Original Creation Story Chapters

Original Creation Story Chapters

A Chapter by jon blondyn

Original Creation Story Chapters from OS


Original Creation Story,

Excerpts from OS, written by Jon Blondyn.


(13) Revelation : Hello World : I of VII


Whitewash splashed red of the sunset onto the sandy beach.  Dense, cumulous rolls of gray, sludged through the humid sky and continued offshore.  The tide began to recede.

Not far from the coast was a desolate plain, scattered about with large rocks and bones and teeth that chomped.  Gathered over slain bounty, frenzied carnivores feasted upon the rich sustenance of flesh.  The fiery mount on the distant horizon was of no concern to the ravenous beasts; the kill was fresh and well-worth a fight.

Prime portions were ripped from the hide, dragged off and voraciously devoured.  Organs were torn out and swung between their clenched incisors.  Muscle, cartilage, bone and all were gnashed and swallowed; whatever succumbed to their ruthless bite served their bottomless appetite.

At once, the large eyes of one and all dilated; their jaws locked; the feast was over.

An absolute silence had swept the scene.  When a string of drool splashed across a tusk of the fallen prey, all paid it heed; such was the quality of the quiet they had never ‘fore known.

Several Velociraptors mounted the flesh-stripped cherry rings of the ribcage and scanned the vantage.  Others nodded noses skyward and cried out at the subtle, unfamiliar scent.  Instincts of one and all were alive with expectancy; something forbidden had come unto the land.

A collection of dry leaves scraped across the ground and whisked into the air.  One Velociraptor curiously watched after the animate winds that danced along the procession.  Loosely, the leaves airily twisted inland, in direction of the fiery mount.

Far from the rocky graveyard, the breeze unwound the scattered leaves unto a Parched Meadow of scant grasses that surrounded a dry and bare tree.  Tethered to one of the leafless branches was a Hive, centered amidst a swarming mass.  It was directly below the Hive, just beyond the unearthed roots, where something had started to carve up from the ground.

A minute mound of dirt arose to the surface as blades of grass were pulled down through the foundation.  Raptorial limbs lashed from the earth and clawingly propelled the sandy brown body of a creature to the surface.  Its bright yolk-yellow eyes, opened wide.

Side to side, the Praying Mantis turned its head.

Erect, it surveyed the withered grasses and dried leaves.  Ravenous as it was, the insect sliced and gathered several blades; the hum of Honey Bees overhead proved a fast distraction.

In swarm well-beyond the naked branches, their scrambled, chaotic flight was closely watched by the Praying Mantis.  When it dropped the grasses and commenced to wait for a perfect moment to strike, it observed the sharp, diagonal rays of sunlight in the distance that poured through a hole in the gray clouds.  It was upon the height of a Hill that the light illumined a Tree of vivid green"of leaf-strewn branches and thick massy roots.

A shrill scream of beasts slit all across the land.

The Praying Mantis held resolute and perfectly still as it turned its head in direction of the barren scape; the earth began to quiver.

Over the rocks, a stampede of the feathery Velociraptors raced towards the Parched Meadow.  Nimble bounds between gaping fissures advanced them along the voids that sheared through the foundation.  One after another, the population disappeared to the dark falls, a-flail amidst steamy upwellings.  Only three of the most fit and finesse agility ran up a jutted promenade and managed to take to wing.

They soared overhead the swarm of bees, as the crackling thwacks of wood preceded the tear that ripped up the middle of the dry tree trunk.

As each half whipped over a bottomless trench, the hive was smashed across a fragmented section of earth.  Flung from the exterior, a slender and vivid, black-gold striped bee, toppled through the sparse grasses.  Once the Queen Bee had righted itself, the Praying Mantis pinned it to the ground and opened its serrated jaws when a swarm of Honey Bees bulleted into the attacker with feisty alacrity.

The Praying Mantis ruthlessly persevered to fend off the perpetual stings of the onslaught.  Rhythmically, it thrashed and slashed the drones"caught and tore them in half, one after another"when the Queen Bee momentously dipped from the heights and collided with the Praying Mantis.  The sand-brown insect was it knocked from the ledge of the precipice and into the abysmal falls.

Zigzag of lightning and resound of thunder broke out the sky.

While the predator disappeared to the darkness, the swarm sharply soared after the Queen Bee that proceeded to fly, on high.  Falls of rains started to pour from the sky; some of the drones were pelted from flight by the weighty drops.  With a vengeance of almighty fury, the Praying Mantis pounded its wings through the showers as it chased after the vibratory mass.

With wild drive, it weaved in and out between the myriad bees it surpassed without consequence.  When the Praying Mantis had reached the front of the swarm, it sharply swerved up the base of a Hill.  Unto the altitude, amidst rays of Sunlight, it advanced closer and closer as it closed in upon the Queen Bee.

With a pulse of winged acceleration, the Praying Mantis darted with lazar intensity and latched onto its prey by the waist.  As water-soaked wings failed to slow their combined momentum, the two tumbled together, into a Hollow"rimmed with amber resin"located at the heart of the Tree.  The thick angry swarm was aimed to inundate the opening, when the Hill jutted unto mammoth proportions.

Elevated with vertical projection, the Tree narrowly escaped the crest of a Colossal Wave that crashed against the Mountain and smothered the land beyond with tidal flow.


(15) Revelation : Ab Ovo : II of VII


Out of the grays of volcanic ash, a Paradise, bold with trunks, shining buds and potent seeds, blossomed unto its Season of Æternal Spring.

