![]() RumorsA Chapter by Jenn WathenDamon: Damon stares at his ceiling. He can hear his sisters fighting down the hall. Did I seriously allow Austen to help us? We are down one person... Damon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His mind recalls Austen's stares and glances at Torey's house... why was he staring at me like that? Damon jumps out of bed and gets dressed in his school uniform. He looks at himself in his closet mirror doors. Austen's face flashes through his mind again and Damon lets out a groan. I am starting to hate myself why can't I get this guy out of my head? Damon stretches his arms out and leans back. He opens the door to see Colette standing outside. "Ready?" She asks flatly. Damon nods quietly. They make their way to the front door until Victor stands in their path. Damon stares at his dad in the eye. It's been a full week of me avoiding him. Hopefully, I can start eating dinner at home again. "Don't get in trouble anymore. I don't need to visit the school again." Victor says calmly to Damon. He doesn't respond but looks away from Victor. Victor's gaze moves to Colette. "Your dad will be back in town today." "Does that mean I am going home?" she asks hopefully. "No," Victor replies instantly. Colette's face drops. "That man isn't fit to be a parent. You'll stay here till we can find another place for you to live." "It's probably for the best Collie." Damon says looking at Colette. Her eyes are sad and unsure. "You're dad is a dick. You deserve better. Now, let's get out of here." Damon grabs her by the arm and they head out the front door. Victor doesn't turn around. They get outside the apartment building and Colette pulls her arm away from Damon. He doesn't turn around so Colette continues to follow him on their way to school. "What is going on between you and your dad? It's super tense." Colette says carefully. Damon doesn't look at her. "Don't pry. It's not your business." Damon replies flatly. "Geez, you've been so broody lately what gives?" Colette pokes him in the arm, he swats at her in return. "Again. It's not your business. So buzz off Colette." "A*****e." Colette flips him off. "I am getting coffee, I'll see you later loser." Damon doesn't respond and keeps heading to school. "Didn't know you were that close with Colette." Damon stops dead in his tracks. Austen? He turns and sees Austen giving a smug smile. S**t, he saw us walking together? "Austen." Damon says calmly. "Damon." Austen says with a much deeper voice. He laughs a bit and walks up to Damon, "Let's go to school." Austen continues to walk forward and Damon keeps his pace. "I knew you two were childhood friends but... walking to school together? What are you, neighbors?" Austen asks. "No. She's just staying with my family for a while." Damon replies. That's all he needs to know. "Oh. I hope everything is okay." Austen says innocently. "It will be." Damon sighs. Damon feels Austen's gaze on him, he doesn't look back at him. "Why are you always staring at me?" "To be fair you do the same thing." Austen laughs. Damon turns red but still doesn't meet his gaze. Damon glances down without turning his head and sees Austen smiling at him. He looks forward again and feels his ears burn. Ugh, I really hate this kid. Austen elbows Damon in the arm, "you're really something, you know that?" "You're really annoying." Damon grumbles. "I know." Austen replies happily. "You're so easy to tease. I can't see why people are so scared of you..." Damon looks over to Austen who is watching the traffic go by, "you're a big angry puppy." Damon narrows his eyes at him. Austen looks over to Damon then smirks. "Stop doing that." "Doing what?" Austen asks. "... Teasing me." Damon replies back sadly. "Why?" "It's really annoying. It... it makes me feel uncomfortable." Damon doesn't look at Austen. "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll stop." Austen says smiling slightly. "...Just like that?" Damon asks in disbelief. "Did you want me to make it difficult?" Austen asks smirking. Damon flicks Austen's forehead. "Okay. I'll stop." Austen rubs his forehead and they look ahead. The school entrance is in front of them. "So is there any plan? For Corey?" "We are going to have a meeting at lunch. I was gonna ask if you knew any places at school that are empty