A Plot to Kill chapters 1-5

A Plot to Kill chapters 1-5

A Story by Ice QueenJen

This is a reposting of the completed chapters of this story.




Tatiana laid there in bed. She was glad to be alone, even though it had only been a day since Roger moved out. The last few days were sheer horror with him around. It was something she had been plotting for a while now, even though he was out of her place.


It was inevitable- he had to die!


But how? Where? When?


This was something she needed to think about. A way to get rid of Roger, making sure she got away with it. Tatiana didn't want anything coming back on her. This was going to be very hard to accomplish- cleanly.


She began watching murder mysteries, all the CSI shows, and any other show about how to murder someone. This was a delicate situation she was getting herself into. But when she thought about Roger she cringed, he made her skin crawl and turned her stomach.


As Tatiana laid quietly in bed, the radio announcer spoke about the war. He was giving the statistics on how many people, civilians they are called; and the soldiers that were dying. It saddened Tatiana to think about this senseless war. Then she thought, “ oh if only Roger could be assigned to cover something like that.” It would solve her problems, by Roger having an accident while covering the war. See he was a freelance writer for some cheap news rag of a paper.


Tatiana smiled, saying “ No more Roger!”


Just then her radio went off, so she got up. As she walked into the bathroom, she tripped on a box. It was one of Roger's; Tatiana yelled, “Damn man forgot that box.” She pushed it to the far wall, but what she wanted to do is chuck it out the window.


But she knew it wouldn't be right to litter the streets. He was already a fungus, a blight, that plagued the planet. No sense in putting anyone else in danger of being.......... I guess, polluted by his kind.


Besides, it was probably something belonging to his dear momma. Tatiana found Roger's mom and dad to be real nice. But even they couldn't figure out what happened when they had Roger. Tatiana wondered if he was really their child? Maybe they got the wrong one at the hospital, its been known to happen before. He is the total opposite from them.


As Tatiana stood in front of the mirror, she looked at herself. Then said,

Roger is a freak- he has to die!”


She went to shower, and tried to think of how this was going to happen. “Would I need a gun, no to messy,” she thought. Maybe some poison might do it a clean way to get rid of the blight, the scourge. She wasn't sure what she would use, she just knew it had to be done.


Tatiana had some friends on the police force, but didn't want to draw to much attention to her plan. But they disliked Roger, and even told her she could do better. Anyone of them would love to be with her. But she told them she needed some time to be alone, just get used to being without a man for awhile.


Tatiana finished showering, got dressed and went to make some coffee. Roger always hated the smell of coffee, so she was glad he was gone. Then she saw Roger's cup in the drainer, picked it up and walked to the trash, and dropped it in.




It made a loud sound as it broke into pieces. Tatiana knew she would slowly get rid of any trace of him in her life. It was her place again, not his, or theirs- just hers! She had thought about hiring a cleaning company to disinfect the place, making sure it was free of his awful stank, his vile presence.


Tatiana got a bowl down, and poured some cereal in it. Then went to the refrigerator for the milk. “ Ugh” she said, “ another thing Roger left, his tofu burgers.” A s she picked up the milk, she grabbed the burgers and walked to the trash, and dropped them in. Tatiana then said, “ Out of sight- out of mind!”


bang” it made the sound as it hit the broken cup.


She walked over to the counter with the milk, poured some in her bowl of cereal. Then went back to put the milk away. She sat down at the bar to eat

and enjoy a peaceful morning. She could sit and enjoy her morning without having Roger complain at her about the way she ate her cereal, and that she drank coffee. Nothing she did was ever the right way either.


At the thought of Roger, she decided to make a To-do list. Grabbing the paper and pencil she jotted down a simple list.


To – do list


  1. Go through the place to find all of what Roger left and dispose of.

  2. Hire cleaning company to clean place- remove the vile stench of Roger!

  3. Do research on how to do away with vile bodies.

  4. Remove vile creatures off the planet.

  5. Kill  I mean get rid of him!

  6. Be happy for the rest of my life! ( without the vile Roger)


She decided not to put the word kill in the list, hence it would be found by the police. She could say she meant to make him leave, but maybe they wouldn't believe her. Thank God she never married Roger. If she had known how strange he was she never would have dated him.


At least he was gone from her place finally. Soon he would be gone for good, well as soon as she devised a way to kill Roger. Thinking back to the time she met him, he was nice, even seemed normal. But slowly his unusual quirks started appearing. And his constant cleaning was so annoying.


If she wanted a maid, she would have hired one, but no she had Roger cleaning every little thing. It was as if he was obsessed with having things clean, almost to the point of being sterile. Of course, she had her own quirks, but nothing compared to Roger's! And hers were minor, and he put up with them. But in the short time they were together, only four months she had enough, it was time to move on.



She kept putting off telling him she didn't want him anymore, that it was over. But when she told Roger he needed to vacate the premises, he took it very well. He began bringing boxes home to pack his stuff, but he still lingered on moving them out. She found herself walking around his boxes, and around him. He was beginning to give her the heebie-jeebie's when he got to close.


Toward the end of him being there she was on the verge of insanity. Tatiana knew what she had to do- must do. She didn't want any other woman going through what she had. Those first three months seemed more like three years. But now he was out of her house, but not fully out of her life.......yet.


She decided to give herself a time-line as to how soon the deed would transpire. In less that a week or two, he would be gone. Wiped out.... extinguished.... removed from off this planet. Hopefully his parents wouldn't miss him to much either, at least she hoped they wouldn't.


Tatiana chose a time when it was early, and somewhere out of the way. Like the Roadhouse Inn just outside of Rancho Verde. Maybe they would serve his favorite dessert- Jello! But it would be a special mix- dosed with arsenic or some other poison. That was a detail she still needed to work on.


She asked him to meet her there, around 8:00 am, she made the excuse she had some papers for him to sign. Roger wondered why she wanted him to meet her there, and not at her house. But he agreed to be there, and so she sat waiting nervously for him to appear. Even though she had this well planned, it was still hard for her to remain composed.


She looked at her watch, 7:57; almost time for Roger to show up. It was another quirk of his to always be on time, he was a stickler for keeping an accurate schedule. She took a sip of her coffee, and waited. Knowing he would be walking through any minute. She took a deep breath and released it.


Just then she heard a screech of tires, there was screaming and the loud noise of a crash. Some of the people in the Inn went out to see what had happened. But Tatiana knew......... it was Roger that got struck by a truck. She picked up the cup, and grinned as she drank her coffee. Perfect she thought and a clean kill, no trace will come back to her, the blight was removed.


Soon after she walked out. Then passed the crowd of people, standing around the body that lie on the ground. She didn't bother to look at the pool of blood that formed around his head. There were police standing near to keep the crowds back, as the medical examiner pronounced him dead.


Tatiana began to laugh, she didn't have to do anything to cause his death. It was his own stupidity that caused it, or rather his not paying attention when the light turned red for him. And the trucks inability to stop fast enough to miss hitting him. The blight, the plague, the vermin called Roger caused his own terrible demise.


Maybe they should put that on his grave marker-


Here lies Roger the vermin,

blight and plague of the earth!”

His own stupidity was

the cause of his



Well, whatever they put on there is fine with her- for he is truly out of her life now. “ Out of sight - out of mind!,” Tatiana said out loud, as she continued walking down the street.



The Plot to Kill

What comes around........

Chapter Two



It had been a few days since Roger was gone. It was peaceful in her apartment once again, just the way she liked it.


Just then there was a knock on the door. Tatiana opened it. There was a man with a special delivery letter. She signed for it, and closed the door.


'Oh boy- now what?', Tatiana thought to herself.


What was this special letter that Tatiana just got? Was this about Roger, was she wrong about being rid of him?


Tatiana thought she would feel better with Roger gone. Oh how wrong she was in her thinking, that the vileness of Roger would be out of her life for good. It had only been a few days after his tragic, but untimely demise. When she received this letter from the law firm of Rivers, Johnson, and Klein.


