Okay, I did not pick up on this as a message to writers. My brain went immediately to words not spoken to the one they're for. I read it as a kinder, gentler way to say, if you got something to say, say it so I can "fix" or "defend". Not fair to be mad or upset with me and I don't even know! Not fair to you either. Anyways.....all that and it was a gentle nudge to tortured and conflicted artists to give readers a chance to judge whether good or bad...Sweet Mother of God, it's 2:40 am and I think I've been out partying at the Cafe a little too long, tonight. But...I have no small children, I'm off work, it's supposed to rain and I can sleep any time I want. So bartender, I'll have another shot of poetry with a short story back...
we often toss aside thoughts we have written down...but the best bet is to put them aside rather than destroy them...we might find some merit, later.
and find we have very usable phrases to make something good happen.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
The words always come back, but some are meant to be left aside.
Yes Jon, someone has heard your words. The Gods of randomness has brought them to me. Most read or viewed doesn't take into account how good the words are, which is a pity.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Words catch the writer, and the reader. Often, not at the same time, but maybe eventually.