Planes of Jungles"connected by vines"tangled throughout fruitful vegetation, rooted along roughly level expanses of foundation.  Streams flowed into brooks, over dams and off falls, and continued to disperse from their elevated source.  The even Paradise was offset only by its center, where One Summit was continuously bathed in the white purity of cumulous cloud.

Two streams wrapped down the lush grasses of this mountain from opposing sides and flowed along the moat of lazy river that encircled the base.  It was this encircling ring of water from which various rivers branched.  By One Summit, life of the land was watered.

In the East, a Clearing of grass was enveloped by trees that stood over a low wall of brush.  Through the diameter of this Clearing flowed a single rivulet of Crystal Waters.  At the Clearing’s center, the current of the rivulet wended about with whirlpool procession, which in time, engendered a slight concave of mud and clay.

As the rivulet flowed through the Clearing, various bits and pieces of the Paradise were delivered to the basin.  For a while, they conformed along eddies that swirled, until they were carried further along, through the Jungle.  Within the concave, a single seed of a Lotus Flower took to root.

For many years, the closed bud floated upon the surface in undisturbed peace, and then one day, bloomed.

Centered upon the vivid yellow blossom"enveloped by petals of lacey pink"a white egg rested in open exposure to the Sun.  Below the vivid yellow bud, immersed in the waters of crystal blue, an embryo was connected between roots that weaved into the silky mud.

Sunrise followed Sunset through the passage of time, time and again; every new day, illumined.


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Each morning, a refreshed mist clothed the jungle with nutrient-rich moisture.  Not until around Noon, did the clime unsheathe the Paradise from the hazed wetness.  It was still early, when within the Clearing, one Creature was set, patiently determined at the basin’s edge, as it awaited complete dissipation of the mist so as to bask in the acute rays of Sunlight.

Rough, leathery skin of deep brown tone covered the hide of the Creature.  The spiky ridge, down the length of its spine, occasionally rippled from its skull, all the way to the tip of its tail.  Four staunch legs framed its chest, prepared for the sharp, illumined reflection off the waters.

The Creature lowered its head to drink from the basin, when its neon-yellow eyes met with a pair of blue.

On the other side of the pond was the Babe.  Seated upright, it watched the Creature closely as its forked tongue slit the Crystal Waters.  It listened as the sparkling, iridescent gleam of saliva hissed on the liquid surface.  The Babe decided that it too, was thirsty.

Brown hair waved over its light complexion as it crawled closer to the water.  It stared at its reflection for a short time, and then awkwardly, lowered its head to drink.  Before the Babe had a chance to wet its nose, the Creature interceded.

Wrapped in the hold of its tail, the Babe was lifted into the air as the Creature walked to the periphery of the Clearing.  When it was set down, three talons were stabbed into the moist sod and slashed, directly before its eyes.  Crystal Waters arose to the surface from the underground, when the Babe crawled and drank from the narrow reservoirs.

The Creature briefly watched after its proceedings, and then turned its neon yellows eyes through the high leaves that haloed the Clearing’s periphery.

There were Creatures that sung; Creatures that swung.  Some burrowed from ground up, while others swam through the Clearing via the rivulet channel.  From dawn to dusk"and no more quickly than the blanket of haze that lulled overhead"the Babe crawled.

Its blue eyes had fallen upon the Red Berries, sprinkled about the brush along the circumference of the Clearing.  Everyday, the Babe ate them and delighted at their every sighting.  Most were out of the Babe’s reach.

The Creature observed the Babe’s crawl towards the bushes, which was interrupted by a sudden halt.  In its path was a very different berry, which once picked up, filled the Babe’s palm, entirely.  The Babe raised it to its mouth"

The sudden slash of leaves shook and sent Red Berries rolling through the grasses.  Delighted by the distraction, the Babe dropped the Dark Fruit, and started to gather the offering.  It did not chance to see the spines that rippled on end, along the Creature’s backside in flex.

The Dark Fruit had fallen from above; such a find was a rare delight.

The plump piece was split at the ripe seams of its skin.  With two talons the Creature spread it open.  About the voided core, myriad jellied tendrils"connected to seeds"all extended unto a hollow center.

The rustle of leaves from behind interrupted its concentration.

The Babe had spotted several other Red Berries upon the bushes; it wanted more.  Seated alongside the leafy wall, the helpless thing struggled to grab one that was clearly out of reach.  As the Babe had already had its fill of provisions, the Creature saw no need to assist.

The Creature was about to have its own fill of sustenance, when upon both knees, the Babe squeezed its hands about a scraggly branch.  Though its arms shook and its knees wobbled, the Babe managed to pull itself up.  For the first time, the Babe stood upon its own two feet.

In stance, the Babe wrapped its fist about the Red Berry, tugged and pulled.  After it grabbed another, it awkwardly, stumbled to turn around.  With an underhand roll, it tossed the red berry towards the wide-eyed Creature, and then fell back upon its bum.

Several times more, it fell to rise again, while all the while, the Creature contemplated.  Never before had it seen such posture exhibited within the Paradise.  Never before had it imagined the peculiar advantages of upright composure.

Soon after, the Creature lifted its attention to the whispered hush of leaves, accompanied with a warm, harmonious buzz.  It stepped across the woody roots and clawed its front legs to the trunk.  Gradually, it climbed itself unto a vertical balance alongside the Tree.

At a mere realization, it had fixed itself closer to the bounty of Dark Fruit than it had ever been before.

Seated upon the virgin grasses, the Babe chewed upon the berries.  Curiously, it watched after the Creature as it climbed the trunk, step by step, with exacted precision and great care.  The Babe ate and watched until the leathery brown tail disappeared entirely within the green leaves.