' Great, now what?,' she thought to herself, as she peeled the envelope open to see what it said.


She took the letter and read it. While staring down at it,she tried to understand what it meant. Who were these attorney's and why were they sending her a letter?


What was this about?


Could they have the wrong Tatiana Miller, she just didn't know.







Rivers, Johnson, & Klein

25 Donavera street

rancho Verde, tX.



June 19, 2005


Dear Ms. T. Miller,


You are hereby summoned to the office of Rivers, Johnson, & Klein, for a very important meeting. We request you be here promptly at 9:00 am, on June 26th, 2005. It is imperative that you attend this meeting , and it would be in your best interests to make sure you are here at the requested time.




The offices of Rivers, Johnson & Klein



She sat down on her couch reading it over and over, still trying to understand what it meant. Why was she getting a letter from their law office, she hadn't even heard of them until today.


Since she received the letter on a Friday; Tatiana knew her weekend had been blown. It was all she would be thinking about; what they wanted her for, and why she had to wait until the following Tuesday. Maybe his parents would have a clue what it was about.



She grabbed the phone, and rung up Roger's parents, but they had no idea what it was about. They had buried their son, and that was it for them. Seems they really didn't miss him to much either. They said, as far as they could tell they found no trace of her had existed in his possessions. At first she thought it sounded strange, but then they had only been together for 4 months. So it wasn't to unusual for him not to have anything.


Tatiana realized he left everything to do with her, at her place. She couldn't believe it- that even from his grave he was getting to her. Just then she crumpled the letter in her hand,and yelled, “ Why can't I be rid of Roger, vile Roger. Why can't he just leave me the hell alone?,” Tatiana threw the letter down on the coffee table, then stormed into the kitchen.


She felt like she needed a stiff drink. Something to calm her anxiousness about the upcoming visit to the law office. Normally she didn't indulge in alcohol, but this was one time she felt it was necessary. She took the whiskey bottle down, and a shot glass. Shakily she poured a small amount of the brown liquid.


It was the one shot glass she kept. Roger had bought it for her, on one of his trips to Mexico. She only kept it because it had a cool wolf picture on the front. Tatiana took a small sip, then remembered Roger telling her it was better to just down it real fast. Just tip the glass over, and chug it.


So Tatiana took a deep breath, closed her eyes and downed the brown liquid. Oh God, it burned her throat, and she began to cough.


hack, hack.” The whiskey made her throat ache.


Now she remembered why she never drank. “ God, that is nasty,”Tatiana said. “This stuff is as vile as Roger, how do people sit and drink this vile liquid?, Tatiana wondered, as she put the shot glass down.


She had many friends that drank, and said they loved the taste, that it went down their throats real smooth. Most of her friends called her a 'lightweight' when it came to drinking. But Tatiana didn't care, she preferred drinking ice tea over any alcohol. She didn't like losing her inhibitions by drinking either.


She quickly retrieved a glass, poured some tea and drank it. “ Oh, thats much better,” she exclaimed out loud. It began to make her throat feel better. She filled it up again, then walked back into the living room. She bent down , and picked up the crumpled letter. She again began to ponder what the letter meant, what was so important, just what were they going to tell her.


She new she was going to go crazy until she could find out what they wanted to tell her. So instead of just sitting around, she began mulling around her apartment. Tatiana did some cleaning, she moved some of the furniture around,and then sat eating junk food while watching a movie. But by doing all that stuff, couldn't make her stop thinking about that letter.




It was finally around 10:00 pm, so she decided to go to bed. Tatiana tried to sleep even though she knew it wouldn't be a restful night.



Morning had finally come, and Tatiana was totally exhausted from the lack of sleep. To tired to move, she just laid there on the bed.


As the light peaked through her curtains, Tatiana pulled the covers over her head. No sooner has she pulled them up, she quickly threw them off, and yelled, “ Roger!” “Oh God” she continued, “ It must have something to do with him!”


She was obviously not rid of him yet, or at least that's what she began thinking.


Being frustrated, she uttered out loud, “ Now he is even haunting me from the grave.”


Ugh,” she said. Tatiana wasn't rid of that vile Roger just yet. She laid there wondering what she was going to do.



Tatiana finally dragged her body out of bed, and into the kitchen. Maybe something she likes will help her get into a better mood. She began to perk some of the coffee that Roger hated. Maybe the smell would help her get Roger off her mind. He detested her vanilla flavored coffee she got from Starbucks. He just liked dull black coffee, no sugar, no cream.


As the coffee was brewing, she walked over to turn the radio on. The smooth jazz music emanating from the stereo speakers soothed her rattled nerves. She began to take slow deep breaths, and was calm once more.



She made some breakfast for herself, then sat down to enjoy the vanilla coffee. Tatiana did her best to keep her mind on other things. She sat eating, and reading the morning paper. She saw an advertisement about an art showing at the local park.


Knowing it would drive her crazy staying at home, she decided to go to the local art fair. They were displaying the works of a new artist, but the paper didn't mention the persons name. Tatiana just knew she needed to keep her mind occupied. So this would be a great distraction.


After finishing her breakfast, she put the dishes in the sink. Then went to take her vitamins, and medication her doctor prescribed. Roger had always put her pills in a cup for her. Remembering that she smiled, and thought how nice he was in doing some things for her.


But he had so many other annoying habits, she just couldn't take it. That's when she plotted to get rid of him.


She walked out of her kitchen, and into her bedroom. She looked through her tops and found a cool one, then put it on. She went into the bathroom to fix her hair, and put on a little make-up. Then she went and searched for her blue jeans, and put them on.


Tatiana went to fix the pockets, in one she found a folded piece of paper. Could it be a note from Roger she wondered? Slowly she unfolded the note, she knew it wasn't anything of hers, she never put anything in her pockets.


As soon as she saw the hand-writing, Tatiana knew it was indeed from Roger. Curious as to what he wrote.... she began reading:


           Dear Tatiana,


                       I just wanted to tell you " I love you!"

      I know you don't feel that way about me. But you seemed to cope with all my strange habits. Yes, I admit that I have a problem, but I hope you will stay with me long enough to work some out.








She sat back on the bed staring at the paper. Now she felt really bad. “ He said he loves me”, Tatiana quietly said. Unsure of what she was going to do, she just held the note in her hand. Tears began to fall as Tatiana began to cry.


Why didn't he tell me before? He had plenty of opportunities, even the few times we made love” she blubbered.



Now she wished she could take back all the hateful things she'd ever said. She grabbed a tissue, and blew her nose.


I've got to get out of here, and get some air”, Tatiana yelled.


She blew her nose again, wiped away the tears. Then grabbed her bag, stuffed the note in, and headed out the door.



While she walked to the park, the words Roger said kept going through her mind. ' He loved me' Tatiana thought.


Again she started to feel bad for treating him like a jerk. As she entered the park; people started pointing at her. She could hear them say, “ its her” or “ she's the one in the paintings.”


This confused Tatiana, but as she moved closer to the paintings she was stunned! It was her- all the paintings were of her. He had painted her in different poses..... they were beautiful.


She was in 'awe', as she walked by each painting. And was stunned by how they looked. The man who was showing the paintings handed her an envelope.


He said, “ Ms. Miller, Roger wanted me to give you this letter.”


Tatiana said, “ thank you sir!”


She surveyed the paintings once again, then walked to the bench nearby. She wanted to see what Roger had to tell her.


Tatiana looked down at the envelope, and began to slowly open it.


She got it halfway open, then looked back over at the paintings. She never knew he could paint, much less capture her in those poses.


Tatiana finished opening the envelope and removed the letter. Nervously she unfolded it; then began to read it. She noticed it was dated the day before he died, June 23th, 2005.



June 23th, 2005


Dear Tatiana,


I don't exactly know where to begin. I just know I love you, and wanted to capture your beauty. You are very beautiful!


~She laughed to herself and said “ my beauty!”

Then continued reading the letter.



