She looked at stars
Felt their shine
Their glow
Beamed down
To her
Lifted her
To feel
To feel
She felt
She knelt and prayed
At one
With universe
She felt alone
She was alone
But she felt
not alone as before
Generally when one contemplates the vastness of the universe, there is a tendency to feel inadequate, small, inconsequential. For your character to find solace and peace in that same vastness is a wonderful and unique perspective. Well done.
Soft, so tender, like a smoothing whisper to fill the heart with gentle ease, very beautiful my friend, I could feel the peace flowing through You while writing down Your words.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Light thankyou so much for your endearing beautiful reply and review
"she felt alone, she was alone, but she felt no alone as before" was a splendid way to end the poem. where some may find nothing empty darkness in the stars, you brought company and faith to everyone with finding some of yourself in the stars. brilliant !!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
scarlet thankyou so much for taking the time to read my so very amaeteurish stuff lol
Beautiful Julie! Wish I had written it! When we look at the stars, we know we're not alone. One suggestion- glowing instead of glowering. Probably a typo-happens to me all the time! Kudos & God bless!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Annette thankyou so much for coming back and reading my poems.
Amateur old poet well not that old but not a young 20 anymore I live to write I write at least five poems ditties every weekend and a few during week I write quickly it just flows and bu.. more..