![]() Chapter 1 The Stadium ExplosionA Chapter by James Tyler![]() In the aftermath of a stadium explosion, Demetrios Green must face terrifying truths pertaining to his family, society, and his own past and future all to find his younger brother.![]()
The events of that day have
echoed throughout my mind for years. I can still hear the whipping of that
morning’s wind in my ears. Crushed candy
wrappers, containers, and pop corn crinkled from on the floors as I made my way
through crowds of eager parents, school faculty and students. The aroma of freshly cooked foods permeated
from the concession stands pulling my attention into their various
directions. As I viewed signs advertising
hot dogs, nachos, sodas, and a variety of snacks; I couldn't help but notice
the kids dressed in their newest gear and prancing around like they were center
stage at a fashion show. I could see a
little of the youth I had not so long ago left in each of them. I could hear the innocence in their shouts
and the enthusiasm in their screams.
They created a vibe of normalcy that I had for so long taken for
granted, but that day I appreciated the mood.
On that specific day, I stood and took it all in because there was a
feeling creeping deep within me. It was
a feeling that even until this very day I cannot explain. This feeling gave me the impression that
things were about to change. I felt that
even the little things had to be appreciated because soon nothing would be the
same. As
I made my way through the insides of the stadium, the entrance marked A109
brought back memories of my own high school years. Those were years that seemed so long ago but
in reality had not so long ago passed.
Just as my brother was at that moment, I had also been the star
quarterback on our high school team. I
remember rushing through entrance A109 every game as the yells of the crowd
gave me power. I felt invincible. I was
a dominating force on the field. No wind
could deter my pass and no player could withstand my rush. Touchdowns seemed to come easy as I charged
down the field with nothing but the wind and my thoughts as company. To the others, I was untouchable and eerily
inhuman during the game, but somehow my opportunity for stardom never
came. This is why I was determined that
my little brother would know all of my success and none of my failures. He would be the one to bring fame to the
family name. Where Demetrios “Metrio”
Green failed, Reg “Regulator” Green would most definitely succeed. “Metrio!
Wud up fool?” the sound of an all too familiar voice immediately sent me from
basking in the thoughts of victory to thoughts of hiding in plain sight. DelTerio Walker, one of my brother’s friends
and my biggest fan, appeared from within the crowd. “I knew there was no way Metrio Green was
going to miss the biggest championship game in Orson High history! So where are
we sitting bruh?” DelTerio annoyingly invited himself to sit with me. “Look,
Teri man, I’m only going to be here for a lil while. I just want to show my lil
bro some support man.” I lied hoping to avoid a full morning of DelTerio’s
annoying rambling. “That’s
cool bruh! We can just catch up until you ready to leave.” DelTerio grinned
obviously seeing through my excuse. “Yeah, man, we better hurry up and find a
seat though. I don’t wanna miss this. Reg is about to go into beast-mode on
these boys. They ain’t ready!” As
we stepped out before the field, the morning wind rushed around us. Teri stood close wanting to make it obvious
to his peers that he was hanging with me. Our seats were in a perfect spot
directly over the entrance where the players would be rushing onto the
field. The band blasted tunes as the
cheerleaders led the crowd in belts of anticipation. The game was about to begin and I looked
around to notice my mother entering the stadium once again without my father. Midnight,
the night before, our father Dr. Emmanuel Green was aboard a Naval jet being
transported across the Atlantic ocean to a remote location in Africa. Reg was soundly asleep when Commander Bernard
Sparkes and his crew of Navy Seals showed up at our door. Quietly I crept out of our room kneeling low
atop the stairs so as to not be seen. I
remember seeing the look of surprise on my father’s face as he pulled the door
open to greet Commander Sparkes. “Dr. Green, We need you to come with us now!” “Commander,
what is going on? Do you know what time it is?” My father questioned. “All
will be explained, Doctor; but for right now we have an executive order from
the President. We need you to come with us now.” I watched as Commander Sparkes
handed my father the President’s orders. “Demetrios!
What are you doing!” my mother’s shadow hovered above me as I became lost in my
father’s conversation with the Commander.
Knowing that my father was now aware I had been eavesdropping the entire
time I stood into the light. He turned
to face my mother and me at the top of the stairs. “Honey,
I have to go.” My father said to my mother with an already apologetic tone. “What!
Go where? What about Reg’s game tomorrow? He was really excited about you being
there. It’s the last one of the season.” My mother pleaded. “Say
goodbye to your family, Doctor. We’ll be waiting in the vehicles.” Commander
Sparkes, sensing a family moment, turned to leave the entrance of the doorway. “Metrio,
let me speak to your father in private, honey.” My mother patted me gently on
my shoulder without ever removing her stern stare from my father. As I reentered my bedroom and shut the door I
could hear them as they argued about the same thing I had heard them argue
about so many times before. My father
was always spontaneously leaving for work.