By now, you have found the note I left in your pocket. Being your favorite jeans, I knew you were bound to find it eventually. What I found in you, surpasses anything I have ever thought of having. You gave me hope........ hope that I could be loved - despite having these strange quirks.


I know many of them annoyed you, I'm sorry. But you never said anything, even though I asked if anything bothered you. And when I told you what I didn't like, you just stopped doing them. I wanted you to fight back or get mad at me....... you never did. Why? Why didn't you stick up for yourself?


Oh well, it's all hindsight now. If you are reading this, it means I have died. Whether by accident or from my illness. Yes, Tatiana, I am or was very ill. I hid it pretty well don't you think? No one but my doctor knew how bad I was


I guess, I can tell you now, that is if it's any consolation to your grieving. That is if you were ever grieving, you are now. Aren't you? You can't hide your true feelings from me. I know you didn't love me, its ok. Because I do know you regret, not giving me a chance now. Maybe we would have worked out, maybe not. I guess we will never really know since I am 6 feet under!


In closing my dearest Tatiana, I love you!


Now you don't have to worry any. The proceeds from any paintings that are sold is going to a charity organization. It will be going to the Brain Tumor organization. Yes, Tatiana I had a brain tumor. That will explain many of my strange quirks that annoyed you so.


I hope you brought some tissues, because I know you are crying. Let them out my dear, you let them all fall. I can't really say I miss you; but at the time of this writing- I did! It was only a few hours ago that I told you "goodbye", remember that? Ah... maybe you don't, as I left you sleeping, but I did kiss your forehead.


Tatiana, there are many things I regret:


1. Not telling you how I felt.( I had a hard time expressing myself.)

2. Not letting you know about my illness or condition.

3. Not making love to you more! I just felt to weak most of the time.

4. Not being there to see your expression when you saw the beautiful paintings I did of you! Yes, you are beautiful! Don't ever let anyone tell you differently.


Well I could go on talking, but its time for my MRI test. They want to see how big the tumor has grown. And no I can't have an operation to remove it. It surrounds the main vein- so it's in a delicate spot. Hopefully it hasn't grown to much lately.


My dearest Tatiana, I wished I could live forever, but I can't. I pray that you live a long time. I also hope you find someone you love, and he makes you happy. Do take care of yourself, and remember that I did- do love you!


in loving memory,

Roger Barker




Tatiana folded the letter, put it back into the envelope. She just sat there wishing she could tell Roger how sorry she was. That she did love him in her own way, strange as it was.

Just then the man who gave her the letter walked up. He had a package to give her. One painting Roger wrapped up himself, a special one just for his Tatiana.

She thanked the man, then asked how many paintings had sold so far. The man said all but four, he painted twenty-five all together!

Wow” Tatiana exclaimed!


The man said, “ They are intrigued by your natural beauty!”


Tatiana blushed at his remark, and said, “ Oh I'm not that pretty.”


As he walked away he said, “ Modest and beautiful- no wonder Roger liked you!


Tatiana put the letter in her bag, and stood up. She took a last glance at the remaining paintings. She still was amazed she never knew.


She picked up the one the guy gave her, and headed home. She walked like she was in shock, the only time she stopped was for the light.


When she arrived home, and hurriedly went in. She wanted to began ripping the paper off. It was a 5 x 7 painting, much smaller than the ones that were for sale. But as she took the last of the paper off she saw it.


The final painting that Roger had done. Tatiana held it out in front of her and laughed. Expecting to see another one of her, but found something else!


Tatiana began to smile, because it was a painting of her favorite flowers. She remembered telling him that she loved purple iris flowers.


He remembered!” exclaimed Tatiana. I didn't think he was even paying attention when I told him. She took the painting and put it on the fireplace mantle, then smiled.




The iris' were beautiful!


She didn't think Roger was so vile after all.


And she wasn't so worried about the letter from the law office. She knew now, that she could handle whatever came her way. In his own quirky way, Roger gave her the strength to carry on with her life.



Just then the phone rang!


- Ring, Ring!-


Tatiana picked up the receiver, and happily said, “Hello, Miller residence.”


It was Rogers mom asking if she got a painting from Roger?


Tatiana answered, “ Yeah I did. Why did you get one too?”

Rogers mom, Julie told her they also received a letter telling them about his illness. She said they felt bad they weren't more loving toward Roger.


Tatiana replied “ Yeah Julie, I feel so bad now. I would have been nicer had I known. (Tatiana paused)

It's to late now, and you know I do miss him!


Julie asked what kind of painting he made her?


Tatiana continued, “ Oh its a lovely one Julie. Its a painting of purple iris'. You must come over and see it Julie, I have it up on the mantle right now.


Did you get a chance to see his other paintings?” Tatiana asked her.


Julie asked her, 'what other paintings?'


Tatiana excitedly told her, “ Oh Julie, I wished you could have seen them. I just never knew he like to paint. Much less paint me, Julie they were all of me! Roger painted 25 different ones of me!”


Julie asked her, 'where was this at?'


They were on sale at the park, I went to see this new artist, not knowing that it was Roger! I am still in awe of his talent.” Tatiana joyously said into the phone.


Julie told her that Rogers dad just got home. She wanted him to read the letter,and show him the painting from Roger. She said she would come by in a few days to see the Iris painting.


Tatiana said into the phone, “ Goodbye Julie, see you in a few days.” She set the receiver down. Then began to think what kind of painting he had done for his parents?


She sat on the couch staring up at the painting, it was so beautiful. Then wondered when Roger had the time to do all of this painting, and where?


Tatiana finally laid down, and began to doze off. She was tired from not getting enough sleep the night before. While she slept she dreamed of being in a field of flowers- beautiful purple iris flowers.




For now Tatiana didn't worry about the letter, or what she would find out on Tuesday. She was getting a nice restful sleep........








A Plot to Kill -

Chapter three

A Time for Reflections


Tatiana had slept a long time while she laid there on the couch. She seemed to be resting nicely, but it was dark by the time she woke. As she sat up, Tatiana was disoriented, unsure of where she was. She began looking around, trying to focus her eyes. They settled on the fireplace mantle; as she saw the painting- she began smiling.


She remembered now. Tatiana was her living room, and there sat the last real object she had from Roger. Tatiana knew she had to find a special place for it. One with good lighting, so people could see how beautifully Roger painted.


Just then the phone rang- it was Tatiana's boss, Howard.


Hello, Miller residence........ Oh hi, Howard; that wont be necessary. I'm fine, no really, I am perfectly able to work tomorrow, and Monday.” Tatiana said.


--Howard wanted to give her time off to grieve.


Well thank you, Howard. But come to think of it- I will need Tuesday off,” Tatiana said, into the phone.


-----Howard asked, why? It was the busiest day of the week.


Tatiana continued, “ Yeah, I got this thing at an attorney's office, they want me there at nine o'clock.”


----Howard asked, ' If she was in trouble?'


Tatiana laughed into the phone, and said, “ No, no way, Howard, I think it's about Roger. They sent a letter, asking me to come on Tuesday. So I have to be there!”


--- Howard went on rambling, about how the coffee shop couldn't harbor criminals...... we run a clean business.......no riff-raff in his Starbucks!


I know Howard, I have read the handbook for Starbucks

on rules; I have worked there for three years now,” Tatiana retorted.


Howard said- 'O K, I'm sorry- see you tomorrow, have a good night.'


Tatiana joyfully replied, “ Yes, I will be there promptly at 9:00 sharp! Good bye Howard.”


Tatiana hung up the phone, then picked up the letter. While looking at it, she said, “ It's about you......... right, Roger? What do you have to tell me now? Guess, I will find out in a few days. No sense in fretting anymore tonight, I'm famished.” She put the letter back down on the coffee table, then went to make herself something to eat.


She opened the refrigerator, looked around. “Wow, it seems so empty with Roger's food gone,” Tatiana exclaimed. She finally decided on having a BLT, as she took out the package of bacon, then looked in the crisper, to get the lettuce.“Oh good,” she said, as she picked up the lettuce, and set it on the counter.


