Know.A Story by this-is-a-pennameramblings of somebody who cant finish a real bookKnown.
Life is the type of thing that really only the person living it can explain. And dont pretend that you dont know what I mean either. YOU, the person with their face shoved into this book on the subway, in a restaurant or on their couch, you know exactly what I mean. If you tried to explain the meaning of life to anybody else, I would put my money on the fact that they disagree about something because you know what? You live a different life, so you have a different definition, so you can only explain it to yourself. There is no wiggle room. There is no “Black and White” only fact and this is one of the facts that can never be changed or disregarded. Its like a haunting, you can run and deny, but thats just to comfort yourself because you know the truth. You know that the truth hurts, and its a sort of pain that simply cannot be described by words. Words dont have the same...value as other things like emotions. But there I go again, using words to describe things that are indescribable. Really, can you describe love without using words that just come back out to mean love? “love is when you feel a certain way about somebody, and the feelings make you want to kill yourself, but you dont because youd miss them too badly”. So really, without using words, describe anything. What are words? Words are descriptions of the natural (and the unnatural) world around us. Lets name a few: tree, rock, monkey, brown, face, chimichanga, sulfur, boat, stars, discharge, regard, boxes, trim. These are just a few words, and you couldnt describe any of them without using other words that you cant describe without other words. What purpose does any of this serve? I have no idea, I was hoping you could help me. Pass this book on, give it to a stranger because it doesnt matter if they read it, it then will be passed along through limbo and tell a story of its own. Blank pages are the canvas of the soul. Imagine if everybody documented their true and honest definition of life in the back of one of these books. Think about the advancements that could be made if it were taken for true and honest fact because despite popular beliefs, humans can always find a way to be honest. I feel like even Hitler was honest a lot of the time in his beliefs that the Jews, Homosexuals, and all the other weird people of the world then were a whole big bag of sour skittles. I also feel like Donald Trump thinks he's going to be a good president (damn right, I dont much like him. Bite me.), and since we are at a place like this, I also think that Stephen King's “The Green Mile” would have been way cooler if John Coffey was played by a painted Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now, I know the last sentence or two may have been relatively controversial, and I have to ask I care? No. I really really do not. So take your triggered a*s and book it (theres a pun there) because I dont want your incestuous slime on my body (theres another one).whats another good thing to add into this before I insert my fifteen page story that im probably gonna belt out overnight because im only sixteen and I have zero use for any of my time...ah thats right, if youve gotten this far and youre cringing at the lack of apostrophes, f**k yourself its too difficult to reach my fingers over there every time I want a small line over a jumble of other lines. I dont need the apostrophes judgement. Also, a real smart person will be able to find my identity by knowing that my current lovers birthday is may the tenth, 2002. only threw that in there to be able to take credit for my lack of any real punctuation. Ill be back in a half hour, because I also have four dogs that need walking. Call this little piece here, “the transition of the magnificent story from one plot point to the other”
plot point two, and the rest of my, “not quite fifteen page story”.
Ah, I remember a time when writing was easy and flowed from the ends of my fingers like water from a really, really hydrated moose. That time was exactly one page ago. If in fact you have already fallen in love with my natural charisma, youre really gonna f****n love this. Truth is, I promised fifteen pages but theres no way I hell im pumpin out fifteen pages of this. In all honesty, im probably gonna just increase the font size until I get and extra page and leave this sentence at twelve so you know I dont play around. But then again I really like how these words mush together and really hide my total disinterest in spell checking any of this. Im sure theres going to be some real good people reading this and im sorry you have to witness a travesty such as this, but thats all the apology youre getting. The truth is, life is too short to worry about apostrophes, but if you dont use commas and periods you just look and sound foolish. And that right there is why im going to leave this totally anonymous unless I see a really good payout, and then I would assume a pen name, set up a direct deposit account, and only communicate with people through the interwebs and courier pigeon. My real name will be coded better than that of the Zodiac killers final note, and itll be harder to find than a bad johnny depp movie. Yes, hes amazing we know lets move on. I have always wanted to write a book this way. Or at least a few pieces of paper for other people to read. I want the name “Yorpus the Porpoise” to be viral because only I, , will know and when I see it, ill know at least some people will have read it and I will love myself again. Before you start worrying your little heads over it, “oh no Yorpus, why do you hate yourself?” just think about it and then dont, just dont. I dont hate myself, im not going to off myself in a Kmart bathroom, and I dont feel the need to make #SaveYorpus a thing. Theres a few things that you may know about me though. I really am 16, I have a lover, and im very indifferent towards d*****s views of me, meaning I probably have a relatively good amount of self esteem. I take pride in this. Holy mary mother of god this is making my arms tired, so I think this is going to the end of the road for me guys and gals, Yorpus out. © 2017 this-is-a-pennameAuthor's Note
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