A More Valuable Cost

A More Valuable Cost

A Poem by butterfly

He hit me hard
he hit me soft
breaking my heart
had to much virus like a microsoft
we weren't compatible
I prefer apple
i thought he still could be the love of my life
but i was dumb he played me by the fake lights in his eyes
blinding me
it sucks to still be treated silly
i respected you
you didnt respect me
i wish you the best honestly
because unlke you I am not cruel
but the loneliness leaves one feeling not cool
hit me hard
hit me soft
taking pleasure in taking me apart
but realizing this mechanic couldnt fix it because we are not a car
where do i go now
all i see are these damn clouds
hitting me hard
hitting me soft
with this broken heart
why when i tried to love you
you just took me a part
instead of keeping us safe from harm
i search for that world
but so far the men and girls
just treat each other like a fake pearl
something to touch and toss
when hearts and love should be priced at a more valuable cost

© 2024 butterfly

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I agree dear poet.
"but so far the men and girls
just treat each other like a fake pearl
something to touch and toss
when hearts and love should be priced at a more valuable cost"
We learn too late. Love is the kindest and sweetest gift we can receive. Honest and worthwhile words and thoughts shared.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 27, 2024
Last Updated on September 27, 2024




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