

A Poem by Julia Ledo

It took a year for me to finally write this down to do him justice.

It's kind of sad that I've never really been in love with anyone, 
Except for a cat. 
But the cat kinda still counts 
I mean yeah it was a cat, but he was my cat 
And it's rare for cat to know they are your cat 
But he knew. 
He was special. 
He was one of those cats that other cats would've had to hunt for 
Like cats that bring mice to humans to say 
Wow you're an awful hunter 
So maybe we were that cat to him 
The one that said wow you're actually a really cruddy excuse for a cat 
And he might've loved us more for the fact that every day we fed him 
Even though he never gave us a dead animal in return 
Even though I didn't particularly desire a mouse dead or alive from him 
I think what made him special was that he figured out we didn't want dead mice 
We wanted his affection and that's what he gave us 
He never tried to claw my face off 
And never wanted me to leave him on his own 
And in a way that's how he showed he loved me back 
And in his cat way he tried to talk 
To try and get me to understand 
And because I loved him I learned the language 
Like he was a foreign exchange student I had a crush on 
But he learned my language too 
When I called him he answered 
Sometimes the answer was 'I'm not coming' 
Probably because he was laying down 
Or when he got old, because he couldn't come. 
He was very human 
And just like humans he got sick 
Wanderlust at an early age had ravaged him 
Making him a shell of what he used to be 
I took care of all the scrapes and bumps 
But I couldn't see the inside of him and it's a general rule of thumb that a cat does not turn inside out when you ask 
So I didn't ask him to turn inside out I just took care of what I saw
Slowly he began wilting away like autumn leaves 
His fur becoming greasy and bones poking out under his skin 
I carried him most places 
Because I loved him too much to make him walk 
It was hard marking the day when he made his last jump up to the bathroom sink 
To get a drink of water from a Dixie cup that we used to fill for him because he preferred cups to bowls 
And even though he couldn't jump up on the bed 
Or walk for long without collapsing 
The cat still tried to follow me around 
Because the stupid thing loved me 
And I really don't care if it's sad that I loved him back 
Because cats are usually really nasty 
And he was really rare 
I know the feeling of the sandpaper tongue on my cheek 
And I learned cat language
 ... Catlish ... Catonese.... ... Catese 
And he learned his name and other important things in our language 
Maybe the most important thing was 
With his withering old body 
He gave everything to say 
I love you too

© 2016 Julia Ledo

My Review

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Somewhat Dearing,somewhat heart wrenching piece. The love for animals can be in some cases stronger than that for people. You words are loud and clear. Although not an entirely happy ending. It did bring a smile knowing the special relationship.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Julia Ledo

8 Years Ago

Thank you very much, I had nearly forgotten about this piece. I wrote it nearly three years ago.

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 7, 2014
Last Updated on January 22, 2016
Tags: Free verse, sad, pets, death, love, cat


Julia Ledo
Julia Ledo


I write sappy things, sentimental things, mushy love things, and sometimes I write good stuff. Eat your heart out tough guy more..

One AM One AM

A Poem by Julia Ledo