of blood. I didn't see any, but I could sure smell it. But at the moment, Lector closed the door hard and locked it with a whole bunch of complicated locks. Now I was getting a bit scared, since he was giving me an insane-ish look, kinda like he was...Like he was gunna tear me up and eat me. Holy crap, this might actually be my last time alive....well kind of.
 'L-l-lector? B-baby, what's with all th-the locks?' I could feel myself starting to tear up, and trust me, it takes a lot to make me cry. I finally thought I found someone who actually cared, and they end up being my murderer.
 'You know, I have a secret. But one thing is for sure, your not going to tell anyone.' he said, giving me a sly smile.
 'Don't worry, I have some secrets of my own. And it has something to do with how much this place smells like blood.' I replied.
 'I know what you are. Too beautiful for your own good, but I guess most vampires get that way, right?' He said. 'And don't worry, I'm not planning on killing you. I mean, especially with your other vampire brother here as well.'
 'How did you know?' I said, he was starting to circle me. Lector went behind, and grabbed me around the waist. He was breathing against my neck and it made me shiver, i'm not sure if it was because of the closeness, or the way he held me in his arms.
 'Well, I've met a few vampires myself in my time. Oh, and I brought you a meal. I noticed your eyes.' He whispered in my ear huskly.
 'Really? How thoughtful.' I sarcastically. All of a sudden he heaved my whole body in his arms, and brought me to the kitchen(sitting me down on a chair). He obviously had already put a cup of blood in the microwave, 'cause he started it up without putting anything in it.
 'I hope you like your blood nice and warm. That's how I tend to drink mine. You can go and get comfortable by the fire if you want.' Lector suggested. So apperently it was an appartement with a fire place, how nice. So I went and got comfy near the burning fire, finding a cosy blanket and rapping it around me. About a minute later, Lector came in with two glasses of steaming blood. Mmmmm, I could smell them from here.
 'Here you go, my dear.' He handed the blood over.' You know, I was wondering, I mean I know it's so soon, but would you want to l-live here? With me?'
 It was deadly quiet. I really hadn't expected that.'Oh, oh god. What do I say? What the bloody hell do I do?!? Oh, I'd love to live here, I really would! But what about Edward, Jamie, Alice and the others?'.
He saw the look on my face, and asked a different question,'O-or would you prefer it if I came back to Forks, and live with you?'
I thought about that, then finally had an answer,'I-I guess we could work it out!' I looked in his face with a smile on my face. We started to kiss, let's just say we were there 'til about 10PM doing...things..:P

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Once at the museum (The Venice Accademia Gallery, because somehow we magically ended up in Venice... LOL), which, might I add was well equiped with a
restaurant and gift shop, et cetera.
 We began to explore the museum, so far my favorite was 'Vitruvian Man' by Leonardo Da Vinci, which of course is a classic. And Edward agreed with me though he
was very fond of 'Procession in St. Mark's Square' as well, I on the other hand didn't find it as amusing.
'I wonder what Amy's doing now...' I pondered.
'Probably getting assaulted by that damn cannible.' Edward growled.
'I don't think Lector would do that. He seems to have really grown a liking to her.' I announced.
'That's what you would think...' Edward grumbled.
'Hey, cheer up. We're in Italy!' I beamed... Edward smiled politely but I could tell that he was still worried... So I sang him a little song I sing, when I'm feeling
down. (LOL!!!)
'We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
They saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster.'
 No that never actually happened, but I did think of it and Edward did seem to be weirded out which amused me very much.
 So, anyhow we went to go eat lunch at the little cafe, well actually I went to eat lunch while Edward watched... and payed... LAWL.
 I picked a italian sub, and an iced tea... and a cookie... And Edward, alas, bought nothing...
I sat there. Quietly eating my submarine.
 Edward was staring at something off in the distance. God he's so perfect. His hair... his eyes... everything. He seemed uncomfortable now. But that was only
because of me and my mind that I cannot control for my life.
 I had stopped eating my sub completely now and wasn't aware of my cookie or drink.
And this I did sort of absent mindedly, it was like I was sitting at another table and watching from afar. I reached out and placed my hand over his, it was cold,
soft, smooth. And I was still sitting far, far away. Yes, all the way on the other side of the cafe. Then suddenly I was me again (Bipolar LOL). Edward let me enjoy
my moment, doing nothing but staring awkwardly to the side.
 But I was overjoyed, you could practically feel the happiness radinating off me.
Maybe I did have a chance... maybe, but I'll have to try hard.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
  At the moment, me and Lector were eating pizza. Unfortunately I couldn't taste it, to me it tasted like dirt! Well, Lector had thought of bringing me to Rome, his treat. We visited the Sistene Chapel, his personal favorite. And I could understand why(I'm not going to go in detail).
 'Is everything alright?' Lector asked, looking at the left over onion and bacon pizza.
 'Yes, everything is alright. So, what are we to visit yet?' I asked, as he gobbled down the rest of the meat lovers pizza.
 'Oh, I was only going to spoil you and show you the most beautiful fountain in the world. It's the Trevi Fountain, about 20 streets away. You don't mind a bit of a walk do you?' he said.
 'No, no. It's fine with me.' I said, and we left arm in arm. So we walked the so called 20 streets. Apperently in little Lector's world, 20 streets is a looong way, thought it took almost 10 minutes.
 As we sat down, he explained the fountain to me. It was made in honor of the Aqua Virgo, in 1453. He went on and on, and I couldn't help but laugh at how obsessed he was with the statue.
 'And what, my dear lady, is so funny?' Lector asked, raising his eyebrows and giving me an amused stare.
 'Well, you talk about it as if your in love with it! I know some people can be obsessed with drawing and writing or something like that, but a fountain?' I said.
 'Hmm, I guess your right. I guess I just need to get a life.' Lector chuckled. Something about his eyes made me gaze into them(or is it me being a capricorn?). He just stared back, and started to lean forward. I got where he was heading, and leaned in myself and put my lips to his. Let's just say he started to put some tongue into it, and we had a major make-out session. And, well, he kinda went outta hand and started to...Ahem..touch some inaropriate places. We almost forgot we were in public when...
 'Look, young teenagers in 'love'. This is a public area, if you would kindly move to a private location.' It was actually a police man. Well, at least it wasn't some disgusted sigh of an old person, though a granny did do that from behind the police man.
 Looking at Lector, I said,'Hey, babe, where's your place?'
 'It's just around the corner...But I hadn't had time to tidy up.'
-'Oh, that's alright! You should see my room back in Forks!'
 'No, really. My bed has dirty sheets and-and..'

