Ouch...if I didn't have such a good memory this poem might not hit me at such an emotional level...This form is new in your writing, at least to me and I like it. The drum beat in the song reminds me a bit of the form, in a good way.
You always seem to nail your emotions with lyrics and phrasing that draws in the reader even though the emotions are dark...Nicely done Joshua
sorry I took a while to review, but things have been crazy, and I won't read if it doesn't get my full attention Josh, this is a great one, I've seen a lot of growth in your work lately, I love watching...better yet reading a writer grow, good work man, keep digging...
This is dark and kinda hateful, painful, with nice imagery, nice flow and i like your font xD.. You expressed a heavy emotion here, and desperation flows in it.
Seriously, i have nothing else to say, amazing work!
Thanks for sharing..Keep it up :D
A tragic poem beautifully expressed and the song was perfect for this poem. It is so important that we save the lost souls before they get to a dead end road.
"My trepidation of things past is not a song with a beginning, middle and end. But an endless symphony playing infinite variations on the same theme. One day of sadness fades into another and the .. more..