Ouch...if I didn't have such a good memory this poem might not hit me at such an emotional level...This form is new in your writing, at least to me and I like it. The drum beat in the song reminds me a bit of the form, in a good way.
You always seem to nail your emotions with lyrics and phrasing that draws in the reader even though the emotions are dark...Nicely done Joshua
Oww.. wow.. this hurts.. ouch.. it's such a wonderful poem though. the pain is very clear. Such an emotional piece! Nice job! And i love how you used the font as it is. It gives it a dark spiral downfall.. just like the theme of this poem.
Well done! I love it.
Puts me in mind of a relationship where one is completely lost in their addiction and their partner spirals out of control attempting to figure out how to fix something that is completely out of their control. Wonderful work Joshua.
"My trepidation of things past is not a song with a beginning, middle and end. But an endless symphony playing infinite variations on the same theme. One day of sadness fades into another and the .. more..