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Well, everyone went to 'sleep'. Actually, I was the only one to be sleeping, but Amy and Edward did lie in bed all night as if they were actually sleeping.
  So the next morning when the door was suddenly knocked appon, Amy was 'WIDE AWAKE', and she jolted over to the door in a flash. Edward sat up in bed aswell,
alert and wide awake. I too got up.. but much, much slower then everyone else.
'Lector?' Amy beamed as she opened the door.
'Hello Amy. Are you ready to go?' he inquired.
'Of course, I'm ready right now.' Amy declared.
 I could see Edward glaring at them as Lector stroked Amy's cheek and took her hand.
 Amy grabed her purse and locked arms with Lector as they strolled out of the room and closed the door.
'Edward are you okay?' I inquired almost nervously.
'Yes, fine...' he said clenching his teeth.
'I'm sure Amy will be fine with Lector. She's a vampire, she can take care of herself.' I ashured.
'I know.' he sighed, 'Just go back to sleep, it's still early.' he told me.
  So I did as I was told and slept for another 2 hours, and the next time I was awake Edward seemed to be ready to go and dressed in new outfit. A white blouse
and dark blue jeans. He looked absoloutly gorgeous.
  I hoped out of bed and went to go take a shower. Once I had finished washing I slipped into A black tank-top and some dark blue capri-jeans... then covered
myself in heavy duty eyeliner and eyeshadow. LOL
  I hopped out of the bathroom and put all my stuff away then announced 'I'm ready to go.'
'It took you long enough.' Edward joked.
'Well I'm sorrry...' I replied.
  I picked up my purse and the two of us walked out the door.
'I was thinking of visiting the coliseum, or maybe the tower of piza?' Edward suggested.
'Sounds wonderful.' I replied as Edward called over a taxi.
'We could even go to a museum, and then go out for supper...' Edward pondered.
  The both of us hopped into the taxi and Edward told the taxi driver to bring us to the leaning tower of Piza.
'This is all old to you right? You've probably been here plenty of times before.' I said.
'Of course I have, but it's still nice to be here. Just becasue you go to the fair every year, does that mean that you wont want to go the next?' Edward inquired.
'I guess you're right.' I replied.
We drove untill we finally arrived at the tower, then got out.
'Jesus Christ! Did I forget my camera?' I began to panic.
'No worries, I brought mine.' Edward announced, pulling out a very expensive looking black cam-corder. Pictures and videos, he boasted. I laughed.
We walked around the tower a good 10 times, while I took various pictures of it from all angles. But I did share the camrea with Edward, who was apparently an
'expert' photographer
  And once we were finished we caught yet another taxi and headed over to the museum of fine arts.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
(With Me and Lector)
 We were walking, arm in arm, in a park Mr. Lector had found just the other day. It wasn't the big, jungle gym park, but one with big beautiful tree's all around, dimmed lights and a fountain. I actually got to know him quite a lot. He liked classical music(much to my dismay), but he did like gory films! Besides the classical music, we had a lot in common, but like not everything.
 'So, who were those other children with you?' Lector asked.
 'Jamie, the blonde girl, is my best friend. Edward is my brother. Which I'm sorry for how he acted, he usually-'
 'Oh, no. It's fine. I understand with the Edward trying to be the big brother he is. I mean, he did have a point, you didn't even know who I was. For all you knew, I could hace been some murderer...' He said, looking me in the eye.
  I had no comment to that. I just stared in his pale, saphire blue eyes. I started unconciously leaning towards his delicious looking lips (oh get over it, I at least want a make-out scene!). It happened so fast, next thing i knew we were kissing...Wow, as pathetic as it sounded, that was my first kiss. And it was cool. As we seperated, i started to play with his hair, which had this curl in his bang that made him look younger then he was, maybe 19 (He's really 23, in real life and in here). For a guys hair, it was pretty soft. Compared to Edward's, I mean. Edward's was always kind of greasy.
 'I wish we could stay here forever, but I must go.' Lector finally said. 'Maybe tomorrow I can show you the rest of the city, as it is your first time in Italy. I'll pick you up at 9?'
 'Oh, uh sure.' I was still kind of flushed from the kiss. But before anyother word was said, he had left. How rude!! He didn't even say good bye!! Oh, well! Beggers can't be choosers, can they?
 So I got up, and found my way out of the park. I got to the hotel pretty ok, no wrong turns. But as I got to the door, I started hearing noises. Noises I wasn't too sure of...
 'OHHH!!' 'HUUH!' 'OOHN' I decided I couldn't stand there any longer and opened the door. I don't know wether I should be dumbfounded, or shocked.
  Jamie, apperently, wanted to play twister, and Edward, wanting to be a gentleman, agreed. So there they were, in obvious great pain cause they were tangeled to each other. and I laughed and laughed and laughed. Until they were screaming at the top of their lungs for me to untangle them.
 I told them, after I untangled them, that they were free with each other again tomorrow.
 'Why? Are you going out again with Lector?' Jamie asked.
 'Well, uh..Yeah..' I replied, nervous as to what Edward was going to say.
 'Fine, but if you get eatened up it isn't my fault!' Edward said.
 Score 1 for me, and score 1 for Jamie.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Well, finally, Amy ran off with this so called 'Lector', and I had Edward all to myself! *squee* Oh frabjeous day! Callooh! Callay!
  Edward seemed to be pleased with my mood and unnecessairy use of words that don't exist.
 So I decided to tell him a story as we ate. Well, I of course it is very impolite to talk with your mouth full so I thought of one of my favorite poems by Lewis-
Carroll, it went a little something like this... and so I recited:


''Twas brillig, and the slithy toves 
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; 
All mimsy were the borogoves, 
And the mome raths outgrabe. 
'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! 
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! 
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun 
The frumious Bandersnatch!' 
He took his vorpal sword in hand: 
Long time the manxome foe he sought -- 
So rested he by the Tumtum tree. 
And stood awhile in thought. 
And as in uffish thought he stood, 
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, 
Came wiffling through the tulgey wood, 
And burbled as it came! 
One, two! One, two! And through and through 
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! 
He left it dead, and with its head 
He went galumphing back. 
'And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? 
Come to my arms, my beamish boy! 
frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' 
He chortled in his joy. 
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves 
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; 
All mimsy were the borogoves, 
And the mome raths outgrabe.'


'Where the hell did that come from?' Edward inquired.
'Wel-' I began but was quite rudely interupted.
'I know, I know. Lewis Carroll, The Jabberwocky, but I didn't know that you'd ever take the time to memorize such foolishness.' he explained.
I then burst out laughing 'You can exspect that kid of stuff from me.' I replied.
Edward chuckled, 'I guess so.'
  I continued to think 'So... are you having plenty of fun on this trip?'
'Yes It's going well.' he responded.
'That's not really what I asked but okay I'll take it.' I thought.
  Edward smiled and continued eating. If that's what you want to call it...
'What would you like to do tomorrow Edward?' I inquired.
'We could always go see some monuments... visit some museums...' he announced.
We, I love it when he says we. As in.. me, him. Together. 'We'.
I smiled, and so did he, but only because he knew that I was obsessed. I love it when he smiles... so sweet and innocent. Like some sort of angel child that was, 
for some strange and un-expliquable reason a vampire. I sighed and stared absent mindedly at him for a good five minutes before he said, 'Jamie?'
'Yes?' I said dreamily.
'Your food's getting cold.' he joked. Probably just to get me to stop staring. I had a good laugh but only for the hell of laughing.
  Then it was time to go back to the hotel.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 So everything was going just fine, we got to the airport in just the nick of time, and were, at the moment, watching a movie (Snakes on a Plane(Though I've never actually seen it, lol)) and eating bags and bags of peanuts!(who doesn't like peanuts?) Well, except for Edward, saying something about needing more sleep, which at that comment me and Jamie laughed, knowing he was just trying not to show the pain of leaving his poor Bella behind. Well, about 7 hours later of bugging Edward into kissing me and Jamie on the forehead and tell us a bedtime story, even though it was about 7. What? It's fun being treated like your three!! Anyways, the plane started to descend, as well as the weird stares from the following passangers, which were replaced with sighs of relief.
 'Well, looks like we're here, ladies!' Edward said. 'Let's get to our hotel first. Then, maybe we will go to a restaurant, as long as you two don't start acting crazy!'
 'We won't!!' Me and Jamie breezed.
 So, with Edwards help of being in Italy so many times, we found the hotel. Outside, the hotel didn't look too great, but when we got to our room, well let's just say me and Jamie nearly did go crazy! It was like the size of maybe five whole appartements put together! Our beds were seperated by walls, and had some kind of satin hanging door(the sheets on the bed satin too), and a bathroom with a jacoozie that looked like it could fit 10 people!! And a mini-fridge, with mini beer and champaign, which Jamie was whispering to me about maybe using it for Edward. and because we did so well at not going crazy, we went out! I was really feeling like pasta, Jamie and Edward didn't care.
 The restaurant was called 'El Pastueno'(I made it up), I ordered my all time fave, Pizzaghetti, which is very well coocked in Italy! Jamie ordered               (you fill it out), and Edward ordered some pasta with shrimp(EEEEWWWWWWWW!!!), and ordered a side order of Bread-stix for me and Jamie. In the middle of eating, and fighting over bread-sticks, I noticed a man not too far away from us, looking directly at me. He was alone, and incredibly handsome and sexy! He just had that look, and gave him and awkward smile. Jamie, my best friend, can always notice if something was up. Especially when I stopped eating and smiled. Looking at where I was smiling, she noticed the man, too. He was hot, but no Edward! And of course me being vampire, it was only natural for me being attracted to a human, but there was this scent coming off of him...A very, very familiar scent that could probably be wafting off of me once a month. And hell, it scared me.
 'Ed...Ed you see that man behind you..' I said.
 '...Yeah, I see him, stay away from him.' Edward said, not even looking at him. 'I hope you should have realised that you would at least face A canible in your life.'
 Hmmm, no wonder. Of course, Jamie doesn't have that super scent ability, so it shocked her. But what shocked me, was that the man was getting up, and walking right over here! I started to freak out, and started to eat again, to look normal. My head was buzzing. What would he say? What would he ask? What would he want? But I think I know the answer to the last one...
 'Why, hello. What would a beautiful young lady like you, be doing in Italy? You look hardly 21, not even 18...'He said.
 'Hm, I guess you can say I won a trip.' I replied, giving Edward a look. He had looked like he was going to pounce this guy!
 'You may call me Lector, at your service. What would the name of that beautiful face be?'
 'Amy...Now Mr. Lector, is there anything you want?' I asked.
 'I wanted to know if you would join me?' He said.
 'Edward..? You don't m-mind do you?'
 'Grr.....No.' Edward said harshly.
 'Oh, come on Ed! It's always about you, who you love. Why can't I even try to find someone else?' I said, almost in tears. Especially since everything I said was absolutely true.
 'Fine! Just...don't get laid on the first night, ok?'
 'Ok!!' I said, getting up and wrapped my arm in Lectors arm. I didn't feel hungry anymore, so we just went for a walk.

