Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea

A Poem by Lucy Hatfield

My first sonnet about nightmarish sleep.

Tonight these sleepless eyelids feign to sleep.
Thy husband, corpse-like save for spate snores,
Elicits singing begot of briny deep.
So lucid dreams make I of aquatic lore.

At night the ocean breathes with whispers soft,
Which crash in rhythmic waves against my ear.
Lithe currents answer singular and oft,
Dance wayward foxtrots beneath gilded wear.

But dancing quickly fosters fighting tides.
These spiteful tempests covet Mother Moon.
Contentious zephyrs widowed many brides
and stained the trenching squall deepest maroon.

Now mountains stain my morning skies with umber,
I've never feared the ocean like in slumber.

© 2013 Lucy Hatfield

Author's Note

Lucy Hatfield
This sonnet is not perfectly iambic. I do not like the use of "But."

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Added on February 18, 2013
Last Updated on March 5, 2013
Tags: sonnet, nightmares, dreams, ocean, sea, storm, morning, sleep, twilight, poem


Lucy Hatfield
Lucy Hatfield

Greenville, SC

My name is Lucy. more..