She closed the door, and began to prepare her sandwich. As the bacon sizzled in the pan, she poured herself some tea, and took a big drink. She set the glass down, and sliced up the tomato. Then after the bacon was done, she prepared the rest of her sandwich.

Tatiana decided to do something Roger despised while eating- watch television.

I can finally do this, and not hear Roger complaining,” Tatiana said, as she sat down on the couch. Tatiana began clicking through stations. She finally found the news, and began listening while she ate. She listened to the weather, then some local sports. She was just about to change the channel; when they said something about an art exhibit.


Tatiana stopped, set the remote down, and waited. ' I wonder if

this is one of Rogers?', she murmured in between bites.


After the commercial; the newscaster began talking about an unscheduled art exhibit in the park. People were standing around, and the mayor was waiting to be interviewed.


Susie Wren, the news reporter, began speaking, “ Hello there ,Susie Wren for RVTV, in the lovely Center Park. We are here today speaking with Mayor Bigsby about the Barker exhibit.”


Just then Tatiana gasped,”Ohhh!”


Susie continued, “ Now, Mayor Bigsby, how did you become involved with this artist?”


Mayor Bigsby began, “ Well, Susie, I met Mr. Barker over a year ago, when I wanted a painting done of my family. Roger, Mr. Barker offered to try doing it, free of charge, of course. At the time he was just a new artist, trying to see how well he could do. As you can see by these paintings behind me – he was an accomplished painter!”


Susie then asked, “ Were landscapes the only kind, besides the one for your family that Mr. Barker has done? Was he a well known artist outside our community? And if so where did he show his other work?”


Mayor Bigsby slowly answered each question, stating, “ Well Susie, he was a very peculiar man. See after he did the one for my family, he went to an art school. He did this in between working as a reporter for his father's paper.”


Susie piped in, “ So he had a regular job?”


The Mayor snidely went on, “ As I was saying he worked as a newspaper reporter. But his true passion was painting. I believe the park had an exhibit of his, where he did some paintings of his girlfriend, I think he told me her name was Tatiana Miller!


When he said that, Tatiana was shocked by the Mayor's remark. She never knew any of this, it was a whole side of Roger she had never known. Tatiana sat dumbfounded by the Mayor's remarks. Thoughts of Roger- painting- going to an art school all swirled inside her head. She sat back on the couch, as the Mayor rambled on about the paintings- all she could think about was how incredibly stupid she had acted.


Just then she heard the Mayor say,” Roger....Mr. Barker would take his paintings to Mexico. He would sell them, and donate the proceed to his favorite charity-The Brain Tumor Organization.


Just then, Susie asked, “ Is that what killed this fine artist?”


With a sad expression, he replied, “ No Susie......... unfortunately, he was killed in a truck accident, when he was in Rancho Verde. We aren't sure what he was there for, but doesn't really matter. Our community will miss this fine man, and artist!


At that, Tatiana slumped into the couch, and began thinking ' maybe if I hadn't asked him to meet me, he would still be alive.' She was getting depressed now. As she clicked the television off, tears began to fall down her face.

She cried, “ Oh Roger, I'm so sorry. If I hadn't been so mean, and hateful you might still be alive.”


Tatiana sat crying for almost an hour. She began hating herself for the way she plotted to get rid of Roger. Now she wished she had been nicer, and taken time to get to find out why he was acting so peculiar.


She decided to just go to bed, and try to get some sleep. As she washed her face, Tatiana tried to stop crying. She was still crying as she brushed her teeth, but finally grabbed the tissue box, and climbed into bed.


As Tatiana laid there crying, she began thinking about the first time she met Roger. He came fumbling into Starbucks, with a tablet and pencil. He was on a new assignment, his father wanted him to do. Roger was to find out how good they were, and why was the coffee shop so popular.


Tatiana stopped crying, and smiled as she thought of how cute Roger was then. As he asked her questions, he would drop his pencil. Roger kept saying, “ Sorry” every time it happened. He seemed to be really nervous standing there with her, but finally got through the interview. But when he went to say good-bye, he dropped his pencil again. Tatiana bent down to pick it up, and he watched as the front of her top opened slightly. Tatiana noticed him looking, and smiled as she went to hand him the pencil. Tatiana saw him blushing,as he grabbed the pencil, Roger quickly said 'bye', then left.

Tatiana stood there grinning, as he walked out the door.


That was almost ten months ago. Tatiana didn't see him again for a long time. Howard, her boss said some guy had been coming in asking about her. Tatiana couldn't figure out who it could be, and Howard couldn't remember what he looked like.


Then one day as a big crowd left she saw him sitting over in a corner. He wasn't drinking anything, so she walked over, and asked if he would care for anything?

Roger fumbled around saying, “ Yes.............. no........ ah yes.... no never mind.

Tatiana smiled down at him, and said, “ Are you sure, we have tea if coffee isn't to your liking?


He then bravely looked up, and said, “ Yes....... you!”


This time it was she, that was blushing, and then said, “ Me, you want me?”


Roger exclaimed, “ Yes!”

Tatiana, I want to get to know you. I like you!”


Tatiana laid there in bed, with tears streaming down her face. This was the first time she remembered that day. The day she found out he liked her. He seemed so normal then, and it wasn't long before she began to like him. He slowly moved into her life, and home. That was four months ago, but he soon began to change, acting very weird.


He began telling her what to do, and started bringing strange foods into her home. He told her not to drink the vanilla coffee she loved. It got to be to much for Tatiana. She liked Roger, but she was so tense all the time, and couldn't take it.


Now that she had known the cause of all his strange behavior, maybe it would have been different.....


Oh why, didn't you tell me Roger!” she cried out loud.


Tatiana finally fell asleep. But it wasn't a restful sleep, she found herself tossing and turning. She cried out “Roger, Roger,” in her sleep!


The next two days went by in a cloudy haze.


All Tatiana could think about was Roger.... the paintings..... and how she began to feel about him. Now she waited for the day when she saw the attorneys, and what she would find out from them.








The Plot to Kill

Chapter four

The Enlightening


It was finally Tuesday- the day of the big meeting!


Tatiana laid in her bed unable to move. She couldn't shake the feeling this meeting was about Roger, and it was beginning to make her nervous. Her stomach was in knots, and she hadn't gotten a good night's sleep. She couldn't stop thinking that there was so much about Roger that she never knew. Then she thought, ' hmmm, maybe it's not about him, it could be about something totally different.'


Oh God,” Tatiana said, as she looked at the clock, it was 7:30. “I better get up, and get ready,” Tatiana grumbled, and moaned as she rolled over, then got out of bed. She walked into the bathroom, and took a nice hot shower. Then went to get dressed, and fix her hair.


Tatiana sat in her kitchen, contemplating what she would find out. The cereal she tried eating, wasn't setting well in her stomach. Tatiana decided to just have some coffee, and set the bowl aside. She took the cup of coffee, and walked into the living room. Nervously she picked up the letter, and again began wondering just what it could be about.


She noticed it was time to leave, so with the letter in hand she headed out the door. The drive to Rancho Verde wasn't that long, but going back sent chills through her body. Tatiana hadn't been there since the day of his accident. And the thoughts of what she had been planning gave her a queasy feeling.


Oh Roger, I am so ashamed of myself,”Tatiana said, as she pulled up to the light. The woman in the next car looked at her funny. So Tatiana looked at her, giving her a funny face back! The woman quickly turned her head away, and Tatiana began to laugh.

Ha ha, that was fun- teach her to stare at someone” Tatiana said laughing.


She remembered Roger was the one who got her started on that. It always stopped people from looking at you, and it was fun making faces. Roger said it was a great stress reliever for him. Tatiana was back in a good mood as she drove into Rancho Verde.


She remembered Donavera Street was right off the first exit, so their office shouldn't be to hard to find. Just as she pulled onto Donavera, there it was. Tatiana pulled up to the brick building; and there she saw going inside, were the Barkers. So it was going to be about Roger if they were here. She began to wonder when they received their letter?