For as long as I could remember, he was rarely around. My mother grew more fed up with his absences
throughout the years. Having spent most
of her time consoling one disappointed son, she was not happy about having to
continuously do it for another. “Emmanuel
if you walk out of that door, I can’t guarantee that we will be here when you
return.” My mother strongly snapped. I
could hear it in her tone. This time she meant it and I sensed that my father
knew it as well. “Baby
I’m sorry but I have no choice. Tell Reg I’ll make it to the game on time. I
promise.” My father uttered those last words to my mother before the door shut
leaving the house in an ominous amount of silence. I knew my mother was hurting but what could I
say. How could I comfort her by assuring
her that he would make it when even I myself doubted his promise? Over the years my father’s promises had lost
their worth. They had already destroyed
my future; but as I looked across our bedroom at my peacefully resting younger
brother, I was determined that they would not destroy his. I made a vow to myself that the encouragement
I had lacked for the same game so many years before, I would provide in
abundance for Reg. “Get
it Reg! Get it Reg! Get it Reg!” DelTerio excitedly jumped up and down adding
to the commotion of the crowd as my brother ran sixty yards confusing the other
school after faking a pass. As Reg’s
cleats met the grass for the season winning touchdown, the band erupted into
our school’s fight song. The crowd went
crazy. I watched as Reg’s teammates
lifted him into the air. Our entire half
of the stadium was screaming his name, our name. “Green! Reg Green!” It was an insurmountable feeling of triumph. That was the last time I remember really
smiling. The
winds picked up speed at a dangerous pace as the large shadow of a Naval Jet
consumed the stadium. The ground beneath
us trembled as if it too could feel the fear growing among us. The announcers shouted for everyone to
evacuate the stadium; but judging by the distance of the jet, they were already
too late. The jet zoomed towards the
field. The closer it flew, the more
violently the stadium shook. Everyone
panicked while racing for the exits. Many were trampled as others were thrown
everywhere by the wind force of the approaching jet. The last words I remember hearing were
DelTerio’s shouts almost completely silenced by the roar of the jet. “We gotta get outta here!” the words met my
mind in slow motion, but I could not move.
Everything within me was fixated upon my brother below me running across
the field as a direct target for the approaching aircraft. After
that everything went silent. I remember
darkness all around me. A darkness that
slowly illuminated into extremely blurred vision of flames. Smoke, debris, and the smell of death were
thick in the air. Blood flowed down my
face further obstructing my vision. The
pain in my body was unbearable, but I could not focus on it. All I could think about was Reg. My brother was on that field. Had he made
it? I struggled to move my aching body
but nothing happened. Something was weighing down heavily upon me. I felt the metal surface of the bleachers
penetrating into my side. I wanted to
scream with excruciating pain but I knew I had to be strong. If I was going to
find Reg, I would have to free myself of the bleacher. With the little strength that I could find, I
pushed myself free of the heavy metal.
Once my body became free of the weight, I attempted to shift my
position; but before I could move something fell hitting me in my chest. I looked down at what sent shrills of terror
throughout my body. DelTerio’s bloody
decapitated head lied lifeless across my chest staring into my eyes. I screamed losing my grip on the bleacher as
it fell once again even harder onto my waist.
I continued to cough and gasp between panicking screams as the smoke and
debris slowly invaded my lungs. I could
feel every bit of life draining from me as I uttered those last words, “Reg!” My
mind fluctuated in and out of conscious as first flames and darkness dominated
my vision. Then after a long period of
darkness, an overwhelming light pierced through. My eyes fluttered fighting off the onslaught
of brightness, but the beaming light continued to grow. The faint sound of voices echoed from all
around me but I could not make out what any of them were saying. Fresh air rushed into my mouth and nose
filling my smoke filled lungs to capacity.
My body feigned for air as the sound of my deep long breathes grew
louder and louder. Shrill and annoying beeps finally led me to the realization
that I was in a hospital. Slowly
my eyes focused on my mother’s tired, worried eyes. The large bags that took form beneath them
told me that she had not slept in days.
But even through the wear and tear of worrying, I watched as her pupils
took a round fully dilated shape as she realized my eyes were opening. I wanted to speak. I wanted to ask her about Reg. I wanted her
to tell me that it had all been a nightmare and that Reg was somewhere in the
hallway waiting to see me, but unfortunately the lines in her eyes told a
different story. It was a tragic story
of momentous proportions. “Metrio!