...Jamie's Fantasy...  
  The next day was Sunday, and, of course, the first thing I did that morning was stuff myself full of pancakes and coffee, then rush over to the Cullen's house like some sort of
mental patient gone wild. Yes, and I'm really not joking. I was extremely hyped about the whole Italy thing. So hyped, you would have thought that I was on
'When Nuns go Bad', as seen on FOX. (LOL)
  I (once again) rang the doorbell and unnecessairy amount of times, and hopped up and down by the door.
  Jasper answered 'Hello Jamie', he smiled 'Want me to go get Amy?' he inquired. But suddenly in less than a second Amy was down the stairs and standing beside
Jasper with a grin.
  'Hey Jamie! Common in!' she beamed.
  'Hey Amy!' I declared, 'Are you all packed for the trip?'
  'Yes! I finished packing 15 minutes after I got home last night!' she exclamined. (By the way if you're wondering, the trip's on Monday)
  I gestured for her to come outside and she did, closing the door behind her.
  'Bella's not comming on the trip right?' I whispered.
  'Of course not..' she whispered back.
  'So, we're going to tell her about her Mother today then right?' I asked.
  'That'd probably the best plan.' Amy stated.
  'When do you think Bella's going to arrive?' I inquired.
  'I'll ask Alice.' Amy declared.
  We both ventured into the house and found Alice in the dining room with some others.
  'Alice, what time is Bella arriving today?' Amy interrogated.
  'Half past twelve, why do you ask?' she questioned.
  'Just wondering.' Amy lied.
  Amy and I then rushed upstairs to her room, we took out the phone book (which Amy had aquired from Edward's room secretly) and dialed Renee's number. Amy
who was the most convincing (being a vampire and all) was the one to do all the speaking.
-'Hello Renee?'
-'Yes it's Amy.'
-'Yes I'm good and you?'
-'Well.. The reason I called was because, we're worried about Bella...'
-'Yes, uh-hun... she's been a little down lately.'
-'Well I think she misses her mother. It would probably be a good idea if she came and visited for a while.'
-'Yes, I really think that would help.'
-'And even though she may be a little stubborn, you shouldn't take no for an answer.'
-'I think it would really help her if she came and visited.'
-'Yes, you're welcome... Bye!'
  Amy suddenly hung up the phone, 'Yes! It worked!' she *squeed*. LOL
  'Now all we have to do is convince Bella to stay with her Mother and not come with us to Italy!' I announced.
~...Three Hours Later...~
  Well, finally, Bella arrived at the Cullen house, and I had to make sure that we didn't think about 'the plan' around Edward. And I think I really did a good job of
  So we took Bella out side and explained to her that her mother really missed her and that it would be best if she went home and that we could always go on
another trip to Italy next year. (Pfft, yeah right!) And you know what!? She believed us! She took the bait! Imagin that!? A whole vacation just for me... and
Edward... *sigh*. Oh and Amy too! LOL, sorry.
  Bella told Edward and he believed her too! So now, everything's perfect. And I finally succeeded at ridding of Bella... at least for a while.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 Me and Jamie were the first on the dance floor, dancing without a care to the oh so famous alternative rock. We were dancing to Misery Business by Paramore, when Jamie started to wave her hand in a motion for Edward to come over. It looked like Bella didn't want him to go, but Edward did. I could just bearly over-hear them talking about how Bella didn't want Edward to start dancing with Jamie, that she thought Jamie was just trying to steal him away from her, but Edward just kept saying that Jamie and him were just friends. I told Jamie this, and boy she looked like she just had sex!!
 'You see? You see how he obeys?' Jamie re-quoited from Queen of the Damned (if you've ever seen it).
 'Oh, haha. Too funny, but I hope u remember our deal?' I reminded her.
 'Oh, yea yea!' said Jamie, without a care. I kind of hurt, but oh well.
  Edward came over and started to dance with us, now the song had changed to 'So Hot' by Kid Rock, which was perfect for Jamie. And then she started to do all these really crazy moves! And then she did what I feared, and she truned her back to him, backed up and started to grind him.... I looked over at Bella, who was facing the bar (thank god!). I gave Jamie a look and she stopped. Expecting Edward to start with the explosions, came none. Edward whispered something in Jamie's ear and walked back to Bella.
 'What did he say?' I asked.
 'He said he'd get me back for doing that...But it was SO worth it!' replied Jamie.
  At the moment, my cellphone started to ring, so I got off the dance floor and answered it.
 'Hello, this is the Win a Prize for Free corparation. We would like to inform you, you have just won 4 plane tickets to Italy, with a hotel booked up for you, also for free.' replied a male voice.
 'R-really? OMG cool!! Buh-bye!' I hung up.
 'Who was that?' asked Jamie.
 'I just won a prize of 4 plane tickets to Italy, free hotel booking too!!' I said.
 'AWESOME!! Now, we can really set our plans in motion! We'll just......' So we discust our plan.
~2 hours later~
 I just got home with Edward, I couldn't bear the excitement any longer so I 'pop'ed the question.
 'Hey, Eddy? I won plane tickets and a booked hotel for 4, ya wanna come? I asked Bella and she said already yes.' I said.
 'Oh, sure! That sounds fun! Who else is coming?'
 'Oh, just Jamie!' I replied.
Well that's all I could really get! have fun!

