The light is dim, as if it were possible to strain my vision as it grows harder,
to restrain my desires to a satisfaction with mere voyeurism.
My ears strain until I confuse sight with sound.
My ears hear the beauty as is displayed before me, the sleek curves smooth to blurry lines as I am blinded by the sound of your beauty.
What beauty is availed upon the sense of sight, when not a word is spoken.
In the silence the visual sensuality seems to increase, as the ears strain for any possible stimuli.
It is the erotic audiophyxia, as the brain screams for sound, gasping as it were to hear one last breath. The denial of sound, when used as a tantric device, infuses the moment with such pleasure that few lovers know.
I alone am the one that will ask for a picture of your sweet dulcet voice, and an audio recording of your silent nudity...