Not long after, the Creature emerged its head out from the leafy umbrella-top of the Tree.  For the first time, it was situated over a sea of mist, and amidst the clear sky.  With the Jungle sheathed below it, the Creature bared its vivid yellow eyes towards One Summit, obscured with White Clouds, overexposed with the Sun at the Zenith.


(17) Revelation : Gods and Monsters : III of VII


Change had come slowly, evenly, innocent as the Dawn.

Amidst the leaves at height of the Tree, two vivid neon-yellow eyes greeted the Sunrise.  A rippling breeze swept and dissipated the morning haze along spiraled wisps.  Throughout the Paradise, the New Day had commenced with clarity, unbound.

Within the Clearing, the bright light initiated awakened stirrings of life.  Snugly cradled in the roots near the base of the Tree, Original Woman opened her eyes to blades of grass, speckled with starry dew.  After a short while, she took a deep breath of the fresh, clean air, sat up, stretched and yawned.

Seated in a cross-legged sit, she picked up a tie of intertwined leaf fibers from the grass.  As she tied back her vibrant mahogany dreads, she watched and listened to the rivulet that trickled over and about the nearby roots.  When she finished, Original Woman crawled on hands and knees, over to the Oval Lotus Pond from which the rivulet flowed.

Over the placid waters, Original Woman looked at her Suntanned reflection.  She carefully turned her head from left to right as she studied the sides of her face; she smiled.  After she lowered her palm, cupped a handful of the Crystal Waters, and drank, she lithely lowered the upper frame of her body and slithered at length into the Oval Lotus Pond.

Lightly, the waters waved over the mud and clay foundation of the concave, as her body stretched through the bathe.  Where her head emerged at the other end, she turned over and rested her neck at the mouth of the rivulet.  Melody of the bees about the hive of the Tree sung their hum soothingly.

For the length of the day, Original Woman remained at ease in perfect tranquility.

Her hands smoothed over the rich, silken contours beneath her.  She drifted in and out of consciousness beneath the naked warmth of the Sun.  It was shortly before Dusk when a hushed rustling from above triggered an attentive awakening.

Something had dropped"was softly falling"down through the branches of the Tree.  When it emerged from the base of the leaves, it landed just beyond her feet"just beyond the pond’s periphery.

Alert and pensive, Original Woman sat up and stared upon it.  As she arose, scant traces of mud effortlessly dissolved in the water drops that rolled off her skin.  When she stepped across the Oval Lily Pond, she extended her reach unto it and draped the ruffled mass down before her figure.

In silence, she mused upon the earthy translucence of the fabric in her hands, riddled with cuts of clean precision.

Original Woman stepped from the waters and peered up to the dense concentration of green leaves.  Outside the localized movement of the bees, not a stir was heard.  Her attention averted to the Hive, weighty with honey.

From the Hive’s ringed base, a thin string of honey continuously poured through the windless heights, into the rivulet that ran out from the end of the Oval Lotus Pond, towards the Tree.  Honeyed tidepools were cradled about several of the massy roots roped over the ground.  After she set the vesture down at the base of the trunk, she kneeled before a shallow of the sweetened waters.

She cupped her palms through the cool liquid that she raised to her lips to drink.  A White Wolf strolled into the Clearing with a brisk and nimble step about the grasses.  Nose to the ground, it started to search.

Original Woman had seen this White Wolf several times before; she remembered it by its eyes"one of sea green, the other, sky blue.  It was not the only Wolf that on occasion engaged in routine perusal of the Clearing.  She suspected the reason for its visit.

After it sniffed upon a drop of Dark Fruit, the White Wolf scarfed it up.  Time and again, it sniffed, found, and scarfed.  In silence, she watched.

Saliva dripped from between its teeth.  On the ground, not far from her, she spotted another fallen piece of the Dark Fruit, and wondered what its taste was like.  Original Woman thought to herself that maybe, she also, should like to"


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Laced in the humble winds, the Sound swaddled electrifyingly about her.  An ecstatic shiver touched down her spine and sensually spread throughout her body.  Numbed with ecstasy, she stared to the Tree as the whisper echoed and drifted and resonated throughout her mind.

Her blue eyes scanned through the fulsome leaves, when she heard the violent barks of the spooked White Wolf, alongside the distant brush that bordered the Clearing.  Beyond the alarmed animal, she listened as leaves were trampled underfoot.  Two Wolves bounded into the Clearing.

The excitement of the White Wolf receded as it followed after the Gray Wolf that scurried about the grounds.  The Black Wolf trotted directly towards Original Woman, then bared and licked its pinkish-red teeth.  When its chomps were clean enough, it started to snarl aggressively.

Without ado, she walked to the bushes along the periphery.  It was as she picked three red berries that a rustle overhead preceded the whimper that was cut short.  When she turned around, she found that the three wolves were now two.

None within the Clearing saw the slender tail as it hooked down about the Wolf of Gray.  None within the Clearing glimpsed as the Gray Wolf was constrictingly rolled up and into the Tree.  Original Woman watched as the green leaves twirled down against the early evening air; some crossed with crimson streaks.

On high alert, the White Wolf pranced as it barked about the inner circumference of the Clearing.  Intrigued over what had happened, Original Woman’s eyes returned just in time to see the Black Wolf rush in her direction.  Concurrently, it launched its airborne attack.

The moment suspended before her eyes"large paws were outstretched towards her center as its jaws opened wide.  All she thought upon was how unprepared she was to receive the animal into her arms.  As the three berries rolled off the tips of her fingers, the two front rows of the Black Wolf’s teeth prepared to sink into her flesh.

