![]() A King Without His Queen and His KingdomA Story by Jody HiteshewDarkness befell the Kingdom. Cold set in and heavy was the dragons breath. As fate played it, the King erred and offended his Queen. He did worse than that. He shook her love to her inner core. It was known and felt in the hearts of all in the Kingdom, for this was a special Kingdom - one heart pumping life to all alike. There are no secrets, no lies, only truth, honesty and virtue. Without any of these, pain and sadness ruled the night.
The King recently fell mortally ill. But, without seeking counsel of his Queen, he made a self-centered decision call to his physician for treatment. Now his phsician is wise in both white and the black arts and medicine. Because of past experiences, now a curse, the King chose the black medicine. The physician, being loyal to the King, did as he was asked without hesitation. The King improved, but at the cost of the Queen and the Kingdom. The King put his heart ahead of all in the kngdom, including his Queen's. While healing and under spell he professed all of what he had done and it made perfect sense to him that he was honest and spoke the truth. But he had no virtue. He convinced and confused the Queen with his talk and nearly destroyed her faith, trust and love for him.
The King's head was heavy in his hands. The sadness in his heart was unbearable. What, why and how, repeated themselves over and over ond over in his mind. What did I do? He cried, not fully understanding the weight he held in his hands when he made changes to the Kingdom without counsel from his Queen. The King forgot that one heart beats for the life of the Kingdom.
The king carries the responsibility for the safety and security of the entire Kingdom, at all costs. He made decisions for selfish and self-centered reasons. Yes they were in benefit of his hunger, but that left others hungry. The King professed all of what he had done and it made perfect sense to him that all was ok, but the illusion left the King blind to the safety of his all, his Kingdom and his Queen.
Regardless of what truth and honesty is told, is worthless without virtue, and in this act, there was no virture at all. As his head fell heavier, so did his heart, and with that came endangering of all of the Kingdom, For what he felt was lneeded to do in virture, is to stop his the heart. And, without a King or Queen there is no Kingdom.
Confusion from deception is easily overpowering when a weakness is found. And yes, the King had a weakness. So did the Queen and everyone in the Kingdom. That is what seperates us from God. But what the King did was to let his own conscience, in a moment of weakness, make bad decisions that endangered the Kingdom.
The Queen tried so hard when the weakness came, but she was not as wise to the Kings past, present and future. She can only rely that when the King says to trust him, it is what to do. What transpired was a terrible injustice when the heart of the Queen and all her trust was put to the test. The King reasoned, and he bargained and he denied, believing all he profeesses to be true at the time. What does not matter is that he is the King and all of the Kingdom, especially the Queen must be kept safe and secure, So that they are always protected at all times. It is the responsibility of the King to share all he knows to his Queen.
It does not matter wat the Queen says. What matters is what she asks. And if she asks for security by truth, then that is the Kings responsibilitiy at all times to give the Queen safety and security and that all she is told is truth.
The night was long. Time stopped. The heart stopped. What shall i do cried the King to himself. If I die, then what?
The King leaned his head back and cried to God in Heaven for help and the courage and wisdom to help himself, too. Over and over he cried and God did not answer. Not even a whisper. The King cried himself to sleep. But he dreamed a dream of a star shinning so brightly in the northern sky. It shone brighter than any star he had ever seen. The light was everywhere and he inside it. A voice so strong, yet gentle, spoke to the King. Only he could hear the words. He fell to his knees and his face to the floor and sobbed until morning.
That afternoon the King donned his armour as if going into battle, mounted his hourse and rode hard and far. He rode back to the castle before the horse dropped from exhaustion. He dismounted and climbed the stairs to the Queens room. He found the door closed and silent. He leaned his head to the door and softly asked permission to see his Marion. The door opened slowly and completely. The Queen stood at the foot of her bed and shook her head in amazement at what she does and does not know. The King fell to her feet and begged for her heart and her forgiveness, for he never meant any harm to the love of his life. He took her left hand and kissed it as he stood face to her face and looked deep into her eyes with complete humility and humbleness and told her everything with truth, honesty and virtue. He was blessed by God that he were alive and had the heart of the Kingdom in his fate or whatever he chose his destiny to be. He knelt back down onto his left knee and asked one more time for her forgiveness and that he will never forget the responsibility he has been given by God to protect his Kingdom and especially his Queen. He raised his eyes to hers again with tears and pain and waited for her answer, for the fate and destiny of their Kingdom rested in the answer. © 2012 Jody Hiteshew |
Added on September 16, 2012 Last Updated on September 16, 2012 Author