during that time. The group needs to be alone." Damon starts forward into the school, Austen follows quickly. "Well, the-" "Text it to me." Damon says quickly. "Really?" Austen asks raising an eyebrow to Damon. "Just do it."Damon pushes. Austen sighs and pulls out his phone. He taps on it and then pockets the phone again. Damon looks at his phone, back to Austen and nods. "Okay. That will do for now." Damon sighs. See you in class, I need to meet with someone." Austen throws Damon a peace sign and runs into a different direction of the school. Damon looks over to his locker and already standing there was, Gio. Damon sighs. Right on time like always. Gio is a short teenager, he was a bit younger than the rest, he has short curly hair, a bunch of acne and long broad nose. Damon approaches Gio slowly, the leader of the Video Game Club. Luckily, Gio loves me so it shouldn't be hard to gain his loyalty. "Hey, Gio." Damon says calmly. Gio smiles brightly showing crooked teeth. "Hey, Damon! Why'd you want to meet?" he asks loudly. Damon steps close to Gio. "Can we talk over by those benches?" Damon asks Gio, pointing over to an area of benches that was empty. Gio shrugs and they head over. Both sit down, "Corey has decided to lead the school without the help of our crew now. I am making sure I still have the loyalty of the clubs. What do you say Gio?" "Of course! But I have to tell you, Damon. Not many people are going to back you." Gio explains sadly, he crosses his hands in his lap. "Not many? What happened?" Damon asks panicked, s**t. s**t. s**t. s**t. "Well, people think you're a criminal..." Gio replies nervously. You've got to be kidding me. "I... am not..." Damon sighs pressing his temples out of frustration. "I know you aren't but other people are stupid and listen to rumors. And the fight didn't really help..." "What rumors?" Damon asks quickly. "Oho, you don't know?" Gio looks shocked. "Oh, man." Gio looks down and sighs heavily, "I really didn't want this to come from me." "Then don't tell me, dude. I can find out for myself. But I appreciate the heads up." Damon thanks Gio kindly. "Is... is Torey okay?" Gio asks nervously. Damon looks softly at Gio, so everyone knows? "He's okay. He's staying home for a bit while he heals." Damon replies. "Is it true Pat was the one beating him up?" Gio asks. "Yeah." Damon replies "Why?" "Just seems strange. I didn't think Pat was homophobic." Gio shrugs. "Why do you say that?" "Well, Pat has two moms." Gio responds. Damon sits still for a moment. That is strange. Torey did tell me that Pat apologized to him... Who showed those pictures to Pat? Who was Torey talking to? "I gotta go Gio. Thanks for all the help." Damon thanks him, they both stand up and Gio pats Damon on the back. "The guild will be battling tonight. We might need your help." Gio says softly. "Then I'll be there." Damon smiles rustling Gio's hair. "Awesome! Thanks, Damon!" Gio explodes happily and runs away waving to him. Damon looks around the quad area. It's true... people are staring... Something is happening here. I need to get to the bottom of it. Damon pulls out his phone and texts Torey asking who the guy he was sending pictures to. Damon puts his phone back in his pocket. I don't think any other club will back me right now. But... I can try the auto club. Matt has known for me for a long time. Damon spots Matt by his locker, Matt is a tall guy with jet black hair that is gelled back like a Greaser. Matt also wore a leather jacket, skinny jeans, and converses. Matt has a strong jawline and light blue eyes. Damon heads over to him, people watch him carefully like he's an attacker ready to pull a weapon at any moment. I hate this. "Hey, Matty." Damon greets Matt, he turns and looks at Damon then back to his locker, he was exchanging books in and out. "Hey, Damon. What's up?" Matt asks. "I was wondering if we could talk privately for a minute?" Damon replies. "If this is about loyalty to you or Corey. I can answer you right now. And trust me on this man." Matt throws his backpack around to his back and closes his locker. "Everyone already knows about it. Val won't stop running her mouth." Damon rolls his eyes, "Yeah I know. Anyways, I am loyal to you like always, man. But I can't say the same for my members." Damon nods. "Is there anything I