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I couldn't help but let out a small laugh though I could feel my face slowly turning red. I sort of regretted what I had just done, but on the other hand it sure is
fun to get on Edward's nerves when you know you're too much of a friend to get in any real trouble.
I looked over at Edward who had a very serious face on and I almost felt bad...but then I starteed laughing again, becasue Michael Myers had just murderized that
Friggin'-Tard nurse who sassed him about being ugly.... used a fork, it was hillarious.
  'Yeah go Michael! You're like SOOOOOOO awesome! We love you!' I shouted in my head while laughing my a*s off.
 Amy laughed too 'You go Michael Myers!' she exclaimed aloud.
 'Michael Myers is like SO darling, who would ever sass him like that? I mean... common! It's Michael Myers!' I declared to Edward, who gave me a funny look.
'Amy?' I added.
 'Seriously. He rocks.' she agreed... which satisfied me because Michael Myers is my eternal love <3. HA!
  Edward grinned, which ment that he must have herd my whole 'eternal love' theory. Which was good, because it ment that he wasn't very mad anymore.
 So, that all went pretty good.. Bella, of course, was terrified, but I was touched. The only part I hated was the fact that Michael Myers dies at the end...
CHRIST! Why do the good always die so young? LOL, but yeah, the movie was oober righteous.
 'So, where to now?' I inquired.
 'Well aren't we going to head home?' Bella questioned.
 'Non-sense, the night's still young!' Amy declared, and I agreed with her.
 'Yes, but Bella does need her sleep, unlike you creatures of the night.' Edwarrd joked, becasue apparently I was a 'creature of the night' but that was an
awesome thing to be.
 'Aw common Eddie!' Amy begged 'We'll get back intime for Bella to get her precious sleep!'
 Edward rolled his eyes in frustration 'Okay, two more hours, but that's going to be it.' Edward announced.
 'Yay! Thank you Edward!' I exclaimed with glee.
Edward sighed, 'So, where are we heading?'
 ' to party like it's 1983?' I suggested then burst out in laughter.
 'Party?' Edward chuckled.
 'Like it's 1983, yes.' I giggled 'You know, night-clubs, the works.'
 'Don't be obsurd.' he replied.
 'I'm not.' I confirmed.
 'Yeah! Party time!' Amy agreed.
 'Bella? What do you think?' Edward interrogated.
'Grr.. Bella this, Bella that...' I thought with a frown.
 'Well... I wouldn't mind but-' she began.
 'Okay! It's set! Let's go!' I declared, and Amy and I began sprinting to the night-club ('Rock N' Roll') that we knew all to well...

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 So we finally got to 45th and 5th, only to see a disturbing site. Edward and Bella were...w-were....KISSING!!!
-'Oh, no! Jamie I think we're already too late!!!' I whispered to Jamie as we got closer.
-'No, it will work, trust me!' urged Jamie.
 So we walked over, with big fake smiles on our faces.
 'Ahem, do you mind quiting that?' I said.
 'Oh, hi you guys! I guess we got a bit carried away...' Bella said trying to fix herself up.
'Got CARRIED away, did you?!? Well I otta nock u to dea-' Jamie WAS thinking when she got the oh so familiar glare she got everytime she thought something offensive towards Bella.
 'Well come on, now. What movie do you guys wanna see?' Edward asked.
 Me and Jamie looked at each other and practically screamed, 'HALLOWEEN!!!'.
 'Uh, well I was thinking of-'
 'NO, HALLOWEEN!!!' Jamie and I had breezed/screamed.
 'Okay, okay. Halloween it is!' Edward said.
 'B-but baby? I really wanted to see Hairspray...' Bella said(and complained, as usual).
 'Oh, come on! Halloweem isn't THAT scary. Plus it's 3 against 1.' Said Edward. Bella didn't argue so that's what went to go and see. Jamie got put next to Edward, on his other side, Bella. I sat, of course, next to Jamie. When the lights started to dim, I saw that look in her eyes. About the first twenty minutes past, and Jamie 'got scared' and held onto Edward's hand. On the other side, I could see Bella freacking out for real and holding on to Edward's hand as well. God, I could even see that look in Jamie's eyes in the dark...or it could be because of all the blood on the screen reflecting off of her eyes..:P But I saw her getting real close, maybe too close. That's when she went for the pray, and kissed him. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous...
-' Grrr, get the hell away from me!!!! I do have my girlfriend sitting just next to me!' Edward exclaimed.
 'W-what?' Bella said confused, she hadn't seen a thing.
 'Nothing..' Jamie replied, trying to look as if nothing happened.
 'Nice one!' I whispered to Jamie, and I could see her grinning in the dark...