Tatiana parked her car, got out, and briskly walked to the door. As she went in she saw Julie and James, Rogers parents. They were sitting and waiting for her to arrive. Julie stood up, and gave Tatiana a big hug, and said, “ Oh Tatiana, I am so sorry we didn't get to know you better. And to meet like this is, well- you know. The day after you called, we got a letter on the following day. I was just to shook up, I couldn't call you.”


Oh, it's alright Julie. So, I guess it is about Roger? Hello Mr. Barker, how are you doing?” Tatiana replied.


James sat, and gruffly said, “ oh yeah- bad times, bad times.”


No sooner had Tatiana, and Julie sat down, then three gentlemen walked in, and introduced themselves- Marcus Rivers, Sam Johnson, and John Klein. They shook hands with Tatiana, Julie and James. Then Marcus told them John would be taking care of them. Sam and him had a big case to work on.


Marcus, and Sam headed out of the lobby toward there offices. John turned to them and said, “ Follow me, please.”


So they followed John to his office, and sat in the seats he showed them. It was real quiet as they all sat down.

One moment please,” John said, as he shuffled some papers on his desk. After a few minutes, John began to read off a paper.


As he looked up at them, he began, “ Firstly, this is not how Roger wanted you to meet us. He had been planning for all of us to meet at one of his art exhibits. But when he was killed we decided not to have the party.”


John got quiet, as if to let this soak in to them.


He then, continued, “ Tatiana, you saw the first exhibit Roger had planned. I must say you are just as beautiful as Roger painted you!”


Tatiana's cheeks turned bright red, and she wanted to shrink into the chair.

John continued, “ Then Roger had another one, Sunday afternoon, in which the Mayor held in honor of your son, Mr. & Mrs. Barker.”


Julie looked surprised, when John said that.


But on to the business at hand. Roger had made a video for you to view, I will play it in a moment. Now we can't really call it a will because Roger really didn't have anything valuable. And the paintings he sold were to help research the causes of a certain illness. He will explain this on the tape. So if you are ready I will begin to play the recording,” John solemnly said.


John walked over to the VCR, looked up and asked “ Ready?”


Tatiana, Julie and James moved in their chairs to get comfortable, then shook their heads yes.


As they sat there John pushed the tape in, then walked to his desk and pushed the play button on the remote.


The tape began to roll, Tatiana was getting nervous as she waited for Roger's face to appear on the screen.



- [Video taped letter from Roger] -


Hi, Mom, Dad, Tatiana.


Thanks for showing up for this.


I hope you weren't to put out over having to come here today, either.


And you met all the guys?


John, Marcus and Sam - they are a great bunch of guys. They have been my friends for a long time now. They summoned you here, at my request, and soon you will find out what this is all about.


These fine gentlemen are my private attorney's. This was my company, not theirs- although my name is not on it. I gave these men the opportunity to become successful, when nobody else would. Hopefully, they will continue in their efforts, and give someone else the chance I gave to them. I suppose you could call it - paying it forward!


Now to you- mom..... dad, I love you!


I know it was hard at times for both you. And mom, I know you held a certain grudge against me. It was my fault for being a difficult pregnancy, in fact, it was a strain on your body when you delivered me. I'm so sorry. It was also my fault that you couldn't have more children. It would have been nice to have a brother or sister!


Oh well, I had Nanny Liza. She was great at pretending to be my sister sometimes.(ha ha)


And, while you both were busy, she was there to help care for me. She was great, although at times she was strict when it was necessary. I remember the time I was sliding down the banisters – (ha ha) boy that was fun to do! But she kept telling me to stop, or I would get hurt.


Seems that every time, I would start down the banister – there she was.

Mom-Dad remember my broken arm.......... I was maybe 9 or 10?


Well..... that's how it happened, good thing Nanny was there when I hurt myself too. I never did slide down the banisters after that either. I sure learned my lesson the hard way. But I did go on to do things you both never knew about. But Nanny Liza did- and she never let me get away with anything. She watched me like a hawk- for you mom................ she did it all for you.


Oh, I know you loved me mom, but just had a hard time dealing with me. I know you haven't always been in the best of health either, or it seemed that way. Nanny Liza did her best at keeping me quiet, when she knew you didn't feel very well,. Oh, please don't cry mom...... oh mom it's alright really! I do love you very much too! Really, Mom.


And look at me........... I did grow up to be a fine young man. Well, while I was alive that is. And I did my best to make you both proud of me!



----[ Just then they saw Roger grab his head, like he was in pain, and hear him say, “stop the tape John.”]



So John Klein stopped the tape, and said “ Sorry its only off a few minutes. Roger gets those pains, and needs to lay down. Just relax a bit while I get the rest of the tape going.”


They were all quiet while he was getting the next part ready. Julie, Roger's mom sat wiping her eyes; while James, Roger's dad sat with his hands together, while his two index fingers tapped each other.


Just then Sam, one of the other attorney's walked in, and asked, “ Would any of you care for a refreshment while you wait? We have coffee, ice tea, or water?


James asked for a coffee, black; Julie wanted just a glass of plain water, no ice.


Tatiana just sat in a daze, staring at the screen.


Sam nudged Tatiana, and said “ Roger mentioned you love raspberry tea, would you like a glass?”


Tatiana looked up at Sam, after coming out of her daze. As she stared up at him, she said, “ Ah..... yeah, sure, I guess, I could take a glass of tea.”


Sam walked out to get the drinks. And Tatiana let her eyes follow him, she wondered what else Roger told him about her.


By the time the he walked back into the room with the drinks, the next part of the tape was ready. Sam handed out the drinks, then exited the room.




John looked up from his VCR, then said, “ Ready?”


They all shook their head's 'yes'.


He walked to his chair, sat down, and pushed the play button on the remote.


As the tape began to roll, Roger came back on,and said, “ Sorry about that, but when I get these headaches, and I get sick to my stomach. I am sure John told you that I needed to lay down.”


Now on to you dad, I love you too! You did your best trying to instill how important reporting the news was. But....... well, it just wasn't my thing. Oh sure, I did my part, and I tried doing the assignments with a smile on my face.

Well, come to think of it......... I would never been able to help these fine guys. So I guess it was good I was a reporter, even though I hated doing it!

