![]() Stranger's Sideshow OperaA Poem by joshua deathdealer![]() 11/2011 (collaboration with Derek Eliot)![]()
Come one, come all
Gather around only to take glimpse Of stuff that cites all things magical Come now, before your time begins to slip A small robust figure presents himself upon a cardboard box Shouting directly into the filthy dirty streets of London Standing about only up to the height of a waist-high bouldering rock The little dwarfed man of cunningness wields a large funnel cone Which projects his deep voice as so it becomes amplified all of a sudden A one and only chance you won't believe with youreyes A story of fantasy, dragons, andmystics That'll leave you all but wondering why A show of mythic wonders, Wizardry thunder, and cheap blunders Watch in awe, then gasping in horror As we welcome you to view Our sideshow of majestic performers A small crowd begins to gather from all corners of life The penniless, tattered, and pointless poor The strolling stove top hats, a pause in their attention is torn Now focused keenly upon the show of mysterious blackish brights Which sits rightly on the street's corner from the merging Denice St. And the dark disgusting horror filled walks of Page Ave.'s dimly lit lights Up ahead in the distancing road Underneath a bridge, where buyers, sellers And common knowledge of where dope is knowingly sold A young boy, roughly age 14 Slings dimebags of methamphetamines To anyone stopping of course, and announcing the right words to him Asking secretly for his merital bag of wonders of wares which he sells Death passes through eager hands, shaking in anticipation Woo's and ahh's within a small distant festivity with A malodor that rises from trash cluttered gutters Rising interest and smirks from shadows whom consists of a boy slinging chemicals Meanwhile, a long dark brown overcoat detective named Daniel Brody Looks at a newly disposed body, one of the many works of a psychopathic criminal Whom walks freely within the witching hours of the dark allies of London It would seem as if Adrian left nothing for us to question this time The detective amusingly grins with slight disgust in his facial expression The man which the detective refers to at this gut wrenching scene of a crime Is the mass murdering raping criminal known as Adrian Pierceman He was caught during a killing of a family of four But two small children, a little boy and a quiet daughter Called the police which cuffed him before he knew when to cut loose And high tail it outta that tragic scene of horror Detective Brody asks his partner police officer Whom accompanied him to the scene of the murder Alright Thome, in meantime would like to go get a cup of joe I'm gunna need some time to think this one over Come one, come all Gather around folks! Let me tell you the story Of the one and only The Great Cagliostro! A scraggly and ragged male, young in age Appears before the crowd Bowing to their presence Tossing out storms' worth of streams of confetti around As if his magic were strings of colorful hues Of green, red, yellow, and blue Cagliostro the mystic He is a wise wizard of legend indeed Living upon an enormous mountain Up in a castle of great mystery! The common folk tell us of how that it be He has lived for 167 years And hasn't aged not one bit it seems The little 14 year old boy makes his way home After a tiring day of marketing drugs for a score Stepping up the stairs of what looks to be a dilapidating building A scenery where one ill move could send you with a broken bone Is marked by a smell of something stenching the air Like a funny aroma of cat piss on a sofa gone horribly wrong Rotting it to the core, throughout the structure it stunk The detective and his fellow law abiding friend Make their way across the street's end Coming to a corner where the street show plays Close to where the scene of the crime is At least not that far away The detective says wait a minute While holding his hot coffee in hand I wanna see what this show's all about eh Sipping his joe at the spectacle before them The young man Cagliostro then searches through his robe As if beginning to reveal something from his cloak The malevolent Emerald Stone With this jade-like spiritual item No man will seek nor feel death Or fall into the abyss Which leaves him scared and alone Cagliostro now steps back Holding his magic stone as he steps into the background As if going back into his fortress-like stronghold Now presenting to you With the lead role Bran, the warrior of brute order Destroyer of all that challenges our WitchKing Within the land of Crondor A muscular young man with torn shredded clothes Steps before the audience As if his shear weight and foam sword overthrows them enough Bran has destroyed many monstrosities At his volunteer duties for his royal witch King Whom watches over the land And keeps things as they be Bran asks of the King To help save his beautiful wife Aerithia His dearest, most beloved Who is now sick Dying in deathly illness Passing on into a eternal sleep The young boy walks into the sagging structure Arriving at the scene of his sick sister She coughs violently and asks if food is here But his only reply is no That the sales didn't go so good Knowing the extent of their hunger The young boy tells his sister Don't worry Amy, I'll be home again soon Soon enough He leaves out, leaving his sibling alone in the cold chills of doom The detective looks over at his partner and tells him If you wish, you can go on home I'm gunna head back to the crime scene later And see if I can figure out some more clues His partner