The bleakest and eternal season of fallA Poem by butterfly I finally blocked you Everything He tried to tell me finally got through on POF there are two new cute potential boos Even if not I am reminded I am a butterfly and a Capricorn i must stand in my truth This is some nasty porn I burn it up should have treasured my love what do you expect out of a drug he is the lonelier one after all He is the bleakest yet eternal season of fall living in a new house with the supposed crazy spouse going back and forth from me and probably other ladies and he still after all these years isn't loving anybody Go sit in the House of God, my love heal thyself until then i block you from my healing health i will put on my hello kitty wireless headphones that I got from 5 below and forget you were someone I was trying to know find baptism and renewal birth in this storm of rain and snow I give all the sadness that I have come to know to God above He promised he would come see me today and tomorrow after my love he borrowed he text me at the end says he is too sleepy can't stay awake how much energy do you need to be with the one you love to be with someone to f**k Iam returning all this heartache thanks for waking up the muse I see I dont love you i no longer need you I am butterfly eternal A Cold hearted Capricorn through with you Standing in a very love filled truth but he will miss me till his dying day wondering why he never treasured love that so easily came in a better way go walk in the rain my love Go sit in the House of God Only the divine can heal this broken boy who has for a long while claimed my stupid thoughts but no more i once again close the door i shut the lock and when he realize he is blocked I wont respond but he will be fine because he was never loving anyone must be a life of fun but for me its trash porn i am eternal butterfly and Capricorn cold hearted and reborn there is no regret because I was brave enough to love when they told me not to i finally see what HE was trying to tell me The lesson is finally learned I loved but love was not returned its better than not loving at all but being with him is like staying in the bleakest and eternal season of fall where nothing is living or loved at all
© 2024 butterfly |
Added on December 14, 2024 Last Updated on December 14, 2024 Author