![]() Back in CountryA Chapter by Jeremy![]() Chapter one, Logan arrives in Israel from a month long vacation. He has missed his friends and night life when vacationing with family.![]() Back in Country The plane landed with force; waking Logan from his drunken medicated slumber. Slightly disoriented and experiencing a pounding headache from the three bottles of cheap wine during the flight from Atlanta; Logan is relived to finally have landed in Tel Avi. The flight had been just over 11 hours and the need for a smoke was vital at this point. Logan was glad he was just returning to work and had packed light; he had no need to check bags; most of what he owned was in his Jerusalem apartment. Logan stood up, waiting on the portly man in front of him as the man struggled to remove his carry on from the overhead. The fat man’s beer-belly hug out from the bottom of his crinkled shirt. This sight made Logan laugh a little in side as he contemplated how a shirt where the buttons look ready to burst could be wrinkled. The struggle now over between the man and his carry on; Logan is able to finally make his way off the plane. The race was on to the customs line as passengers hurried down the empty halls. Logan still feeling disoriented took his time letting others hurry past him. Approaching the passport and customs Logan could see the long lines for the foreign passport holders. Not wanting to delay his smoke any more then need; Logan walked over to the Crew line. There were only two pilots and one flight attendant; the younger pilot looks over to Logan and says, “This is the Crew line” in a condescending tone. Logan gazes at the arrogant prick and flashes his black Diplomatic Passport. The young pilot astonished; remarks, “You’re a Diplomat.” Logan responds in the same condescending tone, “You’re a pilot.” Logan had experienced this condescending nature before; at 29 and average hight he had blond hair with youthful facial features, tattoos on both arms from his wrist his shoulder and a broad fit build that the women loved. Logan’s appearance was more of a bar bouncer then Diplomat. Logan strutted past the pilots to the passport control booth looking back just to flip the younger pilot the finger as he cleared passport control. He enjoyed the small victory as he walked to the baggage claim area to meet up with the other guys returning from vacation. Dropping his backpack with the other guys on the security detail he went outside to enjoy his long delayed smoke. The hot Mediterranean air and the smell of the ocean coupled with the smoke brings a smile to Logan’s face as he recalls the bar hopping with Jack and Leo the night before he left for vacation. The memory of Jack swooping the hostess up and dancing around the bar with a bottle of gray goose in one hand and her in the other soothes his hangover. The moment is interrupted with the familiar voice of Dave, “Logan, how was you’re vacation? I hope your ready to get back to work.” Logan and Dave had worked together several times over the last 5 years. Dave was the Project Manager this time as well as a good friend. Logan and Dave had first worked together in southern Iraq, providing diplomatic security for the Regional Embassy Office in Al-Basarah. The austere environment, consistence rocket and mortar attacks they had lived through together formed a close bond between Logan and Dave. Logan replied, “ I was ready to come back 2 weeks ago. That b***h I am married to is a really pain in the a*s. How as the mission tempo been the last month?” Dave took a drag off his menthol cigarette, his twisted smile and hand on his hip was Dave’s natural posture when things were good. Dave said, “not to bad, the guys are busting a*s at work and no crazy s**t when there not working.” This was good new, in the months before Logan’s vacation work was so demanding he was having a hard time finding enough hours in the day to pursue his favorite pastime of chasing women. Dave and Logan headed back into the baggage claim area while discussing the poker game for Sunday. Just off to the right of the number 1 baggage carousel stood a group of men, most with tattoos, shaved heads, and all in fighting shape; Dave takes a quick count to make sure everyone arrived. The drive from Ben Gurion Airport to Jerusalem would take just over an hour. Logan used this time to catch up on some much needed sleep. The ride was uneventful but filled with traffic once outside of the city. The traffic entering town was stop-and-go and provided an extra hour of rest. The arrival at your final destination is always a feeling of relaxation after a long trip. The three story stone building that housed Logan’s second floor apartment was charming and had a character of its own. The small flower garden outside was in full bloom and the large trees framing the entry provided shade from the sweltering summer sun. The limestone stairs worn smooth from the years of foot traffic, the wooden doors with their lacquer finish and brass hardware, was a dramatic contrast to the tile and plaster. The apartment itself was rather large for a city apartment; at just over 1500 square feet there was ample room for parties with 15 or 20 guest. The two balconies provide an area to smoke without having to leave the house and a place to BBQ. The apartment had been Logan’s home for the last 2 years he had been working in Israel. The security company Logan worked for paid the rent and utilities. Sean was Logan’s roommate as well a good friend and respected coworker. Sean was a good roommate for several reason, they shared the same taste in beer, smoked the same cigarettes, and best of all Sean liked the plump ladies. Logan enters and is greeted with a beer, and tells him, “I am grilling some wings, they should be finished in a few bro.” Logan says, “Its great to be back, so are we going on safari tonight?” Sean’s excited, “f**k ya, the hunt is on” is music to Logan’s ears. Logan dumps the contents of his backpack on his bed, 5 bags of Starbucks Breakfast Blend Whole Beans, 2 cartons of Marlboro Lights, Garmin GPS 60 CSX, Macbook Pro, and a bottle of Ranch dressing. Logan take his computer sets it up, then heads to the shower. Fresh out of the shower and wearing a tank top and shorts Logan heads for the wings. The two lay out the plan for the safari and the best spot for finding the wounded gazelles. The two had started referring to women that had low self-esteem, daddy issues, or girls fresh out of a relationship as gazelles after a night of drinking and watching the National Geographic channel. The two had related the chasing of women to the lions on the prowl across the Serengeti. Seeking out the lame gazelles improved the chances the lions would eat; this was a revelation for two intoxicated women chasers. Sean’s strength was that he was not selective in any way, shape or form. The man was a great wing man, he would set and chat for hours about nothing and then hit on the plump and self conscious woman in the group. Logan preferred a different in the hunt, he chased everything and the sheer quantity would yield results. Tonight was going to be a good night for hunting tail. Friday is shabbat in the Jewish week; this means that everything closes early and families have larger dinners together and reflect on their Jewish religion. The families finish dinner around 8 and the single unmarried 20-40 crowd head out to the few bars in Jerusalem that remain open. This increases the chance of catching some lame gazelles by reducing the hunting ground and increasing the number of single women in the bars. © 2013 JeremyAuthor's Note