nods and then begins to walk on The detective then turns back his attention To the colorful display going on The young man Bran Kneels down in front of a black robed figure As if acknowledging his whereabouts As if he's within the presence of a higher power Bran then speaks Humbly my King, sir Please aid me in my quest master I have mutilated and decapitated many loathsome creatures Bringing relief to your kingdom I ask of you to please only to return a small favor The Witch King nods Then upon Draco you may go My worthy guardian dragon Whom will fly you to the Great Cagliostro's And his fortress of despair and mishap that are told There inside these legends of old Of that we all know Bran then jumps upon the masked dragon faced being A character performed by several actors beneath a black sheet Then acting as if they were flying onward Into the pending showdown Which will tell the fate of them all With all but one outcome to come about The young kid goes into a grocery store Picking up a plastic bag then filling it up To the brim with bread, milk, and cookies And other things which will make his sister happy Then He turns Knowing what he must do as he Watches and studies the store clerk in his moves The detective knowing it's getting late Now leaves the sideshow for the crime scene Lightening up a cigarette Puffing it with every slow walking step he makes Working his way through the crowd towards the alleyway With yellow tape around the once placed mangled body of Brenda Nottingham Arriving, detective Brody caresses his chin with his fingers As if to caress a thought within his head as he moves in To bend over the sad sight, maybe check her pockets with his pen Bran hurriedly hops off the dragon Draco Seemingly knowing he's ontop of what appears to be a castle Then meticulously, Bran makes gestures As if he were sneaking down flights of stairs As if then creeping up to some inner lair Then finding the one thing he's been searching for The one thing which will cure his lovely girl Aerithia And as he grabs it, stuffing it in his waistband With fireworks and bombs of smoke Cagliostro appears The young adolescent now looks to the clerk And as he turns his back, the boy turns thief and runs Running for his life as the store clerk dashes out Chasing him down Knowing him and his sister's life is at stake Bumping past and into people, he hurries back to her Detective Brody has found something Blood droplets leading away from the corpse's chalked outline Leading to a manhole which gives way to the sewers He removes the lid and peers down into the darkness Shrugging off the fear of anything possibly happening He puts his foot on the slippery ladder, bracing himself Down and casually he climbs, ignoring that methane stench Holding what part of lunch that he has left On he goes, through the interconnected tunnel system Searching for another clue And then he finds Adrian Pierceman Right outta the dark shadowy blue Cagliostro struggles to get back his magic stone Shooting violent rays of confetti at Bran Refusing to give up within his pursuit As Bran runs to the top, roaring in triumph Making lead with his stolen rock for his love He finally scrambles back up to the top Ready to hop upon the back of his trustworthy reptilian stallion The little boy turns corner Running into a police officer Whom snatches him up as the store clerk shouts out his words Looking down at blood gushing from his stomach From the nasty cut inflicted by the menacing villain Riping out his intestinal lining, detective Brody begins screaming Sealing his fate within the sewers Surprises gasps as Draco betrays the warrior Snapping Bran in two, actors enveloping him in the black layers as Bran rolls over lifelessly, hollow eyes looking into the crowd Cagliostro obtains his treasured green gem As Draco flies off back to the land Where his master Witch King is contempt in intent Knowing of Bran's folly and his failure for hislove Now resting ontop the castle walls of theGreat Cagliostro Forever great in death, and no more, noless The little kid in hesitating desperation Struggles on, like a rabbit trying to break loose From it's mouth watering prey But after a while he stops resisting Knowing he's already lost All that was at stake The detective lays Bleeding out in the sewers Knowing what's to be coming And makes no attempt to struggle on through And so he sits, struggling to breathe Coughing on the blood that runs out of his lips of purity Lighting up another cigarette Knowing it's his last In the final hours of where the killer looms Running around franticly among the homely concrete wastes Like a mad druid through his woodsy forest home Chanting out his repetitive haunting lines Catch me Once, Shame on You Shame on you good sir The killer whispers Before slashing the detective's throat And so ends our fairy tale And so we say goodnight till morning's arise Sleep on the tragic fate and of Cagliostro the Great, and Bran the warrior A story of mythical wonder A story that has left you Questioning in horror But do not fright For this is only the way that things actually are And that, that it be Knowingly casted down from heavens afar That Life's but a bad joke
And nothing more... © 2011 joshua deathdealerAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() joshua deathdealerCasket City, FLAbout"My trepidation of things past is not a song with a beginning, middle and end. But an endless symphony playing infinite variations on the same theme. One day of sadness fades into another and the .. more..Writing
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