can do?" Damon asks "I'll figure that out and let you know. Just know. People are not seeing you in the best of light right now." Matt warns Damon. "I know. I don't know what got spread around but I am assuming it's not great." Damon laughs. Matt pats Damon's arm. "I know who you are. So you don't have to worry here." Matt reassures Damon. "Thank you." "I have to go. I'll talk to you later." Matt says calmly. He walks towards the southwest side of the school. Damon feels a buzz in his pocket, he pulls out his phone and sees that Torey replied. Kyle? Damon tries to think back, Kyle wasn't there during the fight. Damon looks up and sees Austen walking towards him. That was quick... "Do you know what people are saying?" Austen asks Damon almost out of breath. "No, I was gonna find that out... Are you okay?" Damon asks. Austen shakes his head. "People..." Austen starts, "People are saying you smashed in Pat's face to the point he needed facial reconstructive surgery." Austen laughs a bit. Damon glares at Austen, is he seriously laughing at a rumor being spread about me? "Why the hell are you laughing?" Damon asks annoyed. "Come on!" Austen smiles. "That's so ridiculous. Why would people believe that?" "Because people are dumb." Damon replies still glaring at Austen. "People are also saying you're a gangster." Austen adds with a pondering look. Damon feels his back prickle. F**k that's going around still? "You look sick." Austen says looking concerned at Damon. "That rumor has been going around a long time." Damon replies back quickly. Austen shrugs happily at him. "Don't worry. Rumors will fade. People will soon be talking about something new." Austen says sweetly. "Even after four years of a rumor?" Damon asks not swayed by his positivity. "Is it true? Are you a gangster?" Austen asks with innocent eyes. Damon stares at Austen, It's nice not having you know my family... "No, I'm not a gangster." Damon answers. "Then who cares what others think?" Austen asks, "I know you have this whole school leader thing, where what others think matters. But it's our senior year. After this year. No one here will even matter." Damon looks around, people passing by him. The stares are even less than they were. "... You're right." Damon responds. A smile spreads across Austen's face. "What?" "Have you ever used a bad rumor to benefit yourself?" Austen asks. Damon pauses and looks around. "Uh... No?" Damon responds, wha-how? "I've got an idea. I need to plan it out first." Austen pokes Damon and he rubs the spot he poked. Ow. "I do have one question for you." Damon says flatly. Austen stares at him waiting, "Why are you helping me? I was under the impression you didn't want anything to do with us." Austen pauses looking off into the distance. He looks back at Damon they look at each other in the eye, Damon gets a shiver down his spine. "Things got interesting and... what they did to Torey. That wasn't okay." Damon stares back at Austen after he answers, he's telling the truth. I guess... I guess I'll have to get used to this kid. Austen: Austen doodles aliens on a piece of paper, the teacher is lecturing but Austen doesn't absorb any of the information. She takes a breath, it seems like the world is the same no matter where you go... drama. Always drama. A piece of paper lands on Austen's desk, what's this? Austen opens up the paper it reads: Did you think about joining our club? -Jasmine Austen looks up from her desk and sees Jasmine turned around in her seat and smiling at Austen. Austen sighs, I guess it wouldn't hurt to go. Austen writes down her number and asking to tell her what time it starts. Austen throws the paper back to her and Jasmine catches it. Austen chews the inside of her cheek out of nervousness. I wish I didn't have to be here. Austen looks over to Damon who is extremely focused on the lecture. At least one good thing came out of coming here. I wish I didn't have to play dutiful daughter to Gina. Austen rolls her eyes and looks back down at her paper. The bell rings and Austen quickly gathers her stuff to leave. When she stands she sees Val and two other shorter pudgier girls standing behind her. "Austen." Val says shortly, "I am Valerie. Or Val." "It's nice to meet you..." Austen says slowly, pushing in her desk chair. This is the girl responsible for