Now, I am not sure who you will leave the “news-rag” too- (ha ha) that's what Tatiana called it. That old news-rag!


~~~~ James looked over at Tatiana, he saw her blush, as she slunk down in the chair.


Roger continued- Dad- Dad........ you leave her alone. I really love her, well loved her. She was the best thing to happen to me, I thought........ well, I had hoped we would make a life together..........


( roger turned to Tatiana)


Tatiana- it was good in the beginning....... I mean before I started acting strange? You know, I should have confided in you, I realize that it was wrong to keep this away from you. And when you said you wanted me to get out-- I just knew it was over. That you were tired of me........ of my strange quirks. God, I love you... but with my illness I wasn't going to make you stay with me, it just wasn't fair......... and I was to tired to fight! So I hope you will all forgive me, and my strange behavior now.


Now Dad, take care of mom-she will need you! Especially since nobody is in the house now. Well, besides the cook and maids, but mom rarely talks to them. Maybe you could take her on a trip, or a cruise- just the two of you!


I am sure Tatiana, and one of the guys here will watch the house for you. Maybe Sam would pick her up, and take her over there!


[ At that Tatiana looked up real fast, and wondered what Roger had in mind, was he setting her up with Sam? She was capable of driving to the Barkers house to check on it.]


I want Tatiana to help take care of my studio- there's something special for her in there. Sam has the key that's why he will need to go with you Tatiana. When you get there- I have some instructions on where I want the paint, supplies, and blank canvasses to go. Also you will find a black box on my desk, and a letter for you Tatiana.


Well, I'm getting tired again- damn tumor....... anyway, I guess that's all for now. But before I go- Marcus has letters for you-Mom and Dad, just some private thoughts I wanted to share with you!


Now I don't know if you're, or have been crying.... but it's alright. I mean it's not like I was the nicest guy for the last three months. I didn't give you any reasons to like me either- I was an a*****e, yeah, I admit it too! Please forgive me and my rudeness, or whatever choice words you called me. I love you all, especially you my beautiful Tatiana. Now you can drink that vanilla coffee, since I wont be around. It wasn't that I hated it, it was the smell that made me get sick to my stomach.

Now with all that said, I will say- goodbye, and I love you! The doctor has given me a few days, so I have other things to take care of. I love you all- really I do..........


John switched of the tape, and let the room stay quiet for a few moments.


James sat stunned, then said “wow!”


Julie was dabbing her eyes with a tissue.


Tatiana just sat slumped down in the chair, she hadn't drank any of the tea.


They didn't know what else to say, all they could think of is 'how, why, and oh my God.'


Looking up at them, he said “ Take your time, I have no clients today.” He paused then added, “If you three would like some privacy, I can go; I could use some coffee right now anyway.”


So as he left the room he heard James turn to Tatiana and ask, “ Did you know he was ill? If so, why didn't you let us know. We would have spared no expense in getting him the proper care!”


Julie started crying again, and saying, “ Oh my baby, my sweet Roger.”


Tatiana was in a daze, all of what Roger said swirled inside her head. Everything began to make sense, the reasons for his strange behavior, his constantly wanting things so spotless.....to the point of being hospital clean. Her mind was somewhere else, and she hadn't heard what James said. He tapped her on the shoulder, and said, “ I'm talking to you!”



Tatiana jumped almost spilling the glass of tea she had in her hand. She looked over at James, and unhappily said, “ Sorry Mr. Barker, no I didn't. But it all makes sense to me now.”


James peered over and asked, “What makes sense?”


Tatiana smiled, and said “ The things Roger started doing, the way he was acting, it wasn't his fault at all. I mean he was always a clean freak, but he became obsessed with things being sterile. One day he didn't mind my vanilla coffee- then the next he didn't want to smell it. It was the tumor that caused him to be the way he was!”

James piped in saying, “Well yes I guess it could.”


She continued, “You know I did love him, really I did. It's just the way he was getting was driving me bonkers. Either I was doing something wrong or I irritated him. I couldn't take it anymore.”


Julie piped in, asking “ Do you know why he was in Rancho Verde the day he died?”


Yeah, we were going to have breakfast together. So I was waiting for him, but he never showed up so I left” Tatiana said sadly. She would never let anyone know about her plan to kill Roger. Even now she got a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach thinking about it.


James looked at her, and asked “ So you didn't see the accident?”


Tatiana finally took a slow drink of tea, then set the glass on the table. She wanted to choose the right words to say, “ No....... I mean yeah I saw it. But I didn't think anyone was hurt. When I left the café people were standing around the truck, I didn't see anyone on the ground.”


James then asked, “ So you weren't in the least bit curious, I mean most people are wondering who was involved in a crash.”


Tatiana answered, “ no” while looking at the floor. She couldn't bring herself to have eye contact with him.



James just turned away and said “ hmmmmmmm...interesting.”


Just then John walked in and said, “ Things alright in here?”


They all nodded yes!


John continued, “ Good, the last thing Roger wanted was for you to be overly sad or angry with each other. He loved all of you very much and hoped you would continue being friends, and a happy family. He hoped Tatiana that you would consider Julie as your mom, since your real one died when you were very young.”


Tatiana looked over at Julie and said, “ Oh yes, I would like that still!”


Julie smiled back at Tatiana.


James spoke up, “ We always did consider you like a daughter. From the minute Roger brought you home, you were a part of the family. Still are, that is if you want to be. It might be good for Julie to have someone to visit with. Most of her friends are gone or moved away. But first I am going to do what Roger asked.”


As he grabbed Julie's hand, James lovingly said, “ We are going on a second honeymoon! Roger showed me living is to important, and not to be wasting it working all the time.”


Julie started crying again, saying “ Oh James.”


Tatiana smile and said “ That's wonderful, you both deserve some time together!”


Just then Sam poked his head in, motioning for John. So John excused himself and walked to the door. They were whispering to one another, and glancing over at Tatiana. She wondered what they were talking about. Then Sam left and John walked back to his desk.


He picked up three envelopes, and began saying, “ Now Mr. & Mrs. Barker, Roger has individual letters for you-just some private things he wanted to say to each of you. Then there is an envelope here- Roger wasn't sure if you would actually take his idea of going on a trip. So Mr. Barker......Mrs. Barker, Roger has booked two tickets on a cruise ship. It's for a Norwegian cruise, since you Mrs. Barker always talked about seeing that part of the world.


Julie again started crying, and James leaned over to hug her. James began thinking ' my son sure knows me!'


Now Tatiana, Roger has a special letter for you,” John went on saying.


Tatiana looked at him, and asked “ Where?”


John continued, “ Well Sam and I think it would be better if you weren't alone when you read it. So he is going to take you to a quiet place he knows, for you to have some privacy. But in case you get to emotional he will be there for you. Roger wanted to make sure you weren't by yourself when you read what he has to say.”


Tatiana looked puzzled, but said “ Ok.”


She began wondering what more he could say to her. He wasn't done making her feel like the crummiest person on the planet. She looked down at the glass of tea thinking.


John walked over to the Barkers, saying “ I wish we had met before this. Roger always talked about all of you.” Then shook hands with the both of them, then handed the envelope's to James. He turned and said, “ I'll be right back Tatiana, I'm just going to walk them out.”


Tatiana sat dazed, she wasn't sure she wanted to read the letter from Roger. When John came back, he found her staring at her tea, so she didn't hear him walk in. It wasn't until he said, “Tatiana, Sam is just finishing up some paperwork, then you two will take a drive.”


She looked up, then quietly said, “Alright, John.”


Tatiana sat drinking her tea, while John worked on some paperwork. She was stunned by what Roger had said. He knew her far more than she knew herself. She just sat there thinking 'Why?'




John glanced up to see if she was alright, and he heard her whispering. He had a feeling if he said anything she would burst out in tears. But he sat there thinking that Roger did not exaggerate in his description of her. She was a stunning brunette, with deep brown muddy eyes that sparkled. And she had a beautiful smile that lit up the room. John began to size her up as he sat there, but he knew he was not her type. At 5'3'', he guessed she was considered a petite woman, not bad for a 30 year old.


Just then Sam popped in saying, “ I'll be ready in 5 minutes, Tatiana. You can come wait in my office if you want?”


Tatiana smiled, “ Oh alright ....uh Sam is it?”


He looked at her, and said while smiling, “ Yes, here let me refresh your drink, too!”