  ...Jamie's Fantasy...
  I sat there, dumb struck, my mouth hangin open like some sort of idiot.
'Are you kidding me? Because if this is a joke... w-well.. It's not very funny at all!' I declared.
'I-I'm not, I'm really serious.' Amy replied.
  The next few seconds were very, very quiet so I decided to lighten the mood, 'Well this is a bit of a sticky wicket is it not?'
 Amy let out a laugh then suddenly got very serious, 'B-but I don't know what I'm going to do! Edward's my b-brother... and h-he has a girl-friend!' she panicked.
'And he also has Edward groupies... which isn't good...' I sighed, 'Wait!! I think I've got it!!!'
'What is it?' Amy asked with a sniffle (since of course she had been crying LOL).
'Okay, this is really genius isn't it? I help you get Edward in secret, okay? And you can help me get Edward in secret.. and well.. we could, sort of... share him...
in secret!' I announced, with great pride.
'And what about Bella?' Amy asked, not completely convinced but my obviously brilliant plan!
'We'll call her mother, righty-O and then we'll tell her that Bella really, really misses her, and that she's like to come over for a loOoOoOong time! Then we'll tell
Bella that her mother really, really misses her and-and that she really wants to see her again!' I exclaimed in joy.
'Well... I guess that might work, but it's a long shot. I don't know if Bella would really be willing to leave Edward for that long.' Amy reasoned.
'Yeah I know, but there's still a chance god-damn-it! And even if it takes me my whole damn life! I swear I will have Edward! I don't care if it's forever or for 5
seconds! I need him Amy, you'd understand, right?' I explained.
'Yes I do..' Amy sighed.
I smiled 'Good, you'll see Amy this is all going to work out. I know it will!' I told her with confidance.
Suddenly Amy's cell phone rang... *phone rings*
  I listened intently and I couldn't hear a sound, which ment she was probably talking to a vampire...
-'Um... Okay sure.'
-'Yeah okay... uh-hun... Bye-bye!'
  She then hung up.
'It was Edward, he want's us to meet him and Bella at the corner of 45th and 5th. He says we can go see a movie, or something..' she announced.
'Oh, let's see something gory!' I beamed.
'Yeah, we'll see. Depends on what Bella wants...' she mumbled.
  Then we got off our chairs and began to head down to 45th and 5th.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
 Well, I had lost Jamie! I don't know how, but I did. So I decided to go look at the book store Edward and Bella were at. I was on my way in, when all of them were on their way out.
 'Grr...JAMIE!! There you are!!' I yelled and hugged her. 'Why the f**k did u leave? Do you know how f****n' worried I was?!?'
 'Oh, well sorry that I can't even spend time with my lo-...long lost brother!!' Jamie almost slipped.'Huh, why don't we go for lunch now?'
 'Yea, why don't we?' said Edward. So we all jumped in his car and went to the nearest A&W(the best burgers, MMMMmmmmm). Edward ordered the biggest burger on the list, me and Jamie both had a teen burger, and Bella had....little white mice!!! Naww just kidding. K back to the script. So Bella ordered some chicken nuggets. All was going well, when Bella went to hold Eddy's hand...
 'Oh that little! How dare that w***e hold hands with my-' Jamie was thinking, but stopped at the look on Edward's face. But after thar nothing really happened.
  So we went shopping some more, this time making sure Jamie stayed with me at all times with a leash. And, to make her even happier, we went to d-tox(I know d-tox is only in canada, but I'm fantisizing!). I've never really been to the d-tox here, so I was in for as much of ashock as Jamie, when I opened the door to find all this gorgeous punk,goth and emo clothes!! And because we had our credit cards filled to about 100,000$, we went nuts!
~A Whole Afternoon Later~
 Well, we came out with loads of bags. Me and Jamie had gotten a pair of twin shirts and sweaters, while a whole bunch of other stuff! Then I thought we should go to Dairy Queen, and we did. Thank god Edward and Bella weren't there. And after ordering frozen cappuccinos, I decided to tell Jamie my little secret....
 'Look, Jamie..There's something I need to tell you...'I Started a few minutes after we had sat down.
 'Yea, what is it??' Jamie asked, curiously.
 'Well, it's about Edward...' I started.
 'Oh, God! Please don't tell me...Oh god and your his sister!! Holy-' Jamie said.
 'I-is it th-that obvious?' I stuttered.
 'Well, no... But hearing you in that kind of voice....' Jamie said. ' You're really worried about him and Bella aren't you?'
 'Well yea...'
 'It's alright, I never thought they should've been together to begin with anyways!'
 'But, you mean, you don't c-care?' I said, confused.
 'What do you mean? Of course I care that my BFFL, that's like a sister to me, is hurting 'cause Edward's love for his little sister is being destroyed by that little b***h, Bella!'
 'Uhhhhh.....Jamie, I think you got it all WRONG! It's-it's-'
 'Well, then. What is it?' Jamie urged.
 'Huh...I l-like Edward..' I finally got it out.
 'Well, duh! of course-'
 'No, I l-like-like like him...' I said.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Well, anyhow, we arrived at Port Angeles. I decided to stick with Edward and Bella, because you never know when I'll have the oppurtunity to be with Edward
alone. The first thing the lot of us decided to do was shop (Shop? Shop! Shop, shop, shop!!!). So I followed Edward and Bella into the book store, who knows I
might even end up finding a book (lol), and we all began to look around.
'Are we looking for anything imparticular?' Edward interrogated.
'I don't really have a favorite author... so I guess I'm just browsing..' I annaounced.
'Me too.' Bella chimed in.
  I began looking through the books on the book shelves, making sure not to stray too far away from Edward and Bella, and I tried to keep my thoughts casual
as in 'Hmmm, this book looks rather interesting' or 'I wonder if Edward would find this enjoyable?' and tried very hard to stay aways from thoughts like 'I need
to get Bella out of the way!' and 'Jesus Christ will you leave him alone for one minute?!'. And yes, I did a very good job of that because Edward didn't
suspect a thing. (Moo ha ha ha!!)
  Well finally Bella ventured to the secibd floor of the book shop while Edward stayed behind and continued looking at books about the fine arts. I decided to walk
over and strike up a conversation.
'Well hello there Edward.' I thought to myself, for sometimes it's much easier to think than talk. Saves energy (lol).
'Hello.' he replied a little abesnt mindedly.
'Watcha lookin' at?' I questioned in my mind.
'It's an altlas of Human Anatomy for the artist.' he responded.
'Well... is it good?'
'Yes, it's a very acutate book. Very nice indeed.' he replied.
'Don't you ever think people might find it strange that you're constantly talking to yourself?' I thought.
'At this point in time I don't really think it matters.' he told me with a chuckle.
 That was when I realized that I didn't really have anything planend out. What was I supposed to say 'Edward I love you, let's run off and get married and live
happily ever after'? I don't think that would work out well at all.
  Edward then let out a small laugh.
'God, did you hear that?' I asked warrily.
'Of course I did.' he laughed.
  I let out a sigh, then joined into his laughter 'God sometimes I wonder what's going to become of me.'
'Don't worry about it,' Edward announced 'It's perfectly fine with me.'
 I suddenly felt a rush of emotion flood trough me.
'Grrrr...' I struggled to hold it back 'It's perfectly fine with you? Is that all you have to say? I confess my love and you just think that's 'fine'? God!!!'
  'Jesus Edward I'm sorry.' I apologized.
Edward sighed 'Let's go find Amy and then maybe we could go eat okay?'
 'That sounds fine.' I replied.