Baby, can you hear me? Oh, Thank God. Metrio!” my mother’s embrace was warm as
she took me into her arms. I felt her
tears dripping against my neck. “Ma…”
the incomplete word left my mouth like a whisper. It was a small whisper lost among her tears
of joy. I was overcome with weakness
just from the simple lift of my eyelids. “Welcome
back Mr. Green. You gave us quite a scare for a minute there.” A man walked
into the hospital room carrying a folder full of paperwork. “I’m Dr. Gupta. How
are you feeling?” he said standing on the opposite side of the bed from my
mother. “Why
isn’t he responding doctor?” my mother asked only releasing me from her stare
for a brief second to address the doctor. “He’s
had a pretty rough fight for his life over the past few days. There aren’t many patients who would have
even survived in his condition. Your son will be fine. The important thing is
that we allow him to rest, Mrs. Green. He’s going to need as much rest as
possible for the long road of recuperation ahead of him.” The doctor answered
my mother. “Don’t
worry Metrio. Mama’s here, honey. Everything is going to be fine. Mama is
here.” She said still gazing into my eyes admiring the life that flowed through
them. “Reg.
Wh-wh-…” I struggled to ask her about Reg, but the little energy I had gained
was now completely gone. “Just
rest baby. We’ll talk about everything when you get your energy back. Just rest for now.” My mother softly
commanded as my body obeyed and once again I found myself in darkness. While
lying in the hospital that night with my mind deeply submerged into darkness,
something strange occurred. Flashes of
laser like green lights started to manifest all around me. The lights fluttered and danced in a swirling
and hypnotic fashion. Without warning
the devastating blast of that morning’s explosion fiercely resounded within my
head. “Stop! No! Don’t do
that…Mama-a-a!” Reg’s voice clearly immersed from the after-thought of the
explosion. Hearing my brother yell sent
my heart into overdrive as I shot up from the hospital bed into a sitting
position. My body was dripping sweat as
my nerves ran wild. Why did that feel so real? This is crazy. I
have to find out what happened to R… My thoughts were suddenly interrupted
by the most surreal sight I have ever laid eyes on. Even after seeing it with my own eyes, I was
still having trouble believing it. I
sat in the hospital bed fully alert facing a bright green transparent image of
my brother’s face. His eyes stared upon
me with such intensity. At a loss for
words, all I could do was return his stares with complete and utter shock. The
story in his eyes told one of complete terror. A tale similar to the one my
mother’s eyes had told earlier. As if he
were reading my mind, his expression confirmed my thoughts. Immediately my thoughts raced back to the
dream of Reg’s yells. Something was wrong. He was somehow trying to tell me
that he was in danger. As
I fully wrapped my mind around what was going on, the image of Reg before me
slowly dispersed into thin air. Quickly
I jumped from the hospital bed surprising myself with the level of ease with
which I moved; so I swiftly examined my body noticing that my wounds were still
there, but somehow I no longer felt the pain.
I took a quick glance outside into the hospital hallway. The halls were eerily quiet and dark. I grabbed my clothes from the hospital closet
beside my bed and rapidly dressed myself.
Slowly I pushed open the door
careful not to make a sound and entered the long dark hallway. Just as I found myself free of the hospital
room, a large arm came out of nowhere grabbing me from behind. The massive arm formed a tight grip around my
neck. I immediately reacted by throwing
myself back against the large man from which the arm extended. I heard him grunt fiercely as his back
impacted the wall behind him. I then
took advantage of the brief second of surprise I had given him by shoving my
elbow backward into his rib cage. At last free from his grip, I turned to face
my attacker. He wore a ski mask completely covering his face except for bright
blue eyes. He stood facing me with a
large frame that greatly exceeded my own 6 foot, 240 pound muscular
figure. I knew I would have to fight
smart if I was going to beat him. He
punched sending the entire right half of his body into his assault. I shifted to my left dodging his punch. While his body maintained its motion from the
forceful punch, I used his own force to my advantage guiding his groin into my
knee as I continued to shift to the left.
Again he grunted as his deep rugged voice echoed down the long hallway. As he fell to his knees in excruciating pain,
I finished him off with a swift knee to the face. His large body spread across
the empty floor like a giant dark shadow. I raced with speed down the
hallway knowing that it was only a matter of time before someone came to check
on the noise from our hallway altercation.
Just as the bright red EXIT sign at the end of the hallway came into
view, the hospital alarms sounded off deafeningly. I made my way through the door down three flights
of stairs to the first floor side exit of the hospital. The night’s air rushed against my face as I
left the building. Even outside of the
building, I could hear the loud stomps of feet racing down the stairs after
me. Frantically I ran out onto the
street and was blindsided by the powerful glare of high beams approaching me. My eyes grew wide as the breaks squealed from
a large SUV swiftly approaching me. The
light of the high beams grew more and more intense until they met me with a
swift blow knocking me to the street. As my consciousness slowly faded, I
watched more masked men jump from the SUV surrounding me. They all reached down
towards me as everything went black.
© 2012 James TylerAuthor's Note
Added on October 29, 2012 Last Updated on October 29, 2012 Tags: REG Aftermath Science Fiction Fo Author![]() James TylerAbingdon, MDAboutI've always had a great imagination, but it was around the age of 10 that I discovered God had blessed me with the gift of storytelling. Since then I've written poems, short stories, and even plays fo.. more..Writing