As she walked toward him, he took her glass while holding the door open. He turned to John, saying “ Oh John, I may not be back in later, so I will see you tomorrow!”


John replied, “ thats fine Sam, I will answer any calls you get.”


Sam answered, “ Thanks John!” Then he shut the door. He turned to Tatiana, saying “This way, Tatiana.”


He showed her to his office, and she walked in slowly. “Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back.” Sam said to her.


Sam went to get more tea for her, and quickly returned. When he walked in he found her staring out the window, and she didn't here him walk in. So when he walked up, she was startled. Tatiana jumped, which made her almost spill the tea.


Sam blushed, and said “ I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”


Tatiana replied shyly, “ Oh it's my fault. I am just dreading what I have to do. What more Roger has to tell me, I hope its nothing bad. I feel terrible enough, I should have sensed something was wrong with him.”



Sam took her arm, and said “ Come sit down on my couch, have some more tea. I can finish up then I will take you to lunch, if that's alright with you?”


Tatiana replied, “ Ok, thanks Sam!”


Tatiana went over to his couch and sat down, she took a drink of her tea. Sam smiled as he watched her get comfortable, then he turned to get his paperwork done. He sat and thought ' how pretty she is, Roger was so right!”






A Plot to Kill -

Chapter five

Lunch and the Letter



As Tatiana sat on the couch she began staring into space. She could hear Sam shuffling papers and answering his phone. Yet she was in a daze about what Roger had to tell her.


Soon Sam was done, and he began to stare at her. He thought 'Roger sure caught himself a beauty- well for awhile. I wonder if she would be up to dating yet? I will see how this lunch goes, and what Roger has to tell her first. Then maybe I will pursue her!'



He really hated to disturb her, but he was ready. He cleared his throat, then said, “ I'm done, are you ready to go Tatiana?”


Tatiana glanced over at Sam, and said “what?”


Which do you like better, Italian or Mexican?” Sam asked her.


She just stared at him.

Getting up, he again said, “ Italian or Mexican, what sounds good to you?” Then Sam walked over to her and smiled.


Tatiana laughed, saying “ Oh sorry, I was .... I don't know what I was doing. I didn't hear you before, but I suppose Mexicans fine.”


Sam smiled, and said “ Let's go!”


They headed out the door, then Sam began saying “ We can take your car, and I'll just take a taxi home later.”


Tatiana looked at Sam, and said, “ Oh thanks, I appreciate this. You don't mind driving us.... do you ?” as she handed him the keys with her head cocked to the side.


Sam grinned at Tatiana, saying “ No Problem!”


Then he took her keys, unlocked and opened the door to let her get in, then walked around and got in. He started the car and pulled out heading for the Mexican Restaurant- La Familia. He glanced at Tatiana and noticed she was staring silently out of the window. He too thought she was beautiful and that Roger hadn't exaggerated. Roger had hoped that she would end up with Sam, but he wasn't going to press it right now. They had plenty of time to get acquainted, he was first to be moral support for her.


The restaurant wasn't to far away, so it only took a few minutes to get there. After Sam pulled into a parking space, he looked over at Tatiana. He wanted to hold her in his arms, and began thinking again ' God she is so beautiful.' He quietly, said, 'mmmm' to himself while looking at her. He barely knew anything about her, yet she was making his blood boil!


He took a deep breath, then got out of the car. Tatiana hadn't noticed he got out, or when he walked around to open the door for her. She was deep in thought about what Roger would further say to her. Sam opened the door and stood staring at her, letting his eyes survey her body. Again it made his emotions run wild, especially when he saw her long legs even though she had jeans on.


Then he cleared his throat, and said, “ Um, Tatiana we're here.”


The sound of his voice brought her out of the daze she was in, she looked up and began smiling at Sam. Her eyes sparkled when he looked at her, he felt like his knees would give out. But he stood strong and reached out for her hand to help her out of the car.


Tatiana kept smiling as Sam helped her out, and she thought ' Wow, such a gentleman!' Forgetting all thoughts of Roger as he held on to her hand. He didn't want to let go, and for some strange reason neither did she. Just then she said, “ Well.... shall we go eat or stay and dance in the parking lot?”


Oh sorry,” Sam said blushing, then said “ Lets go eat – we can dance later” as he chuckled.


Tatiana smiled, then happily replied, “Ok, its a date!


Sam's eyes got big when she said that; ' a date he thought, yeah....cool.' Again they stood looking at each other, then she laughed.


I don't know about you Sam, but I'm famished. Let's go eat now,” she said happily.


Sam said excitedly, “ Me too!”


As she turned to head for the door, he wasn't sure if she minded him holding on to her hand still. Just then she pulled him forward towards the door, as they headed hand in hand, she said “ Let's go!”




The waitress told them to sit where ever they wanted. So Sam chose a quiet booth towards the back, letting Tatiana sit down first. As he sat down the waitress brought two menus for them to look through.


Well order anything you want, it's my treat!” Sam said.


Tatiana said, “ anything?”


Sam replied, “ Yes, Tatiana.”


What would you say if I wanted everything they had on the menu?" Tatiana asked mischievously.


Sam looked over at her in shock, and said “ I'd say you have a hearty appetite. But tell me where would you put a menu full of food? I mean you aren't that big.”


Oh yeah, I have a real hearty appetite, but for your sake I'll keep it down to a respectable size meal today.”


Sam laughed and said, “ Oh good I have money, but I'm not rich!”


Tatiana glanced up from the menu, and shot Sam her sparkling smile.


The waitress came up, and asked “ Ready to order?”


Sam looked at her and said “ Go ahead, Tatiana”


Tatiana replied happily, “Well for now I will just have the number 1, but no sour cream, and guacamole on the side, please.”


Sam shockingly looked up from the menu and said, “ For now.... you plan to eat more?”


Tatiana laughed, saying “No Sam, not today!”


Sam wiped his brow, then said “ Oh good.” He looked back at the menu, then at the waitress and said, “ I guess I will have the number 5, today.”


Tatiana looked over at Sam, and asked “ So how long have you known... or had known Roger?”



Sam took a deep breath, and slowly answered, “ Well lets see.... I guess its been about a year now. I had just passed the bar, and was looking for a firm to work for. We happened to be friends with Mayor Bigsby. You know John, Marcus and I went to the same law school together. But one day Roger happened to come by the Mayor's house during a party. That's when we first met, and I talked about our plight of not finding a law firm that would take us on.


So was that when the Mayor asked Roger to do the painting of his family?”


I believe so, although I had no idea of the talent he had! Most of the paintings at the law office were done by him too” Sam said proudly.


Oh really, I guess I'll have to go back and take a look at them.


I'll be happy to show you around and explain them all to you. But back to when Roger helped us. During the party his mind was so occupied on when he would find the time to work on the painting. And at the time he had no place to paint without anyone bothering him, and his dad kept him busy at the paper. Which led him back to us, and how we got our practice started.


Oh yeah, how's that?”


Well, his dad wanted him to do an article on upcoming lawyers. That's when he remembered us, and gave me a call. We still didn't have a firm yet, so he offered to help us. And well the rest is history, it's all ours now.”



Hmmm...... seems there was a lot I didn't know about Roger.”


Sam reached over taking her hand he told her, “ Don't feel bad, he was just a private man. But he did have good things to say about you. I'm happy to see he wasn't exaggerating either!”


Tatiana blushed, and put her head down. He held onto her hand and she slowly raised her head and met his eyes.


Just then the waitress brought their meals, so Sam released the grip he had on Tatiana's hand. The food looked delicious, but her mind was on Sam. She knew he was beginning to like her.... and the feeling was mutual. As the waitress set the plates down, she said “ I'll bring you some more tea, miss.”


They said “ Thank You!” at the same time. Tatiana shot her smile at him, then they both laughed.


Tatiana began eating, but she could feel Sam watching her. He was dazzled at her beauty, and didn't want to take his eyes off her. After the waitress refilled their tea glasses, Tatiana took a sip.


While smiling at Sam she began saying “ Well, are you going to eat or just sit and stare at me the whole time we're here?”


Sam's face turned bright red, then said, “ I'm sorry, but you are........... so beautiful!”


Thanks Sam, but if you continue staring at me, I may end up eating your meal too” she said smugly.


Oh you wouldn't...... would you?” Sam said shockingly.


Tatiana gave him a devilish grin. Which made him pick up his fork and begin eating. Then Tatiana gave out a loud laugh; making Sam smile. She got him right where she wanted him, and he knew it! He was under her spell, just as Roger had been. He remembered the last words Roger said to him. ' Take care of Tatiana for me!'





Just then he stopped eating, and began staring at his food. Sam thought to himself' Oh Roger I will do my best, if she will let me.'