Low in the grass, the Reptile materialized with a slashing upward spring.  The powerful uppercut of talons sharply intercepted the Wolf’s forward momentum"promptly redirected unto vertical flight.  Both bodies crashed with ascension through the branches of the Tree and then landed beyond the outskirts of the Clearing.

Amidst the bushes that enveloped, stilted movements were lost to the violent barks from the interior.  Shortly thereafter, the White Wolf’s outcries silenced.  At the snap of a twig, the White Wolf attuned its one eye of sea green"one eye of dagger blue"to two neon-yellow eyes, marked with black slits, which shone from the bushes that encompassed the Clearing.

The White Wolf fled with urgency of the utmost.  Original Woman watched as it hastily sprinted off through the jungle.  As she listened, she waited until the steps behind her had stilled, and only then, turned around.

The leathery green Reptile towered above her with a muscularly imposing, upright stance.  Its neon stare glared with hardened expression in direction of the thief.  The sudden arrival of her subtle smile warmed it to her Innocence.

In Original Woman, precious and beautiful things did the Reptile see, for as she was Equal, she was Immaculate.

The glory of its newfound complexion summoned Original Woman closer.  Her toes stepped into the rivulet, as she extended her hands to its abs and felt its New Color.  Upon the touch, a wave of understanding graced her as never before.

In the resilient, leathery green coat, she felt his smooth strength that was at her Mercy.  As her hands pressed across his ribs, she listened to the patient, fulsome breaths that coincided with her own, aware of some Rhythm between them.  When her touch glided over his chest, she noticed the pronounced hammer of his heart; she sensed a violent ache over their Differences.

When the Reptile revealed glistened-red fangs of a locked jaw, she took a step back.

Overwhelmed with sudden fatigue, she lowered herself to take a knee.  As she caught her breath, Original Woman ran her fingers through the grasses and waved her hand through the flowing string of sweetness.  She was about to offer the three, honey-thread, red berries, when something else caught her attention.

In between the blades of grass, she observed three golden fragments.  When she looked to the Reptile, she realized that its gaze, too, was set upon them.  Slowly, its visage lifted to the branches above, conscious that the pieces had fallen from the heights of the Tree through which the Reptile had sprung his attack.

After he mused upon the offering in her hand, the three golden fragments sharply whirred into the palm of the Reptile’s hand.  Sharply, it cast the pieces down, into the Oval Lotus Pond.  While her confused expression upon him sought to understand his action, a single talon pointed to the Crystal Waters.

Not one to disobey, she stepped to the periphery of the Oval Lotus Pond, whereupon she marveled with exceeding marvel upon her reflection.

It was a New Moon Evening.  Original Woman stood at the end of the Oval Lotus Pond, where She smoothed her muddied hands across an erect idol of mud and clay.  She perfected and defined the shape of the stoic creation"a frame, built as the Reptile’s, with features more characteristic of her own.  Her hands had carved the symmetry of the angular jawline, when a warm glow gradually enlightened the eyes, the chest, the breath that rippled"

The Vision sharply ended with the ruffling of leaves; she realized that she was alone.

Alongside the rivulet, Original Woman quickly stepped to the trunk, where she tried to glimpse its rise through the boughs.  Unable to see through the greenery, she wondered how long it would be until she saw the Reptile again.  She looked at the three red berries within her palm, and set them at the base of the Tree.

With careful balance, she stepped across the roots, passed by the piece of Dark Fruit, and kneeled to the lustrous Oval Lotus Pond to rinse the honey from her hands.  Beyond her reflection, she wondered at the Vision she had seen within.  Distracted by their reflection, she mused upon the three aligned stars, set in the depth of the night, which burned at the center of the Crystal Waters that waved across them with ripples of concentricity.


(19) Revelation : The Day’s Divinity : IV of VII


The hand of Original Man emerged between the palm leaves and suavely swayed them aside to unveil the radiant jeweled beach.

From behind, Original Woman wrapped her arms about him.  Her smooth cheek sensually graced his shoulder.  She stepped past him, pleased with his discovery.

Along the periphery of the Jungle, she stared upon a setting that sparkled with the morning light.  Shyly, she gazed upon the Golden Sands before she dared to trek across them.  A cautionary touch of her toe to the fine grains secured her delight; the warmth was inviting.

Several steps across the granular bed, she stopped to take a deep breath as she reached for the intertwined leaf fibers that tied her hair.  After she loosened the thick pony tail, she shook her dreads free.  The mahogany red locks splayed across her back, when over her shoulder, she cast a subtle glance from the corner of her eye.

Beyond her, he saw the Mountain.  A high halo of cirrus clouds swirled about the peak.  From the white haze, two rivers crossed down the opposing sides of the mountain, before they flowed into the circular crystal blue moat, which washed along their shore.

Original Man had made habit of exploring the Paradise.  Regularly, he embarked upon solo expeditions, in search of wonders that riddled the jungle.  Shimmering waterfalls, enchanted caves, and hot springs were only some of the natural majesties to which he had delivered Original Woman.

Composed at the Jungle edge, Original Man remained fastened upon the Mammoth Mountain, when she extended and lifted her upturned arms.  He understood that she wished to receive him.  When it became clear that his attention would not be so easily swayed, she advanced his way and enclosed her hands gently about his elbow.

The frond brushed from his shoulder as she welcomed him to the beach.  Together, they stepped through the Golden Sands, mingled with shining gems.  When a bright Ruby stopped her in place, she let go of his arm, and crossed her legs into seat before it.

Original Woman was not one to venture beyond the Clearing on her own; she was not one to refuse an invitation.  Only on rare occasion did he take her soundlessly by hand and lead her through the land.  With quiet amusement, she followed him along, time and again, in anticipation of the scenic display that was sure to take her by surprise.  Time and again, his delight at her amaze was no less lasting.

