What Can Anxiety Do to Me This Time?

What Can Anxiety Do to Me This Time?

A Poem by JacJak

What just happened a few minutes ago, as I woke up.


 So I wake up with only the comforter on top of me, and I squirm around to tighten it around my body to trap any escaping body warmth. I like fighting off the cold in my room above the garage. Yuck, here comes my senses...My left ankle slowly starts to throb from yesterday, my slightly less than 20-20 vision comes into focus after blinking a couple of times. My ears feel as if they are filling up with some liquid (and when I go to swab them out, nothing is found on the Q-tip.) My lips press together when I my sense of taste picks up in my mouth, a nasty, sour feeling comes in like it does every morning, even when I brush my teeth the night before. And my nose, my poor nose can't be used, for it is stuffed up just a little too much for me to get enough oxygen.

Oh, what's this? Oh man! I haven't this sense felt for awhile...

Fear, the slightest bit of fear grumbles in stomach. Anxiety sets in while I move around in bed for a couple more minutes. I argue with myself, "Don't get out of bed now, because you will just have to wait around longer," against, "Go eat something, it'll make you feel better." I compromise to get out when the atomic clock reaches 30. As I do, I picture what it will be like in approximately...two and half hours: Me, twiddling my fingers, trying to look like I am paying attention to what's going on. My time has come, and to the podium I go, and I know from past experiences, my legs will start to uncontrollably shake. I put my piece of Luke on the wood, say to God, "Help me," and address the crowd, "A reading from the Gospel according to St. Luke."

It shows 30 on my clock, I stumble out of bed to write this in hope I can get some of my anxiety out. Waiting around doesn't help, so I go to vacuum now.  

© 2008 JacJak

Author's Note

I have to read in front of my whole school today for "Lessons and Carols."

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i love the part about your senses coming back, it really draws the reader into feeling your body and sharing your experience

Posted 16 Years Ago

Piblic speaking is easier when you talk to the fron row amd the back row as though someone you are comfortable is sitting there, and no one else is in the room.

Good luck.

There are some grammatical and phrasing issues, but you get the point across.


Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 19, 2008