![]() LoverA Story by Bryan![]() Oli Sykes/Kellin Quinn love story! Smut, smut, smut. :D![]()
"I love you." Kellin told his lover, kissing his tanned skin. Oliver closed his eyes, running his hands through Kellin's hair.
"You are so perfect." Oliver told him, smiling ever so slightly. Kellin grazed his teeth against his secret lover's neck, making him moan softly. No one else in either of their bands knew about their relationship. They'd been dating for two years, and Oliver was happier than he'd ever been. They knew they'd eventually have to tell everyone, but they were both afraid of what everyone would think. Kellin raised Oliver's shirt above his head. He gasped when he saw the scabbed over skin. He had four narrow cuts along his stomach, they looked deep. Kellin ran his finger tips gently across the wounds, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." Oliver said softly. He'd promised his lover that he'd stop doing this. It was so hard though, the urges followed him everywhere he went. It was like a nightmare that wouldn't go away. "I know you didn't mean it, my dear..." He mumbled, pressing his lips against the cuts. "It hurts me to see you hurt. I would never want to see you in pain..." "I'm going to stop, Kelli, I promise you I will. It'll just take a while..." "I know, darling, and I will help you fight this as long as you'll let me." Kellin moved his head in front of Oliver's. He kissed Oliver's lips softly once and leaned back. Looking into his lover's eyes. He loved this boy more than he'd ever loved anyone. Oliver wrapped his arms around Kellin and brought him close. Pressing his lips against his neck and wrapping his arms tightly around him. "I love you, Oli," Kellin whispered. "I have since the first time we met. I saw you and I knew I would never be happy if I didn't have you." He felt Oliver smile against his skin, "I love you so much, Kellin. You're so perfect." Kellin laughed slightly, "No, not perfect. Just a normal hopeless romantic." Oliver grinned and kissed his lover once again. Kellin lie back in the bunk, bringing Oliver with him. Oliver pressed his face against Kellin's neck and closed his eyes. He was in heaven. © 2013 BryanAuthor's Note
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