She gazed at the Ruby against the lines of her palms, while Original Man walked along the waterside.  When he stepped into liquid, a school of fishes darted from beneath the Lotus Flower that floated upon the surface, not far from the shore.

Fastened by firm roots, the Lotus Flower held strong as it lithely waved side to side, along the perpetual current that flowed about the mountain.  Sunshine gleamed in the crystal beads, sprinkled upon its lacy-pink petals.  He had not looked long, when he noticed the Honey Bee upon the brilliant yellow bud.

As the Honey Bee crawled, it scraped its fibrous legs through the pollen.  Bit by bit, it carefully speared and basketed the miniscule nuggets, and wiped off any excess it had gathered.  By an upward diagonal, the Honey Bee zipped along a line of flight that sharply halted inches alongside the head of Original Man.

The wings communed their sonorous hum unto his attentive ear.  It lasted only seconds, before the Honey Bee darted over the moat and up the Mountain.  Long after it had disappeared, Original Man found his focus fastened upon the downy halo of clouds that eternally bathed the mysterious peak.

He had traveled far and wide throughout the Paradise.  He had mounted and taken ride upon Holy Mammoths; he had wrestled with Saber-Tooth Tiger.  He had yet to climb the mountain"the One Summit"at the center of the land and there it was before him.

He set his eyes to the Sun and figured he could be there by High Time, when from behind him, a whispered hiss vibrated off the tip of her tongue.

Curvaceously stretched at length, her honeyed, silken body camouflaged along the Sun-Strewn rolls as she twirled her finger about the Ruby in the sands; the whole of her hourglass form, intent upon him.

He waded in the waters and saw his reflection in the vibrant blue of her eyes.  Throughout all his ventures amidst the Paradise, he had come upon no object"no creature, nor discovery"that near equaled the mysterious nature of Original Woman.  Her sound, her figure, her touch and desire, all together, conspired, as though designed to allure and arouse.

With a wave of his head, Original Man shook the dreads from his face as he faced the steeps of the Mountain.  She watched as he removed the Sharpened Stone Shiv, bound within the leafy sheathe at his leg.  After he stepped out of the waters, he advanced in her direction until his stance eclipsed the Sun.

Original Man took a knee before Original Woman and presented her with the vibrant, freshly cut Lotus Flower; all in Innocence.


(21) Revelation : One Summit : V of VII


Her eyes opened to a set of symbols, traced across the radiant Golden Sands.





Original Man was nowhere to be seen.

Every so often, she awoke to such patterns.  In the past, she had watched him trace markings into the soil of the Clearing before he arose and disappeared into the jungle.  Some of the mysterious symbols were promptly realized; others she sought to understand via technique she had come to develop.

Original Woman assumed an upright sit and crisscrossed her legs.  Carefully, she lowered and rested upturned palms upon her knees and closed her eyes.  As she held perfectly still, attentive to the even rhythm of her breathing, she listened to the current of the water and visualized the symbols until they transcended into a focused dream"

High above the River that wound about the Mountain, the Sun had neared the summit of its ascent.

Thick folds of cirrus clouds swooned about Original Man, who stood not far below the peak of the Mountain.  Faintly, he could see the grasses beneath his feet; his sense of direction, he sensed solely by the incline.  At rest for breath, he took time to inhale the thin air as he listened to the faint trickle of waters to both his distant left and right.

Determined to proceed with the grade, he advanced further up the steep.  Soon thereafter, he became aware that the sound of running waters to his left and right had noticeably increased.  By the time he arrived before a Boulder in his path, he was faintly able to perceive the two rivulets, split about the rock, from which they flowed down opposing directions of the Mountainside.  When he mounted the Boulder, a whisper of winds swept the cloudy veil from his eyes.

All at once, Original Man found himself set along the inner periphery of a cirrus halo, ringed about a Hill of grassy verdure.  Upon the slope directly before him was a Reservoir of Crystal Waters from which a Stream ran and yielded unto the Boulder.  Amidst the Reservoir, a collection of massy roots extended unto a Tree.

The Mangrove Tree was unique.  The magnificence of its frame was suspended in the air by its Super Roots"a vast network of woody stalks that branched wholesomely throughout the cooled waters and into the dark mud of the Earth; the Super Roots were moving.

Ever slowly, they individually, interdependently, shifted through the foundation amongst one another.  Some of the roots were speckled with oyster shells and barnacles.  En masse, one and all continuously adapted the control of their hold.

Upon the Boulder, Original Man watched the uncanny action, when he leapt to the grasses and walked up alongside the Stream.  As he advanced towards the odd scene, he remained calm in his awareness that it was but only another of the fascinations offered by the Paradise.  He mused, rather, upon his utmost interest"the quality of the Deliverance"that yet remained to be determined.

At the Reservoir’s Edge, he monitored the expansive green branches by reflection of the Reservoir.  Quickly, he stepped across the knotty roots, leapt and clutched a branch.  Once his chest rested over the bough, the sensation of cool water directed his eyes skyward.

Attached to the outreaching branches were large, fibrous leaves.  Upon their glossy coating, a spirited transformation was taking place.

When he took one by the hand, he closely examined the cool white wisps that emerged from infinitesimal pores.  As the vapor was given unto the sky, clear beads of liquid condensed upon the leaves, dripped along the stem, trickled across the branches, and down the trunk and roots, immersed in Reservoir.  The leaves, he fancied, were breathing.

Original Man marveled with exceeding marvel; never yet had he seen revelations as these.

