Better Than a Brother

Better Than a Brother

A Story by Jessica

Short Story for kids with a devotional message at the end


Drew’s hands hurt from clapping. His little sister Christie had just finished her first piano recital. After Mom, Dad, and Drew congratulated her, Drew walked to the water fountain. As he bent over to get a drink, he overheard a nearby conversation.  A group of boys was snickering and making fun of Christie’s performance.

“Man, I could have played all those songs better than she did, and I’ve never had any lessons,” one of them said. Drew tried to ignore them, but they continued joking until he could not ignore them anymore. He walked over to them and cleared his throat.

 “Hey guys, that was my sister playing, and she did a great job. It’s not very nice for you to talk about her like that.” The boys suddenly looked uncomfortable and mumbled apologies before hurrying away.

During dinner that night, Drew told his parents about what had happened at the recital.

“That was kind of you to stand up for your sister, Drew, and it sounds like you did so in a very nice way. I’m proud of you,” Dad said.

“You know, there is a verse in Proverbs  about this,” Mom said. “It says ‘a brother is born for adversity’. What happened today is an example of adversity, and you took good care of Christie by defending her.

“Do you know what other verse this reminds me of?” Dad asked.  “‘There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.’ Do you know who that is talking about, Drew?”

“Who could be a better friend than a brother?” Christie asked curiously.

“Wait! Could it be talking about Jesus?” Drew exclaimed. Dad nodded.

“Yes, it is. Good thinking, buddy. You won’t always be around to help Christie when she needs it, but Jesus will always be there to help her.”

“And he will be there for you too, Drew,” Mom added, as she scooped more green beans on her plate. “There is no better friend than Jesus. He is always available to help us.”

Drew was silent for a moment as he ate his mashed potatoes, lost in thought.

Finished, he set his fork down and said, “Wow, He really is a better friend than a brother . . . even one as good as me,” he added with a wink.

His parents laughed. “Yes, Drew,” Dad agreed, “He truly is our best Friend.”

© 2014 Jessica

Author's Note

Does this get the point across in a way kids will understand and not get bored too quickly with?
Please ignore the formatting problems

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Jessica, sorry it took me so long to return the read and comment so so kindly did for me but I only choose to read those I find deserve a constructive reply. For such a short piece you managed to introduce all the characters needed to fulfill the plot that you constructed well. I think that you will do well should you decide to extend your talent into books. This type of story will appeal to most and you could find that more time spent on character back ground would fill it out. I am not the grammer police so I never comment on minor errors considering I make them myself. If you have any longer stories I would take great pleasure in reading them.
Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you very much for your encouragement. I appreciate your taking the time to give me feedback.
very well put together!!! :) :) :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 30, 2014
Last Updated on June 12, 2014
Tags: children, devotional, reliogious




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