open borders

open borders

A Poem by Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)

Limelight was my fathers fave tune by Frank chacksfield Ive added music below

Crosses the
Dim witted spaces

Left behind
Wrappers of life
Lie at the fence

Old gum stuck on shoes
Worn out rubber
Treads a new path
To Target shop and the like

Free vouchers
Not to the residents
Only new arrivals get one

They never look behind
At their old life

But we just watch
And grit what teeth
We have left
And spit in the
Dirt that we are
Born in

One old man
A veteran
Sits waiting
For his
Free food in the city

The plates pass by him
He’s a
forgotten dying breed

His pride of his home
His beloved usa
Keeps him going
As he Hums
The same anthem
With tears

He remembers those days
A bit
Of sense
Of country
Runs in his
That will never die
I’ll be dammed
Not while he’s alive
He said to his self

Grinning he takes a bite
Of bread
From his pocket
No need for jam
I’m too damn sweet
For the girls he laughs

And falls asleep
On his mat
Needs water
As he licks Dry

Passers by
Don’t see his pride
They see an old
Man whose dug himself
Into his own misery guts

How wrong they are
He’s a forgotten veteran
From the late sixties

Just needs the govt
To give a sweet
Damm to this old boy

© 2024 Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)

Author's Note

Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)