  ...Amy's Fantasy...
     So, it was Saturday, and I was over at Jamie's helping her pick out her outfit of the day.
  'Oh, oh, oh! Maybe I should where THIS shirt, would he even notice?' Jamie was, unfortunately, trying to decide which pant/skirt and top Edward would like.
  'I don't know! Want me to call him up and ask him?' I said, giggling.
  'NO! Then he'll think I'm TOO obsessed...' Jamie said, half to me-half to herself.
  'But aren't you that obsessed?' I asked.
  'No...Maybe...Oh, alright! YES!!!!' Jamie replied.
  'Well then, I suggest...'
~An Hour Later~
     Jamie finally decided on a pair of skinny jeans, and 'I Love Edward Cullen' shirt I personally made for her, and a pair of skull flats. Once Jamie finally had her outfit, we were ready to go. Jamie drove us to my house (Cullen house/manor), and started to ring the bell like crazy.
 'Uh, Jamie..' She looked at me, dangling my keys.'Not nesescery(how do u spell it?).'
 'Oh, right...' Jamie said. So I opened the door, and made our arrival clear when Edward (who was coming to open the door) walked into the hall, and Jamie started to scream.
 'YES YES YES!!! I FINALLY HAVE YOU, well, kinda alone..' Jamie shriecked.
 'Excuse m-'
 'Hey, what's going on??' It was Bella, who had appeared out of the blue around the corner Edward had come from.
 'N-nothing! We were just saying hi!' Jamie lied.
 'Then who was screaming??'
 'Oh, uh, I thought I saw a spider!!' Jamie replied.
 'So, you're afraid of spiders, but not a whole family of vampires? God, and I thought I had problems!' Bella giggled.
  In Jamie's mind...: 'P-p-problems?!? PROBLEMS?!?!? I'LL SHOW YOU A F*****G PROBLEM YOU B***H!! YOU TOOK MY-'
 'Uh, why don't we get going? Bella you'll sit in the front with me, k? Amy, hun, you'll be behind her and Jamie will be behind me...' Edward cut in, giving poor Jamie a dirty look.
 'Umm, Jamie? What's with the shirt?' said Bella, who had JUST noticed what Jami's shirt said.
 'Uh, oh, uh, uh...Well I mean Edward IS as much of a brother as Amy is a sister, I just th-thought I'd express my feelings. Mom's always telling me it's good for me to express how I feel.' Jamie lied, yet again.
 'Oh, okay...' Bella said.
   And so we were off, but I had to hold on to Jamie everytime Bella mentioned something 'romantic' Edward had done for her, or so much as held his hand. It was about an hour and a half before we got there (to my and Edward's relief). Me and Jamie had descided to go our seperate ways, 'cause you know SOMETHING is bound to happen.

...Jamie's Fantasy...
  Well, I did have most of my first classes with Amy, which was good, but on the down side, I had most of my classes with Bella also... But again, on the upside I
had most of my classes with Edward also, which was good, and some with Edward and Bella, which was bad, but on the upside I had some with Edward and Amy
which was really good, and some with Alice and Bella, which was bad and some with Edward, Alice and Amy and Bella, which was either extremely bad or extremely
good... but I can't really tell anymore.
  But, on the upside, it was lunch, which was good because I wouldn't have to worry about my mind boggling scheduel! Hooray! And also, lunch is always good
becasue I have time to think things over, which would usually be good if I didn't have vampires inside my head all the time. Which is why god invented alone time,
and my 'alone time' is usually spent at home, which is why, in conclusion, I call it 'At Home Time'.
  Deffinnition: 'At Home Time':
Time spent at home; being in the house; inside a house, alone; best time to think about Edward.
  And if you're really wondering...
  Deffinition: 'Edward':
A glorious, wonderful, kind, intelligent, beautiful, fascinating, amazing, brilliant, divine, excellent, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, incredible, magnificant, marvelous, miraculous, outstanding, phenominal,
remarkable, sensational, staggering, stupendous, superb, terrifect, tremendous, wonderous, perfect, faultless, ideal, ingeneous, alluring, angelic, appealing, dazzling, charming, delightful, exquisit, radiant,
ravishing, splendid, god-like, lovely vampire.
  So anyways, it was lunch and as usual, I sat myself down with the Cullen family, and as usually I sat right between Edward and Amy. And I'll tell you exactly
where everyone sat... Side One: Bella, Edward, Moi, Amy... Side #2: Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice... So, yes, that's how it all goes down everyday.
  Everyone was well equipt with the pizza that they were serving at the cafeteria that day, and only two off us were actually eating them. I took a big bite of the
pepperoni and cheese pizza and swallowed it in a single gulp. As you can tell I was very, very hungry that day.
  I tried to keep things other then Edward on my mind. But usually when I do that I get really anxious and end up thinking about it anyways. So I decided to strike
up a conversation...
'So... um... anything interesting going on lately?' I inquired.
'Well, Bella and I,' Edward began.
' Bella and I, Bella and I...' I thought mockingly.
Edward gave me a dirty look and continued 'We were planning on heading down to Port Angeles tomorrow to take a look around, go out for supper and what not.'
'Can I come??' Amy an I said in unisen.
'Yes, yes of course.' Edward announced, though Bella didn't seem that pleased about it...
'Thanks' I thanked. Though in my head I thought 'Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Edward!'

