and oh how we love the shiny, was thinking recently that heterosexual male hearts are so much more fragile than their counter parts, hurt a heterosexual male and he is ruined for life, taking that on to other potential heartaches with he caution and stealth of a ninja, not homosexual men, they are brave, fearless even just like women, will rush headlong into the same mistakes repeatedly and still apply the lipstick with the same careless abandon as a youth of twenty or so, heart broken one week, and completely in love the next with someone entirely different. Gotta admire that kind of bravery.
Interesting take. I misspelled shiny, which you corrected. Phrase from "Firefly". I can see you.. read moreInteresting take. I misspelled shiny, which you corrected. Phrase from "Firefly". I can see your insight. Some find themselves on the stage, and keep trying, never giving up. If anyone can use these few words as some kind of inspiration, run with it!
10 Years Ago
I tried to be subtle, lol, but you pointed it out lol.