After he released hold of the leaf, he balanced by way of the branch towards the center of the Tree, where the sound of running waters was eclipsed by humming vibrations.  At the height of the Trunk, Golden Honey Bees and Metallic Dark Wasps swarmed about a voided hollow; one and all zipped to and fro in harmony.

Original Man peered about the shadowy interior, occupied by both wasp and bee.  He searched for fruit; he searched for honey.  Even with the Sun overhead, into the Hollow, he could not see.  A shimmer from crystal blue waters caught his eye.

Through the Super Roots, at the foundation of the Reservoir, a golden chip rested upon the dark, muddy surface.  Original Man dropped from a branch, finagled his way down between and through the networked conglomeration, and plunged into the liquid.

With easy grace, his body undulated through the waters.  Across the bed, several narrow plumes of sands were kicked up by the parallel scurry of crabs while he scooped his fingers through the rich sediment.  With his lungs filled of air, he floated with lift to the surface.

Upon his wet palm, mud and sand seeped between his fingers as he examined the flat, golden polygon.  When he turned it over, he observed the iridescently voided gleam of the chip’s backside.  As he held to a Super Root by one hand, he mused in pensive wonder until he spotted another lustrous flake through the rippling waters; he took a deep breath and plunged back into the Reservoir.

Along the foundation, he readily unearthed several more of the shining chips that he proceeded to gather.  His fluid swim over the bed of mud and sands was halted when he came upon one polygon, centered in a large, clawed footprint, impressed in the mud.  Original Man wondered to what creature of the Paradise such a print might possibly belong"


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The Sound split her eyes wide open from the Meditated Vision.  She sought to remember when she had last heard it; when she had last seen it.  The Sound had come from behind her; she swallowed.

Cautiously, Original Woman turned her head over her shoulder, towards the foliage of the Paradise.  With high alert, her glance roved across the green wall of trunks and vines and floral fullness.  Her determined focus provided no glimpse of the Reptile.

Arisen upon the Golden Sands, she timidly approached the jungle.  Careful eyes peered through the darkness, cast by the dense leaves.  The meek and unnatural quiet of the Jungle insisted upon an overbearing presence.

She relaxed her search, when attached to a palm leaf aside her, a long, languid string of spider-web softly waved in the delicate breeze towards the Mountain.  After an enduring gaze to the cirrus clouds that swirled over its summit, she stepped into the leafy haven.  Original Woman was aware that she had been summoned.


(23) Revelation : Destruction : VI of VII


Original Man descended from the Mountain, rushed through the Jungle, and eased his way towards the Clearing.

A strange anxiety had set upon him soon after he sighted the print within the Reservoir.  When he had returned to the beach, he found Original Woman amiss; the Lotus Flower, left at rest in the Golden Sands.  It was unlike her to wander off of her own accord; it was unlike her to leave behind any Gift that he had presented her with.

Just outside the enclosed greenery of the Clearing, a brisk breeze bridled his stride.  Entangled in the winds, several leaves"strained with rich hues of red, orange, and yellow pigment"brushed across him.  Never before had he seen foliage in such a spottled state; the longer he idled, the more he felt that something was off-balance.

At the sound of water droplets from within the Clearing, he automatically grabbed and raised the Sharpened Stone Shiv from the leafy sheathe at his leg.

Original Man swayed vines and branches from his path as he pressed through the foliage.  Vaguely, he perceived motion at the center of the Clearing.  When he swayed the last of the draped vegetation aside, a white butterfly from behind him flew over his shoulder.  Its wingspan flapped animatedly up and past Original Woman, kneeled aside the Oval Lotus Pond.

Directly across from him, she gazed intent upon the waters, into her reflection.  Her middle fingers lifted from the rich mudclay of the bathe’s foundation.  Attentively, she smoothed the laden lengths beneath her eyes, and gently massaged her skin.  When she lifted her visage to him, he first noticed that the blue of her irises had waned to her dilated pupils, awash with presence.

With her attention absorbed upon him, Original Man held her gaze as he cautiously advanced.  He did not acknowledge the fallen leaves or the drops of Dark Fruit, scattered across the grasses.  She had coated the entirety of her body with foundation of the Oval Lotus Pond.  Via oscillatory precision, she extended unto stance.

A muddy collage of dark tones, her sinuous length gleamed as a seamless suit of silken leather.  Newly vibrant contours of her dimension contrasted the flat greenery of her background and accentuated the attraction she had fashioned.  By the time her dark eyes had set upon the Sharpened Stone Shiv in his hand, he was sure he actively experienced their allure.

After he peered about the grounds of the Clearing, Original Man returned the blade to its leafy sheathe.  She remained in place on the opposing side of the Oval Lotus Pond as he raised his other closed fist.  When it opened, a lustrous strand of his creation dangled across his knuckles.

Seven leaves of gold had been pierced with wasp stinger and threaded with hemp fibers.  Spaced along the necklace, a pair of tightened knots"one lodged against each face of the sparkly facets"held each chip, snugly in place.  Though their luster was lost to the depth of her eyes, he recognized the natural, familiar amaze of her stare in face of something that infinitely impressed; he signaled her to come near.

With controlled sway, she stepped along the circumference of the Oval Lotus Pond.  Before him, she smiled a warm smile to which he was also accustomed.  When she lifted her free dreadlocks with one arm, she turned her back to him.

Original Man reached beyond her shoulders and loosely tied the necklace about her neck.  When she turned to pose, he looked across the sharp, angular gold edges hooped at length, as their iridescent dark sides softly rested across her chest.  He observed the necklace with meek delight, when she raised her hand to his cheek.  Mud of her touch smeared down the gaunt contours to the line of his jaw, as her expression solemnized; she took him by the arm.

