7 Products You Should Always Buy on EMIsA Story by john peterThe New Year means shopping on no-cost EMIs and fulfilling your desires without breaking the bank! Make space for the trendiest purchase you make with the Bajaj Finserv EMI Card.How often have you walked into a store, fully intending to buy just one thing on your credit card, and before you know it, have spent a few times more than what you planned? Overspending with your credit card might be easy, but paying it off isn’t. Those impulse purchases on your credit card can make it harder to pay off your credit card bill, and land you in debt, not to mention hurt your credit score too. Fortunately, there are steps which you can take to control your credit card spending. Here are 7 practical ways to avoid overspending on your credit card: 1-Remind Yourself That You Have to Pay It Back How many times have you paid for your purchases with a credit card and hardly even realized that you're spending money? With credit cards, you tend to overspend since you don’t feel the pain of the purchase the way you would if you were paying with cash. Stop considering your credit card as free money, and remind yourself that you have to repay your credit card debt. 2-Make a Note of What You Want to Purchase Before you go shopping with your credit card, make a list of the items you want to purchase and stick to it. This really helps you reduce the chances of overspending on your credit card, and also prevents you from purchasing unnecessary items simply because they are on sale. 3-Put Your Credit Cards Away Does your credit card always end up finding a way out of your wallet to fund unplanned purchases? Secure it somewhere out of reach until you could become more disciplined with your credit card spending. A safe in your closet is a great place to lock away your credit card. The unlocking you have to do in order to use it could give you just enough time to rethink your purchase. 4-Ask For a Lower Credit Limit Do you know that credit card companies may increase your credit limit if you use your credit card responsibly over time? However, if the higher credit limit increases your chances of spending more than you can afford to cover every month, it’s best to say no to any subsequent boosts to your credit limit. This way, you won’t become saddled with credit card debt or incur high charges and fees should you fail to pay back. 5-Delete Credit Card Information Online If you shop online, chances are the online merchants you frequent have stored your account information in the system. The websites auto-fill this information in order to expedite your checkout process. While this makes shopping convenient, it also makes it easy for you to give into impulse purchases. To avoid the temptation of overspending on your credit card, delete stored account information and disable the auto-fill features. 6-Keep Your Credit Card Receipts After you spend money on the credit card, make it a point to store your credit card receipts and keep a tally of what you spend. As a result, you can stay aware of your spending and spending limits, which in turn may prevent you from going over your limit and paying credit card charges. 7-Opt For a Bajaj Finserv EMI Card Instead Credit cards require large down payments and charge 12-14% interest on transactions. Why not opt for the no-cost EMI card available by Bajaj Finserv and shop on EMI without a credit card? This EMI card lets you make purchases without worry, and it ensures low up-front payments and no interest. The Bajaj Finserv EMI Card is equivalent to having a pre-approved loan, which you can pay back"as and when you use" in easily affordable EMIs in a payment tenure suited to your needs. Would you like to shop your wish list on EMI without a credit card? Sign up for the Bajaj Finserv EMI Card and can shop till you drop.© 2017 john peter |
StatsAuthorjohn peterAboutAman Khanna is an experienced e-commerce and finance adviser. He is well known for his ability to foretell the market trends. He has worked extensively in the finance and fashion sector and has been d.. more..Writing