Left Over Peace

Left Over Peace

A Poem by butterfly

I would have loved you till the day that I died
You were supposed to be the light in my eye
but i was stupid
just a plaything for cupid
it hurts a lot
it tears me in two
you know not
what you do
to a hopeless romantic like me
i am free
but drowning in this depressing sea
now matter how i try to fix myself
i find myself standing at the edge
oh lover why couldnt you love me
i gave all my love to you
everytime you asked for my kisses and my energy
i gave it up
all that time you were buying a house with her in stockton
then as i try to accept and move on
he has the audacity to invite me to the hot tub
it makes me want to scream
i feel the strangling of our dead dream
then all these new guys who refuse to marry want to touch my soft parts
dont you see all these depressed damsels are trying to fix their own broken hearts
can't you see they dont need more to add their eternal dark
they are looking for the hero
the angel
we used to know
in the fairy tale
now lost in every male
our guy friends are our friends
we dont want to be sexing everyone in the end
because we see now there are no benefits
he just came around when he was down
where were you for me
where is the energy i need
all i feel is the depression and the angry
its good because it forces me to stay free
cut this heart string and empty promising
al i can do is stand and watch this castle crumbing
as this dream leaves me feeling strangling
i left these corpses hanging
cause he dont hear me even if i keep banging
so i can only pray for forgiveness
and the seasons changing
as autumn breeze blows the leaves
i try to cover myself with this left over peace

© 2024 butterfly

My Review

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I do like the below lines dear poet.
"all i feel is the depression and the angry
its good because it forces me to stay free
cut this heart string and empty promising
al i can do is stand and watch this castle crumbing
as this dream leaves me feeling strangling
i left these corpses hanging"
The above lines. We shall find often in a long life. But we must rise up. Wiser and protect our heart. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 27, 2024
Last Updated on September 27, 2024




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