the rumors about Damon... "I just want you to give you a fair warning, you don't understand how this school works." Val explains using her hands to clap in between syllables. "Jumping in with Damon's crew is a good way to get your life ruined. You may be a mystery now but that won't last long honey. When your s**t is out in the open, the rest of the school will get at it like vultures." Val stares intently at Austen. "It feels like your warning is fair... but it also feels like a threaten." Austen hums. "And by the way... this school is just like the rest of the world... unfortunately." Val and her minions just continued to stare at Austen. "I am gonna be on my way then... bye." Austen moves around the group of girls and walks out quickly. She opens the door and almost runs into Damon. He was waiting? "Everything okay? What'd Val want?" Damon asks, he looks concerned. "She told me being part of your crew will ruin my life. And warned that I won't be a mystery forever. Challenge accepted missy." Austen laughs. Oh wow... these kids here, are so dramatic. "Well you aren't really part of the crew so... " Damon trails off. Austen's heart drops a bit, not that easy. Makes sense. "I didn't think so..." Austen lies. They begin walking to their next class. "Is Colette friends with Val?" "She was. Why?" Damon asks. "Maybe Colette can help me take her down a notch." Austen smirks. "We don't really do that to people." Damon says flatly. "Two things! One, she's the enemy. She has been telling people that Corey and HER are planning on dethroning you. Two, since I am not technically part of your crew there is no 'we.' " Austen explains. She watches Damon's face turn red when she says we. What a cutie. Austen smiles at him, he glares and looks away from her instantly; his ears turning red. "Fine. Fine." Damon grumbles at her. They both spot Colette in the distance, "Go on. I'll see you at lunch." "Bye-bye, tomato face." Austen teases. "Shut up!" Damon yells stomping away. Austen walks up to Colette who had watched their goodbye, she laughed. "You know how to piss him off don't you?" Colette asks smirking. "I do." Austen sings. "Hey, I need your help. Val introduced herself to me today." "Let me guess, a passive-aggressive threat?" Colette asks. "Yes." Austen replies flatly feeling annoyed. "Typical." Colette sighs. "What makes her think she's the queen of the world?" Austen asks. "She's loaded and her dad is a congressman." Colette replies. "She tends to dig dirt on people and hold it over them. If there's nothing, she'll make it up." "She spreads rumors?" Austen asks. "Oh yeah." Colette huffs and nods. "All the time, about literally anyone." "You think she spread those rumors about Damon?" Austen asks. Colette bursts into laughter and throws her head back. "I'll take that as a yes." Austen sighs. Colette continues laughing, "She's been trying to destroy him since middle school. She just can't." "Why not?" Austen looks at Colette curiously. Colette blushes slightly and looks away from Austen. "Because he's outsmarted her every time." Colette explains quickly. "What's going on? What's with all the questions?" "I want to put her in her place." Austen puts simply. Colette's eyes spark up and she continues to blush. "Should I be jealous?" Colette asks flirtatiously. "Maybe... I will be spending all my time focusing on her for the next week." Austen tries to walk away but Colette runs after her and grabs her hand. "Let me help you!" Colette begs. "I told you already Colette. I'm not interested in you like that. I'm sorry." Austen says softly. "I know. I know. But at least let me be by your side... for this." Colette begs again to Austen. Colette pushes herself up against Austen. Austen pushes her slightly. "For this only," Austen says directly. This girl will not give up, will she? "Well if you're helping. What weaknesses should I know for Val?" Colette pauses momentarily and then a heinous smile spreads across Colette's face. "I got just the thing." © 2020 Jenn Wathen |
Added on January 10, 2020 Last Updated on January 10, 2020 Tags: Comedy, cross-dressing, friends, highschool, social media, drama, rumors Author![]() Jenn WathenChico, CAAboutAspiring graphic novelist, I am on Webtoons, Tapas and Tumblr currently. I am back here to itch that writing bug :) more..Writing