never guess continutionA Screenplay by justink :):)so after a long talk she told me that she wanted to keep it but the boyfriend said to get rid of it and me of corse i just had to get into it and i said just do what you think is best but just know that i think having an AB is killing so then i called him and he came over and i took him to the side and he said that he wanted to keep it now so atter all the agravation they just ended up keepin the baby and after all they had a very cute girl and they had got married © 2008 justink :):)Author's Note
1 Review Added on June 13, 2008 Authorjustink :):)new yisork, NYAboutwell some people think that love heals but we all know that it just makes it harder to say goodbye so i dont see the pouint in it what do you think leave a coment on my page and i will get back to you.. more..Writing