Without You

Without You

A Poem by JustWantLove

A heart is a universe of life;


I see you

In  my  arms, unable to  imagine breathing,
Life  in  stillness,  without  you  It's  doom.
Hair's  splinters  serenade  the capsule  of
Emotion  you  raise blossoms in my  heart,
Forevermore  life only  means of  anything
Be mine, and let life be and we will bloom.
You  and I, are meant  to be, look further-
Not, feel free to let  heart take us and be
Us; Existence, universal as it is,  dares-not
If all means without you...my heart is true
And singing,  body's  sweet  and  springing,
Feel 'live  for all time then and  now I  beg
The Universe to join Us Two forever, in my
Heart of hearts, I love you...weeping  still,
Of joy and sadness and for life...for  being
Alive,  Feeling   this  love  for  you   inside,
I'm Yours and You are mine!

© 2012 JustWantLove

Author's Note

for whom is daring to capture existence and fuel passion, the world becomes their own!

My Review

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This seems to be the story of two flowers'
one with prickly thorns and the other with
the golden petals of her skin. They meet in
the garden of love and they grow together
and become as one, exuding the aroma of
their relationship. As the two age together,
the rose drops its thorns and the golden skin
of the petals develops a velvet rich sheen.
When they are plucked from their nest they
are found to be nurtured by the one stem
and clinging to life as one.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh, this tugs at my heart! This feeling will be forevermore. Fantastic write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very nice poem of love and thoughts. Love take time and patience. I like the complete poem. A very good ending to a outstanding poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Beuatiful, heart-felt write,

enjoyed the read...

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 2, 2012
Last Updated on April 2, 2012



*bleep*, IL

* You will either love me, or hate me. Love, being the cataclysmic, overwhelming abundance of passion, hope and enduring. I am not for the fain of heart. Real, daring, blunt .. human. I am..in a.. more..

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A Poem by JustWantLove

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