My friend called me and said that she was scared because a boy she knows wants to go out with her so I said well go for it and she did so when she called me after the date she told me every thing went well and she really likes this guy. But after a few more dates she thought that she found the man of her dreams. Then she calls me up and says that she did some thing that she is going to regret so she is crying and the whole nine. So after a while I tell her to calm down I will be their in a five minutes. Well I get their in three cause Im good like that .then she drops the bomb can you guess what she said??????? This is a big shocker she is pregnant
my best friend is pregnant too. it's scary, can happen to anyone. but yeah, it's good you are a good friend to her, and it means a lot to her, i'm sure. keep writing.
Wow, I would have never guessed that for sure! I'm sure she's happy to have a friend like you to talk things over with. She's too young to be dealing with all of this. Hopefully, she can speak to a counselor or someone that can help as well. I'm so sorry for her.
You did write this very well though, I see you are coming a long way with your structure and form of a story. Great reporting!
well some people think that love heals but we all know that it just makes it harder to say goodbye so i dont see the pouint in it what do you think leave a coment on my page and i will get back to you.. more..