...Amy's Fantasy...
 I saw how Jamie reacted when Edward came in the room. I can kind of feel what others are feeling, human or not. It's another wild gift I was given at my turning. And you do know that it was Edward who turned me, right?!? God, I'm hopeless. I'm just thanking god that I learned how to keep Edward outta my head, or he would've known by now my true feelings for him...
 'Well, Jamie we better get goin' unless you wanna be late for school!' I said.
 'Yea, I'll take you guys in my Volvo.' replied Edward.
 'Really? Oh, that would be awesome!!!' Jamie said excitedly. You see, this would be her first ever time in Edward's car, well either car I should say.
 'Alrighty, let's a go-ee!' said Alice. So, because Edward was such a reacless(i dunno if i spelt it right), we got there in about 10 minutes.
 'Ooo, I wonder if we're gunna have the same teachers?' I said to Jamie. It was a new year at high-school.
 'Well, see you guys at lunch!' Alice and Edward breezed.
 'So, still have the hots for him, do you?' I said as we walked to our class.
 'Yea..' Jamie replied. 'Grrrr, but it should be ME with Edward, not BELLA!!!' she screamed the last part in fury.
 'Hehehe..yeah.' I said just before the bell rang, and we had to run to class. We were unfortunately late. We had a nice yell from the teacher about being late on the first day. God this guy was stricked, it WAS thr first f*****g day! But besides that, lunch came pretty fast. and BELLA was there...

  ...Jamie's Fantasy...
  (The next morning...)
  I hopped out of my car and dashed down the familiar path to the Cullen house. I was quite anxious to see them today, seeing as I was insane and all...
I rung the door-bell an unnessecary amount of times, without having to worry about waking anyone up this early in the morning.
The door opened to Amy who was smiling one of those patented gorgeous vampire smiles.
'Hey Jamie!!!' She beamed, 'Why are you up here so early in the morning?'
I let out a laugh 'I don't know! I'm insane' The first thing that came to mind.
Amy laughed as well, 'Well then, come on in. Would you want some breakfast?'
'No thanks, I just stuffed myself full of pancakes before I left the house.' I declared.
I walked into the grand hallway and down to the Cullen's living room, where (of course) many a vampire awaited me.
Jasper, Esme and Alice sat on one couch while Emmett and Carlise sat on the other. God knows where the others were, but at the moment I was too over-joyed
to really care.
'Hello Jamie, how about a cup of coffee?' Alice suggested to me.
'No thanks, I just stuffed myself full of pancakes and coffee before I left the house.' I repeated, adding in the rest of the story, then, trying not to be rude,
quickly added, 'Hi everyone.'
A variety of salutations bombarded into my face (HA).
I sat down with Amy on a third couch and we all discussed the weather and told various jokes, untill finally Edward glided into the room in all of his glowing,
glorious, glowing, glow.
'Good morning Edward,' I said in the most pleasant tone of voice that I could muster without laughing, 'Do you happen to know where Rosalie might be?'
'Haven't the slightest idea.' He replied then sat down inbetween Amy and I, and shiver the size of Jupiter rushed through me.
The corners of Edward's mouth lifted into a smile, because of course, he can read my mind.
And if I had the power to control my damn thoughts maybe he wouldn't be secretly snickering inside at the fact that I have an ENORMOUS crush on him, I might
as well just call it love becasue really, that's what it is.
I realized that I had forgotten how to breath then suddenly remembered again and gasped for air, while trying not to make a scene, and all the while Edward
mocks me with that tiny miniscule, yet mocking grin on his face. I hoped to god no one noticed but they were all deeply involved in their little conversation
about the weather.
This is exactly why I need Bella out of the picture. Becasue it is most evident that I will not live to 18 if she doesn't die in a freak accident of sorts, but really,
that's impossible, becasue Edward is completely head over heels for her. And I'm completely hopeless.

...Amy's Fantasy...
There I was, walking alongside Alice (who got held back a year).
'I-I don't know how to feel!! I love Edward, he's my older bro and I love him to death, I'm just not sure it's the right way to l-love him! A-And what with Bella...' And I burst out crying.
'Shhhh! It's alright Amy, it's gunna be alright! I mean who wouldn't have the hots for Edward? He's drop-dead gorgeous! Even I felt like that with him at some point, but it's over now.' Alice said, reasuringly.
'R-r-really?!? You mean I'm not the only one?!?' I half-cried half-shriecked. 'Maybe some ice-cream will cheer me up. I know it tastes like s**t, but thinking of the old human way 'n' all...'
'Alright, well come on! On our way to Dairy Queen!' Alice said excitedly.
     Well, Alice wasn't supposed to know, but I had to talk to someone! Jamie's my best friend, and I couldn't break her heart knowing she has some kind of competition with Edward! And Alice could always bring high spirits, well Jamie too. Oh just shut up about it!!!
     So anyways, we walked to Dairy Queen only to run into.....Bella and MY Eddy!!!
 'Alice, come on let's get outta here, before-'
 'Amy, Alice! Such a pleasant place to see you!' Edward called from across the room.' Come on, I'll treat you young, beautiful ladies!'
 So I put on a fake smile and Alice half-dragged me over to them, and pushed me next to Edward.
 'Hey Eddy!' I greeted, hugging him. 'Hello Bella....How're you guys' date goin'?'
 'Oh, it was going good!' Edward replied. ' Well, I was gunna walk Bella home, wanna come?'
 'Uh sure!' I said, seeing the look on Alice's face.
~Hours Later~
 Well, we were still out. Edward wanted to go to the movies, then go shopping, with BELLA! Thank god now we're headding home. Well, to Bella's home, anyway.
 'Hey, you've been pretty quiet tonight, hun. You ok, Amy?' Edward asked
 'Yes, yes' I replied.
~2 hours later~
 'Well, goodnight hun.' Eddy said, kissing my head.
 'Night, night Eddy!!' I Replied and went to bed.



© 2008 jwilkinson20

Author's Note


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Added on April 28, 2008



Montreal, Canada

I am Jamie. My hobbies: WIRTING: Everything from stories to poems to songs. Reading Watching movies Playing Sims Rocking out loud Yes, I don't really have many hobbies but it'll have to do for now..... more..
