Tribute To a Poet
Among the tapering, tall trees,
I view the willows by the water
The sweet locust full of fiery colors,
The blue beech, river birch, and the white pines,
All give me such hints of gladness, with joy
For this wilderness hike.
Daily doses of nature
Could provide me
With a spiritual renewal,
Since I am so distant from this land
I seek this for myself,
in which I see purity and beauty,
And I never hurry through this sweet
Glen of Helen,
but I do walk slowly, and stop often.
Around me, these trees, show their leaves
and call out to me, “Stay here with us.”
The sun’s light weaves through their branches
Creating orbs of floating colors.
And they say again, “come to us”
In their world with rays of light to shine forever
Among them.-- A tribute to Mary Oliver (1935-2019)
J. E. Cook © 2019