Together, they walked past the Oval Lotus Pond and followed the rivulet that flowed to the Tree.  Before the trunk, they stopped between a thick fork of unearthed roots that beheld a Mossy Puddle.  She lowered herself to a cross-legged sit; at her indication, he assumed the same posture aside her.

In the Mossy Puddle, upon a bed of algae green, was set a round sheen of gold.  Soon after he noticed, he reached in and removed the thick pence; he examined the void side, the gold side.  Its even craft, perfectly smoothed and rounded, felt of flawless dimension.

His eyes widened as its exterior vibrated between his fingers"as the Coin broke from his grasp with dynamic gyration"as its shine extended unto him.  The overpowering expulsion transported him unto an omniscient Vision.  By Continuum of the Coin, he yielded to an Experience that was hers"

Alone, Original Woman parted the foliage to enter the Clearing.  At the periphery, she stood motionless, alarmed with the scene before her.

At the end of the Oval Lotus Pond, frenzied bees swarmed violently about the Hive, cracked upon the ground.  A decadent pool of Honey oozed from the ringed frame.  Trace amounts were carried via the rivulet that passed under legs of the upright creature that stared wholesomely unto her.

Beyond the Hive, the Lizard King.

The stoic figure was donned with a suit of shining scales, as plated green leaves, strewn across taut lengths of muscle.  Upon His head, an integration of radiant gold culminated unto the construction of The Crown, affixed with thirteen spires, pointed sharply unto the sky.  When He lifted upturned arms and extended them in offering, spools of darkness vented from beneath the green scales and weaved unto Original Woman.

She remained immobilized, in awe as layers of Darkness stroked across her body; slowly, her feet lifted from the long blades of grass.  Suspended in the air, she watched as rhythmic folds robed about her and then conformed unto the Throne upon which she was gracefully seated.

When she lifted her visage to the Lizard King, she stared long and hard into the black daggered centers of his vivid neon-yellow eyes, and then nodded her head.

The Throne glided forth in His direction as it crossed the Clearing.  Once delivered over the Oval Lotus Pond, the Darkness started to flow her unto an erect stance as the layers ebbed from her body, and whisked their return beneath His plated exterior.

Her toes delicately dipped into the waters; her soles pressed into the muddy clay; her eyes set upon the Hive and the Honey.

While a population of Honey Bees struggled"encased within the oozing produce"the colony, at large, engaged in ruthless, chaotic flight.  Some landed to rest upon the overbearing figure.  Others attempted to pierce their stingers through His vermillion armor.  Neither sample touched His indifference.

As beheld in her eyes, the Lizard King attested to a monument of untouchable power; He pointed vertically, unto the sky.

A billow of Darkness bled from and constricted the Hive as it lifted with spin.  When it hovered to a height level with her eyes, a helical strand of honey unwound from its base.  After the Lizard King touched together the five talons of an upturned palm, He opened His hand wide; the Hive split into six equal sections that commenced elliptic revolution about her.

Over and again, she gazed at the passing interiors"hexagons upon hexagons of honey-glazed pattern.  After being encircled many times by the glossy, orderly design, her curious glance returned to the Lizard King.  When He closed His hand, the six sections of the hive interlocked together before her eyes.

Immediately, her attention fastened upon a lone bee, situated atop the ringed Hive.  Larger and darker than the rest, the lone bee slowly fanned its wings.  A swiftness of winds hissed with whisper through the leaves of the Tree.


§   §   §


The Queen Bee took to flight.

Up and over the Clearing, the vast majority of the rowdy colony soared on high after her.  Original Woman watched them race to the east, as the buzz faded with their increasing distance.  Suddenly, she heard the sonorous hum of wood; she felt the fine vibrations beneath the soles of her feet; she saw the ripples across the waters.

The Lizard King hardly reacted as the Tree started to shake.  Original Woman took a step back and marveled with exceeding marvel as its green leaves changed to strange colors such as she had never before seen.  Ripe pieces of Dark Fruit broke from the stems and rained over the grasses as the suspended Hive liquefied to molten Honey that drizzled into the Oval Lotus Pond.

At peak of the tumult, the Lizard King closed His eyes.

Golden Chips of all sizes unbound from His Crown and molecularly orbited with gyration about Him.  As the particulates raced along their revolutions, they gleamed upon His resolute exterior with amplified luminosity.  Once the entire construct of the Crown had dismantled, swaddling twists of the golden leaves simultaneously condensed and collided unto the brilliant green Lizard King.

In a flash of overexposure, His enlightened silhouette soundlessly gravitated unto Itself.

The winds started to calm; the leaves of the Tree and grasses, settled.  Original Woman listened to the intensity of her winded breaths; outline of the Lizard King, emblazoned upon her retinas.

Below her knees, a drop of Dark Fruit floated upon the Oval Lotus Pond.

Gently, the current carried it into the rivulet by which the Dark Fruit passed, until it arrived in a Mossy Puddle, nestled between roots along the base of the Tree.  Through the green waters, she observed a perfectly circular, glittery shine.  Within the Gold, she zensed the Space and Time, I AM.

A splash sprayed up across the body, face, and mane of Original Man.  Having returned through the waters, the Coin rested upon the muddy bed of green algae.  Amidst her wide-eyed reflection across the Mossy Puddle, he stared to the Dark Fruit that floated upon its surface.


(25) Revelation : Creation : VII of VII


Through the Jungle, Original Woman followed after Original Man.  Far and wide, they had journeyed together.  He stopped at the edge of the Paradise.