Tatiana looked over and saw Sam sitting quietly, she reached over and touched his hand, then said “Sam are you alright?”


Oh yeah, sorry a momentary lapse in time” Sam quietly said.


He looked over at her, smiled and said “ Lets finish eating, then I will take you for a drive. You still have Roger's letter to read.”


Tatiana began looking sad, saying “ Yeah, I had forgotten about that.”


Regretfully Sam said, “ I'm sorry, Tatiana. I see you're not up to reading it today. If you want we can wait, I'm sure what he has to say isn't imperative. We can just go for the drive, or I can take you home if you like, it's up to you.”


Yes let's finish eating then take a drive Sam” Tatiana said happily. She sat looking at Sam and smiled as she took a bite. Soon they finished eating, and headed out the door. When they reached her car, he opened the door to let her climb in. She paused and while looking at him she asked, “ Have you always been such a gentlemen? I mean normally these days most guys don't open any doors or help a lady out.”


Sam laughed as he stood waiting for Tatiana to sit down in her car. He then said “Let's go for that drive, and I'll explain some things to you.”


She happily replied “ Ok, because I am not ready to go home yet!”


Tatiana wanted to spend as much time with Sam as she could. He was fun to be around, and she was beginning to like him. And even though she had a love for Roger, it was now just a memory of the good times they had.


Yet she dreaded learning what more he had to tell her. She had an eerie feeling that it wasn't good. Thankfully Sam would be there just in case she broke down.


As they were driving down the road Sam began humming, bringing her back to reality. Tatiana looked over at Sam, and as she smiled began thinking ' Oh God, he is so gorgeous. I don't think he would ever go for me though.' Finally she got the nerve to ask him, “ What's that tune you keep humming, Sam?”


Just something I heard one day when I was helping my Grandmother with some papers “ Sam replied.


Tatiana smiled, and said, “That's a nice tune. Is your grandmother still alive?'


Oh yes, very much so. She lives up on the hill near Roger's parents. Maybe I will take you there one day so you can meet her, she would like you” Sam said excitedly.


Tatiana got real quiet, and said “ I never knew mine, she died long before I was born. I didn't even know my real mother.”


Sam looked over at Tatiana, he could tell she was sad. He longed to take her in his arms, to console her. So he decided he would take her to a place he knew- his private place. It was a quiet cove he had stumbled on one day while out driving.


It wasn't to far of a drive, but he felt it would be good for her to share in his secret place. He did want to take care of Tatiana, not only because of what Roger asked. But that he was beginning to have feelings for her.



As he pulled up to the parking space, again Tatiana hadn't noticed the car had stopped. Sam sat looking at her, he could see the sadness in her eyes. He quietly thought ' Must have been real tough growing up and never know your own mom.' After a few minutes he finally got out of the car and walked around to open her door. This time she heard him, and smiled as he held out his hand.


He said, “ Come let me show you a place I go, to sit and think. This is a special place, and you're the first person I have shared this with!


Tatiana didn't know what to say- she was astonished that he felt comfortable enough to share this place with her. All she could muster out was “ Thank you Sam!”


He wanted to take her hand, but didn't feel he had the right to. She still needed to finish things with Roger first. He felt that until she read this letter, she still belonged to Roger........ even though he was dead. But he would look after her during this time, and after if she wanted him too.


Sam looked at her and said “ Come follow me.”


So Tatiana followed Sam, first they went down a trail, then to a opening overlooking the bay.


As the bay came into view Tatiana looked out and exclaimed “ Wow, Sam it's beautiful!”


Sam said “ Yeah it looks like a real bay doesn't it? This is all man-made from this alcove we are in to the water out there.”


Tatiana looked at Sam and said, “ What do you mean man-made?”



Well all of this was built for movies that a studio produced. It was years ago, when they made pirate movies- you know the old black and white ones. My grandfather found out that they were going to dismantle it after they quit making the pictures and bought it. My grandmother felt it had historical value and wanted to preserve it. So she urged my grandfather to purchase the land and everything on it. And now they let people come camp down there for a modest fee- as long as they clean up after themselves” Sam said proudly.


This is just beautiful Sam. I never realized this even existed,” Tatiana said as she stood admiring the view.


Sam looked down at her face, and said “ Yes it is. That's why I brought you here..... a beautiful place for a beautiful woman!”


Tatiana sat down and folded her arms around her legs. Sam watched Tatiana as she looked out over this man-made bay. She was wondering what it was like for a big ship to be docked here, with all kinds of pirates scurrying about.


They both sat quietly enjoying the view. It wasn't until a cool breeze began to blow, that Sam stirred. As he looked over at Tatiana, he said to her, “ Well I think it's time I took you home. It's been a long day and I am sure you're tired.”


Tatiana looked at Sam and shot him her sparkling smile. She then said, “I'd like to come back here if you don't mind?”


Sam replied happily, “It would be my pleasure. Anytime you want to come let me know. I'd love to accompany you if that's alright with you!”


Tatiana answered sweetly, “ I wouldn't have it any other way, Sam.”


They walked back to her car, and as always he opened the door for her and helped her in just like a gentleman. Tatiana had been enjoying the view of the bay she had totally forgot about asking him about that. And he was so happy to spend time with her, that he to managed to let it slip his mind. They drove off in silence as he took her home, but Sam was contemplating the next day when he would inevitably see her again.


He didn't want to mention Roger's letter, but she still needed to read it. Even he didn't know what he said, but was told to be there in case she broke down. He would find out tomorrow, that is if she let him. He wasn't going to press the issue though, he would leave that up to Tatiana. He just knew they would be spending far more time together than they are right now.


Sam entered the city, then looked over and smiled. As he began humming, she turned and looked at him. They both could read each other's minds and knew they would end up in the others arms. He stopped at a light, and asked “ Where is your apartment Tatiana?”


Oh yeah Sam, it would help if you knew where you're taking me,”

she said nonchalantly.


Well yes I think so........ unless I took you home with me?” Sam said teasingly.


Oh yeah......... well I don't think so. I love my bed, besides I hardly know you, Sam” Tatiana said, even though she was very much attracted to him.


He laughed and said, “Ok, what's your address?



Tatiana said, “ Oh yeah that would be helpful, otherwise you will be driving all night.”


Sam laughed, then said “ Well that wouldn't be to bad if it's with you.”


Well it would be fun, but I need a nice hot shower, so home James,” Tatiana said in an commanding way.


Ah yes ma'am, number please,” Sam answered.


5255 Honeysuckle Circle......... James, er Sam", Tatiana said quietly.


As Sam headed for her apartment, he noticed she had gotten real quiet and assumed she didn't want to be alone. But he didn't want to press his luck this soon, but he would invite her to go to breakfast with him.


As he pulled up to her place, she turned to him and asked,

“ Would you like to come in and use the phone to call a taxi?”


If that's alright with you, thanks Tatiana” Sam said.


He walked her up to her door, after unlocking and opening it, she pointed to the phone and said “ It's right over there, Sam.”


He again said “thanks,” He picked up the receiver and dialed the number, then said “The cab should be here in about 10 minutes.”


Are you alright, Tatiana?” Sam asked with a touch of concern.


Oh just tired, I think all that has gone on with Roger has hit me, and its not over yet” Tatiana said with a touch of sadness.

Well I will be gone in a few minutes, if you prefer I can wait for the cab outside. Then you can take your shower and get to bed. But I would like to ask if you want to go to breakfast with me tomorrow?


Oh yes, I would love to Sam. Just come over in the morning to get me, and this time we can take your car!” Tatiana said with her sparkling smile.


Just then they heard a honk, and knew it was the cab for Sam to go home. While looking at Tatiana's face he said, “Well then I will be around about 8, so you go and get a good nights sleep. Oh and make sure you lock up after I leave Tatiana.”


Good night Sam, see you in the morning” Tatiana replied as she watched him walk down the steps. She shut the door and locked it after he left. She went to get ready for her shower, and bed but couldn't stop thinking of Sam and getting to see him again.





© 2008 Ice QueenJen

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Added on April 19, 2008


Ice QueenJen
Ice QueenJen

Bakersfield, CA

Not only am I a woman, but a mother, friend, and hopefully the best person I could be. I have begun to broaden my horizons and get into writing poetry. But I also am an artist, and I am trying my ha.. more..

Gods? Gods?

A Poem by Ice QueenJen