In the wide-open panorama ahead, a blustery gust waved a wing of desert sands off the hump of a dune.  A soft embrace enwrapped him from behind as she rested her cheek against his shoulder.  In silence, they stared unto the setting of endless desolation.

From the barren expanse, Original Man lowered his gaze to the Coin set in his muddy palm, and then enfolded his fingers about it in formation of a firm fist.  She did not try to hold him back as he stepped out of her arms.  He took only several steps before he paused and turned about.

Before the autumn shades of the Paradise, she waited as Original Man returned and reached for her hand.  After he lifted and kissed the top of it, he invited her unto the Desert with a gentle pull.  As she obeyed and advanced, the Sunset shimmered across the Creation she adorned.

Together, they embarked upon Desert Sands in single file order.

Day by day, she watched the Sun rise above the horizon line as Original Man led way; his silhouette centered before the fiery sphere.

Night by night, he caught glance of Original Woman’s visage and step, intent upon the map of starry crossings, sharply riddled throughout the dark vault.

Day by Night, they stepped anon and on, until one dark early morning before the Dawn, a granular array arose from beneath the soles of their feet.

With punctuality, Original Man halted and marveled with exceeding marvel.  Amidst the brown sands of the plane, various shapes and sizes of Emeralds and Diamonds and Melanite gleamed by means of starshine.  Only after his awe settled did he wonder at the phenomenon of their ascent.

At a distance behind, Original Woman stood with her arms, upturned and extended.  Her posture amidst the jewel-bespeckled sands entertained his memory with a day when they were young.  Something within the twinkling facets insisted upon the presence of something more.

A belt of three stars twinkled at the Zenith.  Within the Trinity, a stirring provoked his Mind, Heart, and Will.  Intuition, Vision, and Focus, lent promise of a Paradise to be born anew.

The inclined glance of Original Man remained fastened to the firmament.  Calculatingly, he lifted and extended upturned arms.  Dark eyes of Original Woman dazzled at the golden chips as they hummed, vibrated, and lifted from her muddied skin.

Softly, the necklace airily revolved several inches above her chest.  Speed of the hexagonal leaves circularly accelerated until they unbound from the hemp tethers and whirled about her via reeling malleability.  Enveloped within the momentous halos of luminous gyration, Original Woman sustained her inner calm as the gold flexed with a helical rise of expansion.

The Stairway to Heaven"a Creation, a Gift, a Blessing.

Thoughtfully, she stood still and centered at the foundation of the eloquent, solidified weaves.  With her gaze inclined on high, she stared alongside the golden flights that wound up with vertical ascent.  Over the peak of the Stairway’s open center, she eyed the three stars, set against the void; her fingers graced the railing.

She mounted the first of innumerable golden, rectangular stairs.  Step by step, her view mounted the land, unto the vantage, and crossed to the warming horizon line.  She had ascended one story round, when beyond the railing, she looked down to see Original Man.

At a distance, he stood in the exact place where he had forged the Majestic Creation.  Only then did Original Woman muse upon how seamlessly"how innocently"she had accepted his Gift.  She ascertained that he would not be joining; she discerned that he awaited her Blessing.

With each breath she took, a subtle, vibratory harmony reverberated through her frame.  Along the winding rails, she felt the resound of an inner vitality that yearned for escape.  Instilled with design of equal measure, she fathomed nature of the sensation"the experience"the passion that he had delivered.

The Coin streamed out his closed fist and rapidly swooned to heights level with her.

By the waving rhythm of her hands, ribbons of vibrant light ornately flowed along her psychic touch.  Lithely, she forged the bends of gold unto ebb and flowing contour.  With a flash, the strands intertwined unto a finely meshed cornucopia of radiant concentration that airily hovered as she inspected its perfection.

The Lamp of Void"a Creation, a Gift, a Blessing.

At a soft gesture, a lapping breeze gently sent the vessel up along a lofty float.  A slow arc of descent guided the Lamp to a level showcase before his eyes.  As it set into the palms of his hands, chill of the touch stood the hairs of his arms on end.

He listened, as a quiet hiss whispered off the lip of the spout.  He watched, as the triangular Arrow atop the lid, commenced a slow clockwise turn from the ‘O’"engraved upon the neck of the spout"towards the ‘S’"inlayed upon the concave body before the handle.

Together, their gazes locked along the diagonal between them, as long and hard, they made vivid memory of the moment until it could be had no further.

“Æmen...” said he.

An intense overexposure of light shone from Original Man.  Suddenly, a buzz of photons broke from his exterior and unveiled a shadowy figure constructed solely of dark sinews that unraveled with rapt abandon.  The silhouette flexed and contorted as it unspooled into the spout.

A Lamp of Void splashed into the dusty sands amidst the precious stones.

The hallowed colony swarmed about the one upon the Stairway to Heaven.  After tear-welled eyes lifted, she directed her arms to the East, where the en masse lumen of Honey Bees raced for the horizon line.  She took some time to admire the rays that freshly sprouted dawn unto the new day and then inclined a solemn gaze.

Vapor wisps formed and spiraled unto clouds.  Drops of rain started to fall from the sky, across her muddied exterior.  Through the showers, Original Woman resumed her ascent unto the Trinity, on high.

© 2013 jon blondyn

Author's Note

jon blondyn
OS eBook available for $4.99 on Amazon; first half of OS available for free on my website - www.blondyn.com

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Added on June 18, 2013
Last Updated on June 18, 2013
Tags: Original Creation, OS, Jon, Blondyn, Epic, Adventure, Musical, Rock Opera


jon blondyn
jon blondyn


A Book by jon blondyn